Nation Wars: New Time Slots?



  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited December 2012
    lol i doubt that. Most of dw cash shoppers are EU, i rarely meet US cash shoppers. But this is your assumption it doesn't mean its true, i however think EU cashes more.

    But again at US players: Why do you find it so horrible for nw to be put on 2 different times? One for EU and one for US?

    Cuts income in half for people who already have their own server, is one of the reasons that perhaps that isn't the best solution. I don't think it's fair to ignore that because NA players have no where else to go. Whereas if a EU person decides they aren't making what they like, or they want to play at a different time after all, they can just transfer and be okay. I mean, for those that farmed nirvana some of had their main source of income cut back and now to cut it again wouldn't exactly be fair. And some people can't play on Fridays because they work late but can play on Sunday because work hours tend to be reduced on Sundays. I don't think most are object because they just want to **** over EU players and it is a valid concern.

    Perhaps if gave additional times but scaled back the rewards a bit and limited to only going once per day that would be a more fair solution? IDK keep brainstorming guys. I'm sure there is some sort of good solution that is fair to both sides.b:pleased

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Everyone is QQing about Europe well what about the other nations

    You pretty much answered that yourself.
    Australia never see the sunday NW as it's the middle of our monday - however we suck it up and make the most of what we can get our hands on. b:cute

    If you never complain, nobody will know you're unhappy. If you are happy just to do BH with players from your time zone, there is not much reason for PWE to change anything and I couldn't even blame them for that. Sorry to be rude here.

    That is pretty much all there is to it. There were lots of posts (and other threads) just stating that NW and other events should be more accessible without pushing to an USA vs EU approach. But since it's mainly EU players that actually step up and since the "change to EU server" is an easy reply for those against any form of change, it's logical the debate get's turned that way.

    Personally, I think a more global approach to grant more spread acces to events on each server would be ideal. But if they allow a server transfer so I can join an EU based server with my ingame stuff, I'd be satisfied and won't go for some chivalrous crusade to defend those I don't share any interest with. Especially if those players just "suck it up and make the most of what they can get their hands on" anyway.
    I can't say everyone all around the world will be satisfied with a change but I know at least a big portion of the player base will get satisfied/be able to participate in NW should a change happen.

    Actually, somewhere before you already said something like this b:laugh (more global then just defending your own timezone like we all naturally do)

    EDIT : BTW in some other threads there were solutions like :
    ~"Sign up" system
    ~Shifting times
    ~"Key/token" per account with more NW times
    ~Randomly triggered times, X times a week (not sure if it was a post or a conversation)

    Which were all solutions that aimed litterally every timezone to be included.
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Originally Posted by Spell_Caster - Raging Tide

    I think people should be happy they got:

    TW at 2 AM in the afternoon. This is a discussion about NW not TW and TW doesn't give any rewards. I wouldn't care if they reverted TW times back to what it was. I'd probably support it even since TW doesn't attract me all too much.
    Their own German and French servers.
    A merge next year between the servers. It's already been mentioned but not everyone can simply start over and server-transfer is not available in PWI for the time being so it's not really an option :(

    Dont ask what you cant handle. I am sure US based players cash-up more for PWI than any European community. That's just an assumption. Nobody but PWE itself can answer that.

    Perhaps if gave additional times but scaled back the rewards a bit and limited to only going once per day that would be a more fair solution? IDK keep brainstorming guys. I'm sure there is some sort of good solution that is fair to both sides.b:pleased

    I think this is the best solution indeed.
    In fact, limiting participation to once a day/week would actually give people the incentive to use their alts in NW so they can join another one if they already did with their main.
    That would reduce the number of people who log alts and afk in NW and potentially make things much better O.O

    I really do understand US people being pissed off and they are probably tired of EU people QQing over event times but they should also try to understand that NW is different from the rest of the events so it's affecting players and activities in game in a negative way unless some action is taken.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Also, consider the future pet upgrade items that will be added (yes I keep mentioning it because I'm a Venomancer <.<) and that's one more material added to the list.

    My question is out topic, but w/e, do you know how many tokens it will cost for the pet upgrade items and if there's a lvl requisite for the pet?
    You claim that canadians wake up 5am and EU people dont?

    Please read the first sentence of the my post you quoted, I start with ''I don't know if EU...''
    So please don't say I claim something when I clearly said I didn't know. Thank you.
    its called "international" ... so where is the problem, on setting 2 NW on 2 different times... so people all around the world can enjoy it

    ^ Best example of a EU player that don't know what International mean. It's that kind of person that make me said what I said, ignorant people using the game name while they don't know what the word mean. Not every EU people are like that ofc, we have ignorant people in America too, ignorance is a global thing not a international one. XD

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Perhaps if gave additional times but scaled back the rewards a bit and limited to only going once per day that would be a more fair solution? IDK keep brainstorming guys. I'm sure there is some sort of good solution that is fair to both sides.b:pleased

    Good idea. Instead of being owned by my archer... people can be owned by my same account sin at a different time. And instead of multi with my alt... I can multi with my alt's alt. YAY.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My question is out topic, but w/e, do you know how many tokens it will cost for the pet upgrade items and if there's a lvl requisite for the pet?

    Please read the first sentence of the my post you quoted, I start with ''I don't know if EU...''
    So please don't say I claim something when I clearly said I didn't know. Thank you.

    ^ Best example of a EU player that don't know what International mean. It's that kind of person that make me said what I said, ignorant people using the game name while they don't know what the word mean. Not every EU people are like that ofc, we have ignorant people in America too, ignorance is a global thing not a international one. XD

    Yes in US like everywhere there are ignorant ppl and you are a nice exemple. You confused States with Nations

    Relationship between US states not are internation also Canada and USA not is full international this from what State and Nation mean...

    My english suck so i can aswer you in my native language if you are interested can use a translator

    edit - to long to write copy and paste not work properly need to fix this forum
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes in US like everywhere there are ignorant ppl and you are a nice exemple. You confused States with Nations

    Please quote where I said states was nations.

    No need to answer in your language it's against forum rules to post in other language than English sorry.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes in US like everywhere there are ignorant ppl and you are a nice exemple. You confused States with Nations

    Relationship between US states not are internation also Canada and USA not is full international this from what State and Nation mean...

    My english suck so i can aswer you in my native language if you are interested can use a translator

    edit - to long to write copy and paste not work properly need to fix this forum

    A relationship between canada and the US is a relationship between 2 nations, making that relationship, by definition, international. I dont know what your qualifier "full" has to do with anything, nor what that has to do with the definitions of, and differences between states and nations.

    but i submit to you that you are not playing "Perfect World Full International" so you have just negated your own argument.
  • Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes in US like everywhere there are ignorant ppl and you are a nice exemple. You confused States with Nations

    Relationship between US states not are internation also Canada and USA not is full international this from what State and Nation mean...

    There is 30ish counties in north america. and if the east coast people in the us don't have problem with time... then non of the 30ish countries will have a problem with time. in addition... 4ish countries of south american also shares the same time zone as east coast us.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So how about making 4 NvN a week. Two for US times and two for Europe times, BUT each account can only once a week pick up a token to enter (kind of like the Morai once a week quest crossed with Jones blessing limit). So there are 4 NvN to choose from, but any account can only go at most once a week. So the 1200 currently trying to get into the 2 NvN on Heavens Tears for example have twice as many choices and half as many they can run. So probably down to under 600 easy per NvN.
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So how about making 4 NvN a week. Two for US times and two for Europe times, BUT each account can only once a week pick up a token to enter (kind of like the Morai once a week quest crossed with Jones blessing limit). So there are 4 NvN to choose from, but any account can only go at most once a week. So the 1200 currently trying to get into the 2 NvN on Heavens Tears for example have twice as many choices and half as many they can run. So probably down to under 600 easy per NvN.
    so that means if i have 2-4 (or more) accounts, i can easily double, triple, quadruple my profit because both times i can focus 100% of the time, thus flooding the market(my pocket) more b:pleased
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So how about making 4 NvN a week. Two for US times and two for Europe times, BUT each account can only once a week pick up a token to enter (kind of like the Morai once a week quest crossed with Jones blessing limit). So there are 4 NvN to choose from, but any account can only go at most once a week. So the 1200 currently trying to get into the 2 NvN on Heavens Tears for example have twice as many choices and half as many they can run. So probably down to under 600 easy per NvN.

    If they change the rules of the amount of accounts by players yes, if not, no.

    Now people cannot make more than 2 accounts, but people that had more before the rules can keep it, so if you make 4 NW, but one time each account each week some people will do it on 4 accounts while other will just be able to do it 2 times and some people even just one time if they have just one account.

    The point of that thread is to make if fair for everyone, not to make rich people more rich by be able to do it 4 times a week. The economy is enough **** up at 2 NW each week, no need 4.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    in my mind still the best option would be that rewards would be bound. ie raps etc bound. that way it could be even 10 times a week but could only go into one each week for each account. you wouldnt benefit really from going twice there with alt account because you couldnt sell those items anyways..

    one thing that could be good on that.. make them account shareable so you can still farm gears for other chars but cant really sell em. i think that would be the best option. bounds and limited for 1-2 times each week ea account. that way you could easily add more event times and people could choose to do one during week depending their work shifts if their weekend is busy or one at weekend. everyone wins.
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited December 2012
    zetsuboi wrote: »
    in my mind still the best option would be that rewards would be bound. ie raps etc bound. that way it could be even 10 times a week but could only go into one each week for each account. you wouldnt benefit really from going twice there with alt account because you couldnt sell those items anyways..

    one thing that could be good on that.. make them account shareable so you can still farm gears for other chars but cant really sell em. i think that would be the best option. bounds and limited for 1-2 times each week ea account. that way you could easily add more event times and people could choose to do one during week depending their work shifts if their weekend is busy or one at weekend. everyone wins.

    I dont think the solution is to kill off some of the main farming instances and then kill off the replacement farming instance immediately afterwards. If it was just an event there wouldn't need to be a different timezone for EU players, but it's the new farming instance.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    change the time zone and half the USA and CANADA players quit and kiss good bye you money income. Already this event made quite a few players disgusted and pissed do it again and bye bye.

    it is not a dicdacture choose it is a democratic world USA + CANADA = 80%+ players and income...period.

    sorry for all others but, there is always a looser in any choice now which is the best choice.

  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    viseuse wrote: »
    it is not a dicdacture choose it is a democratic world USA + CANADA = 80%+ players and income.

    I'm curious where you got this from and to which server(s) this would apply. PWE surely has statistics on this topic, they might even have published it somewhere, but at least put the source if you affirm it like a fact.

    Unless that is since NW because all non-north americans left b:laugh

    What bothers me most, is that PWE is following the same communication plan as with goon glitch. By now they should have made a clear decision, but we only got a "we understand, we're looking at the issue, please be patient". Seems they are counting on the advantaged players and time again, to turn it into a "not this again"-issue, so they can eventually make an announcement that nobody cares about anymore b:spit
  • Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    viseuse wrote: »
    change the time zone and half the USA and CANADA players quit and kiss good bye you money income. Already this event made quite a few players disgusted and pissed do it again and bye bye.

    it is not a dicdacture choose it is a democratic world USA + CANADA = 80%+ players and income...period.

    sorry for all others but, there is always a looser in any choice now which is the best choice.


    *Pulls soap box out and stands on it*

    b:infuriated USA + Canada DOES NOT equal 80% of this games Cash and players

    Unless you can provide a link from a recognised non biased source .. stop throwing random numbers around b:angry

    As for EU you guys have options stop agruing a losing argument - try arguing the rest of the world where we don't have a server conventiently located near our timezone (we have a choice of inconvenient times on english or non english speaking server)

    As for PWI others are correct PWI are just burying their collective heads in the sand on this issue hoping the furor will blow over.

    I notice V4 hasn't even made an appearance on this thread nor has this thread been stickied which it would have been if PWI actually wanted to do anything about balancing this game for ALL it's players (not it's microscopic fish puddle PWI keeps telling us is their player base b:angry)
  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    As for EU you guys have options stop agruing a losing argument - try arguing the rest of the world where we don't have a server conventiently located near our timezone (we have a choice of inconvenient times on english or non english speaking server)

    Then why on earth did you say you're satisfied with what they offered ? Why are there barely any asian/austrelian/whatever players that post anything in that sense in 1 of the many threads that are about this topic in general ? Did you send a ticket, or pm the CM ? There is a huge part of the playerbase from India, Singapour and Australia but I barely see any of them post even if "Nation Wars: New Time Slots?" isn't reserved to EU vs US.

    You can't blame the EU players for trying to go for something possible like a server transfer as there already is an official topic going on about merging the french and german servers. I think any of the european players would support and prefer accessible events on their current server over transferring.
    As for PWI others are correct PWI are just burying their collective heads in the sand on this issue hoping the furor will blow over.

    b:avoid b:surrender
    I notice V4 hasn't even made an appearance on this thread nor has this thread been stickied which it would have been if PWI actually wanted to do anything about balancing this game for ALL it's players (not it's microscopic fish puddle PWI keeps telling us is their player base b:angry)

    Look page 5 #46
    v4liance wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to make an "official" announcement here that we are currently evaluating what it would take to expand the NW time slots w/out harming the balance of the game.

    We definitely do not want to leave players out, particularly given how important Nation Wars is now, but we also have to be careful to make sure the rewards aren't messed up by increasing the access.

    We're doing our best right now to come up with a good solution, but unfortunately, it won't happen soon. This is one of my top priorities, however, and I'm going to fight hard to make sure more players have access to Nation Wars.

    - Val
  • Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Then why on earth did you say you're satisfied with what they offered ? Why are there barely any asian/austrelian/whatever players that post anything in that sense in 1 of the many threads that are about this topic in general ? Did you send a ticket, or pm the CM ? There is a huge part of the playerbase from India, Singapour and Australia but I barely see any of them post even if "Nation Wars: New Time Slots?" isn't reserved to EU vs US.

    Never said I was satisifed just been here long enough to know PWI isn't going to do anything about it.

    *Dispondantly goes back to sit in corner* b:cry
  • Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Great idea, let's introduce MORE nation wars, so people can get even more suply tokens, and crash the market even more

    let it crash then. it will eventually when everyone has got their full nirvana sets. but then like every economy that crashes, there's also a boom in the end. what goes down must go up again and vice-versa. people will ask for raps and cannies to make summerwind tokens, etc... you will see ;p
  • Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    viseuse wrote: »
    change the time zone and half the USA and CANADA players quit and kiss good bye you money income. Already this event made quite a few players disgusted and pissed do it again and bye bye.

    it is not a dicdacture choose it is a democratic world USA + CANADA = 80%+ players and income...period.

    sorry for all others but, there is always a looser in any choice now which is the best choice.


    Oh please. I can give a good example of a non US cash shopper thats spent $50K+ on this game, thats rules out about what 10 us cash shoppers? Don't flatter yourself. US does not bring all the income. It won't kill you to have 1 nation war on a EU time zone. If you can prove that US provides more income ill take back this statement but i highly doubt it.

    And this event has helped most non cash shoppers catch up in terms of gear to cash shoppers, so again if anything this event has rekindled the spark within pwi.
  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    *Dispondantly goes back to sit in corner* b:cry


    Don't go sit in a corner ! Your point is more then valid and I know there are many players in/close to your timezone. I just think they (seem to) accept everything without reaction to easily. So step up instead of staying in your corner. The only thing that can make them react is enough players sending tickets/complaints and stop logging on the game.
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    viseuse wrote: »
    change the time zone and half the USA and CANADA players quit and kiss good bye you money income. Already this event made quite a few players disgusted and pissed do it again and bye bye.

    it is not a dicdacture choose it is a democratic world USA + CANADA = 80%+ players and income...period.

    Show proof and I'll believe you.

    Also, don't you think there's a lot of cash shopper EU (and not only) players who have quit or are at the verge of quitting? But that's not the point of this thread.

    My question is out topic, but w/e, do you know how many tokens it will cost for the pet upgrade items and if there's a lvl requisite for the pet?

    No information from PWCN yet, we'll probably know more once the patch is released there :( it's set to be released on 28th December if I remember correctly.

    Some people translated/said that there will be items (similar like materials) to upgrade them and also mentioned something like adding special pet food for them too but I don't know if that's true or false.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    No information from PWCN yet, we'll probably know more once the patch is released there :( it's set to be released on 28th December if I remember correctly.

    Some people translated/said that there will be items (similar like materials) to upgrade them and also mentioned something like adding special pet food for them too but I don't know if that's true or false.

    Thank you. :)

    @viseuse: Please link where you got the info about the ''80%+'' coming from US. Thank.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    viseuse wrote: »
    change the time zone and half the USA and CANADA players quit and kiss good bye you money income. Already this event made quite a few players disgusted and pissed do it again and bye bye.

    it is not a dicdacture choose it is a democratic world USA + CANADA = 80%+ players and income...period.

    sorry for all others but, there is always a looser in any choice now which is the best choice.


    You have no means of obtaining that data, you just pulled it out of your ****, just shows how ignorant you people are, and who the hell cares if someone spends more, it`s f2p game, just because you are idiots wasting money on items you DON`T own doesn't make you better than the rest demanding better treatment, it`s vice versa, shows how pathetic you really are!
  • Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    You have no means of obtaining that data

    To be honest, it would surprise me if they didn't have that kind of information mentionned in their annual reports (even if it isn't strictly required). For the spenders part, that should be traceable anyway.
  • Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    To be honest, it would surprise me if they didn't have that kind of information mentionned in their annual reports (even if it isn't strictly required). For the spenders part, that should be traceable anyway.

    The company knows of course, but what I meant is they will not disclose that information publicly.
  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The company knows of course, but what I meant is they will not disclose that information publicly.

    That is what I meant. Since europeans pay via a structure in the netherlands, that information can be traced down for sure. I would consider their customers geographic zones also as a primordial factor for investors, so I consider it should be somewhere in their annexes. All that is just the pure legal minimum and publicly accessible for anyone with enough free time to actually read more then the synthesis note.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    That start to be out of topic, it's not a contest to know who c$ more, it's about NW time.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    That start to be out of topic, it's not a contest to know who c$ more, it's about NW time.

    Wether or not the players from outside the North American timezone are numerous enough for PWE to consider adapting for them IS very on to topic. Which zone spends enough cash is also a factor of consideration for a company, even if morally that motivation can be debated.

    For you, as 1 of the first and main persons to bring up the point of the current times fitting the vast majority of the playerbase (something like "for just 10 - 15 EU players"), to now post this is rather contradictory to a large number of your previous posts.

    Legal information contains more then just $ information and even $ information can be used to deduct other information. It's just that nobody cares enough, or has enough time to waste, to actually go look for that (me included).


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