From the 10 class which one is the most OP (PVP)



  • Iyania - Heavens Tear
    Iyania - Heavens Tear Posts: 612 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm pretty sure polls like this are skewed towards classes that can easily destroy low geared people. There's obviously way more low and mid geared players than high end players so by numbers this poll is really asking "what kills people of lower gear best."

    I am pretty sure I will be inclined to change my answers around if you change the PVP situation (because "PVP" is pretty vague these days) as well as how you define "OP."

    To avoid posting a massive wall of text though I will just say that if you have a few billion coins to spend on the most OP class possible, go psychic. That said, if I were in a team fight, I would prefer the support of a smart BM (keeping in mind of course that as an archer I will be prioritizing crowd controlling allies over dps allies).
    Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck
  • burningsweetfire
    burningsweetfire Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I really don't think seeker is OP, believe it or not, we hit REALLY low if it's not a zerk or critical, most of ours seeker skills barely match what other classes have. Our spammable skills, rock splitting cleave, staggering strike, and battousai really don't do as much damage. Defense wise, seeker still get smack hard by clerics, wizards, psys, and venos, and get stun locked till we have to burn an apoth to do something.

    Overall, people are judging seekers too much for one combo, but really we hit low-medium damage. If your not r9 like me, facing classes with similar gear is really difficult. Seeker's flaw is lack of flexibility in control skills and resist skills, think about those before saying seeker is the most OP.

    The most OP class I can think of when use properly is mystic. For three main reasons, Lucky Break, Fast Healing, and Absorb Soul. Lucky Break is a potential Guarantee Critical Hit, no one can say this is not OP. Fast Healing and Great Recovery with Verdant Shell as well as Nature Barrier make mystic hard to kill. Absorb Soul combine with Rapid Growth will deal a lot of damage. Literally the only PVP knockback skill that makes mystic annoying. In addition to the proper use of plants and pets can give Mystic an advantage.
  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    BM b:victory.

    Blade tornado is OP, along with other skills. BT does not show up in damage log, it also does lots of other fun things. If they "fix" bt, it will be sad. we'll be reduced to blade hurl only. Since stun, hf, doesn't hold much meaning in nw.

    I play the bm only, and i find them the most versatile characters. They can live through both magic and phy attack at the same time. With gear they can tank and take hits. Gof is deadly but gof has one limitation like a seeker. Only useful when it hits, or is coupled with a crit, very rare.

    For me my biggest enemy is lag/fps. Once i can start playing pwi with less lag, better fps, i might change me opinion. First i must defeat the lag/fps monster b:angry. There was no option for that beast, i would have voted for that one.
  • Toomaga - Heavens Tear
    Toomaga - Heavens Tear Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I run a decently-geared squad in Nation War (decent, I mean all 3rd nirvana with good refines, r9s and 2-3 r9 3rds, one of which is a barb and not a DD), and we've faced all the well-refined and well-geared seekers our server has to offer.

    We've had lone OP sins that focus-down singular squad members and create problems.
    We've had lone OP archers that focus-down singular squad members and create problems.
    We've had lone OP wizards that focus-down singular squad members and create problems.

    We have NOT run into any problems with lone OP Psychics, but that's more due to the Psys on Harshlands being outrageous wussies who think white voodoo is best voodoo.
    We have NOT run into any problems with lone OP clerics, because clerics are built to be ok in 1v1, but **** in group fights as DDs.
    And we have NOT run into any problems with lone OP Seekers, mostly because we -literally- just need two DDs and we can stunlock that thing for days.

    Don't get me wrong, Seeker is a viable class and can be effective. About a week ago I was in a PK fight where our strongest DD was one such 3rd cast +12 Seeker, and the enemy realized that and stunlocked him. I realized "hey, I got this nifty corona skill to take all damage on his behalf; I should probably use that and IG myself so he can faceroll," and it worked like a charm. I'd imagine a seeker with a personal cleric is also quite an annoyance, though for some reason I rarely see this, and tbh the Seeker can't do much to actually cover and defend his own cleric, so a lone seeker-cleric duo is STILL incredibly vulnerable.
    But the point is Seeker NEEDS support to shine. It needs a god damn escort 24/7, or anyone with a half-decent stun is gonna beat the snot out of it. And there's a difference between "hey, we should support our cleric so we get heals" and "hey, we should support this guy so we have his DD capability to rely on...though then again, this Psychic/Wiz/Archer doesn't need nearly as much support, has more control skills he can use to support US with and he still hits like a truck, too...Let's just let the Seeker die and cover the Psy/Seeker/Wiz instead."

    Seeker fails in that for all their outstanding stats, they fail to specialize in anything while failing HORRENDOUSLY at avoiding control skills. The result is that a seeker is in NO WAY vital to the survival of a squad so no one has any incentive to go out of their way and cover it, and the MOMENT the Seeker is even remotely focus-fired, he's absolutely screwed.

    You cover the BM because you want him alive to stun.
    You cover the cleric because you want him alive to heal.
    You cover the wiz because you want him alive to nuke.
    You cover the sin because he may be your ace in the hole for killing their cleric or heavy DD.
    You cover the Psy because he can stun, DD, and is the best-qualified to guard people from sins.
    You cover the barb ONLY because NW and TW give barb purpose.

    You neglect the Seeker because he's in no way vital to the survival of the squad whatsoever, and he's also damned annoying and difficult to save.

  • Cactubolo - Lost City
    Cactubolo - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    b:puzzled how are sins not #1 on the polls?
  • Suikyo - Raging Tide
    Suikyo - Raging Tide Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    b:puzzled how are sins not #1 on the polls?

    they r not op, they r just one shot for wizzies and seekers, i voted mystic for a mistake, but i was going to vote wiz, they r just, amazing, hit hard, have an insane amount of elemental defense, also amazing p.def at higher lvls with stone barrier, they cast slow, yeah, but they hits just as hard as any seeker, they dont have to sacrifice their def to hit hard like psys, they dont depend on luck like seekers, i think that anyone, that have faced a real skilled wiz(no matter if is a seeker, a psy, a mystic or any other class) will support what im saying, also, an archer is op?? yeah full buffed, an archer self buffed will have evasion... magic doesnt know what evasion is
  • Suikyo - Raging Tide
    Suikyo - Raging Tide Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I really don't think seeker is OP, believe it or not, we hit REALLY low if it's not a zerk or critical, most of ours seeker skills barely match what other classes have. Our spammable skills, rock splitting cleave, staggering strike, and battousai really don't do as much damage. Defense wise, seeker still get smack hard by clerics, wizards, psys, and venos, and get stun locked till we have to burn an apoth to do something.

    Overall, people are judging seekers too much for one combo, but really we hit low-medium damage. If your not r9 like me, facing classes with similar gear is really difficult. Seeker's flaw is lack of flexibility in control skills and resist skills, think about those before saying seeker is the most OP.

    The most OP class I can think of when use properly is mystic. For three main reasons, Lucky Break, Fast Healing, and Absorb Soul. Lucky Break is a potential Guarantee Critical Hit, no one can say this is not OP. Fast Healing and Great Recovery with Verdant Shell as well as Nature Barrier make mystic hard to kill. Absorb Soul combine with Rapid Growth will deal a lot of damage. Literally the only PVP knockback skill that makes mystic annoying. In addition to the proper use of plants and pets can give Mystic an advantage.

    a seeker isnt op, they just hit hard, but not as hard as other classes, the mystic knockback is a nightmare, they r one of the hardest to kill classes, but they dont hit that hard to be a real problem on pvp(some of them)
  • darknessofmy
    darknessofmy Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Archer is OP: 60+criti, purge bow, OP skills
  • Nry - Lost City
    Nry - Lost City Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Archer is OP: 60+criti, purge bow, OP skills

    Most of what you said is not actually the class that is's the gear. As for archers having OP skills I'd have to disagree. I find their skill choices to be lacking quite a bit and especially in pvp.

    Archers lack defensive skills aside from spark antistun, evasion (lulz), and a crappy shell that absorbs like 800 damage for 45 chi. Windshield and Faith are the only things that keep me alive...

    ...As for their attacks being OP I'd also say they are lacking. Since we have very few defensive skills we end up relying on staying at max range to try to kill people before they kill us. I have one stun and one immobilize (costs a spark). With r9r casters I can not stay at max range from them no matter how hard I try. I can't stop them from running into melee distance from me since they get purified and I can't get away from them because they just keep getting purified.

    All that said I do think that archers are OP with good gear but that really is the same for any other class...

    /rant also I'm pretty sure archers are the only class that has 0 skills to heal themselves with and our buffs constantly get stripped... >:-( /endrant
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] united we are to the unit of measuring the greatness!
  • burningsweetfire
    burningsweetfire Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Archer is OP: 60+criti, purge bow, OP skills

    You can't judge a class from few aspects.

    How you should judge a class:
    Spike Damage
    Skills and Combo Sets

    Classes usually flaw in at least 2 or 3 of these, which can be covered by apoth and genie.

    For example, seeker flaw in resist skills and control skills, make a genie to cover resistances (belief, badge of courage, fortify, will surge, adrenaline surge, lawbreaker) or make a genie to cover control (occult ice and... I don't know anymore lol). In my opinion, seeker really need at least another stun skill that doesn't have a freaking 90 second cooldown.

    Basically it's not the class alone that can be OP, you also need the right mindset of apoth cycling and genie skills.
  • T_i_m - Dreamweaver
    T_i_m - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I agree with burningsweetfire. As a whole assassins have the best overall abilities. Two run skills, two teleports, passive status or damage avoidance, stealth escapes/positioning and immunity to being 1shot. Top it off with the ability to freely swap between dps or dph like a BM (with the right macros), and almost all their skills either have a status effect or generate chi (seriously, imagine if instead of spending chi to use many of their skills, every other class generated chi like a sin). With all those abilities and no weaknesses not shared by any other class, sins are OP.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I agree with burningsweetfire. As a whole assassins have the best overall abilities. Two run skills, two teleports, passive status or damage avoidance, stealth escapes/positioning and immunity to being 1shot. Top it off with the ability to freely swap between dps or dph like a BM (with the right macros), and almost all their skills either have a status effect or generate chi (seriously, imagine if instead of spending chi to use many of their skills, every other class generated chi like a sin). With all those abilities and no weaknesses not shared by any other class, sins are OP.


    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • SakuLv - Dreamweaver
    SakuLv - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    hmm probably Archer, Psy after then Sin, Seeker, Wizard,Myst BM, Cleric Barb...and yah then veno

    ppl says veno is OP cuz it has weps now have purge
    and there is even situation that purge just dont work even on some
    makes me wonder who even voted veno (must of been miss click )

    i voted for psy..they r just....simply OP...but oh well
  • Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver
    Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Beh, people have varying opinions on what they think is OP. Everything has it's pros and cons.
    And yeah, psys give off the impression of being this all mighty class, but honestly, put one against something equally geared or more and they aren't so amazingly invincible and great anymore, not to mention a little boring (just imho)...
    Sure they hit like trucks, but yay wizzies hit harder, and with -chann gear even more deadly.
    Psy just faceroll pwn those weaker geared than them, yeah their buffs are annoying, but there are ways around those. >.>;;

    Was hard to pick one single class to say which is the best, because it's different for everyone and what they prefer to have in their pvp experience, and not having played every single class pvp I can't say 100% which i think is better. But I would say its a tossup between several, like wizzy, archer, mystic and sin.
  • Gri - Lost City
    Gri - Lost City Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm curious as to if the people voting for all these different classes are trolls or not...

    Psy, Seeker, and Sin all clearly have the upperhand due to overpowered new skills that were introduced to an old game.

    I find it very funny so many people think archers are overpowered...take an equal geared Assassin/Archer and see who wins more often than not...
  • Zsw - Dreamweaver
    Zsw - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The specifications for this poll is unclear. Different classes are better in different aspect.

    For example, while a Sin is far superior 1 v 1, in mass pvp they don't perform nearly as well as a ranged class. Archers are a pretty bad class to do 1 v 1s on, but they shine greatly in mass pk, tw and nw. Venos can turn the tides of a battle with their supportive purge and debuffs, but many classes outshine them in terms of DD. Meanwhile, no one would really consider playing a support wizard yet they are excellent DDs.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer:
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1 v 1 = Sin > wizard > cleric > archer > seeker > psy

    tanking for cata / flag = barb > seeker > Bm > veno > wizard

    Small scale group pvp = Cleric > Veno > sin > wizard > archer > BM > Mystic

    Large scale group pvp = Wizard > archer > Cleric > veno > Seeker > psy

    Importants of buffs = Cleric > barb > BM

    Support ability = Cleric > veno > BM > mystic

    Also depends if your in open world pvp where reflect doesn't function (most reward based pvp is where reflect does function really hampering assassins)

    Last note is Heavy armor veno with 9.3 weapon might be one of best hypothetical tanks. In 1 v 1 all Heavy armor classes pretty great due to high hp battery. Just a skilled and geared enemy can really kite barbs at least. Last few 1 v 1 i did with +12 9.3 ppl i won, but at cost of 800k charm in 10 minute battle, then 1 mil charm in 10 minute battle. Skilled 9.3 can just **** barbs and probably bms charm with giving you very little kill potential. Yet on the other hand what you can tank forever you are bound to be able to eventually kill. In most pvp situations purge is king, followed by zerk who must be queen.

  • burningsweetfire
    burningsweetfire Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm curious as to if the people voting for all these different classes are trolls or not...

    Psy, Seeker, and Sin all clearly have the upperhand due to overpowered new skills that were introduced to an old game.

    I find it very funny so many people think archers are overpowered...take an equal geared Assassin/Archer and see who wins more often than not...

    I wouldn't include seeker in this mix, seeker is a pure damage class with no flexible resist skills that sins and psys have. The only OP skill seeker have is Sacrificial Slash, while the rest is strategic skills... disappointing that none of them improve seeker's resistances. Keep in mind that seeker already have a low-medium damage, Sacrificial Slash only make seeker hit as much as psys and wizards. I would be more worry about wizards than seekers, they have distance shrink and arcane defense, while seeker have nothing.

    Archers are seen as OP, because they would just demon spark and wipe people out, however I see archers are low level killers and have enough skills to combo and kill people equal gear to them. I saw in a NW video once that an archer was hitting a seeker for almost 4k each hit, I assume he sparked.

    I can see most of these results come from low levels and not people from the higher tiers, also people that have not tried all the classes before coming to their decision. People that played the class and observed the class have different perspectives, people who played the class see flaws and people who observed the class only see strengths.
  • Aeliah - Dreamweaver
    Aeliah - Dreamweaver Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I was gonna write something very indepth and explanatory but really thats subject for my guide, not this thread lol. Edit, this got a little longer than I thought it would, but still not very in-depth by my standards lol.

    Here's my take on things.


    In 1vs1, the two classes I believe do exceptionally well are: cleric and assassin. The reason being, due to the nature of their control skills, each class tends to dominate the course of a fight (assuming equally-geared and r9rr).

    Cleric: very very long control skills that can be interlocked, giving cleric time to stack debuffs (healing debuffs, elemental/physical defense debuffs, crit debuff, soulburn-type debuff) to extremely deadly levels. Ability to purify most debuffs to nullify other class' offensive moves. Strong heals, strong dmg absorbing and dmg-reducing shields.

    Assassin: abundance of control skills that interlock easily, abundance of chi, great dph with zerk crits, ability to purge, ability to resist all status effects, anti-stun, great mobility with teleports and speed skills, ability to avoid one-shot, and stealth.


    In group pk, wizards, psychics, and archers all do well in terms of dding, for various reasons.

    Wizards have their very strong 2 spark aoes, strong debuffs for one-shotting dmg, variety of single-target interlocking control skills, good overall defenses, and good mobility via teleports.

    Psychics have abundance of aoe control skills, strong dph, soul of silence which works great in group scenarios, and psychic will which can nullify physical dmg.

    Archers have superior range, very good movement speed and mobility via teleports, excellent single target dmg and lots of aoes with chance to purge also.

    In group pk, mystics, clerics, and venomancers do well in support roles.

    Mystics provide some magical dps, absorb soul dmg devastating to arcanes, tons of debuffs, number of medium-long control skills, strong and fast heals, and rez buff.

    Clerics provide some magical dph, a number of dangerous debuffs and very long control skills (including exclusive access to the healing debuff), many strong and spammable heals, and revive. Essential for rebuffing purged allies.

    Venomancers provide the largest selection of devastating offensive debuffs and status effects of any class (purge, chi burn, turn-into-tiger-which-can't-be-purified, seals, stuns, physical and magical defense debuffs, -channel debuff, -attack speed debuff, dmg amplify), and combined with any other class makes the deadliest of duos.

    In group pk, bms and barbs perform well in support + tank roles.

    Blademasters have many control skills they can use to stun lock enemies, the ability to tank a lot of dmg, and the extremely dangerous HF, with the chance to do spike dmg from zerk crits, ability to purge. Good mobility with speed buffs, tele-immoblize, and pull skill. Good for rebuffing purged allies.

    Barbarians are very tanky, have the ability to, not exactly stun lock, but continually interrupt a key dd with interrupts, stuns, slows. Ability to purge (can survive long enough to almost guarantee it if using r8r spirit blackhole weapon). Great mobility. Strong physical defense debuff, and chance to one-shot with armageddon. Essential for rebuffing purged allies.

    In group pk, seekers do ok dding + tanking.

    Seekers have the inbetween role of tanking dmg and dealing dmg. A seeker is very tough to kill, with chance to do great aoe or single target spike dmg. They lack control skills and mobility.

    In group pk, assassins do ok.

    Assassins have the ability to use their control skills to neutralize a key enemy with control skills. Two hard hitting aoes. Have difficulty switching targets with lack of range skills, and lack of good base defenses (though they do have good balance of defenses, like archers).


    This is what I've observed anyways ;o
    My observations are a variety of first-hand experience (I play archer, assassin, cleric, mystic, blademaster, barbarian, seeker), and studying other in-depth (wizard, venomancer, psychic).


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  • sam00000
    sam00000 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    for there attack and diff lvls and greats sarvival buff with mad damage psy is the best class in pwi.
  • Aeliah - Dreamweaver
    Aeliah - Dreamweaver Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    sam00000 wrote: »
    for there attack and diff lvls and greats sarvival buff with mad damage psy is the best class in pwi.

    See, what a nub like you doesn't understand, is that in order to do their exceptional dmg, a psychic makes himself vulnerable with black voodoo. In black voodoo, a psychic is made much more susceptible to other r9rr dds. I've reguarly one-shot r9rr +12 psychics with physical dmg, (razor feather when it crits). Highest I've seen a psychic do on me unsparked is 12k (full dot r9rr in black with extreme poison crit), whereas my razor feathers can clock in at up to 17k (physical defense debuffed, extreme poison crit).

    In white voodoo, the fight is a great big stalemate. In white a psychic can't kill anything except nubs like you, and I can't really kill the psychic either, true enough. Point is, a psychic cannot be both massive dd and massive tank at the same time, they have to choose. Somewhat like a barb in tiger form or out of tiger form.

    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

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  • srijoni
    srijoni Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    psy for sure
  • srijoni
    srijoni Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    no near psy xd :p
  • Aeliah - Dreamweaver
    Aeliah - Dreamweaver Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1 v 1 = Sin > wizard > cleric > archer > seeker > psy

    tanking for cata / flag = barb > seeker > Bm > veno > wizard

    Small scale group pvp = Cleric > Veno > sin > wizard > archer > BM > Mystic

    Large scale group pvp = Wizard > archer > Cleric > veno > Seeker > psy

    Importants of buffs = Cleric > barb > BM

    Support ability = Cleric > veno > BM > mystic

    Also depends if your in open world pvp where reflect doesn't function (most reward based pvp is where reflect does function really hampering assassins)

    Last note is Heavy armor veno with 9.3 weapon might be one of best hypothetical tanks. In 1 v 1 all Heavy armor classes pretty great due to high hp battery. Just a skilled and geared enemy can really kite barbs at least. Last few 1 v 1 i did with +12 9.3 ppl i won, but at cost of 800k charm in 10 minute battle, then 1 mil charm in 10 minute battle. Skilled 9.3 can just **** barbs and probably bms charm with giving you very little kill potential. Yet on the other hand what you can tank forever you are bound to be able to eventually kill. In most pvp situations purge is king, followed by zerk who must be queen.


    Oh, this is close, yes. Read what I typed a few posts below you.

    I'll poke at a few of your points, probably biased hehe. I'd put cleric at equal or better to wizard in 1vs1. A cleric is not as one-shot-style deadly, but tends to win many fights due to the extreme dangerousness of a full stack of healing debuffs.

    For carrying flag (not catapult), WITHOUT support, I argue cleric has one of the best chances if not the best chances, due to the heals, dmg-reducing shields and shells, ability to rebuff, and of course purify weapon. Without support, a barb is vulnerable to eventually being overwhelmed by purges, stun locks and dps. When a cleric or mystic is healing/purifying flag carrier, I would then agree with your analysis.

    On the note of heavy armor fighting others, because bms and barbs and seekers average dmg on me is lower, I can take more risks, like using my apoth for 2 sparks instead of defense, which means I get to triple spark more often. Its only a matter of time until I get a few crits back to back. Its a question of which happens first, you getting your purge and zerk-crit armageddon, or me stringing 2-3 crits back to back after ticking your charm. I've yet to fight a full jades barb so can't comment yet.

    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

    CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete):
  • Chigenkaiona - Dreamweaver
    Chigenkaiona - Dreamweaver Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Archer or psy, seekers get fried by magic easily despite their def buff. Archer would be number 1 tho, they got both physical and magic skills as well as full crit support AND purge on R9.
  • Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver
    Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    See, what a nub like you doesn't understand, is that in order to do their exceptional dmg, a psychic makes himself vulnerable with black voodoo. In black voodoo, a psychic is made much more susceptible to other r9rr dds. I've reguarly one-shot r9rr +12 psychics with physical dmg, (razor feather when it crits). Highest I've seen a psychic do on me unsparked is 12k (full dot r9rr in black with extreme poison crit), whereas my razor feathers can clock in at up to 17k (physical defense debuffed, extreme poison crit).

    In white voodoo, the fight is a great big stalemate. In white a psychic can't kill anything except nubs like you, and I can't really kill the psychic either, true enough. Point is, a psychic cannot be both massive dd and massive tank at the same time, they have to choose. Somewhat like a barb in tiger form or out of tiger form.

    Thank you, someone that actually gets it. That psys are not this almighty being that need to be praised for their so called domination over everything....
  • Saethos - Raging Tide
    Saethos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    In my eyes each class is roughly even in the same gear and situation other than Psychics. At high refines and endgame r9t3 gear with high refines, You hit them you either get silenced or they get purified with a speed buff and anti-stun. I've seen a few pull catas already, and it was not pretty...
    It is said that apple pie is best served Al La Mode, so if you are the pie, consider me your ice cream.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Thank you, someone that actually gets it. That psys are not this almighty being that need to be praised for their so called domination over everything....

    A Psy that knows how to switch voodoos and what to do if you break out of their stun or seal prematurely is pretty fearsome. While incompetence with the class can set them up as easy kills it does that with any class, a Psy that knows what they're doing is still going to wreck face .

    Also, Aeliah, is there really any reason to have an attitude? In all fairness Psychics can do some pretty nice damage, and like any other class when played right they can be tough to handle. At end game skill becomes a lot more of a factor when dealing with certain classes, no need to have a superiority complex because someone thinks a class is OP. You're a silly bear.
  • Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver
    Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Psy that knows how to switch voodoos and what to do if you break out of their stun or seal prematurely is pretty fearsome. While incompetence with the class can set them up as easy kills it does that with any class, a Psy that knows what they're doing is still going to wreck face .

    Absolutely, but the same could be said with any class. Anyone who actually knows what they are doing behind any toon is fearsome. Just makes me facepalm when everyone and their mother thinks they are the most OP thing in the game, regardless or not they actually play and/or understand the class. they only go by what they see, which is most likely the R999 +12 JOSD or whatever psys pwning all the lower geared people, when in reality any class can do just that as well if they have the same gear.
    All they see is the high refines triggering the silence and call that OP. More to the class than that.
  • Aeliah - Dreamweaver
    Aeliah - Dreamweaver Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Psy that knows how to switch voodoos and what to do if you break out of their stun or seal prematurely is pretty fearsome. While incompetence with the class can set them up as easy kills it does that with any class, a Psy that knows what they're doing is still going to wreck face .

    Also, Aeliah, is there really any reason to have an attitude? In all fairness Psychics can do some pretty nice damage, and like any other class when played right they can be tough to handle. At end game skill becomes a lot more of a factor when dealing with certain classes, no need to have a superiority complex because someone thinks a class is OP. You're a silly bear.

    Yes and... no. See, here's the thing. A one-liner statement, made by a person who brings no qualifications to the table, which is oozing with spelling and grammatical errors, and which is also WRONG, irks me quite a bit. Given that the person in question either doesn't have a character high lvl enough to use an avatar, or purposely chose to use a no-name avatar, they, in my mind, deserve to be treated like the nub they appear to be.

    A psychic will always resist a kill from somebody else, when that somebody else has to use a lot of hits to kill. That is, unless you use will surge, which is tricky, because you really need to save the genie for fortify sometimes. Basically, if I have to hit an endgame psychic more than 4 times in a row to kill them, me getting sealed is practically inevitable. Not to mention, if they have empowered vigor on, 4 hits will be longer than 6 seconds, and their charm will have ticked anyways. The most efficient way is really to one-shot them. Fortunately, because of their low base physical defense, they are able to be one-shot in a way that I simply can't do to other clerics, mystics, venomancers, or wizards. And fortunately, due to the fact that I can use healing debuffs to nudge down a psychics hp to half and then sleep them, setting up the one-shot opportunity is very easy. Once I have the psychic placed into seal of the gods, there is no switching from the voodoo either.

    A good psychic will, of course, switch voodoos if they see me spark and I haven't got them slept or sealed. However I will say I enjoy toying with some psy who start their fight in white voodoo, which I realize to be pointless, and use soul of stunning. I can take a few approaches to making them switch to black; either I ironheart myself a few times, pop 79 shield, and hit them on purpose, which will cause them to switch, or I can hit them right away on purpose anyways, watch for them to switch, use belief and toss a seal of the gods onto them and start my offensive instead.

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