thanks. i'll check back in another year or 2.
unless the genie is twice as strong as you and you make no effort to use your own skills, then yea u can overuse it :p
people actually still play archers? ;o
i had the most epic rage quit, then i rage posted on the forums for about a month, then i rage played JD still to this day, now i'm rage posting on pwi forums again.
hmm well i wont take the chance... i had the messages pre-typed and the videos ready and the pictures ready b:cry
the power its taking me not to troll this thread is beyond comprehension.
what of the person is over 10 lvls of your character?
because without our fear we would be exactly like the ppl from jacka$$. what are you hankering for a hunk of?
666. What would you rather see, your own funeral or an alien world?
san deigo. whats a more manly movie, the movie 300 or the expendables?
Comparing me to levii is like me comparing you to a lvl 1 barb. Yes everyone knows I'm horrible, any character that's inactive, gearless and moneyless is horrible. And sure nothing I say can hurt you... I don't know you... At all...
everyone knows athran is by far the best wr on the server.
A street car named desire. Do you think that fat guy (not the russian one, the one that was an A-hole) from the movie 2012 deserved to die?
I know I'm a bit late on this question but I couldn't help it. The monks have achieved near super human abilities like the 1 inch punch that's more deadly than being in a car crash, that thing with pushing a freakin spear to your neck and the spear breaks, walking on tissue and the tissue doesn't rip (I seen that years ago…
A wizard named wizlor coated the inside of the bottle with a magical lubricant that prevents stick. Who let the dogs out?
Who said I didn't like you? Idk you. I jokingly relpied to the question jokingly. Some one have a sence of humor. And to the person who answered my question. Did I do anything to offend you? @ grippies question: no. Why can't ppl take a joke these days?
Black so he can slap you up with his big ****. What's 3 non mmorpg related things you want to do before you die?
Ary is it a big secred that the community of pwn is full of A-holes?
No it isn't the truth just because you want to believe so. I don't fight WB because that's how the fighs go everytime I had made an effort to do so. So therefore I just gave up fighting them all together. Anyways, I'm done with you for the day, I have better things to do with my day than answer to some d1ckhead that's on…
I'm not taking offence, I'm just correcting you. Everyone who knew me knew I had the worst gears on an EA possible. On a game where gear > skill that was the reason why I never foght WB was because it was a waist of time and it is always the same: kite-tick charm- get hit, stunned almost die- stun- tick charm- paralize-…
I talked about you irl in a sarcastic response to my "you think your a psycologist" comment. If I was the scrub, fail pvper and person that everyone knows to run and log out this shouldvt even be worth your time to discuss. if I was just running around, killing lowbies and force logging I wouldn't have gotten so much…
Michael dark is a nobody to me tbh. I remember a lot of ppl from when I used to play but he doesn't have a place in my memory so chances are he had no real impact on me. I find it sweet that he remembers me though :). I can't even log out on ppl, I've tried it in my 4x days to **** off a pker that's been riding me and it…
In the cavernous vagerna of paris hilton. If you were talking a **** in a public restroom and a roach the size of mouse jumped to the side of the toilet just a foot from your feet. In a split second decision would you **** on it to scare it away, run away or try to step on it? If your a girl pretend you have a **** that…
Lol that was adorable DT. I do accept the truth but not the lies or misinterprentation your posting. And I'm not getting upset, I may post on this forum but I don't play this game or any other mmo, these forums is like watching a good tv show. I won't let you disrupt my calm because your some guy online that quite frankly…
First of all no ones talking about redhawk but you. I'm talking about me. And when did I ever QQ about RQ in a1ka CB? Not oonce have I ever flamed, or cried about RQ. All I did was level to about 27 and started rpking, I do remember going after you and pandoa, I even was gonna join RQ do do alittle rpk but I decided to…
Lol all of this is false.your mistaking that archer wel, while I'm an 8x pking in 8x-9x playes she's on HT and other places having a good time. The only time I've killed nothing but lowbies was at lvl 70 when I introduced myself to rpk and after that I fought my levels and above. Lowbies were lucky, I didn't wanna kill em…
Since when is this true? You candy @ss players on LC stopped rpking so now ya only meet ppl in pvp in TW? LC has become an abomination.
Filter circumvention is a bannable offence - Ary
The would chuck would chuck 4 woods. For the men: if you were a woman, would you be a filthy wh0r3 or a good girl? For the women: if you were a dude would you do a lot of women or not?
sarah palin would ownhilary. Have you ever walked into an italian neigborhood and immediatly kept your eye open for a tanning place? I did ;)