Realm of Reflection



  • Grindata_ - Heavens Tear
    Grindata_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    also dont forget u have alts u can do dailies on too if u have 8 alts 80+ thats a possibility of 56 dailies per day u can do.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Dont take me as a greedy man. I am not QQing about this new stuff. But they could atleast give something a lil bit worther staying in this already ruining game.

    P.S.: I stopped beleiveing in 105-in-one-day once Decent came out. I remeber words on Decent's web sites of "Here is new way of getting 105". What have we got? Like an Exp thingy from shroud.

    Why would they need to do anything more to make people stay in this "already" ruined game. After all... you are still here even with all the complaining that you do.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Buff_me - Raging Tide
    Buff_me - Raging Tide Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Why would they need to do anything more to make people stay in this "already" ruined game. After all... you are still here even with all the complaining that you do.

    I am here bcuz i am not complaining. And yet I enjoy merchanting more then anything in this game, that makes me stay here.
  • amingwati
    amingwati Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    b:cool what if I told you
    this feature is not for helping lvl 100 ppl to reach lvl 105, it IS for helping lvl 30 ppl to reach lvl 100, more high lvl ppl = potential market for R9 eqs b:kiss
  • ImNotFeelnIt - Heavens Tear
    ImNotFeelnIt - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    <waves of impotent rage>



    <"I don't play this game anymore, how dare you play this game when I don't">

    <"Did I mention how much better than you I am, 'cause I don't play this game anymore?">

  • Selak - Dreamweaver
    Selak - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Virtual Exp in a Virtual Game instead of actual Exp earned by actually playing will mean more high level Noobs to be used as cannon fodder in TW.
    This may make them useful for something at least. b:chuckle
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    How do you prove this? I really don't believe that anybody got to 105 without glitching, regardless of what they claim. It takes a long time to go from 101-102 by just frosting and doing daily quests. And remember this: All the 102 and 103 people all got to 105 while the glitch was active.

    She has shown videos of what she did to lvl, not all the time obviously but she had marked progress on the forums of hitting 103, 4 and finally 105 and telling how long between those events and what other options people have for lvling.

    On a side note 101-102 does not take a long time. I took my sin from 102 in 4 months ONLY with daily quests no FC no hypering PV, started 1-1-12 and ended sometime in April, I made a thread on it on my sin whenever it was too lazy to look. But I didn't even do all my dailes everyday, did cube maybe once a week and so on. If I had done it every day I could have gotten 102 a lot quicker and if I had hypered FC or PV even faster still.

    There are people that got their without gooning, to be sure they are the exception not the rule but the fact of the matter is it's done its over with, GET OVER IT PEOPLES.

    Now back on topic I wonder how much xp my now 79 seeker can get (just started playing her after over a year of her being 75 lol) Right now I am just soloing PV once a day on her for about 1 lvl, but I won't get a whole lvl from that much longer.

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Cotillion - Dreamweaver
    Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I swear, everyone's just butthurt because they can't afk to 105 as fast as goons would have done it. b:laugh
    This is just it, sadly.

    Did people really just expect to afk and get 1million exp an hour or something? That this would power level them to 105 while afk? (Spending time in FC 100+ and not doing PV is lame too, btw. Way to know the game)

    Most people do dailies anyway. This is an added boost. I can go to work, come back and have almost 2mil more exp than I did when I left, if I stack up enough shards. You all need to sleep don't you? Getting experience while sleeping isn't good enough?
    How long do some of these dailys take, really? If you can't be bothered to drag yerself out of the mundane constant running of FC for a bit and rather not get anything at all when afk, then by all means, that's your choice. Believing this was going to be a new afk path to 105 is just dumb, though.
  • Buff_me - Raging Tide
    Buff_me - Raging Tide Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is just it, sadly.

    Did people really just expect to afk and get 1million exp an hour or something? That this would power level them to 105 while afk? (Spending time in FC 100+ and not doing PV is lame too, btw. Way to know the game)

    Most people do dailies anyway. This is an added boost. I can go to work, come back and have almost 2mil more exp than I did when I left, if I stack up enough shards. You all need to sleep don't you? Getting experience while sleeping isn't good enough?
    How long do some of these dailys take, really? If you can't be bothered to drag yerself out of the mundane constant running of FC for a bit and rather not get anything at all when afk, then by all means, that's your choice. Believing this was going to be a new afk path to 105 is just dumb, though.

    Repeat this once again and maybe ppl understand :D

    Like i told, Gm once said they are going to make an easier path to 105, thats why ppl still have a hope.
  • Cotillion - Dreamweaver
    Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Repeat this once again and maybe ppl understand :D

    Like i told, Gm once said they are going to make an easier path to 105, thats why ppl still have a hope.
    It's a matter of interpretation.
    GM said that. You expect instant gratification and be 105 like goonz glitchers, and **** all over something like AFK experience.

    AFKing for experience is a little boost that helps you gain experience. In itself, not a path to 105, no. But a boost in experience? Yes. Yes it is.
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well I have to say I'm a both relived and a bit disappointed.

    Relived that it's not a huge mess of exp out of afk leveling.

    Disappointed that it really wasn't a well thought out system.

    On the nice side though, I can afk while I'm at work and level some alts that are stuck and can't get squads easily. So I guess I can't really complain about that.

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So what we've learnt from this is...the exp is worthless for time spent gaining, the **** exp is only viable if your not even playing (lol), you should feel happy wasting power at home or where ever you are, just to get that tiny bit of exp that you can get in 1 hour worth of FC, but instead 12 hours of doing nothing...yup.

    To finish off, the exp is only "viable" if you pretty much leave it on for the full 12 hours, being 100+, the exp is just pathetic as stated god knows how many times, if they actually tweaked it so the exp you got was worth while in accordance to player level, then it would actually be worth leaving my PC on over night/when I'm not in and a lot of other people will think the same, of course those with their heads up their own **** and with one finger up PWI's crack will say "were totally wrong and should be greatful...".
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    GMs should make this stack with hyper EXP, not only that we win epic EXPz, but PWE will make a nice side profit on the side. b:cute
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Buff_me - Raging Tide
    Buff_me - Raging Tide Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So what we've learnt from this is...the exp is worthless for time spent gaining, the **** exp is only viable if your not even playing (lol), you should feel happy wasting power at home or where ever you are, just to get that tiny bit of exp that you can get in 1 hour worth of FC, but instead 12 hours of doing nothing...yup.

    To finish off, the exp is only "viable" if you pretty much leave it on for the full 12 hours, being 100+, the exp is just pathetic as stated god knows how many times, if they actually tweaked it so the exp you got was worth while in accordance to player level, then it would actually be worth leaving my PC on over night/when I'm not in and a lot of other people will think the same, of course those with their heads up their own **** and with one finger up PWI's crack will say "were totally wrong and should be greatful...".

    U fully expressed my emotions when i just saw this update ;)
  • CroPsy - Heavens Tear
    CroPsy - Heavens Tear Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So what we've learnt from this is...the exp is worthless for time spent gaining, the **** exp is only viable if your not even playing (lol), you should feel happy wasting power at home or where ever you are, just to get that tiny bit of exp that you can get in 1 hour worth of FC, but instead 12 hours of doing nothing...yup.

    By your logic, dailies are also worthless since they give so little exp. Your formula to level up is simple: Do FC and FC only all day long, since nothing else is worth the exp you get from it. b:bye
  • HyperNoob - Sanctuary
    HyperNoob - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Tested it out on a lvl35 and she gets 420 exp b:chuckle
    Not too impressive.....
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    By your logic, dailies are also worthless since they give so little exp. Your formula to level up is simple: Do FC and FC only all day long, since nothing else is worth the exp you get from it. b:bye

    You can try bend my words all you want, I played this game pre-2009 where I would grind things like the butterflys at lake of woe for hours on end and I would call that good exp, then I would buy an exp scroll just for the extra boost on the occasion then it was great exp on top, even back then, at the 8x levels, leveling like that was great for the time spent for exp, especially compared to this joke of 12 hours = 1.6mill exp.

    For the economic person or simply a person that can't afford to **** away power by keeping their PC on for 12 hours for such minor exp...the total thing is a joke.
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is useful for me. I just do dailies every day, save up the required item, and use them for times I can be on but afk.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • CroPsy - Heavens Tear
    CroPsy - Heavens Tear Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    For the economic person or simply a person that can't afford to **** away power by keeping their PC on for 12 hours for such minor exp...the total thing is a joke.
    Power for keeping your PC on for 12h is simply... cheap. Well, even if you have high-end, six core CPU, SLI/Crossfire setup, 16GB RAM, 6 HDDs and other stuff, you can set them in "power save" mode and whole PC will spend less than 2 light bulbs b:laugh

    BTW: With this "afk" leveling, you don't spend any time. So instead of getting 0 EXP, you can get 1-2mil EXP.
    If your boss would offer you another $5/hour while you're sitting at home and watching TV, you would say no to him? b:shocked
  • Buff_me - Raging Tide
    Buff_me - Raging Tide Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Power for keeping your PC on for 12h is simply... cheap. Well, even if you have high-end, six core CPU, SLI/Crossfire setup, 16GB RAM, 6 HDDs and other stuff, you can set them in "power save" mode and whole PC will spend less than 2 light bulbs b:laugh

    BTW: With this "afk" leveling, you don't spend any time. So instead of getting 0 EXP, you can get 1-2mil EXP.
    If your boss would offer you another $5/hour while you're sitting at home and watching TV, you would say no to him? b:shocked

    5$ - u overpriced this update.

    1$ per day after work, more fair.
  • bearyflair
    bearyflair Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    All the dailies should be giving a stone. So far got one from the Morai Daily and 2 from the Roll Call, while the OHT Daily didn't gave one and neither did the Crazy Stone. b:surrender
  • FateBlade - Lost City
    FateBlade - Lost City Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    b:bye ...
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Wait...what are people complaining about again?
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Tiare - Lost City
    Tiare - Lost City Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Wait...what are people complaining about again?

    They are complaining about getting EXP without doing anything for it.

    Strange ppl...
  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Wait...what are people complaining about again?

    They get a way to gain EXP while sleeping and they QQ about that.

    Yes they are idiots
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Baby_pho - Heavens Tear
    Baby_pho - Heavens Tear Posts: 636 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bahaha I laff at this afk exp thing might as well not have it. I am all for geting rid of it as it is such a useless nonsense machanic. Isnt ff, pv, morai, cube enough for exp? jeezzzzzzzz
  • TrueMax - Sanctuary
    TrueMax - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    They get a way to gain EXP while sleeping and they QQ about that.

    Yes they are idiots

    You must be paid by pwi to troll forums
  • ellero
    ellero Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The awerage cost of kWh in America is 12.5p per 1000 wats. PC with monitor uses between 150 and 400 wats of electricity per hour. Do the math...

    If ur pc uses 400 wats per hour thats 8x.4kWh=3.2kWh = 0.4 dollar. Wich is equivalent of
    560k ingame coins.
    With that you can buy 2-3 exp rooms= 3-4mil exp for lvl 90s and 2-3mil exp for 100+.

    And you dont have to do the boring dailies IJS.

    Sorry for the bad english.. i hope u got the point
  • Genghiskhan - Heavens Tear
    Genghiskhan - Heavens Tear Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would hope the amount of exp actually varies with each level, but, I won't complain with it...lets factor this in...for my game play

    levels 89 and under - 3 bhs a day (3 hours of this stuff), 1 crazy stone (does that give an hour), 1 world quest (does this?)

    At 90 I usually start doing cube on my characters, theres another hour

    at 95 you can do many hours will that allow?

    at 100 I start doing 2 cube runs a day on toons...but you also go down to only 2 BHs

    Can anyone confirm for me what all gives this stuff? I cant currently get in game to find out for myself...sounds like easy exp for my alts though
  • Cotillion - Dreamweaver
    Cotillion - Dreamweaver Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ellero wrote: »
    The awerage cost of kWh in America is 12.5p per 1000 wats. PC with monitor uses between 150 and 400 wats of electricity per hour. Do the math...

    If ur pc uses 400 wats per hour thats 8x.4kWh=3.2kWh = 0.4 dollar. Wich is equivalent of
    560k ingame coins.
    With that you can buy 2-3 exp rooms= 3-4mil exp for lvl 90s and 2-3mil exp for 100+.

    And you dont have to do the boring dailies IJS.
    Moot point. I can't buy FC rooms when I'm sleeping or at work or doing something else.

    So, this has now degraded to the very minimal cost of power to run a modern PC? You people are really grasping to justify hating this.
    If you don't like the mechanic...ummm....don't use it?