New DQ System Suggestion Thread



  • Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Nirvana recycling forge

    Location : City of Raging Tides

    How it works

    The forge makes it possible to recycle Twilight temple materials, Lunar Glade materials, Warsong emblems, but only when combined with a new drop from nirvana which is called recycling essence.

    Or (in my dreams)

    ask the devellopers from china to build a new instance located in OHT to farm for that materials altough i kinda want you pwi to give me good reasons to go back into nirvana i miss it QQ
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Do you know the day yet that we will get a New DQ rewards? >< This is taking forever now... :(
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    the game was always live, so why are you making us open a program that uses twice as much space as me having 2 accounts open on my laptop? i mean "live" i guess is only as live as they want it to be. i still have to log into forums after i log into arc, wtf is the point of that? especially if i cant access forums anymore without arc' why should i be signing in multiple times? new system more bugs and they hadnt fixed the old bugs yet, guess im never gonna be a big time muckety muck, i dont understand f cking everything up and saying cosmetic patches make it all better
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    why has the sysm updating with the points and when are the pwi going to get the new sysm up and running?b:angry
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Free 50 event gold via arc


    get while its still up
    only 1 per account
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Nothing was wrong with the old system. Just embed it in arc and get it right. Lose the useless fashion ****, leave demon/sage cards, perfect stones, add avatars and catalysts, maybe some good armor/weapons, or packs.
  • Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    -Not clever or smart at all here-

    You wont see me back actively playing till you've brought back DQs. Which is probably gonna be never. So peace.
  • Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    old dq system was just fine... bring it back PWI
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Any new's on when the DQ system will be added to ARC? Its been awhile now and you guys said you would not end old til a new was ready.
  • edited May 2014
    ashlynnd wrote: »
    Any new's on when the DQ system will be added to ARC? Its been awhile now and you guys said you would not end old til a new was ready.
    You should read the May Community Update Sticky Thread.

    Reading Stickies before posting FTW! b:victory
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You should read the May Community Update Sticky Thread.

    Reading Stickies before posting FTW! b:victory

    Yes, yes I know this is a heavy topic. That said, I've been working with the team on how to best go about creating something similar, and will have more details as they come in. Saying that, we absolutely do plan on bringing this back in some way, shape, or form.

    I do not exactly call that an answer! I did read the post and I am still as clueless as before, no time frame, nothing. They said it would not be taken before a replacement was in place.
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I don't like putting in things that can already be farmed fairly like Basic Badges and Supply Tokens because that would kill off perfectly good instances.

    I think this is important...

    Otherwise, maybe the cards that use to drop in 3rd map of the chrono world, the cards....
    This is a test
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    there been talks bout this since december q.q i want my free random pigments n do alls

    hope its not going to be another half year i'd rather just know it wont come at all xD
    old dq system wasn't broken to begin with this auto culti broke it xD
  • Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    My genie is beginning to look at me with hunger. P stones are becoming short supply for many even w OHT.

    D/S event cards were nice since I like the free charms, but I can deal with buying plenty of the plat charms from the boutique. How about making them on sale for 3 gold until the new DQ system goes live?
    Malice Leader - Raging Tides

  • Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Hope the assault on arch event and random city/ village assaults come back too. Miss these random events popping up.
    takes 3.3m
    takes 6.1m
    takes 7.1m
    takes 6.0m

    OVERKILL b:victoryb:dirtyb:victory
  • Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Hope the assault on arch event and random city/ village assaults come back too. Miss these random events popping up.

    the assualt on arch was a planned gm activated event, fun one- usually announced in news ahead of time for the weekends

    the wraith attacks on random cities do still happen, seen one recently at snowy, sadly they dont red text/announce though
  • Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    They used to, but not since the first furor over Duke spam from anny packs. Pity, now you can only learn about wraith attacks by word of mouth or stumbling on them. On the other hand, high levels always used to swarm wraith attacks, so this way gives the lowbies who do find them a bit more of a chance to get some goodies.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I think the whole reason (perhaps I'm wrong) DQ took such a plunge so quickly was due to the auto-culti system. Instead of limiting FC runs and botting and making the game more of a challenge so higher levels are indeed a SMALL percentage of the PWI population, now a fast lane has been put in. I know everyone has a love/hate relationship with powerleveling, but in terms of extended gameplay and expense, in allowing it, PWI is cutting it's own throat. For instance, in stead of a player finding the game and taking a couple years to quest and level normally a character they dearly love, they can now powerlevel any character as fast as they want with minimal effort and expense. Instead of buying charms, mounts, fash on one special character, they use only a fraction of that cost to buy heads and mobs. And now people have an account filled with lvl 100+'s and think nothing of it. The game is flooded with high levels. We all know things start to slow down dramatically and game play gets very boring at lvl 100+. The result is you have a great number of people bored with your game standing around at lvl 100+ and it's turned into a chat program. True they may spend more money in the boutique due to the cost of running a good high lvl character, but that cost is no different than if that player would've leveled normally. In fact, the longer a person takes to level, the more likely they will spend more. In turn, not many people at all are going to put a lot of money into several characters. Most still have a 'main' that most if not all monies are invested in. My point is, you've expedited the powerleveling system with the auto-culti. It has also caused a spike in inflation due to the auto coin/item pickup and also a spike in DQ drops. Mats are no longer worth as much as they were and neither is much else.This flooded the system and so PWI had to face giving out TONS of free stuff for all the botted DQ items, or scratch the whole system. So they scratched it. In doing this, you disappointed your players. It is true the game is losing it's touch; it seems that's because the people in charge aren't thinking things through. The same argument could be used concerning the Bounty Order Quests. Why do low levels need money? When I leveled my first character (normally via questing) I never ran out of money. The need for money comes in when one wants to powerlevel and low lvl quests can't support that extra expense. So what did everyone do? Make a handful of characters lvl them to 70+ and run the BOQ's repeatedly. All that 'free' money flooded the system and it wasn't long before gold jumped from 1m each to 2.5m. Basic economics here. The DQ system worked fine as far as I could tell, I never had a glitch with the system or receiving my items. I think that whole idea is a cover story for the real fact that PWI wanted more Boutique shopping and less giving out of free stuff. But the fact is, it would've never been abused if they didn't implement Auto-Culti and hurt their own cause.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    any news about when the new dq rewards system will be on?? b:sad
  • Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Instance reward (IR)

    Upon killing the final boss in an instance you get a score. the score depends on how many mobs you have killed an
    d how hard the instance was.
    this score can then be spent an an npc in town to buy similar items that are in the event tab currently.

    An example would be if you want a small charm. you need to get 5000 instance reward.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I would like a straight up yes or no is the dq system coming back in any form by which players may earn points IN game and Not loading Gold that we can not afford to do . Some uf us do feed kids with our Pay checks Not a game although im aware that everyone working for pwi apreacates a pay check as well. plz straight answer would be sweet . Also like to say TY to all doing the Load gold and supporrting the game i know its a good thing but very much outta my budget, i mean really who told kids they get food 3x a day any ways (BTW thats a joke b4 some one goes all rad on me) love the game but ... plz sirs may i have some more <dq points that is >
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Although it happened months ago now, I'm not so chuffed about this change.

    I'm a returning player from a year/two years ago; I didn't expect to come back, make a new character, start questing and then not be able to do anything with my DQ points that I didn't even receive.

    I'm not all in the know about this change and the other changes that have taken place, so please don't grill me for this. Though perhaps iit would have been a good idea to keep the DQ system up and running until a new system was developed and ready to be launched?

    Wondering what other poor changes have been made around here to peeve people off - Besides being forced into using Arc's shoddy technology.
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    We won`t get any replacement system, it`s not good for their greedy business when people get free charms and ref aides, they will come up with excuses just to postpone/evade any answers concerning the replacement system, might as well make all DQ value 1 coin now.

  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    This thread was started Last year. Give up on a new dq system ^^
  • Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Instance reward (IR)

    Upon killing the final boss in an instance you get a score. the score depends on how many mobs you have killed an
    d how hard the instance was.
    this score can then be spent an an npc in town to buy similar items that are in the event tab currently.

    An example would be if you want a small charm. you need to get 5000 instance reward.
    That's pretty much just trophy mode though.
    Imo this would be a bad way to replace it, DQ was accessible for everyone. Clearing an entire instance and killing a final boss will only be doable at a decent rate to be worth it for people with higher gear, depending on the instance ofcourse, but the higher the instance, the more mobs and boss, the more score.
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    do we know if DQ will actually be used again? or is event gold going to be obtained different ways such as the more you cash shop...

    i heard that DQ in itself is being eliminated from the China version and we all know we have to do what they do.

    just wondering if there is anything new about this subject or a possible date on when we might know something. should we be saving all our DQ items or are they going to be worthless?
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    i mean really who told kids they get food 3x a day any ways (BTW thats a joke b4 some one goes all rad on me) love the game but ... plz sirs may i have some more <dq points that is >

    Haha i love this ^ xDDD
  • Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    do we know if DQ will actually be used again? or is event gold going to be obtained different ways such as the more you cash shop...

    i heard that DQ in itself is being eliminated from the China version and we all know we have to do what they do.

    just wondering if there is anything new about this subject or a possible date on when we might know something. should we be saving all our DQ items or are they going to be worthless?

    The chinese devs wouldn't spoil something that keeps gold prices high. No DQ = Gold prices will fall drastically and thus everything's prices.
    Synthetic Electronic Variant Calibrated for Hazardous Exploration, Nullification and Kamikaze Observation[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    9 months later and still no replacement system just another way pwi shows us the middle finger and lies to our faces stop believing what they say until it happens and gold is as high as its ever been in ah so why would they change a thing now they continually raise prices on so called sale items they force down ur throat on a weekly basis and take away things you need to play the game all in hopes you'll buy goldd and buy them at astronimical prices $155 gold on sale for a d 12 orb seriously thanks for providing this free game service but oh wait if you want to be at all half way decent you must spend more money on game then most spend on rent makes awesome sense
  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Is there any ETA on new system? Its been months and months since DQ rewards were taken down and I havent seen anything bout ETA. Are you guys even going to put one in place? If not, just flat out admit you arent going to do it and people can move on.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop


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