Amatsuno - Harshlands Arc User


  • Nono, I ticked submit on accident, I'm working on the rest right now.
  • i lol'd. But he did say himself that he preferred survivability, and wan't planning on being a dd.
  • Every time after you change the time of duration for your safety lock, you'll need to relog for it to take effect. Making the duration lower will take 3 days to take effect, whereas making it higher will be an instant update (granted you relog after updating your desired duration). As for the OP, my only guess is that…
  • Yes. Only cash shop wings can be upgraded, and they can only be upgraded to 3.0. Wings that you buy that start out with a 3.0 or 3.2 speed cannot be made to go any higher.
  • If you don't DD, don't play a DD class. If you prefer survivability, reroll a class that is built for survivability. I think you'd be better off as a cleric than a wizard.
  • Nice to see you again. Anyways, with most fights, the winner is greatly defined by who gets the first shot. Of course, that is including the fact that both people fighting are the same level, or at least close to each other level-wise. My assassin can take out *most* archers fairly easily, however if an archer sneaks up on…
  • I wouldn't be afraid of attacking a psychic my level with my venomancer anyday. It's really the sins that you need to watch out for most of the time. With stealth, shadow escape, and their gigantic arsenal of deadly pvp specialized skills, you have a lot to worry about with them. The thing with having a psychic and an…
  • Psychics deal relatively good magic damage on other players, I haven't gotten one to lategame levels of pvp yet, but playing on my psy as well as fighting other psys on my other characters they seem to deal damage fairly similar to that of a wizard. Psychic vs assassin - sin wins.
  • I stand strongly by full magic builds, (1 str 9 mag every two levels), because psychics seem to work best "glass cannons", similar to archers and wizards. Deal as much damage as you can before the monster gets to you, luckily for psychics, they get a knockback at an early level 19. So most of the time, monsters won't even…