lol so they messed up again. -.-; oh well. less lazy shopping xD more shop browsing xD
I want it gone.. It's been here more than long enough... It's already ruining the game.
I believe the event was a good idea at first.. But when it was one month long... all the cash shoppers abused it and gained much of what took many players a long time to earn and have lost a lot of loyal players. The game now is a shadow of it's former self... and I really dislike how the whole game is now centered around…
ZOMG server is dying o.o NPC and everything all gone o.o
Seal = Silence lmao
Seriously doubt you on that lol. Show us please xD
Wow.. so much dex lmao. xD too bad I don't use xbows. very nice cape and rings though.
Vixen wrap looks fine imo.
I hope you don't pk lowbies anymore... cause you should more than adequately kill most people your lvl by now. xD
Lol since when is saying that I can 2 shot you bragging? The fact that I'm more than 10 lvls higher than you makes it a fact.. o.o; nothing to brag about there lmao. xD P.S. This is my thread. <3
Loser you already have one lol. And you know i can 2 shot you. :P Faloo and Saba. <3333333333333!~
OMG! Archers_Soul has his own thread... That's not fair!!! Why don't I get one? He dies all the time. >.<; He's a 1-3 Shot(depends if i miss.. xD He's Pure Dex Q.Q). IT'S NO FAIR I WANT A THREAD! Q.Q
It's not that bad. it barely took 5 minutes to download the direct link provided at the top of the page. Hope this is all the stuff we need for the new update coming up.
I believe that that is a TW boss. :S and since all the lands are taken alrdy. it's impossible.