^ is attracted to cows but hidesb:laugh it .. srry burger had to say it
^ most boring person u will ever meet
laughing...rofling is to much lol who would win ? a noob or a fail
^kisses and tells
^ sick of his life
person in the tree.. has a better chance of being free who would win?? b:laugh or b:chuckle
^ is a noob
^ is a secretly a pro wrestler
TV.. cuz it has a wider resolution who would win? coffee or peppsi
no the sin wouldnt be able to do it cuz he would need 59 skills first
^ hates her parents
zaminus :P
^ is right <is healthy ( i think xD) v might be healthy
o.o someones a grumpy gussb:chuckle
dragon, will burn down hollywood who would win? in a fight? tom cruise or brad pitt
beingarka o.o
^yah go eat <will eat toob:laugh v agrees with me
^ believes u < is getting hungry v has a short temper
lemon would beacause it would turn the white chocolate mocha sour xD who would win, fire or ice?
^thinking about making one <doesnt even have a sig v cries himslef/herself to sleep
^ skips classesb:laugh
yeah press the up button or press and hold the spacebar button
lol, so true xDb:laugh
i might be making an archer, is it a good idea to keep fists on me? what build would i need to use fists?
wat i hate most about pwi r the ppl that trash talk 24/7b:angry
everyone keeps saying that sins ruined the game ..yeah that was right in like the first month of their release, now days i see sins getting pwned from all the types of classes, so now they r basically just another class
gms should start going to west gate and killing everyone .. and they should make new classes that one shots everyone so that the game finally diesb:laughb:laugh
ten legged monster
^ is not cool < is cool v might not be cool
wish granted, u get ur new laptop but as soon as u use the internet, a huge virus sneaks in destroying ur new laptop. i wish insects didnt exist.b:sad