////III - Harshlands8 Arc User


  • So basically what your saying is that your 8x barb which took you 9 months to lvl (which I assume u do not cash shop for since it took u so long) has higher hp than my 99 barb that I got to within a month? I also put the best into my barb. Just because it took me 1 moths doesnt mean the contrary (Except in my case it was…
  • I'm not asking for an infamy rebellion. I am simply asking NightRage to put on Infamy forum a chart of where all the TW money goes to. And don't tell me it's there. I have access to forums and it isn't. If Motoko can spend 2 weeks calculating how to put 9 att/sec on a squirrel, NightRage can spend 5 minutes calculating…
  • Sigh, of course you know more about yourself than I do you, so if that is what you truly believe in, then I have nothing else to say. I might be arrogant at times but yes, I am telling you to get to lvl 100 first. No, at this point you don't have to be a cash shopper to reach 100. I believe my posts have a little more…
  • WHY IS IT SO **** HARD TO UNDERSTAND THAT IM TRYING TO HELP YOU! i have nothing against infamy. ill be completedly honest. i'm jealous of nightrage and what he gets to pocket every week. i wish i was him. but since i'm not, i just want to open your eyes on what rly goes on behind the scenes. go ahead, bash me all u want.…
  • Ok. Why is Rawrgh so dumb. This will take more pages than my graduate school thesis but heck ill give it a shot. 1. Nobody likes you. Correction, you don't give anyone a chance to like you. Every comment you make in guild chat is directed to hurt someone or to put someone else down. NEWSFLASH...ppl dont like that. You are…
  • NightRage, I can understand fully what u are feeling. But sadly u have nothing to worry. As far as I see no infamy members visit RT forums except for Rawrgh, Esuna and Motoko. Esuna and Motoko are ur male biches and Rawrgh is plain stupid. So no need to get testy with me, what I'm saying won't reach enough ears to make a…
  • Rawrgh, u have the IQ of a dead horse. I don't noe why I was even bothering trying to convince u something that u could not comprehend. Hopefully there are some ppl in infamy with slightly higher IQs that visits the forum once in a while. For the third time, I really do not see how posting on an alt make my arguments…
  • sigh... first off i apologize to all asians and all jews, its getting late and the amount of blind idiots in infamy following 1 brilliant leader have clouded my chivalry. second total post for me is 11 (i just started posting bc i just cant stand the idiocrisy of infamy members anymore), and 180 for u motoko...i dunno if…
  • again attacking the person posting instead of the post itself. it's sadding but i guess it proves my point.
  • you said yourself, why bother with reasoning when you have more cash than u can count? Motoko ur just butthurt bc u calculate like an asian jew in game yet ur still not as OP as lucifer. sure u might be smarter but doesn't it just hurt so bad that ppl not as smart as you (please dont take it the wrong way luci) has more OP…
  • Asheera i dont noe who u are but right now you are like an angel surrounded by light. I was beginning to give up hope that any person in RT forum had any tolerance for reason. Marry me please.
  • ok i've organized my thoughts a little bit, but i'm still a little dumbfounded by that thread so what i say might be a little cloudy. regarding the "sudden deflection method", one it's not sudden, it's only as sudden as how blatantly obvious it was. Second, I will not have u hypocritically accuse me of using deflection…
  • Linc...wtf, just wtf. I never had so many wtfs running thru my head as I read a post. suddenly using deflection methods to make infamy seem like the villain? Leviathan as a guild gives guild fund to repair the damage caused by one member? (ask yourself if NightRage will do that) I'm getting so much headache from your post…
  • for sins to get 5 att/sec, he has to wear 2 pieces of HA armor. that's just yuck. 200 dex on a bm is ok but 250 str on a sin? >.< sins, u dont have to be like bms, ur skills are so much more OP than theirs. theres a reason that they can get to 5 att/sec without sacrificing stat points, thats cuz their skills are inferior.…
  • 1)Age? 2 2)Why would you choose to play the number of hours you picked? because god told me to 3)Have you sacrifice work or school to play the game? yes, i sacrificed preschool -If no, would you? 4)Have your health been affected? yes 5)Have you try to quit playing? yes, but i've also tried quitting crack cocaine,…
  • To Motoko - thank you for providing anecdotal evidence. That was very helpful. If you did not understand that to be sarcasm. Follow the following link http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/anecdote?view=uk Motoko's constant backup of NightRage is understandable because he is part of the inner circle surrounding him. But…
  • Rawrgh, ignorance is bliss for you I suppose. My statement wasn't difficult to understand, you just chose to ignore it. Leaders love blind followers such as urself. NightRage, I dont why ur sarcastically recruiting me. I have made it clear that I am against your intentions. So, forgive me if I'm not overwhelmingly offended…
  • To NightRage - you have a valid point. leaders are supposed to make sure that their guildie does not scam ppl. I am not arguing against that at all. I have mentioned in my previous post that i am not saying it is alrite to pass off a perfect luck for a best luck. I am simply saying that the subject in itself is, as fuzzy…