Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not.
Galacatta - 3/5
Personally the eyes are a weird shape (maybe the rotation / placement more than the shape?) and the body porportions are not to my liking. I really, really like her color scheme though. Somehow you were able to make red-eyes work and I commend you on that. XD Very pretty!
Foxy_Z - 4/5 and 3/5 (respectively) I'll rate them completely separately.
First one: The mouth for my preference is too thin, and the ears (not the fox ones) are a bit too low (I like high ears though. b:surrender If they're different than the lower one then I guess the hair just makes it look like that). Overall it's pretty generic, but very pretty. The hair is cute (I have the same on my veno XD) and I actually like the black eye-liner with the black eyes. Very cute.
Second one: I'm not a fan of the hair or the hair color and the mouth is still too thin. I'm fonder of cats (but that's a personal preference) and the human ears look to be in a better position. Again, the oddness of the eyes balances out the dark eyeliner, and I'm a fan of the eye combo.
QuietxKill - 4/5 (fash 3.5/5)
The only thing I don't like is I feel the head is a bit too wide. I think the fash makes her body look kind of odd, but when she's in the armor she looks fine. It also might be the dopey position the chars stand in.
Here's my main Riverwell! I close-up screen-capped her the other day because I liked the lighting, and then realized that I had never posted her in this thread:
(Her eyes look kind of black or dark-grey, but they're actually dark-green, the lighting just messed with it. XD)
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
QuietxKill: 4.5/5 I like the colors, eyes, and the way the hair looks against the face
, she just looks a little on the skinny side when in armor.
_Minoes_: 3/5 She's nice, but I like the before one better, her eyes are maybe a little too small to go with big lips.
Riverwell: 4.5/5 I really like herthe middle portion of her face is kind of long, but other than that she looks nice
Here's my new sin, but I need help coming up with his colors b:surrender
I saw a lot of skin colored sins around so I wanted to be a little different, but do you guys think these colors go well together? I'd really appreciate any help q.q0 -
@Foxy_Z: I say top, but that's because I prefer the colors and hair over the shorter one. The best I can say is to each have your own veno, though. c;
@Gala: I've always thought Gala's cleric was very pretty, so I may be biased. 5/5 c:
@QuietxKill: I have a thing for cute assassins since I can never really make mine pull off cute. I had a lot of comments on mine before but wasn't happy with it, yours is adorable but maybe just a tad bit presetty for me. Most sins look that way for me, though. o.e 4.5/5
@Riverwell: I'm going to end up saying the same as ghost, she's cute but I think the middle portion of her face is rather elongated. 4.5/5 ^^
@ghost: I'm not really big on most sins that go with other colors, so I can't really help there. o.e I do like the before colors though, I KNOW I'M SO GENERIC.
Lessee. I'm on a borrowed family pc while my laptop is being worked on, so I'm not sure if I have any good ones of my archer's recent makeover. She's gone through a few now, but I really like her features on her recent makeover and tend to change the colors depending on how I'm feeling. I might go back to her red/white, but at the moment I like that her hair and eyes are similar to mine irl. s: I also tend to mostly go off of the profile that you see when you click on a pixel almost more than their actual in-game body?
[only screenshot I can find of her original makeover on this pc]
[white/red, took a few ss on the new boat, but didn't really get any others close]
[newest, just took a random shot in RoR lol ;D]0 -
So I finally got around to ini editing my archer. I'm pretty pleased with the results.
What do you all think? (Be gentle! b:thanks)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Markhor - Dreamweaver wrote: »So I finally got around to ini editing my archer. I'm pretty pleased with the results.
What do you all think? (Be gentle! b:thanks)
Admirable job b:cute That's what I think. I think your char was 5/5 as a "before" version anyway. New version is great too, but I just love the glossy chic look with the old hair. Though adding Earthguard eyes wouldn't hurt, of course.0 -
oooh yay a thread i can perv on and not be yelled at by zheii QQ
Markhor: archers pics i liked the first one better 4/5 on that one and the second one 3/5
Aryaale: red haired one looks best just cuz it looks badass
no offense to the ladies/men putting urselves out there but no 5/5s on this thread yet. (its gotta be able to make me want to live in PWI just to be with that char)
girlz be rocking them looksb:dirtyServers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
[SIGPIC][/Sigpic]0 -
Viktorian - Archosaur wrote: »oooh yay a thread i can perv on and not be yelled at by zheii QQ
Markhor: archers pics i liked the first one better 4/5 on that one and the second one 3/5
Aryaale: red haired one looks best just cuz it looks badass
no offense to the ladies/men putting urselves out there but no 5/5s on this thread yet. (its gotta be able to make me want to live in PWI just to be with that char)
girlz be rocking them looksb:dirty
Let me PM her and fix that real quick. b:avoid0 -
A warning in advance... I'm a harsh critic you won't like me xD
MeiLilana - Dreamweaver
her eyes are too large and the colors do not match her eyebrows are too bold and her chin is too long
Karmil - Heavens Tear
her head is too small and her **** too big... she looks very disproportionate the fashion is a no as well you made her nose too small and her lips too big her eyebrows are too big for her eyes and much too steep
Chelestine - Heavens Tear
that hair does not compliment her makes her face look very wide in the middle
her eyes are too far apart in my opinion and I don't like the color scheme goin on...
Sesenia - Heavens Tear
Her face is too thin and long, made look more so by that hair and her eyes being so high and her mouth so low
also try a slightly darker lip color and lighter eyeshadow
all of those characters look the same... with the hair not fitting don't use it really takes away from their beauty they aren't bad just not my style
As for your second post with the doll faced characters... they are not original anymore there are too many out there... cute but try something new...
Lucideous - Heavens Tear
Wonderful! Good job with that shadow she looks good and her facial features although I have to say her eyebrows bother me a bit...
Her eyes are too far apart, and too open her nose I do like and her lips but try different colors
since she has white hair give her skin a slight tan and her lips less purple change her eye color as well and soften those brows xD
for the first that hair is bad(for the second as well) The eyes are too far apart and require some makeup to make them pop try a hint of green
as for the second same thing really and change that hair color as well as style the eyebrows do not suit her either try different eyebrow texture
Sugarmist - Sanctuary
Those colors make her look washed out try different skintone or to lighten them and different hair colors and don't make her frown
Looks too similar to other egs...
CaitlinDan - Heavens Tear
She looks too close to the mods and her body is disproportionate Diff lip color for sure
YanaBabe - Sanctuary
Soften her lip color and her arches on her brows
Kinnacat - Lost City
Her nose looks squished and her chin is too small otherwise she is okay
Kyllde - Heavens Tear
Try makin his chin a bit smaller and lowering his eyebrows don't make them so pointed either but otherwise good job!
Yuima - Heavens Tear
change her eye shape and give her some eyeshadow also her face is too thin on the lower half of her face makes the hair not good with it
Eyes and lower lip too big different eyebrow texture maybe... looks very bushy otherwise nice!
Just looks like you took a preset and put eg male hair on it... try making her face unique somehow she just looks boring imo
I love the mystic and the colors though they do seem a bit pale as for the psy... mmm he reminds me of Sesshomaru so pretty n.n
the veno's nose is messed up and try giving the bm and veno slighty darker eyeshadow to accentuate their eyes maybe a smokey grey?
all get 4/5
very cute! prefer a hair color that pops more but
Nyxsa - Heavens Tear
I love the psy but the mystic... make her **** smaller and her head a bit bigger and work on her eyes... they just don't fit
5/5 for psy 3/5 mysty
Markhor - Dreamweaver
Eyes are too big try a purple or lavendar eye shadow to make that green pop and make her brows like a darker purple or brown that grey is
bleh and don't make them so sharp at the corners
Nayely - Sanctuary
looks like you simply changed the colors of a preset make it look more original
her forehead is too high and she looks washed out with such pale skin and hair color
SubaruStar - Archosaur
His nose is too big for his face and his lower lips is over powering try different lip color too looks too much like makeup
Galacatta - Archosaur
try different eye shape and color they are too big and she always looks like she is trying to look up but can't move her head her jawline bugs me too
Foxy_Z - Archosaur
Personally don't like the eyes... the shape or colors of the makeup and eyeball her eyebrows are too long for her eyes as wel and I don't like either hairstyle
QuietxKill - Lost City
looks like an everyday mystic head on a sin
_Minoes_ - Heavens Tear
She is alright eyebrows are a funky color and she looks like she spent too much time in the tanning bed and she doesn't seem she would look good in many hairstyles...
Riverwell - Archosaur
make her eyes not so open and her brows not so thin and long and rotated stretch her lips a bit too
lower and rotate her eyes a bit too maybe?and give her some complimenting shadow
prefer bottom one just change the eye color... maybe to match that tattoo on his face top one is too much like every other sin out there
Aryaale - Archosaur
That look is really overused
Markhor - Dreamweaver
don't make her brows so harshly arched and new eye shape and shadow
Alot of these I wouldn't rate as 5 of course I'm very picky... but here's mine all original and not inis taken from forums and NO I am not posting my inis f:shyf:cutef:grin
my veno mod and cleric mod:
A closeup:0 -
Had to make second post wouldn't allow for all my picturesf:sweat
My mystic mod (to be added to the one I actually play) closeup:
With the portrait:
And my sin for a more dramatic/evil look:
And with the portrait:0 -
Too pale for bright as hell hair[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kniraven is so f-cking sexy0 -
Here is my sin...b:victory0
Please rate other people if you want to be rate.
If rating doesn't interest you there's a thread to only show off SS without need to rate.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Dolly: Cleric: can i see w/o the fash hair? that hair is rly overused on clerics with the hair its a 3/5.
Veno: its the eyes. they just dont do it for me. 2/5
Mystic: now were talking. definitely deserves its 4/5 rating from me. Great Job on it. Maybe add a bit of length to the hair? but as it is now it seems to pull off the look
Sin: eh 3/5. i prefer longer hair on female chars in general. like the red hair tho.
Ilyania: 4/5 on the veno. the first outfit (while great for pervs like me b:dirty) just seems to me to be a bit too...stripperish.(ik its an outfit. it looks like a stripper outfit on every1) the second shot does the cute thing and it just pulls it off!!!! LOVE the Snow White mirror type thing u got going on in that shot. however the third shot is mah fav of the 3. the idc pose the good fashion choice +the eye shadow just bring out the chars full beauty 4/5 (on a 10 scale id go 9/10)
Shui: idk the male psy just isnt doing it for me (female opinion plz!!)
Toxic: larger shot with more focus on the face till then i cant rate.
might post mine eventuallyServers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
[SIGPIC][/Sigpic]0 -
LittleDolly - Harshlands wrote: »A warning in advance... I'm a harsh critic you won't like me xD
Aryaale - Archosaur
That look is really overused
Well that's specific. o.o No other archer on Archo looks similar to mine, lol. Her ini isn't taken from any other so. I think I did prefer the white and red on her but now it seems to be a common combination so I changed her colors to something that matches my current irl look.
Could have used a different fash for her screenshot, not my favorite but it's what she was in. e.e Ty regardless.0 -
Aryaale - Archosaur wrote: »Well that's specific. o.o No other archer on Archo looks similar to mine, lol.
Every second archer on sanc wears a thunder ponytail and half of them has dark red hair in that exact shade. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
Outrunning centaurs since 2012~0 -
Xainou - Sanctuary wrote: »Every second archer on sanc wears a thunder ponytail and half of them has dark red hair in that exact shade. b:chuckle
Like I said, Arch. I'm thinking about going back to white though, there is only really one other female archer I know of doing the white now. I like the pink most but it looks stupid on most of the older hair fash textures. b:shutup0 -
Aryaale - Archosaur wrote: »Like I said, Arch. I'm thinking about going back to white though, there is only really one other female archer I know of doing the white now. I like the pink most but it looks stupid on most of the older hair fash textures. b:shutup
Almost everyone here uses white. xD0 -
oVenusArmanio wrote: »Almost everyone here uses white. xD
I'm going lime green then.
Maybe keep her recent ini but go back pink, change lip/eye color? Decisionsss. It shouldn't really bother me since I know how she looks in relation to others on my server, yet it does. x.x
Vik is picky about his girls.
0 -
Yeaaaa white hair is really common too, although more on venos. Prolly part of the reason why I'm a colourful bird now >:D[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
Outrunning centaurs since 2012~0 -
Here are some of mine:
I have a way prettier one called Esrioas, but I accidentally took a screenshot when she blinked so she looks all weird in my picture, and I can't be bothered going back onto the game just for thatI'll do it later
Oh, and I almost forgot:ToxicPrince - Sanctuary wrote: »Here is my sin...b:victory
That image is a bit small, but from what I can see, 5/5.0 -
Aryaale - Archosaur wrote: »
Vik is picky about his girls.
i am not
archer: first thing that popped out was the lack of fashion. other then that, 3/5. it just feels to me that she wasnt made to stand out. if u were going for a normaility look rather than a cute/beautiful look 4/5 cuz u nailed that
Psychic: again no fashion.the hair isnt a style i generally like. she looks a lil bit likes shes scared so 3/5. were not supposed to scare our chars!!!
plz post the last pic
need more posters!!!!!Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
[SIGPIC][/Sigpic]0 -
Quietxkill: It's hard to say, the SS are not zoom a lot, but she seems okay. 3/5
_Minoes_: I prefer the old look, on the new one the eyes are almost close, she look tired, plus I don't like that skin color and hair color together sorry. 3/5
Riverwell: She looks nice and different, but her fash make her body looking weird. 4/5
Ghost2break: I did prefer the first look, I don't like the color of the new one and the angle of the eyes is weird. 2/5 for the old look, 1/5 for the new one.
Aryaale: The first one is okay, I personally love the second one, white hair are often used, but with that hair fash, that make up and fash she have a unique look, the new one is something I saw often on my server. for the middle one I give 5/5, for the first and last one 3/5.
Markhor: The only one on that page that I prefer the new look vs the old look, I like the hair and eyes color, she look exotic. 4.5/5
LittleDolly: For the veno she have the eyes to close to each other or they are too large, it looks weird. 2/5
The cleric seems okay, she looks sad, but she have a normal look to me. 3.5/5
The mystic is original, with the fish tattoo and everything, the only thing I don't like is the hair and the color of the hair and eyes, but it's just a personal preference. 4.5/5
The sin look like a vampire, she reminds me Alice from Twilight, but as someone said the skin color doesn't fit with the red of the hair/lips/makeup. 3/5
Ilyania: she look nice, but I personally don't like the big black eyeliner on her. 4/5
Shihina: On the first char she seems to have a wig and have a big mouth, I don't really like it sorry. :S 2/5
The second char totally look like a preset, you should try to more personalize her. 1/5
Okay my turn, here's my BM:
My cleric (I do plan to change the eye makeup for something more light):
My veno:
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
bella:just wowb:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty
da bm looks great tho isnt my abandon my life im in pwi forever char. 4/5 but totally rocking that look
cleric:the eyes. just a lil large for my taste. love the blue coloring tho 3/5
veno: HELL YES!!!! 4/5 ALL THE WAY!!!
psychic: shes sooo cute!!! 4/5
OFFICIAL BELLA SCORE: 9/10 overall rating on character creation abilityServers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
[SIGPIC][/Sigpic]0 -
Archer: 4/5 There's something about that look that I just like. Geisha-like sorta, tbh.
Psy: 1/5 Pretty much same reason as Bella. Besides the hair color, it looks almost exactly like the preset. x.x
BM: 5/5 Probably my favorite of the bunch. Everything just seems to work as a whole.
Cleric: 2/5 The eye make-up and lips...I just don't like them. x.x
Veno: 4/5 Second favorite. My only real complaint is that I feel like the lips should be a bit bigger.
Psy: 3/5 tbh, I'm not one for the human skin colored TBs. It looks nice, but give me the blues and purples.
Anyway, my veno currently:
Tried to go with the whole succubus thing again with her, but updated.0 -
Here's my psychic PsyNine, he's lookin' for a wifey at the moment - had a lady, but wedding never happened - so looking for a new lady~
Thought a hot or not thread would be a good place to find out if the hunt will be fruitful or not ;p
What say you?0
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