PWI Eclipse Expansion Preview, launching 12/16
I'm liking the more complete Moon Faerie skills. I though they had like one heal skill though. I hope so, pretty much if not all other AA classes have one heal skill b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
f:sneakyf:sneakyf:sneaky0 -
Socqar - Lost City wrote: »Indeed, removing all DQ might lead to lots of quests needing a rework, and that is a hard job... DQ can still be useful for questin just like they always were, just now you can't sell the exceed for coins, too bad.
Tbh after seeing the amount of bots (and I have some myself...) running around, even if we kill them usually... It's not a bad idea. Got over 100h just with 1h pking bots, and a guildie right 1h after me got another dozen of bots alive... I'd rather stick to TT as I've always done anyway.
Only problem is that TT will have an ending, once people starts to have nv3+ gear TT will become nearly worthless, so we need people to keep using them. New classes will help... but it's a dying path to money making anyway, one day... We will simply not be able sell the drops anymore.
Why do I see a whole server of merchers and cashers to be left standing. No DQ, TT merely, all spam jolly?b:shocked0 -
Verenor - Morai wrote: »Why do I see a whole server of merchers and cashers to be left standing. No DQ, TT merely, all spam jolly?b:shocked
If that was to happen, they would cut Jolly tooAnd merchants without farmers buying their stuff don't have much future anyway so...
But that's a really long shot, TT mats still sell rather good, JJ is still there and people can make coins trough BH easily now (either using active points, or doing more bh's than they used to because now it also gives active points)
BH-farmer armies ftwLet's see who's the first one to do a full AEU alt run? Eu would be easy... but AEU would be worth recording, but recording the player himself xD
0 -
Socqar - Lost City wrote: »BH-farmer armies ftw
Let's see who's the first one to do a full AEU alt run? Eu would be easy... but AEU would be worth recording, but recording the player himself xD
pw art ◊ ◊0 -
Marengo - Lost City wrote: »Don't forget that it's breaking ToS b:chuckle But assuming someone has 395384598 players with their own PC at home and can afford to do it, the hardest issue in AEU is digging 8 crystals at the same time. My idea how to solve it: you place alts at a different distance from crystals, then start clicking turn by turn, till you get to last alt which should be closest to his crystal, the first one reaches his and starts digging, rest should be easy b:laugh
Already reported him b:avoid--Retired--
Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 20100 -
Ahira - Lost City wrote: »Already reported him b:avoid
You can :P I just encourage people to try, not try myselfThat would be against ToS! But pushing people to it it's just fun
0 -
========new reported==========
pwcn player QQ a new classe broken skill to nurf archer auto attack.
Wide Cold of Care
Range Xm
Channel 1.5s
Cast 1.3s
Cooldown Xs
Chi 10
Buffs everyone within Xm with a buff to reduce damage by X%. Lasts for 30mins. Obtain an Ice Ball.
lvl 6 reduce 16%, not sure lvl 10 and 11 b:shockedMain Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
========new reported==========
pwcn player QQ a new classe broken skill to nurf archer auto attack.
Wide Cold of Care
Range Xm
Channel 1.5s
Cast 1.3s
Cooldown Xs
Chi 10
Buffs everyone within Xm with a buff to reduce damage by X%. Lasts for 30mins. Obtain an Ice Ball.
lvl 6 reduce 16%, not sure lvl 10 and 11 b:shocked
"to reduce damage by X%" do they mean auto-attack damage, or all damage in general? Cause I Ithink to have seen 20% or 30% to be the max reduction, if that's for auto-attacks only..well ****0 -
Verenor - Morai wrote: »"to reduce damage by X%" do they mean auto-attack damage, or all damage in general? Cause I Ithink to have seen 20% or 30% to be the max reduction, if that's for auto-attacks only..well ****
It doesn't really specify from the Google translation.Blessing from the Moon, and the surrounding themselves ?? meters
Reduction in all friendly players attack damage suffered
% D%, duration 30 minutes, get a puck.
attackerv, would you happen to know what the percentage is at level 1? Would be able to tell what it is at level 10 then.
p.s. I should finish with the mag class sometime today.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
... Am I the only one who thinks the new race's flyers are hilarious and kind of goofy looking?
b:surrender0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »It doesn't really specify from the Google translation.
attackerv, would you happen to know what the percentage is at level 1? Would be able to tell what it is at level 10 then.
p.s. I should finish with the mag class sometime today.
PWI Calculators - -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »
This skill?
So it's 1% per level then. 20% at level 10.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »
This skill?
So I suppose level 10 is 20%, sage/demon might bump up to 25%, taking into account how the bumps are for sage/demon skills?
Well, maybe later, semi-retired.0 -
So, I've been watching like a maniac Narkotik's videos on youtube and I am disappointed about Archosaur Studio's big return to PWI.
Instead of innovating, they seem inclined to slap together pre-existing things from various of the company's games:
1. the new race's models look very much like the earthguard, I think everyone did complain about that, so that's the most obvious.
2. the dance is the same as the one you get from the Celebrity top from PWI, the posture they have while flying, along with the fliers are taken blatantly from Jade Dynasty- there, Celan and Voidas, partaining to the god descendants, hover above the ground with the legs held in that exact same posture; the celan have nice shiny anklets that come from mythology as well.
3. holy mother, those mobs I see in the new capital city for the race are both from swordsman and jade dyansty, most aren't even re-colored.
4. the new race's FB 19 is the same instance we get in morai when we transform into marmosets and defeat the fat rat king and the boss is one of the mobs from the Luneska region.
5. the new transformations look very much alike like the Modo transformations and the new LA class's meditation brings to mind the rayan's meditation pose from J.D., but effort has been put in making them not so much alike, so I give them props for that.
That's it for now, but I'm sure there's still stuff.
Now, don't get me wrong, while watching the videos I grew really jazzed up foftrying the new classes and I like them, they seem fun, but for years the community has been saying that the departure of Archosaur studios was a big loss to the game and that innovations would have been easier to make if they were still here.
They come back and what do we get? Less than what the other devs have been doing for years since their departure.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
DeffyNature - Archosaur wrote: »They come back and what do we get? Less than what the other devs have been doing for years since their departure.
They made the original game and then were gone. How many other teams came and went and completely changed the game since they left?
"Welcome back Archosaur team. If you'll look here, you'll see this mish-mash of ideas that are only somewhat implemented properly in your game for the last 6 years from a variety of different teams who all had different ideas since you left and also here's a whole ton of problems we introduced along with changing the basis of some of your original designs and ideas.
Now fix it for us, because the playerbase expects you to restore this game to its former glory in one fell swoop." b:cry0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »
This skill?
exactly. archer is nerfed continuely b:surrender
I need better cards to fill those nerf b:cry
As an archer, I usually stuned, QS, instant take aim, maybe +2-3 auto att, most ppl was supposed death...if not, better kite and wait teammate ganking help
not fully depend on auto att, im fine with that though still some unhappy.
other thing is new melee class have range dmg reduce passive skill (include all range skills ?), some source said 18.7% max (not sure).
so...that is pwcn CM said new version will enhance def in new version, now, they did enhance a lot def....b:chuckleMain Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
DeffyNature - Archosaur wrote: »So, I've been watching like a maniac Narkotik's videos on youtube and I am disappointed about Archosaur Studio's big return to PWI.
Instead of innovating, they seem inclined to slap together pre-existing things from various of the company's games:
1. the new race's models look very much like the earthguard, I think everyone did complain about that, so that's the most obvious.
2. the dance is the same as the one you get from the Celebrity top from PWI, the posture they have while flying, along with the fliers are taken blatantly from Jade Dynasty- there, Celan and Voidas, partaining to the god descendants, hover above the ground with the legs held in that exact same posture; the celan have nice shiny anklets that come from mythology as well.
3. holy mother, those mobs I see in the new capital city for the race are both from swordsman and jade dyansty, most aren't even re-colored.
4. the new race's FB 19 is the same instance we get in morai when we transform into marmosets and defeat the fat rat king and the boss is one of the mobs from the Luneska region.
5. the new transformations look very much alike like the Modo transformations and the new LA class's meditation brings to mind the rayan's meditation pose from J.D., but effort has been put in making them not so much alike, so I give them props for that.
That's it for now, but I'm sure there's still stuff.
Now, don't get me wrong, while watching the videos I grew really jazzed up foftrying the new classes and I like them, they seem fun, but for years the community has been saying that the departure of Archosaur studios was a big loss to the game and that innovations would have been easier to make if they were still here.
They come back and what do we get? Less than what the other devs have been doing for years since their departure.
Maybe if they had been working on this for 3 years, then yeah, it would be disappointing. But releasing what they did only 9 months after it being announced that they were planning to work on it? It's not nearly as bad as you make out.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
DeffyNature - Archosaur wrote: »
5. the new transformations look very much alike like the Modo transformations and the new LA class's meditation brings to mind the rayan's meditation pose from J.D., but effort has been put in making them not so much alike, so I give them props for that.
That was 10000% my thoughts exactly when i even just saw the concept art, looks veeeeery modo-like and i half rolled my eyes at it. But it does look a little different thank god, but the same exact idea is there in terms of what the transformation does, but cant tell for sure until we can test it all out for ourselves.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I think there is some issues for pw2 to pwi
we have a very cheap R9 sale ( why said cheap here, one of pwcn server R9 price: GST 140m each, MoG 500m each, gold price is 2-3m )
we also have awaken G16, also very cheap ( pwcn CM said this is only for pwi, nothing with pwcn)
so they update R8R, update warsoul weapon, even morai gear, those totally no sense to pwi.
since new FB for that, so no sense as well.
only 2 new class is new and value to pwi
BTW, so-called heroes system, actually is 12th heroes with different classes stories, which post in their official news. Totally fail, I don't want to give the link cuz i can make 120 stories for them.
who care those cheap and short stories b:surrenderMain Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
I absolutely love the music they chose for the new area (I watched those vids on youtube by Narkotik), but it sounds exactly like the music from Jade Dynasty...0
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »It doesn't really specify from the Google translation.
Something I tend to do when I need to get better results from Google translate is to break up the sentences into words. If you hover over the translation on the right in it shows you where the chinese word is on the left.
Then you can just put a new line between the words to see different results.
Here is doing that with that skill.
It reveals a part before 'attack damage' that gets translated as 'ordinary', clicking on 'ordinary' on the right side shows an alternative translation of 'normal'. So the skill is talking about normal attack damage.
The only class that still uses normal attack damage is archer of course so this is specifically an anti-archer buff. Big f*&king surprise there. That's two anti-archer squad buffs and an anti-archer sin buff in this fail expansion.
PWI Calculators - -
I didn't have any expectations for the update honestly... except the new race's design. After seeing the concept art I thought that they were going to make some really cool creative stuff, so I was disappointed... but I think I've complained enough about it already :P
★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »
Something I tend to do when I need to get better results from Google translate is to break up the sentences into words. If you hover over the translation on the right in it shows you where the chinese word is on the left.
Then you can just put a new line between the words to see different results.
Here is doing that with that skill.
It reveals a part before 'attack damage' that gets translated as 'ordinary', clicking on 'ordinary' on the right side shows an alternative translation of 'normal'. So the skill is talking about normal attack damage.
The only class that still uses normal attack damage is archer of course so this is specifically an anti-archer buff. Big f*&king surprise there. That's two anti-archer squad buffs and an anti-archer sin buff in this fail expansion.0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »
The only class that still uses normal attack damage is archer of course so this is specifically an anti-archer buff. Big f*&king surprise there. That's two anti-archer squad buffs and an anti-archer sin buff in this fail expansion.
The saddest thing is, in almost all of our iterations of what endgame would be, archers were either the worst endgame class, or close to it. Which is why it's always baffled me so much to see archers getting shafted during various expansions when they're screwed over naturally as is and don't really need any help for that.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
SylenThunder - Sanctuary wrote: »Keep in mind that they've had less than a year to pick up on 4 years of crappy patching to their original code and then re-structure it to work on the new engine. Oh, AND develop a new race and two completely new classes. AND re-structure the existing quest lines (which entailed more than 10 or 15 quests, it's likely in the hundreds).
Maybe if they had been working on this for 3 years, then yeah, it would be disappointing. But releasing what they did only 9 months after it being announced that they were planning to work on it? It's not nearly as bad as you make out.
I understand what you're saying, and I blame their employers who have probably told them that they needed to come up with a new race and 2 new classes asap. They probably had no other choice to grab bits and pieces form other games.
I am also convinced that their predecessors made a mish-mash of their code and they were horrified about what goes where anymore.
I would have preferred they postponed a new races for another year and they would do what they promised when they first announced the old devs were back, and that is upgrade graphics, fix some stuff that needed to be fixed and optimize the game better.
Given those statements, I still find it lacking and unprofessional. After all the hyper they made that the original devs were back, I doubt that they would have been fired if they refused to make the new race so soon, it was in fact not even suggested at the time. They bit more than they could chew and it bothers me.
This is the first time I see in any of PWE's games so many elements glued together form other games of theirs' where they pretended that they were introducing something new.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Guess ill keep saving my orbs again.By the time the expansion comes out ill have a few 100 also this is what seekers and mystic should have been like with a transformation.0
any1 can verify the news about 20+ lvl can go out of new comer map?
not sure if 20+ lvl can leave new comer map or 20+ lvl can come in arch city
i will ask them in pwcn forum and will report if any newsMain Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
Saethos - Raging Tide wrote: »Until some sin pulls aggro on toad.
been there, done that. next >_>[SIGPIC]<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="smile photo smile_zps730f987a.jpg"/></a>[/SIGPIC]
"A smile on the outside doesn't mean a smile on the inside."0 -
So one of the big aspects of this update is the new game engine. I'm just curious of peoples reactions to it. Does it seem better? Worse? Not really noticeable?0
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