Clerics. What pisses you guys off or annoys you when your in a squad?

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Any pet peeves or something someone can say that really gets you going?
Post edited by uncleblademaster on
* Sins when they stealth past the mobs to get to the boss and start hitting it. While the rest of the squad battles their way to him. Of course, said idiot sin blames the cleric when he fails to solo.
* People yelling res non-stop. I won't res someone unless it's safe to do so. Thankfully this isn't as common now, but bh39-69. That was really damn annoying.
* People who refuse to go into BB range when I inform them that they're out. I won't be moving BB for one person just because they won't listen or pay attention. Most of them then ask me what level my BB is after they get owned.
* Other clerics who rage at you because they don't feel special since there's now two or more of us in a squad >.>
* People who rush into a group of mobs and only hit one of them, expecting heals.
There's probably a lot more that I can't recall atm. But then again, it's easy to annoy me[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
* People yelling res non-stop. That was really damn annoying. This is not in squad though.
I once turned off my chat window. I was in area with many dangerous mobs (all that time was busy).
And what was my wander when I turned on my chat window and saw many, many phrases like:
" Res me."
"Are you deaf ? "
"You just was near me, is it hard to res ?"
Must admit, that I resurrected another Cleric 2 times during same period of time just because saw her death. But those was other non-Cleric character may be (I not saw even what class she/he had).
After this event my autoreply always on:
"My chat window turned off. Ty for you question."
* Melee players which try to kill guards at bh59.
I not know why they do it. I can do it with other ranged classes without their help or death (these guards not respond to ranged attacks).0 -
I can beat that...
I was in a BH69 in a mixed squad that was part 70-80 an had gotten the Pyro BH, and part 80-90 who had Pole/Nob. We clear through and kill Pyro, then someone "okay guys, wait for me. I have to turn in and pick up Nob"... Which I'm already not a fan of but then the level 70-80s have their boss and leave so now it's down to 4 people. So we start clearing while this person turns in and they come back in and walk right into some mobs instead of walking around them. Now I have to run back to the start to rez, which is fine. **** happens.
As I run back one of the players I was just with starts "Rez. Rez pls" and I'm thinking that everything is cleared, what could have killed him? Then I notice he still has all buffs and a full hp bar. So I tell him his hp bar never moved, he's still buffed. "No, I'm dead. Rez pls". And he keeps this "rez. Rez... Rez" up all the way till I rez the person who turned in. My friend was standing back with him and I pm him asking what the person deal is and my friend lets me know he's just standing there, alive, never attacked a mob or anything.
When I get back to the guy he's like "OH!!! I tricked you. Burn! I got you good.
Later he died from poles aoe and started "rez. rez pls. rez." and I said "oh! you still have full hp and buffs on my screen" killed the boss and left. When he released I said "OH!!! I tricked you. Burn! I got YOU good."Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Minor compared to the other pet peeves here, but I hate it when people can't stay still for buffs, then complain when they don't get one. I have had luck to not meet too many terrible players.0
TsarBomba - Heavens Tear wrote: »* People who refuse to go into BB range when I inform them that they're out. I won't be moving BB for one person just because they won't listen or pay attention. Most of them then ask me what level my BB is after they get owned.
When they asked me that, I used to troll them sayin' I have a lvl 1 BB and laugh as they rage 'zomg! u fail cleric noob! y u no max your bb skill u noob!' , but now I wish I could triple spark facepalm when a lvl 100 toon says that to me... b:byeSliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
- June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
My nerves are made of something unkown matter so I do not get annoyed almost anything...but sometimes i stop wonder why some people are in squad when they are playing like solo anyway.0
In TW:
When random people pm to get Celestial Guardian's Seal buff thinking that can safe their life, look like they didn't realize that base buffer don't buff with it cause it's kinda useless.
When people not in my squad pm to get ress/buff while they see i'm busy healing/keeping my squad alive, i don't have time to search where the person is.
The stupid bm running in the enemy stair and die and ask for a ress, i won't kill myself to ress them cause anyway the second they ress there they die again.
When people are at 100m of me and expect me to be able to heal them.
When i need to ask for barb and bm buff while they are next to me, they should think by themself to buff their squad/cleric.
In PvE:
Like Kiribas said, when i tell people to come for group buff and you have one start running than later complain he miss a buff or someone asking for buff, but running far from me.
Someone who in a cave aggro a mob, than beside run to the squad to get help will try to fight alone and die making me need to go back in the cave to go ress, if someone aggro a mob on his way and can't solo it run trow to the squad.
Someone that need heal that will run far from me beside run to me, look like people think heals range don't have limit.
People telling me to don't use Dimensional Seal (p.def debuff) saying venomancer debuff is better and when i tell them that cleric is the same than veno and even more long duration depend if demon/sage they are all surprise and say they though cleric on was 20%.
In caster when the second cleric is stupid, example if my BB drop and the other cleric will 3 spark after my BB drop beside set BB, cleric that use constantly plume shell even on boss doing only magic attack than they QQ they don't have chi to BB or when i'm in BB and the other cleric Dd, but doesn't debuff the boss at all.
When i ress someone and the person stay down without speaking, if you don't ress for any reason at least tell me that you got the ress so i don't waste my time trying to ress 5 times or when i send the ress to the person and the person stay down and the other in the squad screaming ''RESS HIM!!!'', i did ress, but sometime for a reason i dunno people don't ress or it's when you notice someone want AFK on maccro.
People who die trying to solo a FC or doing quest ask for ress, hey guys when a cleric die he go to town, do the same. Cleric are the class loosing the more exp, so it's not the end of the world if other class don't get ress every time.
@TsarBomba: If someone ask you the lvl of your BB please tell him to uninstall ASAP. xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
~ " Rez me!!! " when a person has standed too near Pole or so (aoe wipe)
~ " No I can tank this we just need my lvl 103 cleric!!11 " when a lvl 74 sin with 3k HP tried to tank pole and I kept telling I could bring my tank, we dont need another cleric, tank instead
~ " Your BB wasnt close enough!111 "
~ " Why you RB on heads? Hit the mobs!111 " (Obviously we all know RB makes it lot faster to others)
~ " No heals -.- " When psy dies in FC because of bishops and I am interrupted and stunned as no-one stun the bishops
~ " Res me " and when i get to them, they have went back to city
~ " I need res " on faction chat when I am on other char and the asker is.. lvl 23? Seriously? That terrible exp loss? No, I'm not gonna switch char and fly half PWI just to res a lowbie
~ Whining of HP loss/deaths at Runewolf in FC when melees and me run to same direction, casters run to other when rune AOEs... and ofc I heal tank and melees around me first, and casters refuse to eat HP food and wait that rune's weaker AOE kills them if I dont get to them.Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
Not very much bugs me anymore. I typically have good luck finding competent squads.
I hardly run into this anymore, since most players now all have higher level alts and SOME form of competence, but it should be mentioned that during FBs, the tabber (who is typically at level for the fb), should not run ahead of everyone and aggro every mob and expect not to die. And then scream at me for not healing him and threaten to kick me because of his own stupidity.
b:sweat I've had that happen to me...Silly level 40 BM in his fb39. I'm sort of glad those days are done.
Other things that tick me off
- Barbs that don't go into tiger form and try to pull lots of magic mobs with crappy gear and DON'T aggro them all.
- People that die because they couldn't wait for the tank to grab aggro and cry when I don't immediately stop healing the tank and res them.
- Tanks that don't take aggro of every mob and then cry when I refuse to heal them
- Sins that stealth ahead and afk at the boss (Calcid's path in 39 is the exception, having to res them after nearly every explosion is kind of annoying to both parties)
- People that spam PM me while I'm healing a squad and don't stop because I can't answer
- Soggy toast
- Wizards/psys that can't control their own aggro and insta-die every time they aoe a group of mobs, and then cry that I'm not healing them fast enough
- Mystics that aoe seal groups of mobs, and those mobs run off and bring back friends
- Mystics that agree to being the only healer in the squad and not healing anyone
- Clerics that spam CHB and don't know that IH stacks b:angry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~
Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
"You sir, are why I love clerics" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
b:thanks Well thank you Liba<30 -
The argument that cleric >myst or myst>cleric.Go Pure or go Fail
You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something in your life - Winston Churchill
Status of PvP in RT
The best pk in Raging Tides is in World Chat- Dylena0 -
Jeremied - Sanctuary wrote: »
- Sins that stealth ahead and afk at the boss (Calcid's path in 39 is the exception, having to res them after nearly every explosion is kind of annoying to both parties)
I just ran when the mobs were at like half health. Have never accepted sins not participating with the rest of the squad. Even with the pulls in FC, they stealth to the end of the pull and wait for the party to get to them so they can help with the pull mostly. Probably because by then they've all been told not to stealth to the boss and afk.
Let's see things I dislike
When a one or two shot blames me for their death claiming that I should heal them when they take aggro. Sorry but if you were one shot or two shot in the time it takes to channel ironheart then there was nothing that I could do for you. Learn to control your aggro.
When people don't know what heal aggro is and start apsing single mobs and expect me to heal them still.
When the second cleric says they will be the primary healer but then doesn't heal. If you wanted to dd instead from the start, then tell me so and I'll heal. It's not a big deal.
People who run ahead of everyone without saying a word, get killed, and then expect an instant rez when me and the rest of the squad has to fight to get to their location. And I have sage rez so they are down for even less time.
I don't like people who steal drops in squad; no matter which class I'm playing and what instance I am in. My number one pet peeve in-game period.
Other clerics who get mad that I'm in squad because THEY'RE the healer, darn it! It's just stupid. Tank+Healer=the two main people in squad. Everyone else, doesn't really matter which class they are for most things. It's nice to get a good debuffer, good aoes, etc etc. But those things aren't necessary for the majority of the things in-game. Heck, many things in game are good enough with just Tank and everyone else can be whatever. Not everything only requires one or both of those two roles. For example, Delta can't be done without a good amount of AOE so an all sin full delta wouldn't be a smart move. And you wouldn't want to do Nirvana without a good debuffer be that a veno or a bm. But still most things can be done with just a tank+healer or just a tank.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
+2 tt 90/99 galives/swords at level 101 joining bh with level 1 purify and a macro for BBGifs are hard to make work here0
Joshcja - Sanctuary wrote: »+2 tt 90/99 galives/swords at level 101 joining bh with level 1 purify and a macro for BB
I hate you for giving me exactly that kind of cleric in BH now. lol
~ People telling me to do this and that RIGHT NOW. Thanks, but I know my job.
~ People being reckless and going all out then dying because they can't take the hits.
~ People just being lazy/undergeared/betching in general.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
Outrunning centaurs since 2012~0 -
You know what pisses me off the most? People that type "your" instead of "you're."b:cuteProving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
-People getting up instead of letting me rezz them in TW. I have sage rezz and they get up right as my rezz goes off- so I just wasted 6 seconds, drew every sin in the area who saw me rezzing, and you got up anyway. GG.
- When I'm in TW on mystic and the cleric metal mages. You are not a mage. And I don't appreciate having to switch to full support mode on a 91 attack lvl, full 3rd cast mystic while you throw thunderball on random people.
- on mystic, the rezz buff beggers. If you're not in the cata squad or a cleric, quit spamming me for it in TW.
main things I can think of atm.0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »You know what pisses me off the most? People that type "your" instead of "you're."b:cute
You're post was spot on! Your so right! JKJK.You know what's really sad? I often type them wrong and make grammar mistakes when writing things; though I'm well aware of the proper usage. I blame MTV.
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Mekkhala - Lost City wrote: »-People getting up instead of letting me rezz them in TW. I have sage rezz and they get up right as my rezz goes off- so I just wasted 6 seconds, drew every sin in the area who saw me rezzing, and you got up anyway. GG.
b:cry I hear you Mekkhala0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »You know what pisses me off the most? People that type "your" instead of "you're."b:cuteVenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »You're post was spot on! Your so right! JKJK.
You know what's really sad? I often type them wrong and make grammar mistakes when writing things; though I'm well aware of the proper usage. I blame MTV.
Not specially directed to only you 2 , but i hate people who are mean with people and attack them on the typo/language, many people don't have english as primary language, but force themself to try to write it to be understand and all some people found to do is to insult them saying ''english is not your first language huh?'' or ''You can't understand cause english is not your primary language'' <-people having a other primary language are not necessary stupid, i would love see people having english primary language write in my primary language (french) without typo.
So before people judge and get angry they should maybe think that the person make effort to try to communicate in english and beside insult them, laught at them or rage at them maybe tell them how to type it correctly.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »Not specially directed to only you 2 , but i hate people who are mean with people and attack them on the typo/language, many people don't have english as primary language, but force themself to try to write it to be understand and all some people found to do is to insult them saying ''english is not your first language huh?'' or ''You can't understand cause english is not your primary language'' <-people having a other primary language are not necessary stupid, i would love see people having english primary language write in my primary language (french) without typo.
So before people judge and get angry they should maybe think that the person make effort to try to communicate in english and beside insult them, laught at them or rage at them maybe tell them how to type it correctly.
It's not really people speaking a foreign language that this sentiment is typically directed towards. For some reason though, it has become really popular to butcher the English language by native speakers. Many even get hostile towards you if you read whatever they said wrong, despite the fact that the language is purposefully distorted. They reply with remarks like "this isn't school, grammar ****!" and act as though you're the one wrong for reading a sentence the way it was written instead of always being able to predict what they really meant with perfect accuracy. Often times non-native speakers write better than people whose mother tongue is English. Sorry if you get caught in the cross-fire of that, but realize it's not usually meant as an attack against people such as yourself who don't speak English as their primary language.
And I make grammatical errors all the time in Japanese. It is incredibly difficult to learn another language. But if someone corrects me, I don't get mad either.
edit: Although I do get frustrated when people form squads and then make no effort to communicate when you specifically call them by name just because they don't understand English. When I join squads and realize that they are primarily Brazilians for example, I let them know that I don't speak the language. Most are understanding and attempt to communicate with me more simply like using known game abbreviations for everything. Sin, BP. Sin pull. Sin dc invite. sin, lead. Things like that. Instead of something like "hey, get the boss" in Portuguese. Which I wouldn't understand. I don't know. I guess I just find it rude to deliberately ignore people who are talking to you, regardless of the reason.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »It's not really people speaking a foreign language that this sentiment is typically directed towards. For some reason though, it has become really popular to butcher the English language by native speakers. Many even get hostile towards you if you read whatever they said wrong, despite the fact that the language is purposefully distorted. They reply with remarks like "this isn't school, grammar ****!" and act as though you're the one wrong for reading a sentence the way it was written instead of always being able to predict what they really meant with perfect accuracy. Often times non-native speakers write better than people whose mother tongue is English. Sorry if you get caught in the cross-fire of that, but realize it's not usually meant as an attack against people such as yourself who don't speak English as their primary language.
And I make grammatical errors all the time in Japanese. It is incredibly difficult to learn another language.
I never saw you try to insult people about that, but i see a lot of people doing it (in forums and game), i just think that when someone is learning a language it's normal to do typo or don't know how write everything and some people directly attack the people that don't speak english as primary language and use it for insult the person.
It's worse when people learn english in a game cause yes there's some people that have it as primary language and write it worse than other that don't have it as primary language. Often that can happen that i will say ''prolly'' beside probably and ''dunno'' beside i don't know, but i learned that from english people.
A thing that i don't like though is people that don't punctuate at all and write a huge text without paragraph, dots and , <-(sorry don't know the name of that xD), i find it annoying in every language.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »A thing that i don't like though is people that don't punctuate at all and write a huge text without paragraph, dots and , <-(sorry don't know the name of that xD), i find it annoying in every language.
I hate it when people do that too! It is very annoying in every language. I also hate when PEOPLE TALK IN ALL CAPS because it's harder to read. That's called a comma, btw.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Fun fact: Spanish is my primary language. b:coolProving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Back on topic guys.Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
When you are on your alt (Whatever it is normally I'm on my veno alt) and you tell the cleric in your FC squad (normally in the 80's) to stop spamming chb or something simple that shouldn't cause a big problem since you (on your main, cleric) do it every day countlessly, and they proceed to yell at you and call you names cause you offered a tiny bit of advice that counterdicted their poor healing abilities and then you get booted (as in my case cause I'm the low dd and unwanted veno even I have a +5 aqua dash and steal aggro easily on anything if I want to with all leveled skills). That really pisses me off. I even say my main is a 100 r8 cleric and I still get called a noob or worse cause I offered a sencere peice of advice, normally in a pm and they bring it to squad chat.
Was it only me but I wanted people to tell advice tell me if I was doing something wrong or to do it a different way. Clerics need to be on their feet and be able adapt (person view) and go with the flow. In my mind, leaning another way to do it makes me better as a cleric since I can do it in multiple ways not just one.
Oh and when a mystic decides to be the tank because they think they are invincible. They continually die and use their Rez buff to loss half their exp because they want to look op and do it all by themselves.
And when I join an FC squad and te mystic becomes butthurt cuz they got a cleric to heal. Now that really gets old. Mystics are fine healers. I'm sorry but (person view) clerics trumps mystic healing. Then you don't get Rez buff cuz they are pissed that you are there.
Oh when every one else is using holy path plus their speed skills and you are expected to keep up and you get yelled at cause you fell behind and didn't heal quick enough and you are spamming holy path. Although that doesn't happen now once I hit 99, 80-98 was horrible.
Also when you go to help lower levels do fb's. Like 59 and your at 100+ with good gear. They yell at you to bb soo they feel safe. Heck, I'm 100 with demon debuffs and r8+6 wheel of life and demon spirit gifts. Oh and your ih can heal their hp 3 times fully. (as in the whole hp bar could be filled 3 times with one ih.) and they want you to bb cause they think they will have aggro. Personally, I can easily keep aggro and heal myself without a problem in bh59 and even more so since I got demon spirit gifts. (150% magic attack for 10 secs, gives my an extra 2k magic attack.)
There are just a few that **** me off that I didnt see in the other posts.0 -
Most my "what pisses me off" about being a cleric are things other cleric's do in squads.
For instance a cleric trying to buff everyone at once. This means waiting at the entrance for all 6 players to get in squad or not buffing till we're all standing in place. All the time I get in and would like to start clearing but I'd like to buff and the cleric is sitting there waiting for people. It takes 3300 mana to give full buffs, which for most of us is less than 1/3 our mp. If you need to pot that's about 400 coins worth but you shouldn't have to pot since our mp regen is very fast (mines 70+ mp/sec, so about 45 seconds to regen). It's usually the vit cleric's that don't have as much mp and mp regen that don't want to buff a squad more than once but seriously give me Vanguard and Magic Shell for 530 so I can get going.
Cleric's without cloud eruption on their genie.
Cleric's with Morai weapons.
Cleric's with DoT's in their weapons.
(Most) Cleric's with -channeling/mdef ornies. Especially doing FCC exp room, the cleric's that can't stand near the boss because they can't survive his physical aoe. That being said, some R9/G15 cleric's are about as tanky as my bm and they're free to wear whatever they want, lol.
I don't like the argument of "I heal this way" vs "pls heal me this way". Honestly, normally I'll side with the tank. The cleric may know how tanks want to be healed 9/10 but the tank knows his armor, his timing, his ability, and his habits. Not long ago I was helping in an FB 69 and so was a level 99 sin. He was 3.33? aps and good dd but very squishy, under 5k hp and we had no tank but he said he could so I trusted him. Then he asked me to bb for nob and pole -.- But, like I said, I side with the tank and sure enough he used his skills to get chi for triple sparks to purify so the usual IH/purify wasn't needed. What was needed was bb's dmg reduction since the aoe alone would almost kill him through bb. He did great, no problems because he knew what sort of healing he needed. Some cleric's argue "this is how I do it" sooooo much.
2 sin squad's where the one not tanking doesn't rib.
DD's that force you to seperate from the barb to heal them. I'm fine with healing DD's, but if the barb goes one way and you want me to heal you then stay near the barb. It sucks knowing the tank is taking damage but you got stuck healing a dd somewhere else.
There's a whole list of "things that **** me off" that are minor when you are sitting in bb and watching others play. Sins 1v1ing and never aoeing in zhen situations. Seeker's without stances in the same situation. You can see people afk as you watch the squad since you're just sitting in bubble while others are distracted by dding/tanking and notice all the things people do wrong/lazy but those are individual and not worth mentioning.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Cleric's without cloud eruption on their genie.
I personally never had it on my genie and never had chi problem, some cleric burn chi for over plume shell and purify (mostly sage cleric since for demon purify cost no chi and plume shell half), but yea that **** me off to see a cleric that can't BB cause no chi, but you see him spark, purify for no reason and plume shell on boss that have no AOE or have magical AOE.Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Cleric's with DoT's in their weapons.
Lol yea that's stupid, i personally didn't saw that myself, but i saw a R9 cleric shard with flawless sapphire shard in the gears. xD
I personally don't care which weapon/shard the cleric use if he can do his job correctly doesn't really matter to me what he use. (unless he use the morai weapon people get by the yellow chain quest, it's not good for cleric)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »...i personally didn't saw that myself, but i saw a R9 cleric shard with flawless sapphire shard in the gears. xD
Gotta love those full r9's with +4 armours and flawless shards b:cuteProving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »Gotta love those full r9's with +4 armours and flawless shards b:cute
Well in all class R9 i think it's funny they shard with flawless, but sometime it's just cause they plan to recast or work on gems, but flawless sapphire shard in a cleric R9 gears (pants/chest/sleeve/boots) it's kinda funny. xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0
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