New Suggestion Thread
Keep up the suggestions guys b:victory0
Ok...we definitely need some kinda of Block List Extension Stones, its damn annoying that i cannot block drama makers and baggars in game couse my BL is full, and im sorry but i dont want to read about those draams ingame and listen for baggars whay they need money from like we have inv safe and wardrobe ext stones it would be good to have BL ext stones too
OK here are some of my ideas
1-Add maps to OHT, OUF, VOF and well all OHT maps
2-Make OHT gear/weps more accessible and worth farming [better stats and dont make them random]
3-Make molds/gold gear more accessible [reasons for this is that people don't run instances that much anymore and so there no good molds from those boss]
4-Give some sort of rewards/incentive for low lvl BHs [not the same of BH 100 but something that would make players to go do BHs more often]
5-Stop making certain items toon bound; why no leave things as acc bound?! [examples: hypers, anniversary fashion/all class pet, morai gear(if u take the time to farm these gear why isn't allow to share it with your other toons?!)]
6-Add a row or two to acc stash
7-Add drops in FC [i would be one of the people who would like to earn xp and farm for my 85 gear at the same time b:laugh]
8-Raise the lvl cap or make some new instances for player to hit 120-150
9-Increase Rapture drop rate!?
10-Allow to craft charms [something similar to how you can exchange Divine order papers for pots that are basically crabs meat]
11-Make sage/demon books [the ones you can learn at 89] drop from bosses or add mini-world bosses [that spam every two hours or so] or better yet use current instances in sage/demon worlds [i don't mean Aba or Sot but another ones in there] for players to farm skills books/pgs in there.
12-Also add new BH 100 bosses [again use those instances in sage/demon worlds (i don't remember the name of these because no body goes there, i know in the far right-top corner of the map in demon world there's one that mobs are 105+, so this could be a new challenge b:chuckle)]
13-Take away or increase amount of chips/socket stones from BH 100 rewards
14-Take away or lower Lunar Fee [most people don't do this BH because of the fee so lowering up to 1.2mill/200k ea would be good]
/Mangetsu - Dreamweaver wrote: »
14-Take away or lower Lunar Fee [most people don't do this BH because of the fee so lowering up to 1.2mill/200k ea would be good]
No. Lunar / TT's needed for g16 equips.
then make
then make
then make
g16 can match r9 3rd recast, which is one of PWI's biggest money makers. They'd have to lower the price on Mysterious Chips and Medals of Glory. Then they'd be forced to release higher level content above level 110. However, even PWCN doesn't have that, nor will they any time soon. 150 is the final level cap of the game, once that's reached, there will not be any new content.
Here's a veno suggestion from me:
Make it so that if a mob dies during your pet's casting/channel, the skill is auto-canceled much like your own skills.There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.
It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.0 -
KissAndKill - Dreamweaver wrote: »No. Lunar / TT's needed for g16 equips.
g16 can match r9 3rd recast, which is one of PWI's biggest money makers. They'd have to lower the price on Mysterious Chips and Medals of Glory. Then they'd be forced to release higher level content above level 110. However, even PWCN doesn't have that, nor will they any time soon. 150 is the final level cap of the game, once that's reached, there will not be any new content.
I know you need the TT99/lunar 95 gear for the recast and finally g16 which matches r9 then why no lower the cost of lunar. wouldn't that make the farming of the basic gear easier?!
Now i didn't mentioned anything about rank gear because I'm not a cash player and hence can't get r9 but i guess making r9 mats farmable like they did in trials would be good
Actually the Mayans predicted the end of Twinkies!0 -
Crystyl - Dreamweaver wrote: »Get rid of that STUPID HORN!
There was no horn available unless it was from packs back before Tideborn. I wish they didn't give out more. So I agree.There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.
It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.0 -
Make quest items that don't go under the quest item tab in the inventory, go into the quest item tab in the inventory:There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.
It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.0 -
The main suggestion the panda would like to see implemented is to do with the World Boss's.
Adding a couple to the Morai map would be swell. Heck, even a couple in Heaven and Hell might not be so bad considering after most people complete the few culti stages in these areas they never return unless it's to farm herbs.
The main thing however Fuzzy would like to see is an adjustment to spawn times. With the state of gear as it stands now and the predictable cycle of spawning, it is absolutely rediculous that on each and every server a squad of 2 - 6 people can hold a complete monopoly.
It almost makes the panda cry to know that smaller factions who may need to organize their members and bring their entire A-game and still have a darn hard time will never realize the opportunity. It used to be quite a thrill to attempt to take them on. Now they may as well not exist since they are all slain in the same cycle by the same extremely small handful of players.
For the WB's to have such a predictable pattern deprives far too many from ever even having a shot at this aspect of the game.
Completely randomized spawn time would be great. Or give fuzzy a spawn button so he can spawn them when ever he gets the notion b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
When falling straight down without jumping beforehand, allow players to move while falling. Because not everyone jumps beforehand.There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.
It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.0 -
More Ideas:
1-Let venos have more pets [basically just allow every mob in pwi to be tamed]
2-Also, add some new summons for mystics [ the way i see this is either add new summon skills or add a new system for summons for mystics, like venos have normal pet bad, mystics would have a way to collect mob essences that would spawn new summons for one minute by activating the essence from the inventory]
3-Add a new map in the sky, something similar to lunar but instead a large piece of land just floating[in other words no restrictions or anything just fly up and get to the new place]
4- Add some angel/demon like summons/pets
5- Change the way mystics summon fly [ mistress is ok since her theme is lightning and a grey cloud fits that, but why not add dark wings or something for the demon pet]
and that's all for now ill continue to post new ideas as i keep playing the gmae b:laughb:bye
/Mangetsu - Dreamweaver wrote: »
1-Let venos have more pets [basically just allow every mob in pwi to be tamed]
Not all mobs would be tamable still. Anything that's part of wraiths' army wouldn't be. As indicated by the tame skill itself.
Another suggestion from me:
When equipping a tome currently, the stats it adds to don't turn green if only it adds to that stat pool. Please make it so we know it is being affected by the tome by having it change that stat pool to green like other equips.There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.
It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.0 -
I been thinking, since you can see HP, MP, level, buffs and class of characters in squad why not add a Chi Indicator too, so all members of the squad can see all members chi amount.
This doesn't have to add the chi and spark "icon" to the squad too just add another br like HP and MP (maybe smaller) in a yellow colour and when you hover over it it will show the amount of Chi the member has, for example.
One Member has 1 spark as they are Level 30.
199/199 <- This mean they have full chi
But if they have half of there full Chi then something like this.
(You understand the rest)
This would give 3 classes an advantage (that I can think of at the moment)
Veno's: Venos will know when you give Chi and to who instead of guessing or waiting until someone asks/yells at them.
BM's: BM's will know when to DG according to the Sin's Chi, giving the Sin more focus on the mob/boss instead of wondering what the hell the BM is yelling at them for.
Cleric's: Will stop people yelling at Clerics for not BBing because they don't know the Cleric doesn't have Chi to do it. (not much use for a cleric but I wanted to add this as it happens to me a lot)
Sin's: Basically the same as a BM, they will know them the tanking Sin has enough Chi to spark so the DDing Sin can use Subsea the same time as the BM.
I know there isn't a lot of classes won't need to take full advantage of this but I'm use with future use if this is added all classes will find some kind of use for it and I know the classes I listed above will be able to take full advantage from it being added from the start
I'm sorry if this has been suggested before, I did try look for it but found nothing so I hope PWI GM's actually look at this one ^-^
Atthena0 -
Also, make it so that the fire blade (and other elemental tokens) are removed from quest inventory when your character is unable to continue the Token of Seven quest and doesn't have those items. As the Jade Bottle, Golden Blades and the Holy Mirror of Heaven cannot be gotten after a certain level as evidence to the screenshots I linked in their names here.There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.
It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.0 -
KissAndKill - Dreamweaver wrote: »Also, make it so that the fire blade (and other elemental tokens) are removed from quest inventory when your character is unable to continue the Token of Seven quest and doesn't have those items. As the Jade Bottle, Golden Blades and the Holy Mirror of Heaven cannot be gotten after a certain level as evidence to the screenshots I linked in their names here.
I like having them in there, brings back memories. xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Is this thread only for in-game suggestions or can I suggest something for the forums as well?
I'd like to see a section of the forums for native speakers of other languages who can't express themselves so well in English. This is the official version for most countries in Europe and the whole of the Americas, so it's very understandable that parf of the gaming population won't be so fluent in English as most are. Still, they have doubts and need help as well.
Openning a "foreigners" folder in here for other major languages, such as French, Italian, Spanish, German and Portuguese would help those people out when looking for help. Asking for them to google translate their questions most times makes the sentences too broken to be understood.
That would at one time help keep the main forums in English only, avoiding random people who come here writing in other languages, and aid those who just can't express themselves so well in English.0 -
augustfinknottle wrote: »Is this thread only for in-game suggestions or can I suggest something for the forums as well?
I'd like to see a section of the forums for native speakers of other languages who can't express themselves so well in English. This is the official version for most countries in Europe and the whole of the Americas, so it's very understandable that parf of the gaming population won't be so fluent in English as most are. Still, they have doubts and need help as well.
Openning a "foreigners" folder in here for other major languages, such as French, Italian, Spanish, German and Portuguese would help those people out when looking for help. Asking for them to google translate their questions most times makes the sentences too broken to be understood.
That would at one time help keep the main forums in English only, avoiding random people who come here writing in other languages, and aid those who just can't express themselves so well in English.
Well there is a French and German forum now, so I'd recommend if you speak either of those languages and have a technical question to try there too. And it is tough,although they'd need someway to police it to make sure it's remaining clean.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
I would love to see Rebirth Delta run more often. My suggestion is to have the bosses in waves 5+ drop uncannies, with the final boss dropping raps. (Alternatively you could have the frag quest also give one uncanny with the final quest giving one rap, so no splitting is required.) This would not only draw some people out of Nirvana, but also provide classes like archer and barb who have greater difficulty getting Nirvana squads with an alternative. And would make Rebirth Delta more worth the time it takes to complete it.
I also think it would be great if the 99 key quest was able to be completed in Caster Nirvana.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)
Looking for a mature faction on HT? -
Annalyse - Heavens Tear wrote: »I would love to see Rebirth Delta run more often. My suggestion is to have the bosses in waves 5+ drop uncannies, with the final boss dropping raps. (Alternatively you could have the frag quest also give one uncanny with the final quest giving one rap, so no splitting is required.) This would not only draw some people out of Nirvana, but also provide classes like archer and barb who have greater difficulty getting Nirvana squads with an alternative. And would make Rebirth Delta more worth the time it takes to complete it.
I agree, better rewards would be awesome for this. But unfortunately they're quite possibly nerfing the rewards.
I'd be cool with cannies, raps, 3rd Stage Nirvana molds, 3rd stage nirvana badges, doubling tome frag rewards, nightspike crystals, R8r mats, double the OBP rewards...anything that would push this instance to be more profitable or run more often for endgame gears. It's a fun instance with a non full R9 squad (to which its boring and you just sit at SP and annihilate everything). I've found every class to be valueable in / -
can someone confirm that gms at least visited this thread? b:surrender0
I can because I talk to them about it, not to mention my google docs.0
A) it will be great to have the builder learning skill
it will be great to have a world where avatars can buy a spot to built their own home
and farm or plant product like vegetables and fruits .( because the perfect world design is perfect and beautiful so it would not be nice to see little houses everywhere so that's why I suggest a world only for housing , farming, and for other stuff like a place for sheep horses and stuff like that.
C) with a home come furniture so it will be great to have NPC that will sell stuff like furniture and it will be great for avatars to have a skill to learn to build their own furniture
D) its will be great for avatars to be able to construct farm elevated animals and also be able to sell them
E) it will be great for avatars to be able to cook and eat so it will be great if some eatable items will have some effects or has some small ability like replenish hp or mana
F) ok so this one is crazy suggestion: It will be great to give players a chance to choose to be a adult teenager or a child.
a) with this options let's say that a player choose to be a adult that player will be on it's own to learn team up and survive in perfect world and cannot be adopted
b) lets say a player choose to be a teenager in perfect world that player will be on it's own but must have the option to be adopted by other adult players ... so that teenager player must have the options to ask or be ask to be adopted by other players that are not teenager or a child ( so teenagers and children can only be adopted by a adult avatars.
c) so a player that had been adopted should have the options to become a adult and take care of themselves on their own if they wish to upgrade their teenage avatar to a adult avatar and have the options to leave their adopted parents in case they are being mistreated.
so teenager or children player cannot lvl up like a adult can but can fight ..grab plants..or other stuff on the ground for future use let's say that when a teenagers fight he cannot lvl up but can earn coins nd gear nd other items from the monsters...nd can take damage too but the teenager can get strong by upgrading his or her gears so after the teenager choose to become a adult the teenager will be able to lvl up nd cannot use the gears or weapon that he or she uses when she or he was a teenager their effect will be nullified
( this suggestion will help new players a bit to familiarize themselves with the game and also find a mentor to guide them through the game so the mentor is the person that will adopted them )
so while the player is a child or a teenager he or she will learn from its adoptive parents or mentors and can also fight or squad with them but cannot lvl up but can damage and take damage too this idea about fighting with their adoptive player will help other player to focus on protecting their adoptive child from being killed so the player will quickly develop or learn what to do to protect a valuable player in their if the adoptive player is being mistreated should have the option to leave their adoptive parents and find others parents and if a adoptive parents is being mistreated by their adoptive player the adoptive parents should have the options to quit being a adoptive parents for the adoptive if a adoptive parents let their adoptive player die during squad or team up battles the adoptive parents should lose exp as if it was them who died....( so it will make sens if the adoptive player is a teenager or a child)...( this suggestion will complement the idea about housing)
0 -
it will be great for all players to be allow to have a fighting pet if they want too why because it hard to survive on its own and also hard and lonely for new players to fight and fight always solo...its not easy for new players to find a squad or a teammate to help them in battles so around lvl 20 when things get tougher all players should have the options to get a fighting pet if they want to...
not all players wanna help others so a fighting pet will help players survive on their own but sure there will be some part of the game where player will need to team up with other people but having a fighting companion will help decrease loneliness in the game and give the player time to fight solo with a fighting pet companion until it builds friendship with other player or get to know people it took time to get to know someone and when u get to know someone and team up with them the survival bonds will be stronger because some players will see u as a friend and will be happy to save u in the i"m a new player I team up with someone because I was asking for help things were tough for me but she was faster and stronger then me because I could not fight a monster on my own because I was weak she kill the mobs with 1 shot while me I could not she did not really need my help because she could kill them with 1 shot so I just follow her around to see if there's a monster that I could help her with she got bored of me and kick me out of the squad and let me die while she continues fighting by herself ...( so will she had done that if I had built friendship with her or get to know her probably but I don"t know)
another example if you see a friend in danger wouldn't u be happy to help that friend but if u see someone you don't know in danger you will say I don't care I don"t know that person let them die(this example is related to the game).
so to built friendship and have a great squad it takes time at lvl 20 the games get tougher alone and it is kinda frustrated to fight 10 monsters alone and every 1 monster is a struggle to kill i fail the god cuisine quest 5 times its not because the monster were stronger than me no they were not the mobs were around my lvl but i fail because I did not kill them fast enough in 59 mins so having a fighting pet companions would have help kill them in time...
so.......b:victory0 -
Add button for AA and AFMystic: 99 lvl (Main)
Psychic: 96 lvl (Alt)
Assassin: 78 lvl (Retired)
Cleric: 75 lvl (Retired)
Big bumpy ride since 20080 -
It would be nice to see World Bosses get a revamp. Initially they were supposed to be some of the hardest things in the game to kill and I realize that the vast improvements we've seen in gear over the past years have made everything far easier to do. However, it would be nice to have a real challenge again.
I'm honestly not sure how this would be best served, either increasing the difficulty of the current bosses or maybe add in some new ones, or even both.
In addition, an updated drop pool would be a welcome change. Along with this, we would need to see an updated spawn system to prevent certain groups of people from monopolizing said bosses. One faction or group of OP people should not be able to control things as they do now.0 -
Add an equipment swap system with a little I / II button on the inventory screen to swap between equipment sets. Make it an item mall / boutique item so newbies can't get it right away, as it would allow them to store equipment on their second set without it impeding on their inventory.
Allow us to set hotkeys for the bars above the first shortcut bar (with the 1~9 keys) IE: CTRL+1~9, SHIFT+1~9
Change Fantasy Fruits to X a day and throw them into the item mall for lazy people :PThere once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.
It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.0 -
I've decided with approval from the staff to start an Official Suggestion thread. The reason is after years of flooded requests in the suggestion box, it has pretty much become ignored.
Please list some suggestions you would like to see for the game. I will compile a list of ones that seem reasonable and submit them to Frankie every week and he will review and submit any he agrees with.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
Edit for a side note.
This thread will be moved to its correct location in the Suggestion Box next Monday 10/1/12. I have it started here so people are aware of this thread and get the ball rolling so to speak.
Edit 9/25/12
List compiled onto Google Docs for a cleaner and more effective method of sharing this data with staff and other mods. I may provide updates in the future on suggestions that have been passed to be submitted to be approved.0 -
I, on the other hand, want the filter to be the least active possible. People would just make combinations to say "charm ****" as "charm r@pe" or "r@p3". Which is just the same, so why ban it?
People are way oversensitive when it comes to words/ cussing words. **** is also part of other words, such as "grape", so yeah, let's ban all the grapes from PWI. And drapes, and skyscrapers, and therapeuthics, and trapezii, and lots more.
It happened with grasshopper because it had "asshopper" in it.
Please, people, stop thinking kids are stupid. They are not so stupid that they will go around **** people because they know that word exists. They will not be traumatized from hearing that word. Also, their parents should know that this is a game where their kids will be interacting with all kinds of people from all over the world. So, if they don't want their kids reading stuff like "charm ****", they could just not allow them to play. WOOT, YAY!0 -
Make attendance sheets account stashable.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0
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