Main Discussion about NW pricing and effect on game



  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I hope people would really open their eyes and take a wider look to the effects this expansion will bring in.

    I already have posted here before several notes and I cannot understand how people can so blindly just ignore them.

    1. Economy

    Don't come to say at me that I'm a T3 barb QQing for my gear value loss - I am not. Still I can feel the pain of the players who DID work for their gear. I have worked on mine. It is not Nirvana but it is something I have spent time farming with, and I am proud of it.
    Non-CSers DO suffer from this expansion. TT is already worthless and mats don't sell, vana is killed (on RT at least), base trials are worthless... What next? Farm Lunar and Warsong? That COSTS if you play as a barb.

    You tell me to go NW? Sorry, no. Timing is at late night and I CANNOT mess with my sleep every weekend.

    Farm mats? With what droprate?? With barbarian class? No thank you, I liked to pull in Delta instead for decent coinage or farm low lvl DQ when it still had value.

    Seems my only option left is merchanting and hoping a good price as BH reward.

    Not to mention my low lvl alts below 80. Hopeless.

    2. New players

    No chances to survive from skill and gear costs above 50+ without higher level. Players will quit.

    3. Players who WON'T enjoy NW

    I do PK at times and I have nothing against PK events in general but NW is not my cup of tea.

    4. Players who possibly liked Nirvana and Base Trials... also now dead delta

    I really LOVED full delta.. now it feels pointless. No coin reward. Sadly.

    I am not raging or "QQing". I am pointing out some facts, and I am disappointed. That is all.

    +1 Good Point !b:surrender
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think at the end of the day PWI HAD to do something (eg Harshlands was dead to everything except the usual instances) The effects arent fully realized and the options are to change things.

    Were the Nirvana farmers happy with the game before. You logged in and did Nirvana over and over and over and over and over etc etc etc. Is THAT what you consider enjoyment? Or you did that only during 2x and didnt log in again. I think this thread is full of exaggeration, inuendo, assumption and guesses.

    None of you csed to get gears wth no effort? None of you goon glitched to jump levels for no effort? None of you bought FC rooms, did crazy stone etc etc to get something for no effort?

    But your angry because people like me (with real life - family - etc) who cant sit on the computer 10hrs a day getting something more easily?

    But now that I suddenly have 370 cannies in my inventory that I didnt have a few days age, can someone tell me how I can go straight to t3 Nirvana? Appartanly all I have to do now is log in to NW and I become super OP.......what a load of garbage.

    Nobody is saying you shouldn't be able to get something more easily (at least I'm not). That's the least of my issues. I'm all for them making an alternative way to get Uncanny and Raptures besides slaving in Nirvana. Nation Wars is a fun, new way to do that. My issue is with just how many drops are available to people for the time/effort put in.

    Do you honestly feel it's fair that just because you have a real life, family, etc that you should be entitled to the chance at thousands and thousands of drops that other people had to sacrifice (in some cases having a real life) for? I'm not saying it's wrong for you to not sit at the computer all day every day. All I'm getting at is that while there should be an alternative way to obtain all of these mats it should be balanced, allowing people to choose how (and when) they want to farm for their gear.

    As for CSing to get stuff, I honestly doubt there are many people who haven't CS'd at all (even $5). If you want to get technical, these people are still putting in effort and sacrificing something, they're putting in real world hours working and using that money for a video game as opposed to spending it on real life things.

    I agree that something had to be done, but killing off an aspect of the game (a very popular one, even if it was just due to the monetary gain provided) is not the solution. New content is. They could have easily added new instances similar to AEU, they could have raised the level cap since there are now so many 105s (even if a gigantic percentage of them got there via the Goon glitch).

    There are only 2 draw backs to Nation Wars:

    1) the immense availability of various mats that were once far harder to get (thus making it an achievement to actually own a piece of gear that required said mat)

    2) the fact that, like all other events in the game, it's restricted to a certain time frame that excludes a fair number of people due to the fact that the original servers were all american time zones even though it's an "International" game.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hello all. The PWI economy has been screwey for a long, long time. I Feel that this new expansion is a great way for them to fix the game for pve. TT mats have been selling like hot cakes, there is now a reason to do the advanced rooms in cube. I can sell my rotating cogs of fate for an easy 2m. The new pq rings coming out, i see more reason to farm pq3 again. IDK what you are all talkin about, as far as PWI not caring about the pve aspect of the game. They are making it easier for those less fortunate, and those who cannot afford to CS r9 to get some really decent gear now (t3 nirvy). And now with this expansion, they are making the CSers have to pve more to get their badges/molds to go r9t3. This new NW (nation wars) is a great idea to stimulate the PvP aspect of the game! Im tired of going to west and only seeing blue names :P Everyone getting better gear = more fun duels/pk/tw/ NOW NW. So relax all and lets just have fun :D
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    love the crash of nv seriusly its wonderfull.

    i remember back a year ago when dev tried to remove spark from the equallation of apsing but they hade to much qq so it never reached lost city.

    but devs been plaing and planing and here it is now NW totally destroyed the 5aps market and hopefully we see less of 5aps toon in all server.

    now as to the qq let see caster and 5aps are not content to there gold mind dead aw to bad but nv was the worst end game instance in pwi historia.

    TT is why far mucm uch better end game then nv ever was so stop qq.

    5aps and caster dominated the coin flow of all server wish i dont think is fair i refuse to let some dumb *** claw daggs make more coin then axes poles sword so *** you.

    nw is a fun place to release stress killing ppl and with a certain buff so r9 cant one shoot things and even if you lose u get mats to improve how is that not FUN.

    damn its all good how can ppl still be qq.

    as far r9 being op i agree it only get op as it get more refines like +12.

    anyways keep on qqing this is my best update for my 4 year playing i love it
  • Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I see some ups and downs to this update. One up I can think of is now that engame gears are more easily obtained more people that could'nt afford before as a result of lack of time to farm (points to self) or other reason can now have access to it in a more reasonable amount of time. To the hardcore farmers, merchants, cashers that already have this gear there is a upside to this for you. More people will be willing to step out that west gate and attempt pvp now that they will have more formidable gear wich gives you more pvp action (something you guys have been qqing over a lack of for some time now) and although some may be noobs that have no clue how to pvp and get rolf stomped they will have no choice but to improve or continue to get stomped either way its a win win for you that are bored with the lack of pvp.

    There is a major downside to this though. However this affects the nirvana market it can only be in a bad way wich means making raw coin for other things is gonna be much more difficult now. Is'nt that what we need though is a shrinking of the raw coin supply? It would'nt completely fix the over supply of coin in the economy since there is a much bigger problem as far as that goes *cough* TOBL *cough* but it could definitly help a bit. Just my random thoughts on this subject though.b:bye

    O and the only reasoning I can think of for some people to be mad about these gears being made more easily obtainable is that they are afraid of losing their gear advantage.
    If you find yourself hopelessly pulled towards running into massive amounts of mobs in a vain attempt to aoe them all to death.......You just might be a bm.
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012
    moved to main discussion about nation wars.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Uh yeah I could go still go there and waste 30 minutes to get about 2/10 what I used to get.Its not crushed at all,its still there,just worthless,makes perfectly sense.

    You're talking like it was necessary to destroy a PvE instance to make a PvP fun event, as it was necessary for those tokens to be tradable with drops of a PvE instance,as it was bound to happen = New PvP event = Old PvE instance worthless ,but Its just me that don't see any logic relation on these 2 things?, they could had give different rewards without making a PvE instance rubbish,but off course,some people find it perfectly logic.

    And you're talking like I don't have any fun from doing Nirvana,maybe its true or maybe some people just find fun to PvE instead of PvP,but again,yeah, PvP=Pros -- PvE=Nubs that should shuddap, thanks for the discrimination.

    Now let's convert all PvE server into PvP server, because someone stated that PvP fun its better than PvE fun,let's do this, PvP rule, PvE'ers go dig a hole and bury themselves there.

    I bet 100 bucks that in a few months people will realize how screwed up this whole thing is, and they'll start complaining too, but off course, everyone takes his time to figure up things.
    Enjoy your PvP event till its new and fun, once the majority of R9 will get R9r3 your cheap giveaway G16 Nirvana will be rubbish and you'll get 1-shooted the whole time,and you will demand a new PvE Nirvana instance and new gear to catch up with cash shoppers,have fun!

    u talk liek a aps noob sorry but nv was and is pretty hostile to regular good old fashion barbs in pretty much all servers.
    let see u make a 6 party of 5 aps toon prolly 4 sin one bm and barb or veno if even that.

    and you call it fair where the real need for a barb in nv non cos bosses where a patetic bunch of 1milj or 10milj hp with np pdef no deff who 5aps eated in sec.

    u call that pve

    i call it bull sht even tt is more real of a end game then nv was and was cos its DEAD.

    NOW LET US WHO ENJOY nw HAVE FUN WITHOUT DIRTY OUR HAND WITH EW CLAW FIST and still get our best gear you who abused aps where getting.

    now bb i hope the door dont hit you in the head to hard.

  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    u talk liek a aps noob sorry but nv was and is pretty hostile to regular good old fashion barbs in pretty much all servers.
    let see u make a 6 party of 5 aps toon prolly 4 sin one bm and barb or veno if even that.

    and you call it fair where the real need for a barb in nv non cos bosses where a patetic bunch of 1milj or 10milj hp with np pdef no deff who 5aps eated in sec.

    u call that pve

    i call it bull sht even tt is more real of a end game then nv was and was cos its DEAD.

    NOW LET US WHO ENJOY nw HAVE FUN WITHOUT DIRTY OUR HAND WITH EW CLAW FIST and still get our best gear you who abused aps where getting.

    now bb i hope the door dont hit you in the head to hard.


    You've completely misunderstood / completely missed the point in a so high grade that its pointless to even reply if your grade of understanding its so low.Even the grammar/spelling in some parts its so messed up that's really confusing to read.

    But just a side point:You saying Nirvana its unbalanced because of aps bla bla bla
    But tell me a farming PvE instance where aps doesn't matter.

    (AEU its not a farming instance)

    Now tell me.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    why is this thread not moved in the other Nation War grave thread b:chuckle
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    AND DARE TELL ME HOW THIS WOULD AFFECT A NON APS BARB who like using his native axes/hammer.

    nv era is gone there still tt lunar eu but on 2x it was all about aps farming nv.

    it was never rainbow some have tried and it dosent work well.

    why else would caster get there very own caster nv cos they was failing out and majority of the barb to unless they traded there axes for claw o fist.

    it dosent matter what does matter was that nv was a fail end game instances made broken to just a certain way of playstyle and that is not something we shoudl be happy about.

    also all server have this fish infestetion maybe with this more classes will become mains

    i am sick of looking at all this fish spamming bh100 for barb all day long cos all of them have goven up on there barb cos they are losing out on the coin cos they are barbs.

    nv was never a good balanced end game instance and it shoudl never have been made
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Mommy used to say: Never argue with fools, people may not notice the difference.

    Im not discussing anymore.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Mommy used to say: Never argue with fools, people may not notice the difference.

    Im not discussing anymore.

    Lots of ppl are happy they can get the gear easier than before nation wars.
    And had a little grief on 5aps and thats something to celebrate b:laugh
  • Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hope your reading this pwi a lot of great reviews on NW right???? Its cause now the game is convenient BUT HOLD up

    the rewards will be changed soon though.
    I heard the thing was actually meant to be 60 tokens = 1 rap and like 12 tokens for a canny.

    but its good pk training, just stock up on items and charms and you cant lose anything. its really fun

    Got that from anoynomous

    Just a rumor right now but if you change the rewards I gurentee you you'll lose at lease one player whose been patient with you since 2008.
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This again?

    Most of the people in the game who CS'ed their R9 are working adults who have more disposable income than they do free time. I have yet to meet a single player with CS'ed R9 who was actually a child and purchased it with their parents' money. Sure, some of them may act like kids, but all the ones I know of are adults.

    I'm not directing this at you personally, but in general, when I see people complain about "kids wasting their parents' money on R9" what I'm actually reading it "I'm jealous because they could afford to buy it and I can't".

    Look, I have full amount of mats for G15 nirvana, just need the mats for G16 nirvana, do I need R9 because I "can't" afford it? Please give me more BS because that is a bloody scam from beyond repair. As an adult, I would rather use that money to buy parts for my car than to pay for this stupid game. Please, only nerds spend so much on this game, adult or child.
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hope your reading this pwi a lot of great reviews on NW right???? Its cause now the game is convenient BUT HOLD up

    the rewards will be changed soon though.
    I heard the thing was actually meant to be 60 tokens = 1 rap and like 12 tokens for a canny.

    but its good pk training, just stock up on items and charms and you cant lose anything. its really fun

    Got that from anoynomous

    Just a rumor right now but if you change the rewards I gurentee you you'll lose at lease one player whose been patient with you since 2008.

    Why because they took away you're "accomplishment"? Because they took way your now essentially free stuff?

    News Flash: IF they change anything (and that's exactly what I'm pushing for) PW is not just going to leave thousands and thousands of Nirvana drops floating around free.

    Why? Prices will revert (at least somewhat) to what they were before the first Nation Wars happened. Even if we don't reach full price as they were before and assume...hell a rise back to 75% of what it was.

    The average player can get around 150-250 tokens from a single session of Nation Wars. We'll average that to 200...that's 1000 Uncanny or 200 Raptures. On Lothranis Raptures went for 1-1.5m (1.25m average) and Uncanny were 500-650k (575k average). If said player turns all tokens into Uncanny that's a total coin value of 575m, subtract the 2m manufacturing fee and you're still at 573m...that's almost TWO Scroll of Tomes. If said player opted to make Raptures that equates to 250m (248m after manufacturing fee), not as much but still a substantially large profit to just be passing out.

    The majority of the people who are seriously happy about this are the lazy people who sat around complaining about how unfair it was that some people had the gear they wanted (translated as the people who don't deserve said gear because they refuse to help themselves) and the people who already have R9 (Who have worked their *** off for it in one way or another, be it farming like crazy or CSing it) and deserve an easier way to recast their R9 because the Rapture and Canny cost is absolute insane and impractical.

    Venus, please merge this with the other thread, since it's moved from discussion on the actual event itself and on to how the drops have effected the game.
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    3rd cast nv is like r9 so what the big deal.

    u dont wana spend money then go 3rd cast whats stopping you.

    last i saw mobs in warsound been made silly easy to do only bosses have gotten harder to tank.

    and i tho warsoudn was good as it was.

    tho harder can always be better as oposite to easier
  • Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Why because they took away you're "accomplishment"? Because they took way your now essentially free stuff?

    News Flash: IF they change anything (and that's exactly what I'm pushing for) PW is not just going to leave thousands and thousands of Nirvana drops floating around free.

    Why? Prices will revert (at least somewhat) to what they were before the first Nation Wars happened. Even if we don't reach full price as they were before and assume...hell a rise back to 75% of what it was.

    The average player can get around 150-250 tokens from a single session of Nation Wars. We'll average that to 200...that's 1000 Uncanny or 200 Raptures. On Lothranis Raptures went for 1-1.5m (1.25m average) and Uncanny were 500-650k (575k average). If said player turns all tokens into Uncanny that's a total coin value of 575m, subtract the 2m manufacturing fee and you're still at 573m...that's almost TWO Scroll of Tomes. If said player opted to make Raptures that equates to 250m (248m after manufacturing fee), not as much but still a substantially large profit to just be passing out.

    The majority of the people who are seriously happy about this are the lazy people who sat around complaining about how unfair it was that some people had the gear they wanted (translated as the people who don't deserve said gear because they refuse to help themselves) and the people who already have R9 (Who have worked their *** off for it in one way or another, be it farming like crazy or CSing it) and deserve an easier way to recast their R9 because the Rapture and Canny cost is absolute insane and impractical.

    Venus, please merge this with the other thread, since it's moved from discussion on the actual event itself and on to how the drops have effected the game.

    Has nothing to do with that, if you knew me than you know I've been doing tw for over 2 yrs and I have a lot of with that but it gets boring as hell fighting the same damn ppl over and over again. With this it probably would of braught in a lot of new ppl. Because it balenced out real and game life, with this I could just spend at max 7 hrs a week of game play which is why I said it's convient. In those 7 hrs I could TW and NW with new ppl at random while actually gaining mats to have good gear and not just me but those ppl who refuse to pvp and tw just because gear does have an effect. I'm sorry if this screws up your canny buisness but if pwi keeps this **** up you wont have ppl to buy and sell from.

    So sorry if I have a LIFE outside of pwi
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Has nothing to do with that, if you knew me than you know I've been doing tw for over 2 yrs and I have a lot of with that but it gets boring as hell fighting the same damn ppl over and over again. With this it probably would of braught in a lot of new ppl. Because it balenced out real and game life, with this I could just spend at max 7 hrs a week of game place which is why I said it's convient. In those 7 hrs I could TW and NW with new ppl at random while actually gaining mats to have good gear and not just me but those ppl who refuse to pvp and tw just because gear does have an effect. I'm sorry if this screws up your canny buisness but if pwi keeps this **** up you wont have ppl to buy and sell from.

    So sorry if I have a LIFE outside of pwi

    Please read what I said. I specifically stated that there NEEDS to be an ALTERNATIVE WAY to farm Nirvana drops. What I'm AGAINST is them being mass injected into the game on a level that takes any and all challenge out of obtaining it. Should they be removed completely? No. Should the token price for them be adjusted? Yes.

    This has nothing to do with my "canny business" as I don't have one. I don't farm Nirvana directly for money, I don't "No-Life" in Nirvana when there's 2x. Honestly, 90% of my Nirvana farming has been for my wife's or my own Nirvana gear itself. I make my money from various avenues so the Nirvana market has basically no effect on me other than the fact that it removes many of the challenges from this game. Have I used extra coin that I received from Nirvana to purchase things? Yes I have. But it's not my sole income.

    On this same note, since you keep stating that you have a life, I do feel that you should be able to earn your gear in any way you see fit, but it should be at a reasonable pace. I'm sorry, but receiving enough drops in two hours to make 4 pieces of 2nd cast Nirvana armor is anything but reasonable.

    Do you have an honest argument as to why the current Uncanny/Rap cost via Supply Tokens is fair and reasonable? Or can you at least agree that the current scale for them is extremely impractical?
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    the only ppl who are complaing are aps nerds and caster who abused the nv system.

    it was not to all classes.

    nv was not for all classes as in it was not a rainbow end game instance.

    why you think all server hade liek 99% sin in every server cos everyone love sin o bm.

    class me whatever you want but the fact is that nv was broken and devs fixed it.

    they shoudl have removed caster and put bramble on bosses and made it a rainbow only instance.

    like not allowed to have more then one class per spot.

    let nv died as it was anty mmo and u ashived nothing why using a system who only favor aps or casters.

    and damn bored watching for ages hh99 bm and sin who could op with better gear but are so content with there current gear they dont want better gear and then qq about player with better gear.

    bosses that a assasin can tank are you insane and u dont see a problem with sin with hh99 +4 tanking those bosses when they have sht gear and sht refine.

    nv was not a real end game instance have no mobs does no real damage and have no real buffs to counter aps.

    i am so glad its dead becose hopefully we will see less sin overral in game and real classes o and all have a chance at real gear with or without aps
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Has nothing to do with that, if you knew me than you know I've been doing tw for over 2 yrs and I have a lot of with that but it gets boring as hell fighting the same damn ppl over and over again. With this it probably would of braught in a lot of new ppl. Because it balenced out real and game life, with this I could just spend at max 7 hrs a week of game play which is why I said it's convient. In those 7 hrs I could TW and NW with new ppl at random while actually gaining mats to have good gear and not just me but those ppl who refuse to pvp and tw just because gear does have an effect. I'm sorry if this screws up your canny buisness but if pwi keeps this **** up you wont have ppl to buy and sell from.

    So sorry if I have a LIFE outside of pwi


    hopefully this game let all have betetr gear and remove this aps make teh coin bla bla bla i been seeing for the past two year since aps come.

    ps i even belive lots and lots of sin will disapear from pwi with this as nv was there real reason to even play sins.
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hi, i just want to know if you guys think that pwi coming with something new, i worked so hard to get raps and cans, i also spended real money just to buy raps, my lv16 weapon somebody can get it in one day, my weapon is like worthless now, so im thiking that pwi coming with something new or they are hiding something....
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Please read what I said. I specifically stated that there NEEDS to be an ALTERNATIVE WAY to farm Nirvana drops. What I'm AGAINST is them being mass injected into the game on a level that takes any and all challenge out of obtaining it. Should they be removed completely? No. Should the token price for them be adjusted? Yes.

    This has nothing to do with my "canny business" as I don't have one. I don't farm Nirvana directly for money, I don't "No-Life" in Nirvana when there's 2x. Honestly, 90% of my Nirvana farming has been for my wife's or my own Nirvana gear itself. I make my money from various avenues so the Nirvana market has basically no effect on me other than the fact that it removes many of the challenges from this game. Have I used extra coin that I received from Nirvana to purchase things? Yes I have. But it's not my sole income.

    On this same note, since you keep stating that you have a life, I do feel that you should be able to earn your gear in any way you see fit, but it should be at a reasonable pace. I'm sorry, but receiving enough drops in two hours to make 4 pieces of 2nd cast Nirvana armor is anything but reasonable.

    Do you have an honest argument as to why the current Uncanny/Rap cost via Supply Tokens is fair and reasonable? Or can you at least agree that the current scale for them is extremely impractical?

    can u tell me how a 4 o 5 min run was of a challange.

    let see rush to boss spark debuff hf and all that and 5aps

    how is that challanging.

    you been in full ws well let me tell u its waaay waaay waaay more challanging then nv ever was.

    nv was a bad system who ppl get used to and yes ppl made coin and once they hade there gear it become just out of greed.

    most of those player who did insane amount never needed nv gear and the one who did was not allowed cos gues what no 5aps or if barb once a year u see someoen ask for barb.

    its the real true.

    let see u dont liek ppl getting all those uncunies so fast.

    but tell the ones who cant afford t run nv for ages becose no aps they melee no friend to beg for ages and the begging is a must in this case.

    another note you say it took away part of the challanges have you ever done FULL WS cos if u did you wouldent even call nv anything but trash.

    i been forced to buy my stuff cos i liek my toon with axes and been todl again and again its ur own foult for not accepting the evolution of teh game well now its my turb to tell you the same thing.

    pwi have been going mre and more about team work party then solo since nv and you never tho maybe just maybe nv was gona end some day.

    now go do ful lws its waaay more fun then nv was.
  • Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Please read what I said. I specifically stated that there NEEDS to be an ALTERNATIVE WAY to farm Nirvana drops. What I'm AGAINST is them being mass injected into the game on a level that takes any and all challenge out of obtaining it. Should they be removed completely? No. Should the token price for them be adjusted? Yes.

    Do you have an honest argument as to why the current Uncanny/Rap cost via Supply Tokens is fair and reasonable? Or can you at least agree that the current scale for them is extremely impractical?

    PWI has adapted to the needs of the casual players.
    In other words if u need challenges or goals, u can look for another game b:nosebleed
    Dont get me wrong, cause i like challenges also i honestly agree with you but nothing can change it now. Have achieved some G16 stuff weapons and such so my goals were almost done gearwise.

    They went this way some years ago with introducing rank gear in boutique so its not that strange. Its possible that r9's complained about recasting their gear is too expensive so they made it easier b:chuckle

    But i still have some goals to go for, some strange ones.
    So i'm still having a lil bit of fun.
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    can u tell me how a 4 o 5 min run was of a challange.

    let see rush to boss spark debuff hf and all that and 5aps

    how is that challanging.

    you been in full ws well let me tell u its waaay waaay waaay more challanging then nv ever was.

    nv was a bad system who ppl get used to and yes ppl made coin and once they hade there gear it become just out of greed.

    most of those player who did insane amount never needed nv gear and the one who did was not allowed cos gues what no 5aps or if barb once a year u see someoen ask for barb.

    its the real true.

    I'll give you most of those points.

    - 5aps Nirvana is no challenge at all, personally I farmed it to meet a goal, I wanted my gear. When I didn't need gear I hardly set foot inside Nirv unless it's to help somebody or for a change of pace.

    - Full Warsong is definitely more of a challenge than most other instances, however with the current level of gear available (even before Nation Wars) it's not as much of a challenge as it could (or should) have been.

    - Nirvana is a bad system for many reasons. It's not limited to just APS Nirvana though, even though that is the most abused side. On that same note though, Caster Nirv can be solo'd or duo'd with OP gear.

    - Only the idiots (yes there are a lot of them) excluded classes from squads. I personally (yes, I was 5aps prior to my G16 fists, now 4.0) would take almost anyone to Nirvana assuming they knew how to play their class and could contribute something to the squad. This doesn't mean that they had to be 5.0 or +10 or any of that, it means they knew how to play their class, they didn't just sit AFK and actually helped regardless of the damage they were capable of. I was (and still am) a barb main, like you I'm not claw and I could still farm Nirvana. I just had to make my own squads for it. Sadly, they're slower than the supposed "Pro" squads, but that's a small price to pay for being able to farm at my own pace.
  • Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nv was never to last and i been hoping for two years now for it to die.

    if i hade my way i would remove bp and int gera from the gear adds all together.

    more spamming more more charms and a cooldown on spark for 30 sec or something.

    stealth not working for pvp no psy buff wish reflect making charm just take 0.1% each tick so barb dont fail on the hp charms.

    be happy i am not a dev muahaha.
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    PWI has adapted to the needs of the casual players.
    In other words if u need challenges or goals, u can look for another game b:nosebleed
    Dont get me wrong, cause i like challenges also i honestly agree with you but nothing can change it now. Have achieved some G16 stuff weapons and such so my goals were almost done gearwise.

    They went this way some years ago with introducing rank gear in boutique so its not that strange. Its possible that r9's complained about recasting their gear is too expensive so they made it easier b:chuckle

    But i still have some goals to go for, some strange ones.
    So i'm still having a lil bit of fun.

    Spoon feeding them is not adapting.

    If the R9s did complain about the difficulty of recasting (and I'm sure they most certainly did) adding the raps and uncanny was the wrong avenue to correct that for them (at least not at the current token prices), Summerwinds should have been added instead (or in addition to).

    A proper game caters to all types of players to some degree, so I shouldn't be forced (and yes that's essentially what's happening) to go find another game just because PW (if that is what they even intended) decided to cater to one type or the other.
  • Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Spoon feeding them is not adapting.

    If the R9s did complain about the difficulty of recasting (and I'm sure they most certainly did) adding the raps and uncanny was the wrong avenue to correct that for them (at least not at the current token prices), Summerwinds should have been added instead (or in addition to).

    A proper game caters to all types of players to some degree, so I shouldn't be forced (and yes that's essentially what's happening) to go find another game just because PW (if that is what they even intended) decided to cater to one type or the other.

    Well you can see the reactions of the delighted ppl about the nirvana crash, so they did some good for the majority of the playerbase.
    There always be a losing side....
    I had hundreds of uncanny's and raptures stored up also for gear before the nation wars.
    It felt like a dow jones crash b:chuckle
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'll give you most of those points.

    - 5aps Nirvana is no challenge at all, personally I farmed it to meet a goal, I wanted my gear. When I didn't need gear I hardly set foot inside Nirv unless it's to help somebody or for a change of pace.

    - Full Warsong is definitely more of a challenge than most other instances, however with the current level of gear available (even before Nation Wars) it's not as much of a challenge as it could (or should) have been.

    - Nirvana is a bad system for many reasons. It's not limited to just APS Nirvana though, even though that is the most abused side. On that same note though, Caster Nirv can be solo'd or duo'd with OP gear.

    - Only the idiots (yes there are a lot of them) excluded classes from squads. I personally (yes, I was 5aps prior to my G16 fists, now 4.0) would take almost anyone to Nirvana assuming they knew how to play their class and could contribute something to the squad. This doesn't mean that they had to be 5.0 or +10 or any of that, it means they knew how to play their class, they didn't just sit AFK and actually helped regardless of the damage they were capable of. I was (and still am) a barb main, like you I'm not claw and I could still farm Nirvana. I just had to make my own squads for it. Sadly, they're slower than the supposed "Pro" squads, but that's a small price to pay for being able to farm at my own pace.

    that is not a good reason to let aps move and farm free and you know it.
    it made class imblance cos if ur poor it woudl mean u better make aps to farm ur barb and then ups u start liking the new class and totally forget ur main who used to be barb.

    in ur case ur still barb but for other ppl they woudl let there barb to roth and that is not a good solution.

    i am sure u guys have same sin infestation as any other server. where aps play a key role to farm nv.

    even if caster give more 5aps dont need need hp/mp charm cos 99% will be aps sparking aps +hf devour convo if any or amp.

    i been there i seen it.

    yeah warsond it getting easy but it does resamble a end game instance still more then nv did.

    in any case how can u say nv was good when ppl where so content with there gear they could stay indifintly with hh99 +4 sin and some vit stone or attack shards.

    we talking of end game instance not a puny bh/fb89 who most of these farmer cant even do.
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    in any case how can u say nv was good when ppl where so content with there gear they could stay indifintly with hh99 +4 sin and some vit stone or attack shards.

    we talking of end game instance not a puny bh/fb89 who most of these farmer cant even do.

    I'm not saying it's good or bad, Nirvana was intended to be a farming instance, it just so happens that people decided to use it to make coin. The only reason this even happened is because people were content to buy the Uncanny and Raptures to supplement their farming, this is just simple economics.

    As for the gear vs. instances. All but AEU were designed to be completed with TT99 being the "Top tier" gear. The only way to force people to step out of their comfort zone is to give them a reason to. Until such a time that they introduce a full instance or set of content that requires you to have gear of a much higher caliber than TT99 there will always be people who are content to stay with that.


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