New DQ System Suggestion Thread



  • Grimmjow_X - Dreamweaver
    Grimmjow_X - Dreamweaver Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Why the hell are you removing the DQ system before you have a replacement, that is just dumm, no wait that is just PWI ways of doing stuff, braindead as always
  • glay4fun
    glay4fun Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Here's a suggestion, why don't you update DQ page once in a week, so we could get the reward's before they are out of order. b:angry
  • Shyndrana - Heavens Tear
    Shyndrana - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This wasn't made very clear in any announcements, will the current DQ points carry over or will they be wiped for the new system? I don't want to spend all the points on something I don't really want and then good stuff shows up in the new system.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    This wasn't made very clear in any announcements, will the current DQ points carry over or will they be wiped for the new system? I don't want to spend all the points on something I don't really want and then good stuff shows up in the new system.

    See the bottom of the first post:
    -Current points will not carry over to the new system.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • wiktor99rr
    wiktor99rr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    3 requests.

    1st, keep the way you get dq points the same, by selling the dropped items, don't change it at all.

    2nd, keep the event gold price

    3rd, for the love of god don't remove charms and refinement stones.
  • ACutAbove - Archosaur
    ACutAbove - Archosaur Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    There doesn't need to be a new DQ system at all. Make DQ items give like 1-5 event silver and put all the rewards in the event boutique.
  • capivara
    capivara Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    . Make The Dq Tradeable For Mats Of Given Level :
    Dq(21) Is Tradeable For Low Level Material
    Dq(31) Is Tradeable For A Little Higher Lvl Material
  • tsb1978
    tsb1978 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think it would be awesome if you could put a unicorn mount in the new DQ reward system. Ever since I started playing been wanting a unicorn mount, but I don't have the funds to buy the pack. When the pack first came out I bought 20 of them & not a single one had a unicorn mount in it, so I was very disappointed. I also think it would be cool if you put the Wedding Packs in the New DQ System reward. Thanks!
  • Praxalis - Archosaur
    Praxalis - Archosaur Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Alot of people have suggested it, but I will definitely put in my yes on the TT mats going for DQ points. Also, this was about 2-3 years ago, but could you make the fireworks have a DQ value? I found that it helped me get certain items quicker that way :3

    I'm not sure what types of rewards have been touched upon since I haven't gone through the last few pages, but I'd love to see the following be put in-

    Mystical/Holy Pills

    Avatar Items

    Random Fash Pack/Chest-give one piece or one full set of random boutique fash thats based on gender ofc.

    Medals of Glory (Yes I know the fiasco around what happened to them last time, but make them unstashable and unable to be stacked with a different tooltip/code or something if you're that worried about exploits) b:shutup

    General Summer Token- This will probably never happen too, but make these and the Medals of Glory really expensive

    +10 Orbs-You done goofed on the codes but you can still find ways to make sure these don't get abused.

    Just my two cents :3
  • Zymari - Archosaur
    Zymari - Archosaur Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Make the more rare book drops from unplayed instances be available as DQ rewards. Like the 2 psy books for instance. i know other classes have some as well. the ones that cannot be made with myst. pages/OPB/POF It's virtually unheard of to find them on Archosaur server. I think that many people would be pleased by this addition.
  • Crixxix - Raging Tide
    Crixxix - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Official List of Suggestions

    General Suggestions

    Add new rewards options (See below for section on suggested rewards)

    Add rotation of rewards, comparable to the Bidding Hall. Rotation occurs either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Items to be rotated in could also be voted on by the PWI community.

    Keep a "regular" selection of items that do not rotate.

    Return the coin values of DQ mats, if not being used for the new system.

    Make the new system something that everyone can do.

    Obtaining DQ points

    Add DQ points as a reward for BH.

    Add DQ points as a reward for Morai Dailies, or as a reward in exchange for influence.

    Add Lunar Mats as a source of DQ points.

    Add TT Mats as a source of DQ points.

    Add Warsong Emblems as a source of DQ points.

    Add Miarage Celestones as a source of DQ points

    Add Nirvana Keys as a source of DQ points

    Delivery of Service

    Don't use Arc as the platform for the new system

    Items Suggestions (New & Old)

    Random Pigments [Returning]

    Makeover Scrolls [Returning]

    Sage/Demon Event Cards [Returning]

    Perfect Stones [Returning]

    Basic Tomes (can't be used to make higher level tomes) [New]

    Mounts & Aerogear (Add addition options) [New] [Returning]

    Fashion (Add additional options) [New] [Returning]

    Quest Expansion Stone [New]

    Crafting Boxes (The ones that power level your manufacturing skills) [New]
  • _NoMorePain - Dreamweaver
    _NoMorePain - Dreamweaver Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Make the more rare book drops from unplayed instances be available as DQ rewards. Like the 2 psy books for instance. i know other classes have some as well. the ones that cannot be made with myst. pages/OPB/POF It's virtually unheard of to find them on Archosaur server. I think that many people would be pleased by this addition.

    love that idea, especially now that those books are needed before you can get the upgrade for those skills b:surrender
  • Mweya - Heavens Tear
    Mweya - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I won't believe DefenderOfLies until I actually see the "new and improved" DQ system in place. Maybe by this time next year we will have something.
  • thelordoflol
    thelordoflol Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I suggest you do away with DQ points altogether and instead you bolster what DQ items were in the beginning anyway. Make them a mat, used in quests to make equipment and other things, that is what Dragon QUEST is all about right?

    That said, why not make more equipments for the game, this game is seriously lacking in the ornament department, you could make an entire ornament equipment chain using nothing but dragon quests. Do that! We seriously need more variety in the form of rings, necklaces, belts, capes and hats/helmets.

    If you choose to do this, make sure that any equipment added to the game is VIABLE, meaning something people would want to wear and at all levels, while also not giving in to too much power creep. (Warning, obligatory insult coming next) Not like you would care about power creep, you haven't in the past and likely won't going forward. K, got that out of my system.
  • _CuddlyKitty - Heavens Tear
    _CuddlyKitty - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I've been annoyed ever since the took away the price on the DQ items...
    it was one of the best ways to get money for me... I was happy to find out that the DQ items from lvl 91 are still sell-able for a good price but low level chars can't do that...

    to be honest I never liked the new DQ system.... :/
  • Baluh - Sanctuary
    Baluh - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You forgot to put my ideab:cryb

    Make DQ itens tradeable for materials of the same lvl

    EX: DQ(21) can be traded for coal, iron bar, grease
    DQ(31) can be traded for higher level materials

  • Tindie - Harshlands
    Tindie - Harshlands Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    well i for one have always thought that the quests the DQ are used for are crazy for one the armor and weapons you get from them arnt anywhere to par with other armor and gears and would be more like a stepping stone.

    think instead of quests you should either add the Dragon order items to purchase these gears to the new dq point list. i think these should be a special reward that can only be aquired if you have turned in the proper amount of dq's that you would have used for the quests so as not to over populate the economy with the gear in question. could be done with a choice option. turn dq's into dq points or use the dq's for the gear's or other rewards.

    so if you would still need 100 silver dragon orders to get each gear you would still need the same amount of dqs to get each of those dragon orders.

    which should be for lower end dq's that dont have any value so we are not getting x2 reward.

    edit* also lower rank mats would be a good + as some of those gears would be nice to have but not readily available for actual getting.or so hard to get that most skip over them and never aquire them at all. Badges of courage,Dex Str ect., wedding candy. or somthing to help produce them.
  • VVarSmite - Sanctuary
    VVarSmite - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I deffinately think that event gold should stay a DQ refundable item within any new system, however i think the event boutique needs some updating. Its been the same stuff for ages. Now we can decomp fashion into pigments so people have been buying Late Night Coats but other than that everyone just buys smileys, charms, and refines ;o give us some new shiny stuff to purchase with all this event gold we are farming now with auto cultivation.

    \/enice ~ 101 seeker
    VVarSmtie ~ 101RB assassin
    ArchSlayerZ ~ 100 blademaster
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Can we unsticky this because 99% of all suggestions go unheard of.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Mysticgoldy - Morai
    Mysticgoldy - Morai Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    i would like on fuw lvls like the chest that we have now to be like also a chest for dg points and reward for dg items would like to be it packs to open and other nice stuff like dragon orbs but all not tradeble but you can do chains the orb from 3 to 4 with merchant or juwelcraft i forgot wich one i hope we get for dr points reward packs with nice stuffs
  • Valzeriam - Heavens Tear
    Valzeriam - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    KEEP RANDOM DYES they're very popular in the system we have now, also the makeover scrolls, maiden kissed chests (for the hp increased item or you can just put that item directly in the new dq system) and of course the event gold was used lol.

    But a suggestion, I'd love to see Mirages implemented to the new system. Who doesn't need to refine? XD They're probably in the list of top 10 items used in the game and now that they're removed from TT we neeeeddddd them lol. Hope to see this in the new system and the hp buff item would be nice too (blinking pultice?) thanks for reading.
  • FoxOfEden - Heavens Tear
    FoxOfEden - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    On the new system I would like to see more items for rewards but, I wouldnt want to see any of the current rewards taken out either. The random dyes are probably one of my most bought things to dye clothes without having to spend actual coin on randoms from other people.
  • Greds - Lost City
    Greds - Lost City Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    R9 medals since they easyto get but like 100k dq per 1 or more b:chuckle and give better fashes and charms b:thanks
  • Demoniada - Lost City
    Demoniada - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hmm ... that is an interesting topic.

    I personaly think that the DQ system got destroyed during the last years, while it can still turn to be one of the most interesting aspects of the game. Why? Well - because it brings people outside of the safezones, so it adds diversity, so it boosts population in servers. On several occasions i was close to end up my experience with PWI because honestly - what is the point of a big open world if there is noone around it? The dailies kinda return people every now and than on the maps, but not for long...

    Now I know that the DQ system was messing up with the economy of PWI, because players kept farming those and sell em to NPCs - thus generating inflation. So it became a goal for PWi to constantly reduce the prices of those items and mess em up. Yet in my opinion this was a major bad initiative, because it made a great part of the playerbase to quit. There were more elegant approaches to decide over this situation. For example:

    What I like to see in PWi are specific pots that can be made exclusively with DQ items or that can be CS-ed. That way even if the DQ NPC price is reduced to 500 coins people would be still interested to farm them and sell them to other players - while in the same time keeping the economy of the servers clean, because DQs won't generate new money - they will just be reselled within the community that shares an already existing amount of coins.

    Now when I say specific pots, I mean pots that do not stack up with buffs and that can enhanse the PVE and PVP experience of any class. POTS THAT ARE WORTH FARMING!

    For example - a pot with 20 minutes buff that does not dissapear on death and that adds a mana shield, absorbing 20% of the incoming damage can be made with 50 dq items, or 5 of those pots can be bought from the Cash shop for 1 gold. Such type of pots would revolutionize the game for most casters and will return them to the fields of the map in the same time.

    To make things even more interesting, you can build an entire new profession skill based on the DQ system, where everyone would have to make hundreds of those pots in order to level it up from ... lets say:

    level 1 - 10 minutes duration / 15% mana absorbtion of received damage (requires 25 DQ items) ; level 2 - 15 minutes duration / 20% mana absorbtion of damage (requires 35 DQ items) / level 3 - 20 minutes duration / 25% mana absorbtion of damage (requires 45 DQ items or 5 can be sold in Cash shop for 1 gold).

    Another great pot for any defensive build would resemble the Sand Miasma mage skill, that reduces the chances to receive Critical Hit from opponents for a certain time. If you add to it as well a reduction of the possibility to be stunned, or a chance to remove all negative status effects including stuns, than you guys will revolutionize the entire Perfect world PVP fundaments, because people will start to think again, what to use in order to survive. And what is even greater is that those buffs will be with a limited duration, thus creating constant demand - meaning that people will actually have to farm constantly for them, or resuply easily their stashes from the Cash Shop, without damaging the economy of the server trough monetary inflation. Let's immagine the 3 levels of that potion:

    level 1 - duration 10 minutes / bonuses - 5% reduction of the chance to receive a critical hit and 10 % chance to evade a stun or an immobilizing skill (requires 25 DQ items); (This pot should stack with sand miasma for mages)

    Level 2 - duration 15 minutes / Bonuses 10% reduction of the chance to receive a critical hit and 20% chance to evade a stun or an immobilizing skill (requires 35 DQ items);

    Level 3 - Duration 20 minutes / Bonuses 15% reduction of the chance to receive a critical hit and 30% chance to evade a stun or an immobilizind skill (requires 45 DQ items or 5 can be sold in Cash shop for 1 gold)

    Another example could be an offensive potion that is not necessarily going to be based purely on damage. Imagine a potion that increases your critical hit rate along with the rage that you have for a certain amount of time:

    Level 1 - Duration 10 minutes / Bonuses 3% critical hit rate + 30% higher critical damage (requires 25 DQ items)

    Level 2 - Duration 15 minutes / Bonuses 4% critical hit rate + 40% higher critical damage (requires 35 DQ items)

    Level 3 - Duration 20 minutes/ Bonuses 5% critical hit rate + 50% higher critical damage (requires 45 DQ items to be made or 5 of it can be bought from Cash shop for 1 gold)

    Another example for a great offensive potion for casters (venos and mystics) would be the one that increases the damage of pets and of skills that deal damage over time and bleeding effects, because they are currently worthless for PVP. Example:

    Level 1 - Dur. 10 minutes / Increases the effects of all bleeding and damage over time skills by 200% & Increases the damage of pets by 8% (requires 25 DQ items)

    Level 2 - Dur. 15 Minutes / Increases the effects of all bleeding and damage over time skills by 250% & Increases the damage of pets by 11% (requires 35 DQ items)

    Level 3 - Dur 20 Minutes / Increases the effects of all bleeding and damage over time skills by 300% & Increases the damage of pets by 15% (requires 45 DQ items or 5 of it can be purchased in cash shop for 1 gold)

    And just because I am addicted to casters does not mean that Melee classes should not be protected - imagine a pot that increases the specific elemental defense (lvl 1 - 30% / lvl 2 - 40% / lvl 3 - 50%) for 6 seconds after receiving the damage from a certain skill. For example if a mage hits a barb with pyrogram, his fire defense (of the barb) would be increased for 6 seconds, forcing that mage to actually use his brains to figure what his next attack would be, instead of just pressing buttons;

    Overall there are many unexplored areas in Perfect world, that can still return the playerbase towards the game and the DQ system is definitely one of those. Experiment with it and with the possibilities for different buffs trough it. Add a vast variety of them that is worth to be grinded and purchased. Add production skills based on the DQ system, add pots - those were just few of the hundreds that come in my mind... But do not kill it. Because in MMORPGS as in real life the market depends on the number of players within it. The more players you have, fighting for dominance - the more deals they make between each other and the more you get rich trough all alternative methods for the few ones, willing to walk trough the fast line. That is how internet casinos do their work - they do not **** it over a fast deal that will lose their entire target group after 1 or 2 moths! They are sustainable. And sustainable in virtual games is meaning to be constantly attractive for everyone.

    Anyway - if your management decides to hear the playerbase, I am sure that there can still be many good years to come for PWI. What you have to do however is to share the alternatives for success in this game, because 50% profit of something is better than 100% profit of nothing. In other words - you guys need to change the ways how you milk your golden cow. b:bye

    (Coming from a project manager with 5 years of experience)
  • Aedryel - Sanctuary
    Aedryel - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Let's not overcomplicate b:laugh

    W/e the new system will be based on, extend the event boutiqe with:

    - 1* - drg orbs (essentially unfarmable since day zero)
    - supply tokens (NW is a no go for lotsa ppl due to timezone differencies)
    - pots similar to the ones from Divine Quests
    - war avatar packs with cards ranging from C to A
    - war avatar catalysts because atm the B-S packs which you can make from flowsilver coins
    require 10 catalysts each thus violating farmability unless you buy gold via AH
    - G7 AKA flawless shards, preferably combinable ones
    - pages for skill books
    - tokens of luck

    That abt covers it.

    Side note: restore the price of DQ items as they were, since the DQ system ceased to exist and devs faked us lies abt botfarmers in china exploiting DQs and whatnot. We have an own legal bot now so any reason to nerf DQ NPC prices is invalid :P

    Also place MoGs in the new system somehow, removing em from the DQ sys was beyond low and made me farm in vain back then. Not that i'll need any but im totally eager to see PWE will do anything which might hurt their little wallets by making some stuff farmable :P
    APS = Absolute Poorly Skilled
  • _AlexBlue_ - Archosaur
    _AlexBlue_ - Archosaur Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    i jz wanna event goldsf:cute
    am i asking for muchf:grin
  • Fissile - Archosaur
    Fissile - Archosaur Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There doesn't need to be a new DQ system at all. Make DQ items give like 1-5 event silver and put all the rewards in the event boutique.

  • Peachie - Harshlands_1392270572
    Peachie - Harshlands_1392270572 Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There doesn't need to be a new DQ system at all. Make DQ items give like 1-5 event silver and put all the rewards in the event boutique.

    I agree but with some minor tweaks. 1-5 event silver for 1 dq is a very small amount. we currently get more than that at the moment (if all your buying is demon sage event cards). But, it would be a lot easier on the system if it just rewarded one prize (probably less site problems too). I feel like the same amount of dq points should be needed for all the current prizes. example, a makeover scroll or random pigments, should stay the same amount of dq that is already required (about 29 dq100 for makeover, 15 dq100 for a pigment) ... so making the adjustments of how much event gold they cost would need to be evaluated and not made some random overpriced amount.

    currently, a demon sage event card costs 1429 DQ100. that means 29 DQ100 would equal about 1 event gold. that means 1 DQ100 equals about 29 event silver. back onto the makeover scroll - that should still cost 29 dq100 which would be 1 event gold, and pigments would be about 51-52 event silver. And then of course, lesser level DQ items would be less event silver.
  • JePoY - Lost City
    JePoY - Lost City Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Mysterious Chipsb:laugh
    No Pain, No Gain.
  • c44102
    c44102 Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    HP/MP Charms but better then plat because they will be harder to get and i see someone earlyer in the post saying something about rotating the list every week or other week that would be awesome also i really think HP pots would be great also but way better then crab because honestly crab sucks if your a barb with high hp it really does next to nothing for healing back up those 3 big things alone i think would be 100% outstanding