Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not.
i say ur in the wrong section
try the ss sectionServers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
[SIGPIC][/Sigpic]0 -
Archosaur Server0 -
I'm not for the big eyes thing.. so but here's my ratings:
PsyNine is hot - 5/5
None of Bella's characters strike me - 1/5
Khary is a 1/5
Silvertides is cute - 5/5
shihina is a 3/5 or a 4/5
that sin toxicprince - 5/5[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Archosaur Server0 -
@ToxicPrince: Still gonna say my hubby is the best looking sin ever, but definitely a 4/5. 5/5 reserved for hubs. b:surrender
archer - I think her lips are a little too wide for her jaw and maybe her eyes are a little smallish, but other than that I like her. ^^ 3/5
psy - She's cute but to me she looks very presetty, so I'm going 2/5.
@Vik: Mhm.
@Bella: I love them all, but I think I'm going to say veno is my favorite because she's beautiful, 5/5. BM is a close second because it is so rare to see female bms that don't look um. Well. Manly and gross, is that mean?Anywho - bm 5/5, cleric 3/5 (I'd love to see her when you change the makeup, she has nice features.), veno 5/5, psy 4/5 (She's cute!)
Also, props on posting so many because I can't get my sin/veno/seeker to something I like enough to share at all. They change more than my archer. e.e
@Kharybdis: I think I'm going to go with 3/5 mostly on style preferances. I'm not really a fan of the size of her head and facial features compared to her body, and venos are so tiny anyway.
@Psynine: Rules say to rate in order to be rated.
Bargraph: Mystic is pretty and I love her colors, but I think her face is a little long for me. I've noticed EG tend to have these long faces and tiny eyes that just look..awkward? 3/5 I'd love to see some of venos facial features but from what I can tell I like it - except maybe the pink tone to her skin, but I can't tell if that's the screenies or if you gave her pinkish skin. 3/5
Annnd archer got another makeover, I opted to go back to the white hair but instead of pure I went with a bit of blondeish to it, not much. I also went a shade of dark coral for her eyes and lips, but I think I liked the red better. Was going for a little bit of a lighter look to it since solid red/white seems to be used a lot right now. Also lightened up her eye shadow a tad to go with it. Not sure about it just yet, feeling it out, but I definitely am iffy on the lighter eye shadow. .__.
I just nabbed a random few screenies since I'm working on veno, but since I tend to judge mostly off of the player portrait I also snapped a few of those in the head fashions she wears the most. (I have a fashion problem, okay. At least I admit it.)
ps - Sorry for **** photos tossed together, I'm about to toss this desktop out a window.0 -
@Shihina - I'm not really a big fan of the PWI's predesigned character models, sorry. 2/5
@Xx_BeLLa_xX - Big eyes and small faces are really my kind of thing. Love all of the characters, especially your BM and Veno. 5/5 f:victory
P.S. How did you manage to unglitch your Psy's face?
@Kharybdis - Think you got the succubus look right, your character kind of reminds me of one of the Indian actresses. 4/5
@PsyNine - I can't even.
@BarGraph - Hello Bar, long time no see. Pretty in pink, eh? I also like characters who are keeping it real. 4/5
@Aryaale - I'd really like to say that your character's cute, but I think it's creeping me out... but just a bit. Must be the eyes. Can't say that I don't like it, though. 4/5
Ok then, now that the hard part is over, here's my Psy.
A picture from a fair distance:
And a picture where you can see (some of) his face:
Although you can't see it in this picture, his face is actually glitched. I've tried unglitching it before, but to no avail. So, I would appreciate if someone could tell me how to unglitch Tideborn faces using the .ini files. Thank you. f:shy☆ It's not a lake, it's an ocean. ☆0 -
For some reason that don't want to post all my reply, that cut after 2 lines... zzz
GGGrrr!!! why that don't let me post my comments.... D=[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »For some reason that don't want to post all my reply, that cut after 2 lines... zzz
GGGrrr!!! why that don't let me post my comments.... D=
It's doing that for me as well...wont let me post my full ratings Q_Q[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Kniraven is so f-cking sexy0 -
Still not working. f:bike[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
4/5 still not a "abandon my life im in pwi forever" charServers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
[SIGPIC][/Sigpic]0 -
Allarion: I like the funny look with big head, but the white hair are way too much use for those male hair fash, a other color would make it more unique and fresh. 4/5 =P
P.s: Hum I'm not sure what you mean by ''unglitch'' the psy's face, are they suppose to be glitch at the start? The only thing I edited was the EG hair and eyes, the rest was done with a normal makeover.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
@BarGraph: I like the veno,and you get a + point for using the bat/succubus type.That's my favourite hehe
Seeing someone use pink is refreshing.Didn't see it in a while.
I would give her a 4/5 because i can't see the whole face.
The mystic is a bit too preset-like for my taste.But i do love the colors you used.3/5
@Aryaale: The eyes and the mouth seem to be too big compared to the tiny nose and head.The hair color suits her.3/5
@Allarion:I am not a fan of extremely skinny characters with huge heads.2/5
If the head size would be "normal" i would give him a 4/5. :P
@_PebbIes_ :The head seems to be a bit too small for the body.The mouth is a bit too wide.None the less i would give her 4/5.It's nice to see a curvy lady from time to time.b:chuckle
I will post my mystic and my veno,as i only play those at the moment.
Click on the picture for a larger version.f:melon0 -
Si_ri has pretty pretty chars - both of em get a 4/5 from me - mystic is lil closer to 5/5 than veno - but both are beautiful~
humpalicious is about a 3/5
alla you're too funny lol - E for effort
arya - prolly a 2/5 or 3/5 - it's not even the face for me - it's the ****/arms ratio, totally off imo - face is cute though~
& my mystic may appear to be more "preset" than usual - but srsly, I tweaked her a lot when I made her lol - I guess I just like the more natural look~ ;x
alla - yeah, I'm in & out these days, been pretty busy with real life obligations ;p
but you know by now, almost all my chars have pink hair ;p and a more pinkish hue to the skin, I like the supple appearance~
& sorry my veno doesn't show her whole face - the mask is a part of her hair - so it is what it is - but she's got blue eyes, and thick black eyeliner - I'll post a pic without her hairstyle on at some point - but she roams with the whole thing on as-is~ ;p[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Archosaur Server0 -
ghost2break: 4/5
I like both of them. I like odd colored characters and the normal colored characters. What's throwing me off is the extreme slant of his eyes, but I like the overall look. (And I really like that hair color with the dark tone of the skin on the second one.)
Aryaale: First One: 5/5 | Others: 4/5
I really, really like the first one (although I am partial to pastel pinks). I think you were able to balance the cute look very well with her, and she looks good in the hair!
The other too are alright. I don't really like the makeup on the white-hair, and I like the color of the red hair in the other one, but I feel like I can't see enough of her face to judge.
Markhor: First Look: 4/3 | Second Look: 4/5
I like the improvements! I think it brightens her look up more and I think the hair style is more flattering to the face. Something is off for me about the lips (maybe too small for the rest of her features?) but overall I think she's a strong looking char. ^.^
LittleDolly: Veno: 1/5 | Cleric: 3/5 | Mystic: 3/5 | Sin: 4/5
I don't like the veno. I think most of the facial proportions are off and all of the colors look like an odd combo (the eyes, lips and hair, and the fash if you want to include that too).
The cleric looks pretty average. It's hard to tell because of the hair, but the eyes and lips are too long and thin for my liking. I do like the blue eyes and pink lips though. Totally cute!
I guess I'm not a fan of how you do lips because that's what's throwing me off of this char too. They look big and awkward. Also, I'm not a fan of the eye color, but the eyes themselves look fine.
I like the sin. She's really pretty. the chin tapers in a bit suddenly, but other than that, I think she's your best char.
Ilyania: 5/5
I like, like, like her. She does the badass / cute look so well. She pulls off the fash, her body looks good, her face looks good. I just love everything about her. You even made an unusual eye color work. I really love how she looks.
_Shui: 3/5
A bit too pouty, and the hair is more emo than I like, but I like the hair color and I've always liked sins with big fin-thingies on the sides of their head.
ToxicPrince: 4/5 (maybe)
I can't really see your character at all, but I think I like the color scheme. I'd like a better picture though!
Shihina: Archer: 2/5 | Tideborn: 3/5
I think I'd like the archer more with different hair. IMO that style always made their foreheads look funny. The mouth is also a bit wide. However I like where her ears are placed! (idk, I notice weird things.) They're kind of high up, but I like high ears, all of my chars have them. XD
The tideborn looks surprised. :O Mostly I don't like that hair color with the skin color. I can't pick out what about her face is throwing me off, but all of the proportions look good to me!
Xx_BeLLa_xX: BM: 3(?)/5 | Cleric: 2/5 | Veno: 4/5 | Psy: 3.5/5
I really like the second picture of your BM, but I don't like the first one at all. I know they have the same makeover, so I'm not sure what's up with my senses. I don't like the makeup that much and maybe I can't see it as well in the second pic.
I'm not a fan of the cleric. The color is too bright for the blonde hair, and I'm not a fan of the makeup.
I would have filled up the bottom lip on the veno a bit more, but I think she's really lovely. I think you did the big eyes, smaller face, really well, and that's hard to get down.
I like the slightly worried look on the psy. I think the forehead is a bit long and I'm not a fan of the skintone, but I think the face itself is supercute.
Kharybdis: 2/5
I don't like the makeup colors with the rest of what you used and the head looks a bit big for the rest of the body. However I really like how unique your character looks. It doesn't really float my boat, but I can really see her being beautiful to someone else's eyes.
PsyNine: 5/5
He has a 'come hither' look that I can totally get down with. Plus, the color scheme is totally sexy. I'd tap it. I'd tap it a lot.
BarGraph: Mystic: 4.5/5 | Veno: ?
I really like your mystic. The chin gets too sharp too fast but other than that, I love the colors and her look. You managed to make something un-natural look natural and pretty and
I like the body proportions on the veno, but other than that I feel like I can't really comment because the hair covers up so much. I think she looks good in it, but I feel like I can't give a rating.
Aryaale: 3/5
She kind of looks generic, cute toon to me. Plus she looks kinda sad. I like her, but I think she's pretty average looking.
Allarion: 1/5
I can't really get over the size of the head. (Is that what you're talking about by glitched? idk.) Other than that everything looks too sharp, from the faceshape to his eyes and lips.I'm just not a fan.
Si_ri: 4.5/5
Both of them are super pretty. I love the color scheme in your chars, the softness. Both of them are super pretty and striking but normal in the same way? I don't know, I just really, really love them.
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
@_PebbIes_ - I'm a fan of unnatural looking thingies, sorry. f:leer 3/5
@Si_ri - Can't say no to the Earthguard race, they're my personal favorite. 4/5 f:hush
@Xx_BeLLa_xX (and @Riverwell)- What I meant by glitched, is that his lips are half Earthguard/half Tideborn. Also, his left eye is smaller and the brow is thinner. And no, it's got nothing to do with the size of his head.
Bella, would you mind sending me your .ini file on Core Connect via private message? f:kneel
I've edited one of my friend's female Psys as well, think I got her face glitched too, must've messed up somewhere with the textures... or something. f:cry☆ It's not a lake, it's an ocean. ☆0 -
(I just rated people two posts before.)
My veno got a makeover! I wanted something different, and all my characters usually end up looking similar in some sort of fashion, so I thought I would go for more of a doll look. It turns out I'm terrible starting from scratch, so I used one of the ini bases on the forums and then went from there. I'm really, really happy with the results.
I like the second picture, but the night-time lighting washed her out. o.o (also I think the second one has a border-line crotch shot but o well.)
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
First of all, I'm not going to vote thousands of other chars before me, sorry for thatb:laugh
In my opinion, River's char looks better before editing, but her new look is more unique. Only it's not my style, so I'm going to give her 3/5
I wanted to post her with fashion but well, umm, I don't have it on this server. So when I post her on official's forums, I use screenshot I took while playing on official serversb:bye[sigpic][/sigpic]0 -
.-. I still can't respond giving full ratings...
Mystic: 4/5
Veno: 5/5
Kniraven is so f-cking sexy0 -
mayral: face: 4.5/5
I really like how you've done her face. It's all angry and sharp, but really pretty at the same time. The mouth seems off (oddly shaped maybe?) but it looks fine in your sig, so it might just be the angle / lighting in the screenshot.
I'm not a huge fan of the gigantic ****, but XD do what you will.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
Hello all! I'm new to this part of the forum, but not new to PWI b:cute
Without further ado, I'll rate the last few!
Si_ri: 4/5 for both, even tho I'm not the biggest fan of venos with bat ears or EG's with third eyes, but they're both unique, and I like their hairstyles
Riverwell: Definitely went from a 3/5 to a 4/5. I like the eyes and hair better, and that hair color and style go well together imo.
mayral: 4.5/5 Pretty much exactly what Riverwell said, lol. + I think the black hair really helps complete the look, nice ^^
I said something about hair in every rating o.O Well here's me, unfortunately I only have default hair for now b:surrender0 -
Riverwell - Archosaur wrote: »mayral: face: 4.5/5
I really like how you've done her face. It's all angry and sharp, but really pretty at the same time. The mouth seems off (oddly shaped maybe?) but it looks fine in your sig, so it might just be the angle / lighting in the screenshot.
I'm not a huge fan of the gigantic ****, but XD do what you will.
thanksb:kiss btw char in my sig is my veno:D[sigpic][/sigpic]0 -
WyldStyle: 4/5
I like the body proportions you've given him. I can't see the face too well, but it looks good. Plus I like it when male chars take advantage of the facial hair feature (especially in a sexy way.
Edit: Roflmancer: 4/5 (missed your post before)
Lips are a bit thin for my taste, but overall she's really cute. I both like the eyeshadow and not. o.o I don't really like the look of it, but it works with her eyes and how it matches and stuff so I'm all confused about it.thanksb:kiss btw char in my sig is my veno:D
That makes sense. >.< I probably should have been able to tell the difference. I really like how your veno looks though! ^.^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
I like his eyes:D really different from what I see every dayb:laugh[sigpic][/sigpic]0
Riverwell - Archosaur wrote: »WyldStyle: 4/5
I like the body proportions you've given him. I can't see the face too well, but it looks good. Plus I like it when male chars take advantage of the facial hair feature (especially in a sexy way.
Heres a close up ^_^0 -
Another toon... My Sin. I love how she looks.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
PsyNine - Archosaur wrote: »
Here's my psychic PsyNine, he's lookin' for a wifey at the moment - had a lady, but wedding never happened - so looking for a new lady~
Thought a hot or not thread would be a good place to find out if the hunt will be fruitful or not ;p
What say you?
Now that's one sexy fishy! b:dirty 5/5![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Aryaale - Archosaur wrote: »@ToxicPrince: Still gonna say my hubby is the best looking sin ever, but definitely a 4/5. 5/5 reserved for hubs. b:surrender
archer - I think her lips are a little too wide for her jaw and maybe her eyes are a little smallish, but other than that I like her. ^^ 3/5
psy - She's cute but to me she looks very presetty, so I'm going 2/5.
@Vik: Mhm.
@Bella: I love them all, but I think I'm going to say veno is my favorite because she's beautiful, 5/5. BM is a close second because it is so rare to see female bms that don't look um. Well. Manly and gross, is that mean?Anywho - bm 5/5, cleric 3/5 (I'd love to see her when you change the makeup, she has nice features.), veno 5/5, psy 4/5 (She's cute!)
Also, props on posting so many because I can't get my sin/veno/seeker to something I like enough to share at all. They change more than my archer. e.e
@Kharybdis: I think I'm going to go with 3/5 mostly on style preferances. I'm not really a fan of the size of her head and facial features compared to her body, and venos are so tiny anyway.
@Psynine: Rules say to rate in order to be rated.
Bargraph: Mystic is pretty and I love her colors, but I think her face is a little long for me. I've noticed EG tend to have these long faces and tiny eyes that just look..awkward? 3/5 I'd love to see some of venos facial features but from what I can tell I like it - except maybe the pink tone to her skin, but I can't tell if that's the screenies or if you gave her pinkish skin. 3/5
Annnd archer got another makeover, I opted to go back to the white hair but instead of pure I went with a bit of blondeish to it, not much. I also went a shade of dark coral for her eyes and lips, but I think I liked the red better. Was going for a little bit of a lighter look to it since solid red/white seems to be used a lot right now. Also lightened up her eye shadow a tad to go with it. Not sure about it just yet, feeling it out, but I definitely am iffy on the lighter eye shadow. .__.
I just nabbed a random few screenies since I'm working on veno, but since I tend to judge mostly off of the player portrait I also snapped a few of those in the head fashions she wears the most. (I have a fashion problem, okay. At least I admit it.)
ps - Sorry for **** photos tossed together, I'm about to toss this desktop out a window.0 -
Dat mystic hair with the body tone; mrrrr.
I love the sweet punk girl you got going there.
Veno ; seems more mature, in a good way, i love the unique feeling it gives, and the eyes working together with the lips is so damn good.
5/5 for crotchshot.
No serriously; I would like to praise you for your good job, the only thing that seems weird to me (might be the screenshot) is the color from head to body?
3,5/5 if the body collor is off, 4/5 if not
I usually don't like big lips, but yours are to melt for. really adoreable together with the asian style-ish theme. your char looks so strict but with a cute twist to it, and gives a unique aura to me.
Eyes eyes eyes; thats about all I see in your picture. I would personally suggest to get a slightly different hairdo, or change the tone of the eyes to something white-blue-ish, and than tone down the makeup a little, just to get that little mischief; but everyone its own taste
I'm not a fan of the big lips tbh, eventough it works with your nose, nevertheless it has a great cool factor.
Markhor :
I love the green dress on it, and the speaking eyes/lips are astonishing. the picture seems to be working in your favor
Here is mine :
My first character on PWI, who had some tweaking by SmexxiCasey back in the time:
However, I might change to a new style :0 -
Wyld: 5/5
Pretty much for the same reasons. He looks good and different. (I'm liking his face ^.^)
Markhor: 5/5
She is gorgeous. So unique and sharp and pretty! Especially the chin and mouth area. I think it's a great customization of her.
StrangeScar: 4.5/5
I really like the face on the new look you're thinking of going with. The only thing I'm not a fan of is the hair, but I think he looks a lot better and like a one of a kind.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0
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