Arc Integration General Discussion/Feedback



  • Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I really hate you pwi atm I paid for items I cant use now thanks to your idea to force us to use arc looking into our rights as consumers. I paid for a product you make it unavailable now.

    If you read what people is saying here, maybe you can fix your problem

    This post of mine was right above one of yours.
    Synthetic Electronic Variant Calibrated for Hazardous Exploration, Nullification and Kamikaze Observation[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Go to patcher directory, rename stringstab.txt to anything else (stringstab_old.txt for example)
    Go to launcher directory,copy stringstab.txt from there and paste inside patcher directory.
    Run the game through patcher.exe or elementclient.exe

    Can't make people redownload stuff PWE, better bypass arc than redownloading 8gb

    Thank you.
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Dang lol ty Sevchenko. Was searching for the fckd up stringtab in element not in patcher b:chuckle

    For now I just found 1option. Goto launcher and delete it can't run and can't force you to log in arc er dang time...problems in hand: arcsdk.dll reappear (due to stringtab)...and now you must go by launcher and can't just get on through client anymore.

    Yep with stringtab edit arcsdk.dll returns but wont execute b:cute

    How about to implement CE again so we can get good coins too? Since we have to deal with arc, let's implement CE for all b:victory

    Pet summon is still glitch
    Lag is still horrible
    More crashes than before

    Dozen new arc threads because this on can't be forund if you search for "arc" b:shutup
    But since all QQrs do have arc now, how about some more codesb:bye
    Behold, the undead will be unleashed b:laugh

    100 2ndrb Sage Sin, 101 1strb Demon Sin, 101 no-rb Demon Cleric, 102 no-rb Demon Psy, 98 no-rb Sage Seeker, 95 no-rb Demon Cleric, 90 no-rb Sage Barb, 89 1strb Sage Cleric, 87 1strb Sage Psy, 84 no-rb Wiz, 82 2ndrb Sage Veno, 81 no-rb Ea, 80 no-rb Myst, 78 2nd rb Demon Bm
  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So DL'd it just for code redemption. Seems fine on that front. Haven't tried adding PWI to it or w/e yet and probably won't until they bring in DQ system replacement, but I noticed at the end of the installer, there is literally an option to opt-out of information collecting or w/e for the people with tin foil hats.

    can tell your age by the last sentence..... just because it says opt-out.... you cannot be sure now, can you? people like you who believe everything are more stupid than the ones who think it up.
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    condo2009 wrote: »
    can tell your age by the last sentence..... just because it says opt-out.... you cannot be sure now, can you? people like you who believe everything are more stupid than the ones who think it up.

    Way to insult a person who made a harmless post. If they believe that message that's them. I'm pretty sure PWI doesn't give a **** what our PC is doing on a daily basis.
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I saw your post and it is not something that comes easy to me to bypass things. To begin with I use to just hit my launch button simple now I have to do what to play a game? It is crazy. This it the response I got form Tech. LMAO.

    Can Arc display my pre-installed games?

    Arc can detect all supported games (shown on the All Games page) and display them in your My Games list, unless the game was installed via other platforms.

    Okay so helpful of course your incompetent pwi;b:angry it was installed prior to arc. And it is wanting me to re download a game I have already on my computer. The email I got said no need to download again gave me a link to the above mentioned.
    If you read what people is saying here, maybe you can fix your problem

    This post of mine was right above one of yours.
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am not a technical computer person so I hope I understand this right. Just go to the launch folder and delete the arcsdk.dll and that will fix my problem?

    Dang lol ty Sevchenko. Was searching for the fckd up stringtab in element not in patcher b:chuckle

    For now I just found 1option. Goto launcher and delete it can't run and can't force you to log in arc er dang time...problems in hand: arcsdk.dll reappear (due to stringtab)...and now you must go by launcher and can't just get on through client anymore.

    Yep with stringtab edit arcsdk.dll returns but wont execute b:cute

    How about to implement CE again so we can get good coins too? Since we have to deal with arc, let's implement CE for all b:victory

    Pet summon is still glitch
    Lag is still horrible
    More crashes than before

    Dozen new arc threads because this on can't be forund if you search for "arc" b:shutup
    But since all QQrs do have arc now, how about some more codesb:bye
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    If there's one thing I HATE and that's being forced into doing something. I'm being FORCED into installing Arc when I don't give a rat's *** about it and on top of it all, I am FORCED into reinstalling. It's **** like this which made me leave the game for three years. I thought things would have changed for the better.

    Apparently not.

    ʘ Lv 57 Veno w/Herc (alt)

    "The difference between genius and stupidity, is that genius has limits" ~ Albert Einstein

    "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    Or the fact that i cannot choose my character in ARC, so i cannot receive any blessings, free hp charms, dreampack etc etc?

    You can choose your char. I get the free rewards and blessings all the time, and I send them to different chars. you must be doing it wrong?
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    me too I dont like being forced to use it and cant use it anyway not without downloading game again
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    As you may have all been aware, Arc Integration is coming April 2nd, 2014. For more information, see here:

    For those of you having trouble getting Arc to recognize your game, go here:

    ^ Link doesn't work wth

    when will some us play the game instead. i refuse to install it again since it is lardy in my laptop b:shutup
  • Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    you can run the game w/o using arc , if you have already installed Arc and re down loaded the game the following works.

    log into arc, start pwi, and log in, then go to

    ( C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainment\PWI_en\element )

    or where ever you installed the game, and start the game from there , this allows a dual client..but it's not patched through arc. Once this has been logged into , close down the 1st app and close off and exit from Arc , Arc free gaming.

    Follow this process to Dual client Arc free.

    YES it works & is one hell of a lot less laggy then having to run Arc.
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    you can run the game w/o using arc , but as far as i know ..only if it has been downloaded through Arc.

    log into arc, start pwi, and log in, then go to

    ( C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainment\PWI_en\element )

    or where ever you installed the game, and start the game from there , this allows a dual client..but it's not patched through arc. Once this has been logged into , close down the 1st app and close off and exit from Arc , Arc free gaming.

    Follow this process to Dual client Arc free.

    YES it works & is one hell of a lot less laggy then having to run Arc.

    Originally Posted by Sevchenko - Dreamweaver View Post
    Go to patcher directory, rename stringstab.txt to anything else (stringstab_old.txt for example)
    Go to launcher directory,copy stringstab.txt from there and paste inside patcher directory.
    Run the game through patcher.exe or elementclient.exe

    Can't make people redownload stuff PWE, better bypass arc than redownloading 8gb

    awesome ! i will try these , best answers to the current problems i've seen for us non computer wise people. ty. b:kiss
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well me and my other accounts plus 5 other players are done. We were considering coming back after taking a break but after seeing that its FORCED to have a program that i (personal opinion that i have a right to) do not feel comfortable with. Also yes i know no one cares blah blah, begone, can i have you things "NO", after how much money i had spare to use on the game, i rather it be on my account forever locked. Remember this is why the best MODS that were around since betas left cause of this BS.

    Squishy Wizzy Balls to the wall boys, peace
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am not a technical computer person so I hope I understand this right. Just go to the launch folder and delete the arcsdk.dll and that will fix my problem?

    Sorta. For the next launch yes, but not in perma. Best solution seems if you copy the stringtab from launcher into patcher and replace the stringtabin patcher. (last lines "force" you to load arc)

    Tho stringtab only forced to dl, but NOT to run arc it somehow will stop arc from executing b:victory (read what sevchenko wrote above)

    Alot ppl leaving to pservers since -qoute- nobody f***ing cares. -/qoute-

    GMs my question remains: DO we receive ban for not using arc??? Ppl bragging about it almost a weak now! I'd start a new thread, but since it concerns arc it'll redirect to this one. So answer me b:angry
    Behold, the undead will be unleashed b:laugh

    100 2ndrb Sage Sin, 101 1strb Demon Sin, 101 no-rb Demon Cleric, 102 no-rb Demon Psy, 98 no-rb Sage Seeker, 95 no-rb Demon Cleric, 90 no-rb Sage Barb, 89 1strb Sage Cleric, 87 1strb Sage Psy, 84 no-rb Wiz, 82 2ndrb Sage Veno, 81 no-rb Ea, 80 no-rb Myst, 78 2nd rb Demon Bm
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I made an account 2 days ago and it seemes i can't redeem any code, its says i don't have any characters made. what can i do?
  • Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    thor0616 wrote: »
    I made an account 2 days ago and it seemes i can't redeem any code, its says i don't have any characters made. what can i do?

    Please =>

    Please call me Ben.. that is who I am
    Morai - Kaugummi - BM
    Ragin tide - Mastersworde - BM 101
  • Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Softy any info on ARC that when this "BETA" phrase will be over ? just curious. b:pleased
    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just a fair warning to ANYONE using shortcuts or ways to bypass arc altogether. In time they WILL find a way to make that not work. So don't get to comfortable with your tricks you have learned. Sadly Arc is going to make or break pwi for MANY people. Not that PWE cares so long as the CSers keep paying them they will force whatever they want down our throats. MMO gaming at its best. LOL
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jArc is just something to run in the background and why do I have to log in to post when Im already logged in? None of this makes sense. I dont need to be conected to the website the whole time Im playing pwi if I want to go to the site I will go dont like being forced to do it.
  • Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    was reading in one of arc's titles other forums that suposedly thru arc it can be detected if your running or using and augmentaion program or outside macro program such as mouse recorder pro .. rumor on that forum was if its detected a ban is put in effect on your account.b:shocked

    not sure if it's true ot not, but......
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    where is the section where you could look up a guild see who was leader and how many members and the levels of members? would also tell how many guilds or chars they had
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    and one more off topic but not why does it say this in the shopping area? "your games will be available to download after your purchase is complete" so what is that?
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    well as it seems SeaAnna, the 'old section' known as CoreConnect was the alpha version of arc, which currently runs as beta.

    but Rawynn yes many myths about that weird arc thing, this very one I never heard ^^ But don't expect any answers from staff/gms. We currently all wait on answers, many tickets which been send in keep pending.

    Only way to run pwi safely. Avoid arc. Sure as hell we can't rely for long onn the current ways to avoid it. But aslong we wan't to avoid, we can avoid b:laugh My biggest fear is that arc will harm all players, except them CSrs who can buy a arc-less membership b:dirty

    It's been awhile since GMs answered here. I guess devs overgoing GMs too. b:shocked
    Behold, the undead will be unleashed b:laugh

    100 2ndrb Sage Sin, 101 1strb Demon Sin, 101 no-rb Demon Cleric, 102 no-rb Demon Psy, 98 no-rb Sage Seeker, 95 no-rb Demon Cleric, 90 no-rb Sage Barb, 89 1strb Sage Cleric, 87 1strb Sage Psy, 84 no-rb Wiz, 82 2ndrb Sage Veno, 81 no-rb Ea, 80 no-rb Myst, 78 2nd rb Demon Bm
  • Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Can no longer play PWI as of patch on 04/08/14 as my PWI launcher no longer works and directs me to ARC which I have had for awhile. Even though I had added the existing PWI game to it ARC now is trying to make me install the entire PWI game. Can anyone help?
  • Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just a curious question from a past player, but how is Arc affecting the game population-wise now? Not a "game is dead" post, but I've noticed some threads on the front page were last posted in up to 2-3 days ago. I'm not sure if you guys realize, but that's rather bad. Is ingame any better off? The front page on the main forums of the mmo I'm playing atm goes back maybe up to 4 hours, and it's a lot older than PWI.

    I actually wouldn't like to see PWI just die off. If the population does drop enough they might be forced to take action. It is still quite possible to bring players back in.
  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Good thing bypassing Arc isnt bannable...yet.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    i cant use arc when i install arc after when i open it my internet connection get lost my router lights be off what should i do 2 play pwi now ? b:surrender
  • edited April 2014
    mandi12 wrote: »
    i cant use arc when i install arc after when i open it my internet connection get lost my router lights be off what should i do 2 play pwi now ? b:surrender
    Ok, if running Arc mysteriously shuts down your network connections on your router, you're definitely leaving out a LOT of information.

    Start a thread in the Correct Forum, and provide actual information.


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