Azuresier - Sanctuary Arc User


  • ok so ecatomb may have been incorrect in what I read. I read forums at night at work, i've searched through the others. I just dont see how its more stable damage for a sage barb, maybe in human form for the axe/hammer mastery, but for tiger wouldnt the demon put out much more. No damage reduction and 5 secs always crit…
  • This is one of the most asinine things I have heard. Congratulations on setting up your tt80 decently IF you can match TT90. Oh wait put the same things (shards and refines) on the tt90 and tadah its better. hmm lets take an item and add blah blah so its equal/better to the higher tier...cant we add that same stuff to the…
  • I like the PvE invasion idea. Have each territory get attacked once every X number of weeks. Make these factions have a chance of losing their land back. I do agree though that eventually time will cause new high levels to emerge and eventually take them down. 3 prong attack from same lvl people would put outa territory…
  • Yea, today I randomly saw a shop with chests for 115k so i snatched em up. Keep your eye open for things like that and it may be worthwhile...just barely.
  • Crazy everyone is being civilized, sanctuary losing some drama scares me. Glad to see that you can accept loss and that there isnt a ton of gloating. I hope to soon be joining you in your TWs.
  • its sad that everyone is just tearing into you, but it is true. I personally chose a PvE server despite my liking pvp because I dont like losing all my stuff just because some high lvl 1 shots me. If you used the cash shop for your mount though AND are on a pvp server, you should have seen/gotten bind or known that it…
  • I did this a couple days ago on my barb. I never got the reward on my barb nor my veno. The veno I know amde the time and my barb with 3 minutes to spare since I already knew the location and way up. Kinda made me sad my barb could've used it.
  • Personally I find it amusing, on both sides. I did get 2 charms from him today to save for my Barb I started. He charged less than I could have bought the gold for so I bought his. He is kind of amusing to see in world chat since everyon hates him. Now the other side, lol 15k tele prices right now. 100-200k loss in coin…
  • it is fixed check the charge option lolz andracil beat me to it
  • Many people keep saying that the hammers make it a solid 196k price. I dont know about some of you, but paying 1 mil to make 1 mil....? why not just sell the gold it makes no sense. Why would I use 1 mil in coins to buy...1 mil in coins.
  • Wooo nebraska, once again chillin at my desk at work in omaha. I'm gonna go grind some more when I get off work in a couple hours
  • Yep, thats exactly what i was wondering since most mobs seem to die faster than that grinding unless i feel like fighting high level. Then it usually ends quickly because i notice the exp:time ratio is not worthwhile. I think I may try and see how fast it kills on its own at my level and decide if bash would better suit it…
  • Yea im thinking nix, but i wasnt sure if the flesh ream would be pointless when i can kill a monster faster than the cd on bash on magmite. I'd see that time wasted much more I would think on a stronger pet using an almost doubled cd move. Or is that just a sign its time to take on monsters more than just 3-5 levels higher…
  • Thank you brael, i just read through it all, i feel slightly better. Still sad that I dont get to use it. I caught strept throat from my gf. I left her house to come home to get my laptop with PWI installed and wasted my time and money. On top of that I must sleep alone instead of being at work making money, sleeping warm…
  • I'm sitting at my desk at work in Omaha now. And kansas person I'm going to kansas for warped tour on the 4th so maybe I'll see you there and you can be kansas buddies#3(warped last year made 1 and 2).
  • Really I dont think anyone should hate them for owning the map, but I do understand the people wanting to have fun and be in the war. I'm only lvl 36 right now so I cant participate or I would join a mid strength faction just for the experience. I don't quite see it as making it a better place, merely asa others said…
  • I'm only lvl 33 but I'm trying to figure out which is best for me. I see tons of venos running around and in my faction. I would think that farming the dungeons just wouldnt gain much money. I think I'd be more about getting higher leveled faster. I wont be able to afford the nix/herc for many levels to come seeing as I've…
  • I attempted to get one tuesday, I actually went to multiple targets because the first one told me they "knew of the problem and fixed it last night." Seems they were incorrect, I like the target cards because I stole my dad's wifes discount so 10% off means less real money spent. I broke down and got a prepaid credit card…