Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • KenNoHime - Lost City
    KenNoHime - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so to translate this into pwi-slang would be :

    there was something very good out there and some smart ***** got everything, even the parts of others.
    so now there is none left.
    everybody who didnt get anything just deal with it and go **** yourself
    greetz pwi

    Sadly that's PWE's policy for a very long time now. I play since 2008 and there have been only.... like what? 2 out of 10 times support ever helped me? (And those two were in the days when there was still a live-chat support and even then the support employees were pretty thick and you had to lay your problem out in front of them like for a three year old.)

    But yeah this whole code stuff.... I have farmed almost everything for R9 for one of my chars, and wanted to buy the rest next month. Now..... Idk. Maybe I'll just quit, cause it seems pretty obvious they don't care.
  • ShadeParadox - Raging Tide
    ShadeParadox - Raging Tide Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
  • gyroki
    gyroki Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Merely pointing out no one has made a bill. I don't know what server you are, as you don't post with a toon, but dye services are a fair few here and there. Most people dye their own fashion. Also, who wants a dye service with random pigments? It could come out all yucky green D:. What's a charm? Who still uses those?

    It's no secret the charm market just went belly up for a while, but that's really the only thing. Most refine services use orbs to guarantee it. At least, the ones in LC do. You're worried about some 100+ toons refining their gear? It's no different to people who save up event gold from the Celestial Tigers event.

    I think you need to stop over exaggerating.

    kk you have no clue and you don't understand economics, got your point. Then you don't understand of course why this thread has a few thousand posts and about 300k views. Btw, there is a ~25% chance to get BLACK with random pigments. You also have no idea about solo runs in squad mode HH3-x or pvp in NW/TW. There is not a single serious player which would join a battle uncharmed. But I'm sure you complain about spawn camping and you are surprised why others don't. L.M.A.O.
  • Aroral - Sanctuary
    Aroral - Sanctuary Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    1: Except they've stated they will punish the abusers. We've yet to see what that is and I wish they'd tell us, but their stance on that is how it goes. Why not wait and see before spreading misinformation? Maybe?

    2: They're not rolling back because of point 1.

    3: We have no information either way on this. What some people consider "equalizing" is completely absurd and no sane and thinking person would actually do that. We'll see what happens after the fallout from this **** is dealt with.

    4: Considering what happened when they tried to compensate everyone for all the recent issues (aka this) and how everyone's behaving towards the people who were trying to help us (instead of their bosses who ARE to blame), would you want to go through their bosses if you were in their position? Especially while the crisis is still going on and being dealt with? Like I said, why not wait and see how things go after the fallout before jumping to conclusions?

    That would be me. I go to sleep, deal with real life, and when I check the forums I'm greeted with a bunch of people who still don't know what mods are raging at me, tons of spam, a bunch of inappropriate stuff, and several rules violations that needed to be edited.

    And that's from just this one thread. ._.

    I highly doubt they are going to be able to tell the difference between those that purposely spammed the code, and those that did by accident. And I do know what they are going to do in terms of compensation because they told me in a ticket which apparently I am not allowed to post on here. But, in short, only Arch is going to continue to get compensation, EVEN THOUGH ACCORDING TO THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE THIS WAS A THANKSGIVING PRESENT TO ALL THE SERVERS! The rest of us get jack ****. b:angry So friggin mad about this man. I know its not your fault Kossy and you are just the messenger..but ARG!
  • tradeco22
    tradeco22 Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I recommend quitting this outdated game, they clearly are to lazy to address in a satisfactory fashion the glaring problems with that kind of giveaway, giving it glitched and game people hundreds of grinding hours worth of stuff, if u were luck enough to get it. RNG is not a business practice.
  • mokacino
    mokacino Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    3 of my friends quit.
    I'm quitting today.
    Half the guild is gone already.
    Good luck PWI.
    Truth is it had to end somehow.
  • Noxioua - Lost City
    Noxioua - Lost City Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    gyroki wrote: »
    kk you have no clue and you don't understand economics, got your point. Then you don't understand of course why this thread has a few thousand posts and about 300k fews. Btw, there is a ~25% chance to get BLACK with random pigments. You also have no idea about solo runs in squad mode HH3-x or pvp in NW/TW. There is not a single serious player which would join a battle uncharmed. But I'm sure you complain about spawn camping and you are surprised why others don't. L.M.A.O.

    Okay, you clearly have no brain cell that listens to reason and can't accept another view, kk. Got your point.

    If there is a 25% chance to get black than I and several other people who never get black from RP must have some pretty crappy luck. Solo runs in squad mode of HH? what does that have to do with anything? OH MY! MORE GOLD MATS FOR SALE! OH LORD PANGU NO!...... PVP in NW is about dead. Most people are popping in and out of battles these days for more points. I'm sure all the OP people are charmed, however what does that have to do with anything? Like seriously? They're ALWAYS charmed. Even before this debacle. So why does the fact they're charmed matter now?

    Please, it just sounds like you're complaining for the sake of complaining. Most of the posts in this thread are from people who never got to redeem the code and want to, or people who are outraged at the ORBS. Not anything else, just the ORBS.

    Honestly? TW and NW weren't all that different this weekend. I was still getting one shot by the usual people. No change. The OP people were still the same. No one new.
  • tribells1
    tribells1 Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    and here we see another abuser... :)
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ty you pwi for trying you can never satisfy crybaby's. If you wanted to be nice you could send out some 12+ orbs to but if not that's fine. The ocean orbs are the best gift from pwi everb:laugh
  • TheDutchman - Raging Tide
    TheDutchman - Raging Tide Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    We appreciate the work the mods do and sorry for posting something not allowed, but atm. i can only laugh (with a little bit of crying) at the mess PWI created. And noone seems to listen to us since we all got the same crappy reply to our tickets. We only got told to wait and see how it will go eventually... We just want answers and fast. I'm not lieing when i say i already noticed the difference in NW for example. Personally i got a lot less contribution then i got normally at the cost of almost double the charms i use normally (yes, charms i didn't get for free). Just because a lot of people are better refined now, a lot better. Refinement means soulfource and seems that NW contribution system is based on soulfource. If you want to wait for the aftermath... well i already see a chain reaction starting here.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    I highly doubt they are going to be able to tell the difference between those that purposely spammed the code, and those that did by accident. And I do know what they are going to do in terms of compensation because they told me in a ticket which apparently I am not allowed to post on here. But, in short, only Arch is going to continue to get compensation, EVEN THOUGH ACCORDING TO THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE THIS WAS A THANKSGIVING PRESENT TO ALL THE SERVERS! The rest of us get jack ****. b:angry So friggin mad about this man. I know its not your fault Kossy and you are just the messenger..but ARG!
    Assuming DoD wasn't forced to lie to us, they ALREADY CAN tell the difference between those who just got the amount an error would give and those who... decided to push the system beyond that. He's basically said as much in as direct a manner he can. How else would they be able to "punish legitimate abusers" without **** over innocent people in the process?

    As for the ticket, like I've kept saying whenever someone mentioned it.... TICKETS COMPLETELY SUCK for any sort of information during **** like this. Half the time the info they give is wrong, or misleading, or incomplete, or makes literally no sense. If it weren't against the rules and I had the time to dig around while dealing with the rest of the forums, I'd start posting examples to show you just how crappy they are. Yeah they can be useful overall for more general situations (even though on occasion you'll get the guy who just feeds you information you already know and then you have to patiently explain things to them like dealing with a three year old) but for stuff like this? Complete and total waste of time.

    As for the facebook page... really I just wonder who came up with that brilliant idea to label it as a gift to everyone when it was actually them apologizing for the ****-ups we've been dealing with all month. Completely stupid of whoever made that what had to go through since it just spreads misinformation and is causing people to get pissed off over something that isn't even true... and yet because it's on an official PWI page and they may not have read the forums to see why it's a lie, they're completely certain it's the fact of things.

    With the compensation, yeah it sucks that something that was for everyone won't be given back to everyone (right now anyways) but look at it from DoD's point of view as well. He and those working here were stretched thin to begin with. Then he just went through an absolutely horrible month with issues showing up left and right. Then he had to go through his bosses multiple times to get us something decent to make up for it. Then THAT goes wrong too and he has to deal with the fallout from it. Then the very community he was trying to help turns on him in an angry ball and starts attacking him when he was just trying to help us. And now his bosses will probably be against him trying to help us even more than they may have already been. ... And all this has happened within the recent weekend so he can't even say that it's been a while and they may have cooled down so maybe he can get us something without too much issue right now.

    Looking at all that, is it REALLY that surprising that, at least right now, he can't come and truthfully say to everyone "Hey guys, I've managed to convince my slave dri-- bosses that we should compensate everyone for this **** up and I'm gonna give you a heads up on the details when I get them."

    Yeah, I get that people aren't gonna like what's going on. Hell, I don't like what's going on. But I wish people would at least read what I'm saying and try to understand it before jumping into a new set of arguments where I have to repeat myself because they didn't read the whole thing.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Noxioua - Lost City
    Noxioua - Lost City Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    tribells1 wrote: »
    and here we see another abuser... :)

    You forgot to quote the person....

    If you're referring to me, you'd be wrong. Considering I can't even use the orbs :/
  • TheHedgeBarb - Morai
    TheHedgeBarb - Morai Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am starting to get really upset with OPKossy and the way he is blatantly trying to defend PWI. Especially when he is trying to spread their lies.

    From what I can tell after reading all of the thread not many are upset with defenderofdreams. After all he has tried to do many nice things for us as many have mentioned. As OPKossy confirmed he did lie to us though. I find that very bad to lie to the players in order to try and cover things up.

    Either way I have lost all respect for OPKossy for what he has been saying in this thread.
  • BringinDeath - Archosaur
    BringinDeath - Archosaur Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Mod edit because it appears people refuse to scroll down enough to read:
    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    ^This is the reason why the code is saying it has expired when you try to enter it!

    Hello Perfect World citizens!

    We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.

    -Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.


    Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST

    We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!

    -PW Team

    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    Here is what I was able to get:

    - We will not be rolling back the servers.

    - A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted.

    - We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.

    Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts. The perception of it being widespread is due to the unintentional in-game message spam distorting the situation, and nonfactual boasts in the forums or worldchat.

    This is the reason why there will not be a rollback.

    This is the responce i got from customer services


    that seems like yet ANOTHER auto response. Why it is, you play by the rules, yet kept in the dark, but if you take advantage and abuse a gift on here, it seems you get away with blue murder so to speak.

    PWI really needs to build up the gamer people's faith back into this game.

    I won't even bother going to Nation Wars now as all i saw was +10 gears or above, yet before, there wasn't as many.
  • Soleehungwel - Harshlands
    Soleehungwel - Harshlands Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I will say this then comment no more on this crazy thread....

    I saw no difference in TW or NW over the weekend nothing has change PvP wise either.

    Did find it kind of humorous that Long felt then need to call out his guild and his alt guild for abusing but who can understand his reasoning most the time.

    It is sad so many didn't get what was offered to all because of a few using bot programs to spam but isn't no different then so many not taking advantage of all the other glitches abused in past, you just continue with your game or quit. Is kind of easy to spot ones that have used the orbs by checking there gears, is a dead give away see if you can figure out what that is....

    Thank you again for at least trying to do something nice, and again when expansion comes out its off to the races see who CC way to have best again and then wait for rest to farm way up there. Hopefully there will be something to farm in expansion because almost any way we have had in the past is now dead.

    Is just a game if isn't fun for you find way make it fun or move on......
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I find it amusing the amount of people that agree to still do a rollback yet PWE won't. If you ask me this is all a sham. So many people have also stated they dont believe PWE will even do anything. This is bad for their business. I mean when u have a company saying they will punish people for wrong doing and the majority of people are calling them a liar that goes to show you they clearly aren't in very good regards with their own community. Maybe the GMs and such really need to look into this. If the majority of their own community doesnt respect what they say they will do maybe its time for a FREAKING CHANGE. I mean seriously open your eyes PWE.
  • __RYDIA__ - Dreamweaver
    __RYDIA__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    just stop the QQ and give them time to sort it all out. Ok, PWI messed up really badly, but the players are just as much to blame as PWi are. The first instance when others were getting orbs in servers other than arch it was a very low number, it could have been easily sorted out, but what happens? Every starts QQing and demanding for some compensation that they did not even deserve to begin with
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    - raging at me: First of all, i can't remember raging anywhere on you, i even made an apology to the mods that need to clean up after the mess PWI made.
    I said people not you specifically. I was explaining what was going on since a couple people, yourself included, seemed to have the mistaken belief that anyone at PWI was doing the thread pruning.
    - tons of spam: I reffer to the wall of red spam ingame a lot of us had to look at while we got nothing and possibly won't get it eventually.
    Uh-huh and I have to go through that too... or I would if it weren't for the fact that instead of getting to enjoy the game I'm busy here cleaning up all these posts so I don't even have the chance to try and solo something for myself right now. So now even though I want to look at WC or whatever and squad up to do something, in addition to dealing with the stupid red spam I have to deal with spam on the forums too.
    - a bunch of inappropriate stuff: I reffer to the people that did get the compensation rewards, more then once.
    Yeah and all the **** that I can't repeat because it's inappropriate outweighs that. And I have to deal directly with that as well as the direct and indirect effects this disaster has ingame. Oh and I play on every server. Guess who doesn't get to escape from this disaster no matter where they go on PWI? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
    - several rule violations: common sales slogan, the customer is king.
    I can tell you've never worked in the customer service industry as if you had you would know that slogan is false. you appease the customer within reason but if the customer is being too much of a pain in the *** you have every right to kick them out of your establishment. If the customer was king or was always right, no business would make it very far because there would eventually be that guy who insists they should get half the stuff you're selling for free... and hey the customer would be always right!

    Ever heard the slogan, 'No shoes, no shirt, no service"? Same thing here... except the people enforcing the rules here are stuck between PWI and the players even though we are players and don't get any benefits from PWI. We're trying to be nice and bend our own rules (Yes, mods have our own rules to deal with on top of the regular ones for the forums!) as much as we can in favor of everyone. Even if all that seems to do with many (again, not saying you directly. Just people in general) is give us more work and headaches as well as suck away more of our free time.
    That being said we appreciate the work the mods do and sorry for posting something not allowed, but atm. i can only laugh (with a little bit of crying) at the mess PWI created. And noone seems to listen to us since we all got the same crappy reply to our tickets. We only got told to wait and see how it will go eventually... We just want answers and fast. I'm not lieing when i say i already noticed the difference in NW for example. Personally i got a lot less contribution then i got normally at the cost of almost double the charms i use normally (yes, charms i didn't get for free). Just because a lot of people are better refined now, a lot better. Refinement means soulfource and seems that NW contribution system is based on soulfource. If you want to wait for the aftermath... well i already see a chain reaction starting here.
    The higher ups at PWE **** me off. Plain and simple. The way they treat their employees, the way they treat their games, the way they treat their players. Entire thing pisses me off to no end. It was bad enough when I didn't get to have an easier time talking to the staff that interacts with us because at least then when I was really pissed I could feign ignorance and be part of the masses with an acceptable target. Now I don't get even that and my own sense of morality has me defending the people we see for things they aren't responsible for and having to take the flak from the community I'm part of as a result.

    tl;dr: MEH of the biggest variety.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Noxioua - Lost City
    Noxioua - Lost City Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am starting to get really upset with OPKossy and the way he is blatantly trying to defend PWI. Especially when he is trying to spread their lies.

    From what I can tell after reading all of the thread not many are upset with defenderofdreams. After all he has tried to do many nice things for us as many have mentioned. As OPKossy confirmed he did lie to us though. I find that very bad to lie to the players in order to try and cover things up.

    Either way I have lost all respect for OPKossy for what he has been saying in this thread.

    Kossy is a SHE. Also, she has the right o her opinions. What she actually said was that DoD may have been told to lie to us FROM HIS BOSSES. That's right, GM's have bosses! Those bosses tell them what to say, what they can and can't do, etc. Which is why she said "assuming DoD wasn't forced to lie to us."

    Kossy is not trying to defend PWI. Kossy is using her skills as a mod to see both sides of the fence. She has had a rather long rant about PWI in this thread, if you went back and read you'd know.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013

    Much thanks for saving me from having to type up yet another Wall of text and understanding what I'm trying to say in this thread.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »

    I can tell you've never worked in the customer service industry as if you had you would know that slogan is false. you appease the customer within reason but if the customer is being too much of a pain in the *** you have every right to kick them out of your establishment. If the customer was king or was always right, no business would make it very far because there would eventually be that guy who insists they should get half the stuff you're selling for free... and hey the customer would be always right!

    Ever heard the slogan, 'No shoes, no shirt, no service"? Same thing here... except the people enforcing the rules here are stuck between PWI and the players even though we are players and don't get any benefits from PWI. We're trying to be nice and bend our own rules (Yes, mods have our own rules to deal with on top of the regular ones for the forums!) as much as we can in favor of everyone. Even if all that seems to do with many (again, not saying you directly. Just people in general) is give us more work and headaches as well as suck away more of our free time.

    tl;dr: MEH of the biggest variety.

    I think you're taking that statement too literally. There will always be those occasional unreasonable customers, but in general if a very large portion of the population desires something from your store, and you're capable of pulling it off without killing your profits, you need to do it, or you will lose those customers to other stores that are willing to satisfy their demands.

    It's not a few people being unreasonable atm. There's a very large number of people who are extremely upset at this situation, and who normally don't even post on forums because they want to enjoy the game. That's not possible atm however.

    I understand mods have to remove the more egregious posts, but too much censorship just makes everything worse. At times like these you have to let people complain and whine because they are LEGITIMATELY upset at the situation. They're not trying to "ruin" the forums, they just want PWI to listen to them and are getting frustrated because PWI isn't listening.

    So when they say the "customer is always right", they don't mean the occasional crazy idiot who threatens to smash everything in the store, they mean the general population as a whole, basically.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • TheHedgeBarb - Morai
    TheHedgeBarb - Morai Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Jsut because OPKossy says the GM might have been told to lie doesnt mean the GM was told to lie nor that it needed to lie just because a higher up said so. For example could have told bosses that lying is not part of the job or that it could be said wihtout lies. It was a choice defenderofdreams made to lie. Cant put that on anyone else. If you disagree please let me know how the GM was forced.

    I read what OPKossy wrote about PWI. Still doesnt change all the bad things SHE have said in the thread that I disagree with. I just dont think SHE is a good person based on what she is saying in this thread now. Sorry.
  • Angelldeath - Heavens Tear
    Angelldeath - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Assuming DoD wasn't forced to lie to us, they ALREADY CAN tell the difference between those who just got the amount an error would give and those who... decided to push the system beyond that. He's basically said as much in as direct a manner he can. How else would they be able to "punish legitimate abusers" without **** over innocent people in the process?

    I think she meant that they won't be able to tell whether people knowingly abused the code or simply continued to redeem the code because it told them to, which I agree on. They will be punishing innocent people in the end.
  • tribells1
    tribells1 Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well, don't take on OPKoss = it's not his fault unfortunately. That's what the job requires him to do... I do work in a game company, and yes, the forum mods say they are not hired but do it on their free time ( in fact they get almost the minimum pay inside the company ), and for every complain they must say oh yes, i'm sure it will be solved blah blah, delete after a while all negative posts how they call them, so our good friend google doesn't give that in the first results and so on. Nevertheless, support is still 10000 times better than the one received over the years from PWI
  • Noxioua - Lost City
    Noxioua - Lost City Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Jsut because OPKossy says the GM might have been told to lie doesnt mean the GM was told to lie nor that it needed to lie just because a higher up said so.

    If they're told to lie, they lie. No exceptions. If they go against their bosses orders, they get fired. Plain and simple. Would you go against your boss' orders?

    For example could have told bosses that lying is not part of the job or that it could be said wihtout lies. It was a choice defenderofdreams made to lie. Cant put that on anyone else. If you disagree please let me know how the GM was forced.

    As above.

    I'm not even going to bother with the last part.
  • _dblazen_ - Dreamweaver
    _dblazen_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Jsut because OPKossy says the GM might have been told to lie doesnt mean the GM was told to lie nor that it needed to lie just because a higher up said so. For example could have told bosses that lying is not part of the job or that it could be said wihtout lies. It was a choice defenderofdreams made to lie. Cant put that on anyone else. If you disagree please let me know how the GM was forced.

    I read what OPKossy wrote about PWI. Still doesnt change all the bad things SHE have said in the thread that I disagree with. I just dont think SHE is a good person based on what she is saying in this thread now. Sorry.

    You must've never been employed at a company then.
    These kind of lies happen in every single large company. DoD is, in the end, just doing his job as he is told to do.
    Kossy is entitled to her own opinion, her voice is not the voice of pwi, but I can understand if she has to rant towards some people due to the sheer stupidity some people are posting.
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think she meant that they won't be able to tell whether people knowingly abused the code or simply continued to redeem the code because it told them to, which I agree on. They will be punishing innocent people in the end.

    I think they need to just do a damned roll back and say **** it. Or perma ban them all unless they can remove their refines they got. I will continue to say this is the only alternative i can see in my eyes to roll back to fixing this insane problem
  • Shaftzsk - Heavens Tear
    Shaftzsk - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Assuming DoD wasn't forced to lie to us...

    Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so...

    It was mostly a few dozen or so...
    It was mostly a few dozen or so...

    I think we know what we can assume..

    Probably it's gonna happen the same that happened with the others abusers, no punishment at all (I mean some hours or days of ban? I trade 3 months of ban for 50 Orb anytime). I highly doubt they'll do any permaban or take away the Orbs/charms/event gold from those people.

    Even the people who "accidentally" received "few times more"...Some people get nothing, and others 12-15 Orbs for free, how is that fair?

    We know that it's not DoD's fault, but this is our only way to try and get an contact with the PWE team. It's not as if we could complain directly with them, so at least we tried b:victory.

    It's a company that showed us they don't give a **** about their customers. The point is, PWE has lost its credibility.
  • Angelldeath - Heavens Tear
    Angelldeath - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think they need to just do a damned roll back and say **** it. Or perma ban them all unless they can remove their refines they got. I will continue to say this is the only alternative i can see in my eyes to roll back to fixing this insane problem

    Perma ban is a little much considering some of them will be innocent. Rollback was the best solution at the time but now it's a bit late. Hopefully during maint tomorrow night they'll actually fix their refines and get rid of their extra orbs but at this point many of us including me don't really have much hope in what they do now.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Perma ban is a little much considering some of them will be innocent. Rollback was the best solution at the time but now it's a bit late. Hopefully during maint tomorrow night they'll actually fix their refines and get rid of their extra orbs but at this point many of us including me don't really have much hope in what they do now.

    I am fairly sure they can do that with the game still up.

    First: Ban the abuser.

    Second: Access his or her account, and use admin privileges to remove the excess orbs/refines that do not belong.

    Third: Log out/possibly 'unban' the user, and allow them to have access to their account again with a warning... that if they continue to abuse glitches our punishment will be a lot more than us just logging in removing what doesn't belong, and unbanning you.


    They do have access to our accounts, they can do what they please with each one of them, and they do monitor what each account has gotten/where it went.


    I would add something else to defend OPKossy, but she has plenty of backup. <3
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
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