Aezy - Sanctuary Arc User


  • lol, the obvious point missed by many in this thread is how "reraise" works lets say the spell cost 1000mp to cast. you cast it on yourself, you NOW have a BUFF that does NOT activate until youre dead. (see how a reraise scroll works if youre still having trouble wrapping your head around this) WHEN YOU DIE, it takes…
  • For a Cleric, Channeling will win out every time because it makes your heals faster. Unless I was mistold and critical hit rate % affects healing.
  • Helpful yes, but theres no reason that clerics shouldnt have a self buff that causes raise upon death.
  • QFT, as community oriented as an MMO such as this is, why are we penalized for joining a squad?
  • Are you seriously that selfish that you would want a cleric to raise your sorry butt but not allow them to have the same convenience close at hand? Reraise, as it is in ffxi, is a great tool, and people dont complain about it "nerfing your precious risk".
  • Title: GM Meet and Greet Date: 2009-03-03 Start off your weekend right with an hour of quality time with your friendly neighborhood GM! This Friday, GMs will be available on all servers for an hour of unfiltered fun! They will field your questions, engage in friendly duels, showoff upcoming flying mounts and other…
  • Transfers would be fine if the following happened: PVE to PVE. PVP to PVP. LOSS of Faction (eliminates the complaints about owning areas). Name change if conflicting with an already established character. ALL personal effects kept (inv slots, bank slots, bought items, inv items, gear, coin). ONE TIME Transfer for free,…
  • If it shows up as weird symbols like that, its basically that your computer isnt running with eastern fonts installed (complex languages i believe, chinese, japanese, etc) and its trying to make the most of what it can. Which is why you get the 1/4 1/2 ? gibberish (annoyingly enough, those special characters arent allowed…
  • I wish that many times when playing my veno. Also not in the list: PLEASE remove the 20 minute extension from auction house bids. EBAY doesnt have it, other game auctions dont have it. In a "live" auction people must be present to bid, whereas this notifies you by mail that your bid is outbid and you can get to the auction…
  • HOLY PAGES BATMAN! Was playing today, and a friends veno had a pet rhino that got poisoned, the skull was impaled on its horn lol. Heres mine from yesterday (faction calendar pic, probably the only entry though :/)
  • Holy ****, 20 pages. No I didn't read them all. However I DID read the list of things on the first page. Id like to addendum. Completely resizable UI windows, ie. the chat windows, inventory, etc, anything that pops up or has an overlay would be nice to be resized. Along that note, font size changing, like the tiny font on…
  • OOO thanks for that info, still if someones going to bot, theres graphical ways to autotarget and stuff like that that dont even use a tab-through enemies approach. For that matter, theres ways to just autotarget mobs by spawn number (look into it, youll find that having the ability to manually tab through targets means…
  • Id be for it, tab key tends to do this in every other mmo Ive tried. Its very helpful, at least to tab through enemies. At the very least, disable the tabkey from changing through your hotbuttons ><
  • Unless Im missing something (very well possible) the auction search function is only by auction# or by type of item. For someone new (like myself) not being able to search by "oil" to get all the types of oils in a list is very timewasting. I have tried the search box in the filter window, but it seems to do nothing.
  • See: Final Fantasy 11, it has an interesting setup where the same character can be any class, and sub any class as well (at half main class level), ie. 75whitemage(healer)/37blackmage(nuker) etc. This halves the subjobs abilities and only allows for abilities up to the 37 mark (or whatever maxlevel<37 your sub is).…