Remove Purify Proc: Y/N. We had it coming!
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »Oh how I beg to differ. Fully buffed Arcanes can survive it very well. Even self buffed they're given ample time to get out of the way. In most cases it will only hit once, especially in 1v1. In group PvP where everyone is full buffed it won't do more than about 1/3 of the HP of a caster max, unless they're heavily debuffed or get purged. The only thing BT can "cut down" is someone who's unprepared or has worse gear in comparison to the BM's axes. There are G16s I can one shot with it, and there are R9R3s I can barely scratch with it. It can be used to cause immense damage, but that requires debuff support.
In any case, the topic was support skills, and while BT can slow its targets by 30% for 3 seconds it hardly counts as control, more anti control than anything.
Are you using like +5 axes for this or something? +10, +12 r9rr axes using that **** hurts like a *****.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Are you using like +5 axes for this or something? +10, +12 r9rr axes using that **** hurts like a *****.
+10 R9rr. Anything in equal gear can take a hit unless it's debuffed hard. It's great for support damage, but alone it won't land kills unless you use it at just the right moment because even if you stun someone, the stun will be up in time for them to get away from the second and third hits. Without debuffing it's unlikely to actually land kills against anything in equal gear, with debuffs I've hit Seekers for over 10k. However, applying the debuffs in a 1v1 is painful and extremely chi consuming, and applying them in group is even more of a challenge given that you need your genie to survive better. It hurts, but unless used right (which will be unlikely in group unless you've got two BMs working together to set it up) it most likely won't be the thing that kills you.
Buffs really reduce how useful it is. Like I said, I've one shot things with worse gear than my axes, two shot the heavies, but against equal gear? Chance are it's not gonna land a kill unless you can set up a debuff combo or Mire+BT at half HP and hope it bypasses. The issue is conserving the chi, stamina, and possibly apo to do so.0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Are you using like +5 axes for this or something? +10, +12 r9rr axes using that **** hurts like a *****.
With that logic I should be hurting with my N3+12 dags. But in reality I have given up on trying to kill our JoSD R999 casters in NWs. When I get lucky I can kill them, yes, but its so much more reliable to just lock them down outside fight. W/o zerk I simply need too many hits to kill current endgame arcanes.
No, I dont expect to reliably beat equally skilled R999s but I find it absurd just in how many ways purify proc helps them. It has absolutely no weakness. Well okey, it doesnt increase your damage nor does it, a defensive proc, proc w/o getting hit but any real drawbacks? Nope, it has none. If the speed buff and anti-stun didnt exists, I could deal with it and I would consider the proc balanced. Now it just gives way too much w/o any weaknesses.__Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop0 -
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »+10 R9rr. Anything in equal gear can take a hit unless it's debuffed hard. It's great for support damage, but alone it won't land kills unless you use it at just the right moment because even if you stun someone, the stun will be up in time for them to get away from the second and third hits. Without debuffing it's unlikely to actually land kills against anything in equal gear, with debuffs I've hit Seekers for over 10k. However, applying the debuffs in a 1v1 is painful and extremely chi consuming, and applying them in group is even more of a challenge given that you need your genie to survive better. It hurts, but unless used right (which will be unlikely in group unless you've got two BMs working together to set it up) it most likely won't be the thing that kills you.
Buffs really reduce how useful it is. Like I said, I've one shot things with worse gear than my axes, two shot the heavies, but against equal gear? Chance are it's not gonna land a kill unless you can set up a debuff combo or Mire+BT at half HP and hope it bypasses. The issue is conserving the chi, stamina, and possibly apo to do so.
Don't let the fact that he forgot to mention that it does indeed rebuild chi, fool you, I know zanny boy knows this.
I have to agree with him its a bad skill to use, especially with how chi dependent a bm is whether its a 1 vs 1, or a mass pvp setting. Bm's have to use a lot of chi to pull off the 'amazing' things that people say we can, and it really isnt that hard making sure a bm doesn't have the chi to sruvive, stunlock, or anything of the like. (Mo zun taunt, Chi Siphon, Veno's morai Chi Burn, not to mention other things that can take away chi, that I can't really recall atm.)
To try to get it back on topic:
As I pointed out a few pages back it really seems unfair to have to have an argubly obscure, and struggling class around you to really throw off a r9r3 caster with the purify weapon skill. (REGARDLESS of what gear ppl have on, the chances are still far better that a caster class with r9r3 will fair a lot better, than any melee class, regardless of the cumlative gear/weapon the opponents have.)
Also really people check this out there really isn't that much difference between a full G16 Gear & R9 (I think its the first recast of r9 but still, I am sure its not far off of r93r, but the weapon is definitely r93r) yes there are intangibles to consider along with this, but still the stats arent that far off so I think it would be farfetched to dismiss g16 off as 'weak' as some of you have seemed to imply in this thread, its anything but that. (I realize this is just linked to bms atm, I haven't done a caster class just yet, but I do expect to see similiar results, and aye neither of these are buffed at all in anyway. )
A few days back when I did infact check gear at +5, with a +12 r93r weapon, both the melee and caster classes were pulling quite similiar numbers, but unlike in the scenario above, both were fully buffed with the buffs we all recieve in nw as well as their own buffs when we get respawned. Caster (wizard) & Bm with the same refines/shielding from weakness shard with marrows up)
Really look at those differences, your low end attack damn near matches the magical resistance that bm's get, while our phys def suffers greatly in that gear scenario, imo a caster with +5 and those shards (if they;re a wizard) they aren't going to go down that easy with other people hitting on them when they're buffed. I am sure you will stil use the argument that it isnt endgame, but still those stats do NOT lie, they aren't terribly far from each other, but the stats alone seem to be in the favor of casters. (yes I am sure its slightly different depending on your class/the skills you can put on your char, but still, the attacks should remain pretty much the same regardles ot the weapon/caster you put on. (even without the wiz self buff casters are still pulling some nce def numbers.)
Now don't get me wrong i am not saying that the bm will be an easy kill, but still, just look at the stats, casters have the slight edge in everything there, at least imo they do, hell the wizards stats would imo even give a bit of a chance for purify to process, especially if they have people barely doing any damage to them.
*prepares for the inevitable rebuttal*Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
Indeed, it does give 2 sparks back. However, it's still very chi consuming to use, and in order to make it truly brutal you need at least 5 sparks for Mire+Glacial>BT. Which is why I made the comment about two BMs, seeing as that would make it far easier to pull off. I didn't really think the chi regain was relevant since it's three sparks to use and you can't really combo anything with to boost its damage once it's been used.0
Do you know what i find interesting about this whole thread??
That the main focus of purify being OP has been mainly focused on wizzies?? Imo psychics are the most op with it in general, be it Tw/Nw. Nw with a psychic sat with kajsdkajsdka defence levels + psy buffs + purify = QQ worthy.....
b:laugh0 -
____BM____ - Sanctuary wrote: »Do you know what i find interesting about this whole thread??
That the main focus of purify being OP has been mainly focused on wizzies?? Imo psychics are the most op with it in general, be it Tw/Nw. Nw with a psychic sat with kajsdkajsdka defence levels + psy buffs + purify = QQ worthy.....
You forgot when they are brambled too :P ouch b:laugh
Ultimately all classes R9rr +12 and w/e are op and can kill anyone in an equal fight in terms of gear. Anyone else wanna proove otherwise?
All im seeing atm is people complaining that they are out gunned, out classed and out matched. Because they are not equal geared. And dont use charms of any kind and/or apo b:chuckle
I mean come on. Reason i love this game is because of how complex it is in terms of tactics and having a clear understanding of all classes and what skills do what and how to counter and recounter. To set up the win. With the added dimention of geines and charms/apo. Seems people dont like a challenge. You wanna be spoon fed? Go play CoD b:surrender0 -
You're all off topic.
The point is that it is imbalanced and unfair that despite equal geared toons being equals in a 1 v 1 scenario,
If it becomes a group fight, a very very powerful advantage is given to people who have the purify proc.
If someone with the purify proc and an equal geared opponent fight, the person with purify becomes significantly more advantaged by every lesser geared OPPONENT, that joins the fight.
Additionally, lesser geared enemies can easily overwhelm someone without purify proc.
It is much less so the case for those with it.
Watch some of Adroits videos and see how often it assists him in mass pvp.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
____BM____ - Sanctuary wrote: »Do you know what i find interesting about this whole thread??
That the main focus of purify being OP has been mainly focused on wizzies?? Imo psychics are the most op with it in general, be it Tw/Nw. Nw with a psychic sat with kajsdkajsdka defence levels + psy buffs + purify = QQ worthy.....
I believe this stems from the fact that wizards are awesome f:cool
And also the fact that Adroit has posted multiple videos in which he wins 1 vs 20 (or nearly 1 vs 20).
A wizard also gets our increase in survivability without decreasing our damage, as a psy does. Yes, a psy in white voodoo is a pain to kill, but they're not going to be doing much killing of their own. A wizard, however, can put on our reduced crit buff, stone barrier, and arcane defense and still hit for damage comparable to if not better than a similarly geared psy in black voodoo. We also have distance shrink to get out of some nasty gank fests.
However, I do agree that a psy in white voodoo is much tanker than a comparable wizard, and will be very difficult even for a large group to take down without purge. While a psy in white voodoo can maintain mobility though in terms of actual damage it almost winds up being like a barb again, yes they are hard to kill, but they're not really doing much back. It does still make stopping flag delivery without a purge problematic though.xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer
Because I can't stand playing melee classes0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Psh, the veno was 3rd cast.. and my hp never dropped below 5k. I didn't expect to get that low.. but the only reason I was there trading blows with you guys (rather than capping the flag.. my apoth was not on cd) was to farm some points :P Gave all of us more personal contribution.. you're welcome b:cute
Also @Kniraven
Lowbies can still help against end game casters.. they just need to do what they should be doing (CC/amps/debuffs) rather than trying to contribute negligible damage. And I don't think people of lesser gear are or should be part of the balance equation.. balance is a concept that only makes sense when everyone is at the same gear level.
And the veno was in 9-tail form all the time so I didn't see the weapon.
I was guessing based upon the damage they were taking when you hit them, about the same as me.0 -
XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary wrote: »However, I do agree that a psy in white voodoo is much tanker than a comparable wizard, and will be very difficult even for a large group to take down without purge. While a psy in white voodoo can maintain mobility though in terms of actual damage it almost winds up being like a barb again, yes they are hard to kill, but they're not really doing much back. It does still make stopping flag delivery without a purge problematic though.
b:surrender +1 , max gears josd white voodoo is dam hard to kill it.the survival of the fittest
-Thx all suport sell me SoW for 5M b:thanks tome/ring
Okay enough of that.
If we have to resort to completely off-topic stuff like that, just keep out of the thread. For whatever reason the powers that be prefer this open for observation and clogging it up won't change that. If you really want it gone then simply don't post in it and let it sink to the bottom.
And yes, small side-discussions that are relevant to the point are fine.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Don't keeeeel me for resurrecting this old post. I was bored so I re-read this post again in more detail.
One or several of the posts noted that bms assissin barbs (and seeker) have zerk on their weap, but does't God of frenzy cost 5% HP? And how often does a bm/barb/seeker achieve the god of frenzy effect?
barbs have an op skill - Armageddon- oh wait it cost HP and 2 sparks.
bms have an op skill - blade tornado - oh wait it cost 3 sparks and has a 2 min cooldown.
bms also have Disarm - oh wait it only lasts 6 seconds - useless without backup.
sins have insane stun lock - sill costs chi, lots of chi (ofc they got the skills to get chi) so *** sins. LOL. Not to mention sins have 2 movement skills as well as 2 long range teleport, so in theory the can almost keep up with purify prock indefinitely...but maybe not o.o
I could go on a little bit more, but I think you all get the point. The fact remains that all these skills cost something and has a cool down. What about purify prock? What does it cost? how long is the cool down?? Ofc the answer is 0 cost and 0 cool down. Some may argue that it has a %prock rate. Honestly, except for 1 time in NW, I haven't seen a mage get locked for more than 6 seconds, then the weap saves them.
i got a great idea, devs, make purify cost some amount of chi LOL. Keep everything, just add some kind of cost for the weap to prock. I think most mages would not want to modify the effect of the weap itself, so keep it and add a cost to activate it.
20 chi should cover it, come on mages pay up don't b cheap b:laugh
Bms have to deal with that chi problem all the time b:sad - damn venos and chi burnFind the solution to Laplace's equation at X=2, Y =3, OR bend over b:cry0 -
Onatop - Lost City wrote: »Don't keeeeel me for resurrecting this old post. I was bored so I re-read this post again in more detail.
One or several of the posts noted that bms assissin barbs (and seeker) have zerk on their weap, but does't God of frenzy cost 5% HP? And how often does a bm/barb/seeker achieve the god of frenzy effect?
barbs have an op skill - Armageddon- oh wait it cost HP and 2 sparks.
bms have an op skill - blade tornado - oh wait it cost 3 sparks and has a 2 min cooldown.
bms also have Disarm - oh wait it only lasts 6 seconds - useless without backup.
sins have insane stun lock - sill costs chi, lots of chi (ofc they got the skills to get chi) so *** sins. LOL. Not to mention sins have 2 movement skills as well as 2 long range teleport, so in theory the can almost keep up with purify prock indefinitely...but maybe not o.o
I could go on a little bit more, but I think you all get the point. The fact remains that all these skills cost something and has a cool down. What about purify prock? What does it cost? how long is the cool down?? Ofc the answer is 0 cost and 0 cool down. Some may argue that it has a %prock rate. Honestly, except for 1 time in NW, I haven't seen a mage get locked for more than 6 seconds, then the weap saves them.
i got a great idea, devs, make purify cost some amount of chi LOL. Keep everything, just add some kind of cost for the weap to prock. I think most mages would not want to modify the effect of the weap itself, so keep it and add a cost to activate it.
20 chi should cover it, come on mages pay up don't b cheap b:laugh
Bms have to deal with that chi problem all the time b:sad - damn venos and chi burn
The thread isn't old so you're ok. Last response was yesterday. Hasn't even been 24 hours. About 7-8 hours ago.
Anyway not chi. Melee aren't the only classes that have great skills that cost something. Wizards have 3 ultis that each cost 2 sparks. Dragon's Breath costs a spark. Putting on shields costs chi and blah blah. Sure the other classes skills cost chi also.
If they were to modify it let it have something to do with mana. Like with GoF, those melee have lots of HP and 5% is nothing. Plus, they have Blood Paint.
Make mana maybe 10% ish and possibly put cooldown on it?
I don't want it changed or removed though. Think it's perfect the way it is. Not hard to take down a caster if you know what you're doing. Part of a game is learning what to do about it. Or do what everyone use to say to casters when they use to complain about sins/BMs all the time. Roll a BM/Sin. >.>
Well then,
Roll a caster.
Kidding, I think this won't really be changed and I thought classes were still being worked on? Just be patient, I'm sure pwi will do something else annoying soon involving venos and their new pet update that's hopefully coming soon. b:chuckle0 -
Takeva - Heavens Tear wrote: »The thread isn't old so you're ok. Last response was yesterday. Hasn't even been 24 hours. About 7-8 hours ago.
Anyway not chi. Melee aren't the only classes that have great skills that cost something. Wizards have 3 ultis that each cost 2 sparks. Dragon's Breath costs a spark. Putting on shields costs chi and blah blah. Sure the other classes skills cost chi also.
If they were to modify it let it have something to do with mana. Like with GoF, those melee have lots of HP and 5% is nothing. Plus, they have Blood Paint.
Make mana maybe 10% ish and possibly put cooldown on it?
I don't want it changed or removed though. Think it's perfect the way it is. Not hard to take down a caster if you know what you're doing. Part of a game is learning what to do about it. Or do what everyone use to say to casters when they use to complain about sins/BMs all the time. Roll a BM/Sin. >.>
Well then,
Roll a caster.
Kidding, I think this won't really be changed and I thought classes were still being worked on? Just be patient, I'm sure pwi will do something else annoying soon involving venos and their new pet update that's hopefully coming soon. b:chuckle
Majority of a Wizard's skills very chi consuming. Glacial Snare, Stone Rain, Force of Will, and other common attacking skills take no chi. Their control skills take little chi in comparison to a Blademaster's. Their shields are 30 chi every 15 minutes, that's not worth mentioning unless they're getting chain purged, and if that's the case I doubt they have time to be spamming shields anyway.
I'll grant you that Wizards have skills that require chi and sparks, but the chi usage during the fight doesn't add up nearly as fast as a BM unless you decide to blow it all at the start and try to get that quick kill by catching someone off guard.
I can understand wanting to mess with other weapon procs because people want Purify messed with, but the difference is those procs have been around and have shown no actual sign of needing to be nerfed. We get the odd complaint here and there about a 15k zerk or about getting purged but as a whole the procs are balanced enough that it causes no game-breaking issues. Purify Spell on the other hand can cause issues, and it has, in certain areas of the game. Giving it a cooldown is not much of a nerf in 1v1, and it would prevent it from saving people just because they can get lucky with it in group PvP more than once every.. however long the cooldown is. What I don't get is why people are so against it, because 1v1 the proc won't be going off that much anyway, once or twice a minute if you're not kiting as much as you could be. In group PvP, if you can last 30-40 seconds with an entire group on you then you don't need the proc anyway. Someone explain to me why it would be a bad idea, other than the excuse of "well what if it gets ticked before it's ideal for me!!" that Adroit posted.
I just woke up and my eyes hurt. If my thoughts are a bit out there then you have my apologies, but my post should be understandable, albeit lengthy. I personally hate walls of text so feel free to skim through it or not read it at all. Whatevs bruh.0 -
Onatop - Lost City wrote: »The fact remains that all these skills cost something and has a cool down. What about purify prock? What does it cost? how long is the cool down?? Ofc the answer is 0 cost and 0 cool down.
The cost is you need to be attacked for it to work.
What's the cost of spirit blackhole? auto attack? What's the cooldown on purge and GoF? 0?
You guys didn't read this thread, otherwise you wouldn't be posting the same things over and over. Everything that needed to be said was said- i see no original content in the last few pages.
This thread really needs to be moved to the NW forums.0 -
The cost is you need to be attacked for it to work.
What's the cost of spirit blackhole? auto attack? What's the cooldown on purge and GoF? 0?
You guys didn't read this thread, otherwise you wouldn't be posting the same things over and over. Everything that needed to be said was said- i see no original content in the last few pages.
This thread really needs to be moved to the NW forums.
Whats the prock rake of spirit black hole?? How many times can an archer debuff a mage b4 their weap purify? Even if u zerk is it a crit zerk (the ones that really matter)?? A cost of "being attked"?? how stupid...that's a cost? Please..Find the solution to Laplace's equation at X=2, Y =3, OR bend over b:cry0 -
Onatop - Lost City wrote: »Whats the prock rake of spirit black hole?? How many times can an archer debuff a mage b4 their weap purify? Even if u zerk is it a crit zerk (the ones that really matter)?? A cost of "being attked"?? how stupid...that's a cost? Please..
The prok of spirit of black hole is high enough. Getting an prok on bow is so easy, don't try to make it look as if it happened rarely, because it doesn't.0 -
[ Removed post due to later response. Response contains this post in a simplified form with diagrams. #427.]Forever overlooked.
Forever forgotten.
Forever alone.
This is a good thing. People don't notice me, and they don't notice the knife whistling towards their throat.0 -
ppl making walls of txt and graphs trying to sound unbiased, when the actual substance of the posts are misleading because your "simplified" versions excludes all inputs except for what you find convenient.
Nothing new is being said here. your argument still boils down to: fully sharded/refined r999 casters can elude weaker/uncoordinated opponents most of the time when running a flag in NW.
Your solution is to nerf half of the classes in the game because random newbies in nw can't coordinate.
move to NW forum
/thread0 -
Tsyn - Raging Tide wrote: »I'm surprised this thread has been going on so long. I just wanted to see poll results - didn't actually expect a 41 page discussion.
I think one of the main problems in group PvP for Purify is the fact that it's % to proc can vary.
Let's graph two classes: The psychic, for example, and the blademaster. The psychic has Purify, while the blademaster has God of Frenzy.
First we assume that the more people attacking someone, the more dangerous it is for their health levels. More people = more damage, usually, and thus more damage = lower HP levels.
Then we assume the "flag carrier" scenario. The subject has just grabbed the flag, and more and more people are beginning to attack.
If we graph the proc rate of each respective weapon over time, as more and more people join the gank, we see a major difference between the two weapons.
The blademaster's God of Frenzy (let's say he's AoEing to defend himself) remains the same % to work, when graphed vs time.
However, the psychic's Purify varies in % to proc per second, when graphed vs time. This is because as more time progresses, more people join the fight. This is why Purify users have an advantage in group PvP. The more attackers, the larger % to escape. This is annoying on several different levels.
Let's graph some more. If we graph the "danger level" vs time for both, then we get two types of graphs.
For the blademaster: As time progresses, more people begin to attack. The danger level increases until death, at which point the danger level reaches its uppermost limit, causing death.
For the psychic: As time progresses, more people begin to attack. The danger level increases; however, each time the danger level reaches the "death threshhold" - where the amount of danger is overwhelming - Purify tends to proc, due to the # of attackers. Therefore, the psychic begins to run away, and gets out of range of more and more attackers. There are fewer attackers, and the danger level reaches near-zero levels again. The danger level will never actually reach the uppermost limit, the requirement for death.
The difference between these two graphs is that one is a standard line graph, and the other is a sinusoidal graph. For the BM, the more danger, the closer they are to death, until eventually they die. However, for the psychic, they get close to death - but at the last second, they escape, and the danger becomes low again. This happens continually in cycles, and like a sine graph - their danger level goes up and down again and again, but it never actually reaches the point where they die. And like a sinusoidal graph, a Purify proc user can seemingly survive for near infinite amounts of time.
There are exceptions, because these scenarios are very simplified for our viewing pleasure. However, the main point is this: Because Purify proc varies due to the # of attackers, it acts as a pressure valve. It "releases pressure" - saves the caster - whenever the damage reaches near overwhelming force, and this cycle can repeat endlessly, as there is both no cost nor cooldown to the Purify Proc.
Nice try to sound analytical. Next time please be kind and show the actual graphs.0 -
Azura - Lost City wrote: »Nice try to sound analytical. Next time please be kind and show the actual graphs.
If the chance to proc is affected by outside factors in a positive way, while the other proc is affected by nothing, it stands to reason that the chance for that proc will go up exponentially as more and more of those outside factors occur. In this case that would be other people attacking.0 -
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »If the chance to proc is affected by outside factors in a positive way, while the other proc is affected by nothing, it stands to reason that the chance for that proc will go up exponentially as more and more of those outside factors occur. In this case that would be other people attacking.
Is it just me or does this post seem to be total gibberish.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Is it just me or does this post seem to be total gibberish.
Okay, let me simplify. Purify Spell is activated upon being hit. GoF is activated upon hitting. Both are given a set % chance to activate when those conditions are met.
If one were to graph their proc rates while under attack by increasing amounts of enemies GoF would remain a straight line while Purify Spell would go up and up and up and up.
Even simpler? Puwify speww go up up when more people attacky wacky.
I think the latter explanation is around your level of understanding.0 -
tho, dph sage r9r3 sins hit any other buffed r9r3 josd class with any skill 5 digits with crit or gof chances that always give them juicily at least 2x damage on any hit with a low chance for a 4x...
i am for nerfing gof on sins0 -
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »Even simpler? Puwify speww go up up when more people attacky wacky.
I think the latter explanation is around your level of understanding.
Was that last part really necessary? Honestly, you could have phrased your previous post a bit better.
Anyway, as I said much earlier, I think it stands to reason that if the flag was meant to prevent you from HP'ing, thus inhibiting your ability to kite, it ought to do so. Granted, you could make the claim that it doesn't disable skills/apo, but those are pretty clearly different from the weapon proc in question.Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »Okay, let me simplify. Purify Spell is activated upon being hit. GoF is activated upon hitting. Both are given a set % chance to activate when those conditions are met.
If one were to graph their proc rates while under attack by increasing amounts of enemies GoF would remain a straight line while Purify Spell would go up and up and up and up.
Even simpler? Puwify speww go up up when more people attacky wacky.
I think the latter explanation is around your level of understanding.
what about gof with aoe then?
the more ppl atk a psychic the more get soul of silenced -> less can proc purify spell = same jellybean logic as you show...f:naughty0 -
Blutregen - Lost City wrote: »what about gof with aoe then?
the more ppl atk a psychic the more get soul of silenced -> same jellybean logic as you show...f:naughty
GoF will have the same chance to proc at all times, when AoEing it simply has the chance to activate on more people. We aren't talking about how many people a proc will effect, we're talking about the % chance to activate in the first place.0 -
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »GoF will have the same chance to proc at all times, when AoEing it simply has the chance to activate on more people. We aren't talking about how many people a proc will effect, we're talking about the % chance to activate in the first place.
it is and will always be the same no matter what you say...f:confused
neither would sacrificial strike fist proc more often than gof axes just because you do 5atks per second...0 -
Blutregen - Lost City wrote: »its always be the same...f:confused
ya this
you attack lots of times, gof will proc more at the same % chance of procing
you get attacked lots of times, puri will proc more atthe same % chance of procing[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
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