Alryn - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • It just worked for me using Firefox, maybe there's a problem using Chrome, still happy it works thanks :)
  • I've not been able to recieve mine, it posted to my profile but no page to ask me where I wanted the blessing to go, nothing at all. And unlike you lucky people I have none stored in my mailbox because I have n't played for sometime., I never stored them anyway didn't see the point, I do now of coarse. Please fix it.
  • PASS!! Too much lag for me unfortunately, why could it not be spread around a bit and at different times to give everyone a chance, and I mean 100 eggs among how many hundreds if not thousands of people likely to turn up at the same spot at the same time. I guess I won't be able to get within 50 yards of an egg due to the…
  • LOL Nocturne! keeps me up all night b:laugh
  • More exp required to level up = more time spent in game = more money spent in cash shop It's part of the game and no other MMO is any different, if you level up too quickly you will get bored with the game and move on, which means less money for the developer. Wait till you get to level 60, with very few quests for little…
  • It's Easter this weekend so my guess (and hope) is that they plan to introduce a big patch just before the weekend. Let's just hope i'm right, i'll just be happy to wait and see as something big is obviously on the way. I'll leave any further judgement until at least the weekend.
  • From my experience, i'm in a good guild which helps everyone get they're bosses done. Although I still have to be patient as some bosses require a high level tank and 2 clerics, and there's always at least 4 or 5 other guildies need to get them done. I sometimes like recently have 6 bosses lined up, thanks to my guild I…
  • Maybe I did have a good idea out of a joke, it's always been on my mind because of the very bad lag I suffer there at times. To be honest I would be a lot happier if the catshops were not spread all over the paths, so that you can walk down them and see where everything is, NPC's especially. I myself found it very hard to…
  • Thanks for working all the sums out, but for me I want at least 2 sockets in all my armor, with a beautiful shard in each. Also at least 2 sockets in my weapon with a beautiful garnet shard in each. Oh! but that will cost me a fortune? Yes! but that's what I spend many hours grinding for. Did I forget to mention I also…
  • Anyway thanks everyone, this was my response to getting fooled by the cross faction mounts. Have a nice day, and Lirpa Loof or April Fool b:laugh
  • APRIL FOOL!! b:laugh
  • FAIL The biggest fail yet, I was treated to a frozen screen (Major Lag) for 99.5% of the whole event, I still managed to read quite a lot of people complaining about it during and after. A complete fail, worse in my opinion than digging for roses with 20 others competing for the same rose (for what reward?). b:sad
  • My point exactly, it just seems very unfair, also when I went to level 20 attacks when I was level 25+ I had much the same problem it was overrun by high levels taking all the rewards. All the shots I take are just helping the high levels get their kills, and I spend a lot of cash on health pots to do it.
  • I was going to say Chill Out, Sit Down and Meditate "Take it Easy Man" while the rest of the group do all the killing, and you don't have to worry about healing. Or do what I did when grouped to kill Suzerix, run in Take a Shot (or 2), Take a Hit (I lost 30% HP), run out of AOE, use a pot or heal from a cleric, run back…
  • Looks like servers are back up
  • Class- Archer Skill Suggestion- A skill that allows you to regain MP faster, or at least an ability to regain MP and HP faster during Meditation Reason- I very often (especially when soloing) spend more time meditating than killing mobs, yes I use potions but it can get very expensive going through up to 20 MP potions per…
  • Mystical Claws I just asked someone that question, apparently Lupine Gladiators drop them, south of Arch. Just off to check it out myself. Edit: Also the Dryads and Golems inthe same area SW of Arch drop them regularly.
  • Hi, I've been looking for a mature guild to join since I started playing PW a couple of weeks ago. I am really enjoying this game, I have been playing similar games like WoW for several years. I have left an application with my details on your website. Thanks