you were saying that u keep losing to other classes that r ur same lvl. well today i was wondering around west gate and i saw a blue name archer pwning other players ,i saw him beat a cleric (with plume shell on) a bm and an assassin, they were all the same lvl, so i thought of this thread and I replied here to show u that…
veno- if u like kiting and killing with a pet and being able to inflict phy dmg in fox form psychic- if u like depending on sheilds to protect and if u like high damage magic dmg wizard- if u like hard nukes and op aoes that can drop many assassin- if u like stealthing and sneaking up ur target barbarian- if u like…
imo , Dralighte is way better than dzaiber. that guy is fail and QQs alot when he dies, almost feels like he cries about it in RLb:chuckle
yeah silverrain is a good weapon to keep till 90, actually if i had that weapon i would use it to lvl 99 and then get 99 gold glaive or pataka or maybe a lunar.
lol,thats one of the dumbest comments ive ever seen.. i have a pretty well geared veno on lost city server and the two classes that mostly always beat me in a one vs one is a good archer and fist bm i dont know wat u mean by archers are easily killed..perhaps u maybe killed 1 archer or something and think of urslef as…
actually there is a bm called opsy or something that beats u and lauxly...hes usually 3rd or 4th
great video,keep up the good work and lol at those barbs in the video they suck and specially that zulu, dont think hes gonna be put as cata anytime soonb:laugh
lol,its so funny how yall keep complaining about the game and its servers all the time but yet u log in to the game daily and stay online for 12 hrs +, and not only that but u seem to be still spending money on it.(not everyone offcourse but ALOT)
no am i gonna do something special this year?
lol seriously? lets take blackfox for example several times i see blackfox standing around at west gate with zulu and not attacking each other..i ask one of the zulu members why u dont attack blackfox and he says cuz ive been told by zulu not to attack blackfox.
LOl in ur case it doesnt matter getting ganked or not..ur such epic fail u shouldnt even be posting
ok heres how i see it.. elves versus humans : as the fight starts archer will use wings of grace to become immune to immobilizations and then will buff the cleric with elven alacrity ,thus bm wont be able to stun and wizard wont be able to freeze or sleep and then the cleric sleeps the wizard since wizs dont have anti…
i'll hug u back with kisses and smooches LOl wat would u do if a meteor drops by ur house
^ is made of gold
i would say ouch wat would u do if u get bad grades
urs .. i have few posts onlyb:sad who would win? steven speilberg or michael bay
i would punch u back (not really) wat would u do if ur best friend back stabs ub:shocked
markers..hate colour pencils who would win? blonde or brunette
ipod...cuz its the original who would win? flakes or chips
^ is secretly an alien
sugar.. too much salt is just nasty xD who would win? a closed door or an open window
nova_ still plays and has a +10 bow now... king it h nk he has a secret alt but doent play on king no more
seen headbanga 2 weeks ago at west gate was in kylin
^ needs to losen up....way too up tight
tim and hunterpk quitted but redbetty still plays
^ is a sleep walker
124632485326856 hp unbuffed.. 12346365434876574368337462387364 hp (sage buffed) wont say my hp in tiger form or some gonna faint
^fail and yeah ur **** will be deletedb:laughb:laugh
^ u can too
^ eats burger made out of asses( i think its pretty obvious LOL)