Nation Wars: New Time Slots?

Posts: 28 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Nation Wars
My friend raved about day 1 of Nation Wars and how much fun she had. So I was wondering if there are any consideration to expanding NW beyond just the 2 hour window on Friday/Sunday. Like many others, I can't play during that timeframe. Is NW so server intensive that it can't be run at additional times to include more people? I hope that more of us can have a chance to enjoy this exciting new feature of the game. b:victory
Post edited by SweeTarts - Dreamweaver on


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  • Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Great idea, let's introduce MORE nation wars, so people can get even more suply tokens, and crash the market even more
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    They won't do that. 1 NW for 2 hours crashed the rap/unc economy into the ground. Anymore time say goodbye to all farming. But I do agree with is VERY fun.
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would really love it if they could structure it like the old snake isle race. Let it happen twice a day, 12 hours apart but you can only take part once.

    I just can't get up at 5am. b:surrender

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    They won't do that. 1 NW for 2 hours crashed the rap/unc economy into the ground. Anymore time say goodbye to all farming. But I do agree with is VERY fun.

    Since they have two per week maybe not have them at the exact same time slot.
    The Sunday one could be moved back a few hours so people could be up to do it.
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would really love it if they could structure it like the old snake isle race. Let it happen twice a day, 12 hours apart but you can only take part once.

    I just can't get up at 5am. b:surrender

    That would be great and all, but they know better. People would use ALT's to re-do it. and a IP block wouldn't work...people know how to change IP addresses easily nowadays anytime. Only way this was possible was block the player via MAC address. That never changes...unless you got $$ to buy another.
  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well, I have been on West coast server for 3 years and because i live in the UK, i never get to try most of these 'expansions'.

    So i thought i would try European servers, but lo and behold, the announcements are either in GERMAN or FRENCH. This game seems VERY anti british yet tries to perceive that it is 'user friendly' to all nations.

    Bit hypercritical if you ask me
  • Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would really love it if they could structure it like the old snake isle race. Let it happen twice a day, 12 hours apart but you can only take part once.

    I just can't get up at 5am. b:surrender

    I think that would be a great idea to keep all the players happily involved.

  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It doesn't always have to be about the economy. Change the droprate. I don't care. I don't get to do it, so the drop rate for me is zero. The fun is zero. I've been excluded for years from TW because of the timing, but I made the decision to stay in game knowing I'd miss it. Now there's NW. It too has an extremely limited window of opportunity to enjoy it. Why not have more chances so that more people can participate? Or is it just for an elite few and the rest of us should find a different game?
  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It doesn't always have to be about the economy. Change the droprate. I don't care. I don't get to do it, so the drop rate for me is zero. The fun is zero. I've been excluded for years from TW because of the timing, but I made the decision to stay in game knowing I'd miss it. Now there's NW. It too has an extremely limited window of opportunity to enjoy it. Why not have more chances so that more people can participate? Or is it just for an elite few and the rest of us should find a different game?


    Personally, I would like to see a 1 battle every hour (or 2 hours) system. That's the only way to make it accessible to really everyone.

    With the current reward rate, 2x a week is enough to kill 90% of the pve content. Might as well multiply the number of Nation Wars, as it won't matter anyway. Though I'd prefer they scale the rewards to a realistic number.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Personally, I would like to see a 1 battle every hour (or 2 hours) system. That's the only way to make it accessible to really everyone.

    With the current reward rate, 2x a week is enough to kill 90% of the pve content. Might as well multiply the number of Nation Wars, as it won't matter anyway. Though I'd prefer they scale the rewards to a realistic number.

    Sounds like a good solution.
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Personally, I would like to see a 1 battle every hour (or 2 hours) system. That's the only way to make it accessible to really everyone.

    With the current reward rate, 2x a week is enough to kill 90% of the pve content. Might as well multiply the number of Nation Wars, as it won't matter anyway. Though I'd prefer they scale the rewards to a realistic number.

    Problem is player base. PWI doesnt have enough players for that to work - least smaller servers would be screwed. For that event to be funny, every nation needs least 50 players imo, totaling needed players for fun event to 200. That, sadly, is hard to achieve with constant wars and it would end up killing the event as there wouldnt be fun wars.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well my non North American friends, I live in the states, and the times NW is happening, I am either at work, or sleeping because of my work schedule. I wouldn't mind seeing one implemented at a Euro time zone in the middle of the week.

    "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli" - Peter Clemenza

    Level 101 kinky Demon BM and exquisite scotch sipper
  • Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Pwi - Perfect World International. Not Perfect World America.

    However, everything that matters in this game is not by any chance adjusted at least tiny little bit to Europeans. I understand most players are from America, so PWi has to do in time where most people can participate. However there is more then decent number of Euro players, and personally, I would really appreciate if you would do anything to benefit us, at least once.

    For example, tiger event - 2 or 3 am for me
    Nation wars 2-4 am
    TW - 2-4 am

    If you would just move those slots to be from midnight to 2 am, I would be shocked but yet very grateful.

    Would it be so bad for Americans to have TW at 6pm instead of 8pm? Maybe, but not as bad as for europeans to change their whole sleeping schedule in order to go to nation wars or TW.

    We have 2 time slots for nation wars. Why not make ONE of them, just one, at for example Sunday start between 4 or 5 or 6pm server time?b:surrender
  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Problem is player base. PWI doesnt have enough players for that to work - least smaller servers would be screwed. For that event to be funny, every nation needs least 50 players imo, totaling needed players for fun event to 200. That, sadly, is hard to achieve with constant wars and it would end up killing the event as there wouldnt be fun wars.

    Seeing your from Archosaur, that makes sence. On Sanc, there are enough around at pretty much any moment of the day (many asian players), but I get your point.

    It was a suggestion that I consider better then how it is now. Atm, around 80% of the playerbase is scr*wed as they can't participate in an event that ruined a large part of the pve content. I'm also just selfish on this one. Honestly, when I started this game there were only 3 servers and I joined the most recent. At that time, there were a few events I always missed on but no big deal. Since that that day, PWE multiplied the number of timezone events : marriage, morai, jungle ruins just to name a few. I, and some others, posted a few times how annoying that is. We always got "Those events all have **** rewards anyway" or "just join an EU server" (IF PWE allowed server transfer it could be an option for French and German europeans only). Now they implement a major game changing, super rewarding core feature event, and again stick it on the same timezone. They even had to shuffle around with old events to fit it in. It's plain ridiculous. As if a French and German server far after maturity of the game without transfer option got everyone server-time compatible.

    There are tons of options for PWE to make this equally accessible to all. I assume you're right on the event needing X players minimum to be fun, not like I can verify. If 1 every 2h would be bad on some servers, they can opt for a "sign-in" on it to make the event trigger only if there X players signed up.

    There are so many options, PWE just went for the blind idiot option. And ofc, the US players will find a new standard reply as it's great the way it is for them.
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It would be nice to have one of the NW's moved to a more reasonable time for us People not in Americs, I'm in England, And can't make NW at 4am due to working & not being quite as hardcore as i used to be ;)
  • Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    NW is at 6 AM for me, at least ONCE the pwi monkeys could make an event that suits all timezones, especially since they basically destroyed one of the biggest incomes of the game, and don`t give me that join the EU servers, FU they were opened recently and I`m bloody sure none will make a character/s from scratch just to attend events, if they offered a transfer, it would be a different question and people could move there leaving all the US people who think they are the centre of the world rot on THEIR servers.
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Seeing your from Archosaur, that makes sence. On Sanc, there are enough around at pretty much any moment of the day (many asian players), but I get your point.

    It was a suggestion that I consider better then how it is now. Atm, around 80% of the playerbase is scr*wed as they can't participate in an event that ruined a large part of the pve content. I'm also just selfish on this one. Honestly, when I started this game there were only 3 servers and I joined the most recent. At that time, there were a few events I always missed on but no big deal. Since that that day, PWE multiplied the number of timezone events : marriage, morai, jungle ruins just to name a few. I, and some others, posted a few times how annoying that is. We always got "Those events all have **** rewards anyway" or "just join an EU server" (IF PWE allowed server transfer it could be an option for French and German europeans only). Now they implement a major game changing, super rewarding core feature event, and again stick it on the same timezone. They even had to shuffle around with old events to fit it in. It's plain ridiculous. As if a French and German server far after maturity of the game without transfer option got everyone server-time compatible.

    There are tons of options for PWE to make this equally accessible to all. I assume you're right on the event needing X players minimum to be fun, not like I can verify. If 1 every 2h would be bad on some servers, they can opt for a "sign-in" on it to make the event trigger only if there X players signed up.

    There are so many options, PWE just went for the blind idiot option. And ofc, the US players will find a new standard reply as it's great the way it is for them.

    Oh I completely agree on how calling people to transfer on EU is idiotic if there isnt valid option given. Just starting from scratch? I`d never do it and I never will, I am European player and I have both conditions and will to make the events. I can understand if others lack on or the other.

    But point being, I understand where you come from and even though I`m only modest cash shopper, Ive likely put 1k+ USD on my characters on Archosaur over the years. Even if I was refunded in gold to start on EU server, which I would consider completely unreasonable "demand" towards PWE, I still wouldnt change, I got my friends on Archosaur and friends are one of the bigger reasons why I play this game.

    Pushing another time slot aimed for European player base? That would be quite smart, wouldnt really affect anything and it`s not like there is any events it would collide with. But imo the number of events should be kept small as it requires quite a bit players to be fun imo and constant event would bore players fast on it.

    But basically why I find 50 per nation minimum as fun event is that we had bout 100 each nation on Archo and it still got kinda difficult to really man people into wars - granted we were getting ganked by every other nation, getting quite small before pushing back when ganking ended. But I would say the perfect number for this event is somewhere along 100 and 250 per nation. More and fitting into instance will become difficult.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    They could move nv at least for Sunday morning, 10 am for example. It's not so early for US (and they will have Friday) and better for others. b:surrender
  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    But basically why I find 50 per nation minimum as fun event is that we had bout 100 each nation on Archo and it still got kinda difficult to really man people into wars - granted we were getting ganked by every other nation, getting quite small before pushing back when ganking ended. But I would say the perfect number for this event is somewhere along 100 and 250 per nation. More and fitting into instance will become difficult.

    The issue is that they didn't put any thought into the timing and rewarding of Nation Wars. If a minimum of players is required, put in a "dock" or "sign-in". With servers being so international for most, PWE should take that into account for EVERY event.

    For me, I can't say "I quit - RAAGGGGEEE". Not like anyone cares except those on my friendlist. But I did leave the faction I was in because I've become pretty much inactive. I'm checking forums hoping to see some news on the NW time issue and the excessive rewards. If noting is done on at least 1 of those 2 issues, there is no more reason to log in for me.

    An update to rebalance the game leading to even greater imbalance on players geographic localization. This is just so insane b:shutup
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would really love it if they could structure it like the old snake isle race. Let it happen twice a day, 12 hours apart but you can only take part once.

    I just can't get up at 5am. b:surrender

    This is exactly what I had in mind. Other option would be to make Friday's NW at 8pm server time and Sunday's NW at 8am server time.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    well after 3 years of playing on west coast, it's time for me to quit and go on to European server.

    Best laugh is, i was there for over half hour & NOT ONE person spoke English -,-

    Even the announcements are in German. And they say they are world friendly

    Bit like discrimination if you ask me
  • Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Only way for me to join NW is to ruin my sleeping habits...
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    An update to rebalance the game leading to even greater imbalance on players geographic localization. This is just so insane b:shutup

    This. Way to do an awesome thing but limit it to the people who can attend that one time slot. Stinky idea.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    While I can understand why the OP is asking for different/extra NW times, I don't think adding more times would be the way to go. There is already enough Uncannies and raps flooding the market, adding more would just be senseless. I could perhaps understand putting the event back a couple of hours so that I don't have to stay up til/wake up at 4am just to be able to take part, but that's because of the server I chose to play on. (Pre EU server release player). Sure I could change servers, but then I don't want to leave my friends I have who are in different Time zones, Yes I have a job and can't ALWAYS take part in every NW event, but that's life isn't it?
    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree that they shouldn't add more times for this type of event. But since it is run twice a week anyway, why not make the first at the current time and Sunday's run at noon? Doesn't seem to be any harm in that.
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  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This game has been Perfect World America for a long time. Okay they added Euro servers but like people already said, they are either FRENCH or GERMAN, no english in there. Many of us cannot attend TW, NW and other events due to the time they are. (TW 6am for me) There are MANY European players out there so if they moved other NW to fit European timezones I bet many of us would be happy. I am studying so Im not gonna wake up at 6am on weekend when I can finally sleep long. Its just funny that the game calls itself International when it isnt that. So yes, please PWI, for once, think of us ENGLISH speaking European players.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have alot of Euro friends and I told them Id voice up for some NW time changes.

    Something like Friday night, Saturday early Morning, Sunday early afternoon

    ^ that would pretty much hit all time zones and give everyone a shot at probably 2/3 events.

    If economics of it dictate only have 2 then id say move the time slot of the sunday one so it meets up with Euro zones a bit better.
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree that they shouldn't add more times for this type of event. But since it is run twice a week anyway, why not make the first at the current time and Sunday's run at noon? Doesn't seem to be any harm in that.

    I like this idea. For Lost City, Noon server time is 8pm My time (GMT) I'd be able to attend the event, have my fun, go to bed, get up for work and be able to get my reward when I get home! b:pleased
    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I wrote Val bout this matter this weekend.And got an answer on the same day.
    He is aware of this problem and said that he will try to find a solution so all the players can participate in NW.

    Reply i got:

    Thanks for sharing your concerns.

    That's definitely something I was also concerned with, given how many of our players don't play during "standard" hours.

    I don't know when or if we'll be able to change the number of times Nation Wars is run, but I'll talk it over with the Team to see if we can come up with a good solution to this problem.

    The last thing we want is to isolate or leave out any players, so we'll do our best to make sure everyone can get involved.

    I apologize that I don't have a quick solution, but I'll do my best! Thanks for your patience ^_^;

    - Val

    So lets be patient and lets see what will happen.

    (Hopefully no1 will bite my head off for posting this here <3 )
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This game has been Perfect World America for a long time. Okay they added Euro servers but like people already said, they are either FRENCH or GERMAN, no english in there. Many of us cannot attend TW, NW and other events due to the time they are. (TW 6am for me) There are MANY European players out there so if they moved other NW to fit European timezones I bet many of us would be happy. I am studying so Im not gonna wake up at 6am on weekend when I can finally sleep long. Its just funny that the game calls itself International when it isnt that. So yes, please PWI, for once, think of us ENGLISH speaking European players.

    *facepalm* For a student, I'm ashamed to have to explain to you that international does not mean the same thing as global. It is called international because this version of the game in based in the US and was made with all nations in North and South America in mind. The GMs and other older players have explained this over and over again until the horse has been beaten into nothing but a pile of dust.


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