Humans vs. Untamed vs. Elves vs. Tideborn



  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Okay if you guys wanna put Fist BM with 5 aps I can put my Barb with 30k right? I shall use my Infliction with 120 Str too and ToP to get 45k HP and Armageddon all of you.

    Okay? GG. kkthxbb
    Like they say in my country:
    When you are too smart, smartness eats you up.
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    lol armageddon, gluck
  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Okay if you guys wanna put Fist BM with 5 aps I can put my Barb with 30k right? I shall use my Infliction with 120 Str too and ToP to get 45k HP and Armageddon all of you.

    Okay? GG. kkthxbb
    Class vs class, not genie vs genie
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Longknife, I always like to read your posts man, you're one of those few who actually puts thought into phrasing them nicely and very easy to understand.

    I wonder if you people actually know that Sporific Whisper (wizard's sleep) has a 20 meter cast range and a 2 minute cooldown, and lasts only 4 seconds. Force of Will as the "initial disabling ability" is a far better approach...

    Not if Barb gets stunned by BM.

    Yeah I noticed that too, but in a Human vs. Tideborn situation, the Wiz would be forced to try SW, cause a Sin has an insta cast 35-range 3-second stun. Only way Wiz can possibly match that is with another insta-cast spell. Plus, one issue I see with this match-up is it's tough to say what starting distance and what starting chi level would be fairest to all classes.
    When I think about it though, Soforic whisper wouldn't get much done anyways. It's sleep, so the BM's first attack would wake the Psy up. If the Psy wears Soul of stunning, then the BM will also be stunned by his own first attack.

    I'm pretty sure the Tideborn and the Humans are hardest to kill though simply because of those insta-cast spells. Then the Untamed are still alright because they have the defense to combat the ailments (barb can survive a 6 second stun, veno still has a pet that could be an issue), and the Elves just....kinda suck. :U The Elves are really lacking in the status ailment department compared to other races.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    and the Elves just....kinda suck. :U

    I feel kinda sad that no elves disagree with u ppl...
    and who says that archer and cleric cant handle wizz and bm..
    both classes are range and if we manage to handle wizz while bm is sleeping..well..

    ("crit, crit, CRIT PLZ.. damn..I'm dead )
    "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car."
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    you act as if an end game wizard would get owned that easy by an end game sin.

    Theres genies, Apoths etc that can help. As soon as sin sleeps/stuns/silences the wizzie, all he has to do it his Expel and silence the sin for ~11 seconds. THEN what? Wizzie has all the time in the world to finish off the sin.

    I think archer will pick off wizzie as wizzie picks off barb as barb and BM wrestle it out as veno picks off cleric and psy with nix. Heavens flame + Sutra Mountain seize and black Ice dragon wouuld kill everything I'd imagine. Unless HF misses sin..
    IDK, fun idea, Im biased towards a mage and BM combo, as I've done it a bit.

    lol shes silly. Tideborns cuz they have me.
  • Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Untamed = best race

    Barbs are the best tankers, IDC what anyone says
    And venoes are the best crowd controllers although they are easy mode


    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    cleric stands well behind archer and stacks IH on him (just like that bh where the archer tanks... the one where he declares he is tanking before the boss NOT the one where he steals halfway through b:chuckle)

    if somone is able to get close before the archer can kill cleric can sleep and keep healing archer.

    Oh yeah also add magic defense, phys defense, some extra speed and evasion to both the elfs

    and if your still not seeing it add a metal debuff to the poor melee class they are fighting

    should the archer manage to take out the opposing race's robe class feel free to debuff the remaining enemy's already low magic defense

    Both elves can do phys or magic damage.... ganked
  • Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    it just amounts to which team gets the first strike in... unless with the Assassin... they will most likely get first strike but will they be able to take the abuse from the retaliation from the other team mate... provided potions and powders are in play stuns on the partner character won't matter.

    Given the obvious the Assassin would go for the caster first.... assuming the caster is not wearing arcane and instead light or heavy that may not down them so easily. Psychic would be a pain given the AOE stun but again the powders and pots could stop that from becoming too much a problem... so either way it could go either way.

    Elves could be a pain too... anyone get touched by the level 100 cleric skill? You know the one that makes you just sit there and do nothing as they kill your friend? Yeah that pretty much eliminates the 2 vs 2 sort of... given they're not up against untamed everything else might go down fast... but this is just a maybe

    Untamed = a mixed bag... with those fist barbs running around and the veno being suggested to wear multiple types of armor (lets be honest using arcane on a veno makes fox form nearly useless) When you attack them you do not know what to expect unless you go ahead and hit the nice player info button... which you are not going to get a chance to do to both of them.

    Humans can take you down as well with the right amount of stun locks and kiting.... and don't say BMs cannot kite oh but they can... hell some of them even carry bows around. The Wizard spike damage could potentially kill something particularly fast if they get lucky... and lets go ahead and admit most other things out there are magically squishy without the right timing on skills which they might not get to do if they're stun locked.
  • Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok heres how i see it..
    elves versus humans : as the fight starts archer will use wings of grace to become immune to immobilizations and then will buff the cleric with elven alacrity ,thus bm wont be able to stun and wizard wont be able to freeze or sleep and then the cleric sleeps the wizard since wizs dont have anti movement buffs ..this will leave both archer and cleric killing the bm...both cleric and archer have metal attacks and debuffs meaning bm will go down fast that time the wiz will still be slept cuz cleric and archer wont need more than 20 secs to kill bm ..after the bm dies both cleric and archer rush to wiz with plumeshots, stuns quickshot crit crit crit=wiz dead = elves win
    Those who constantly complain about the bad things in life always end up in the worst positions.
    so forget about what's bad and enjoy what's good.
  • Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok heres how i see it..
    elves versus humans : as the fight starts archer will use wings of grace to become immune to immobilizations and then will buff the cleric with elven alacrity ,thus bm wont be able to stun and wizard wont be able to freeze or sleep and then the cleric sleeps the wizard since wizs dont have anti movement buffs ..this will leave both archer and cleric killing the bm...both cleric and archer have metal attacks and debuffs meaning bm will go down fast that time the wiz will still be slept cuz cleric and archer wont need more than 20 secs to kill bm ..after the bm dies both cleric and archer rush to wiz with plumeshots, stuns quickshot crit crit crit=wiz dead = elves win

    However there are genie skills and potions that do for the wiz what your skills do for you as cleric/archer. Still not a 100% win scenario.
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    it just amounts to which team gets the first strike in

    Yeah, which is exactly the problem with the Elf team. They lack any instant cast ailments and they don't have the defense to tank through the ailments of the other races. That level 100 seal is really only gonna work against the Untamed. Against the Tideborn or Humans, the cleric would be hit with an ailment before it has the chance to use any of it's ailments.

    And for the thousandth time, we're not including pots.

    Arkaminus wrote:
    ok heres how i see it..
    elves versus humans : as the fight starts archer will use wings of grace to become immune to immobilizations and then will buff the cleric with elven alacrity ,thus bm wont be able to stun and wizard wont be able to freeze or sleep and then the cleric sleeps the wizard since wizs dont have anti movement buffs ..this will leave both archer and cleric killing the bm...both cleric and archer have metal attacks and debuffs meaning bm will go down fast that time the wiz will still be slept cuz cleric and archer wont need more than 20 secs to kill bm ..after the bm dies both cleric and archer rush to wiz with plumeshots, stuns quickshot crit crit crit=wiz dead = elves win

    You however, make a damn good point about Wings of grace and Elven alacrity.

    Thing is though, the Wizard's Force of Will still outcasts any of the Elf status ailments, so the wiz would still be able to silence the cleric. Once that's done, I think it's really a matter of who can outdamage who. Sadly, the cleric WILL get an opportunity to use it's level 100 skill once the silence wears off. Even after that skill wears off, the Cleric can put the same target to sleep, effectively making the match 2v1 in favor of the elves. Unless the humans could deal some nice damage and kill one of the elves within that Force of Will Silence time, then they'd probably lose.

    Elves vs. Tideborn with that plan would be kind of interesting. The Sin CAN'T outcast the cleric with it's silence skill, so the Sin would instead want to use it's Channel interrupting spells (those do outcast the cleric ailments), which gives the Psy a chance to do various things. The Sin could interrupt channeling twice, amounting to about 1-2 seconds bought. Psy could Psy Will to defend itself against the archer (and half the clerics attacks) or Soulburn one of the targets within that time. This match could easily go either way.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    your all forgetting the imminent end to everything, all the sins come out of stealth sparked and psys earth vector to hell and no one moves because they're either stunned or in shock to see a fish on land
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    your all forgetting the imminent end to everything, all the sins come out of stealth sparked and psys earth vector to hell and no one moves because they're either stunned or in shock to see a fish on land

    That was covered in like post number one.

    Every single physical class has a stun immunity, and archers even have one they can give to their cleric partner. Earth Vector plays almost no factor, cept maybe in the Untamed fight.

    The sin is also gonna need to disable an opponent right away to save the Psy, so it doesn't have time to spark.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Tideborn vs....

    1) Elves. Agree with psychic ahead of time to kill the cleric first. Psychic is smart (they know what you are going to do, right?!) and runs when he/she sees archer cast buff on cleric. After 12s, sin triple sparks, pops maze steps (immune to movement debuffs), and tele stuns cleric, while AT the same time psy comes back from running (cummon, let them use holy path already >.> all arcanes do...) and attacks the cleric. If sin weapon quality matches cleric gear quality, cleric will die... I don't care if plume shell is up or not, lol. Assuming a 3 or 4 aps sin, the sin will hit right through the shell. If the archer has godly reflexes could try attacking sin I suppose... they can do pretty good with claws. I vote, Tideborn if everybody is equally geared & experienced.

    2) Humans. Sacrifice the psy plan I think :D I don't know what you are thinking... why does instant cast have to be so important? While wiz may be able to instantly seal the psy, I will triple spark, pop my chi skill THEN kill wiz. Assuming no genie skills its too easy... erm... expel anyone? Sorry OP, this scenario is a bit unrealistic you know :P So imagine this... wiz sleeps psy, and bms... what would bms do, go try & kill the psy? I really don't know much about soul of stunning, but I think if psy has that on before battle, bms may not be able to kill psy quickly enough, whereas sin can kill a wiz who can't use expel (genie skill) rather easily. Perhaps kiting is the best plan after all, again. Psy just has to distract the others to give the sin time to do his/her thing. Namely, triple spark, chi skill, and maze steps + tele stun. Pretty basic, pretty effective. So psy runs and basically, has to survive long enough so that bms doesn't kill him/her before the sin kills wiz. If psy dies, it becomes bms vs sin which... as OP correctly said, could go either way. I vote, *dependent on gear* and *most likely Tideborn in most cases*.


    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    vs the elves.... you do know your a melee class and need to run up to the cleric right?

    if you plan on hiding in stealth for 12s your psy wont last that long.

    Cleric is buffed basically with max speed so good luck catching him and archer is faster then psy anyway and can run him down.

    those first 12 secs are all that needed to make the fight 2 vs 1
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Ya I'm sure as hell not partying you until you learn what "Teamwork" means and how important it is.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    vs the elves.... you do know your a melee class and need to run up to the cleric right?

    if you plan on hiding in stealth for 12s your psy wont last that long.

    Cleric is buffed basically with max speed so good luck catching him and archer is faster then psy anyway and can run him down.

    those first 12 secs are all that needed to make the fight 2 vs 1

    If cleric keep running why bother with him/her?
    The sin and psy will just take down the archer meanwhile b:victory
  • Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    No genie skills ? How do you expect the squishi class to escape a sin's triple sparked stealth attacks that can keep some1 in place for quite some time , enough for them to kill and with maze steps on too . The psy can survive long enough to let the sin do his/her job then it's a 2v1 and he only need's a little while b4 a 3 or 4 atsp sin finishes off a target that WILL be disabled by the sin alone .

    Remember that w/o genies , no1 can do anything when he/she's stunned .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    No genie skills ? How do you expect the squishi class to escape a sin's triple sparked stealth attacks that can keep some1 in place for quite some time , enough for them to kill and with maze steps on too .

    That s where the dev. failed
  • Posts: 180
    edited June 2010
    Afaik, psychic will prevents stun. At least from what I've seen from stun mobs in legion/wraith attacks on dreamweaver city.
  • Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    That s where the dev. failed

    Tideborn is OP b:shocked
    Joke b:bye
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Winged elves have the power of resurrection, just sayin' b:quiet
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    hope you can pull it off...just sayin' b:avoid
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Hmm what about a wizard+cleric? Cleric would keep distance to purify in case wizzie gets stunned, so wizzie can seal fast while cleric puts to sleep the other one... then it's 2vs1.

    Ok not really the point of the thread, just saying.
  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    personally I voted TB, though I can see it being a tough one of TB vs. Human. Though I do think elves could beat untamed, and human too. Simply because of cleric sleep is often long enough for ep and archer to take out the other class. But Elves vs. TB... honestly I wouldn't be surprised if just a sin could take out cleric and archer (especially if there is no genie skills).

    and then a question, is everyone charmed in this?

    Edited to add:
    Also I do think it'd be interesting if you changed to like say 6 vs. 6. might change things some.
  • Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Hmm what about a wizard+cleric? Cleric would keep distance to purify in case wizzie gets stunned, so wizzie can seal fast while cleric puts to sleep the other one... then it's 2vs1.

    Ok not really the point of the thread, just saying.

    That's what Clerics going doing to archers while the archers overkill the mages and psy's (One cleric BB's while another RB's) then just in case if any archers die we can rez them.. b:chuckle

    But if it was a team of wizzies and clerics, a couple of Axe BM's can just stun and then aoe us to death if they are in a large grope.

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

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