FC Glitch Update



  • Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    mm2000 wrote: »
    LOL @ People QQing about APS barbs and archers, they are only good for one thing, dieing like idiots... The only reason why 5 APS toons or toons that can spark really frequently with the physical attack bonus from spark (oooooh venoes too!) have an extreme advantage is because of the chi gain from normal attack and unlimited or huge amount of chain sparking WHILE having +10/+12 gear to make the builds effective as it says. Have you ever seen an APS char just auto attack ALONE? I dare any APS toon, assassin or not, to try just APSing (and I mean only normal attacks) show a video and then say how APS chars really act. Spark is a beyond broken skill that should have never existed in this game, even casters spam this thing.

    For the rest... removing rank gear is a lot better than nerfing it. While FC was fine as a farming instance... This is too late, the game is already screwed and people's mind sets are polluted. That is way too late since the genies came out.

    b:laugh b:laugh What does APS have to do with this thread?
  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    You should put on 4x expb:shutup

    No really.

  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    You should put on 4x expb:shutup

    No really.




    Make it happen!
  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited April 2012


    Make it happen!

    That would be epic.

    EPIC by true definition.
  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    That would be epic.

    EPIC by true definition.

    It would be an epic apology, indeed.
  • Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Hmm, no post in this thread by Frankie or another staff of PWE today. I'd say they are probably going to unsticky this soon, and attempt to sweep it all under the carpet. Then again, what can they possibly say in their defense of how they run everything?
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    seriously.. let it go already. Y'all's bloodpressures are through the rough

    If I were as unhappy as a lot of people in this thread are about how a game is being ran, I'd gtfo. I mean, obviously a lot of other big F2P MMOs will be totally happy to meet your every need and demand, and would be totally appreciative of all your efforts to remain an honorable player.
  • Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    OMG 40,000+ views of a thread started a few days ago.
    And I thought PWI was dying?
    Or do people pop in here on there alts to check it out too?

  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    OMG 40,000+ views of a thread started a few days ago.
    And I thought PWI was dying?
    Or do people pop in here on there alts to check it out too?


    Of course, 40,000+ individual players peeked at this thread.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
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    -Master of Coffee-
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    is not my fault, because you are a dumb and you made a mistake when you develop this game.
    where is my mistake because i used what you give me.
    would be my fault if i change your program and through this would give ​​me an advantage.
    you should "ban" your employees who work in your company because they are not able to make a good thing.
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    seriously.. let it go already. Y'all's bloodpressures are through the rough

    If I were as unhappy as a lot of people in this thread are about how a game is being ran, I'd gtfo. I mean, obviously a lot of other big F2P MMOs will be totally happy to meet your every need and demand, and would be totally appreciative of all your efforts to remain an honorable player.

    Tremble has the right too say, what he's saying....

    Just as you have the right too say, what your saying....

    Remember, people like Tremble (And me, for that matter) have been around {Prettymuch/4ever} and as such, when we see what a ~F'n MoCkErY!~ this Games Become; compared too what it used to be.......b:faint

    We tend to get bored of Their Repeated Backpeddlings, when it comes to the Very Enforcement of Their Own {ToS-Rules}; So when we see them Jack it Up! With such 'Incompetent Actions' (Multiple Times~Mind You) we each tend too react, as each of us will......

    Take me for instance; I'm more the mocking kind, when it comes to this type of situation; Since I find it, completely beyond (Reproach & Reason) and as such, I tend too get a tad Bit 'Mocking' towards sitch's like this.......b:sin

    But Tremble, pushed harder then (Everyone Else) on trying to get them too do what they should have done in the first place....b:surrender__(And Yet Again, they've proved how utterly FAIL! They are about Their Own rules, on Multiple Occasions) So he has every right too make his mind known; and too feel the way that he feels, about this Situation.... b:bye

    And none of us have the right, too tell him otherwise.......b:thanks
  • Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    At least I benefit by seeing a wh0le bunch 0f rand0m p0sters I have never seen bef0re...
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    At least I benefit by seeing a wh0le bunch 0f rand0m p0sters I have never seen bef0re...


    Thats because most of them are Peoples {Alt~Account's}, in addition too it just being their {Normal~1s}.....

    b:chuckle__My guess is that they feel if they can act like {2 or more people} instead of just being {1} on this thread, they can dupe the rest of us!? Into believing that atleast 200% of the player populations, either feelz '1 Way or Another'........b:surrender
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Franky may as well move this thread to the lower depths.....There is no point in it anymore. This company just shows their incompetence more and more with every major issue that they 'solve'.

    *Looks at seitori's post's* Why does that style seem so familiarb:shutup.
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Franky may as well move this thread to the lower depths.....There is no point in it anymore. This company just shows their incompetence more and more with every major issue that they 'solve'.

    *Looks at seitori's post's* Why does that style seem so familiarb:shutup.

    Oh I'm Sorry, as I've gotten it Posted, all over my history of Postings.... LOLOLzzz!!!

    And as I've said B4 on many of the other threads; (All I've ever had is 1 account, on this game)....b:chuckle

    Its the reason why I play "13 Characters" on 3 servers (Instead of having all 10 classes on just 1 server....)b:victory

    I'm one of the only 1's who went too go for the {All Classes} Achievement Awards Bonus; but got lazy on a couple of the classes (like Psy) so I still haven't gotten it yet......

    Maybe the reason My {Writing Style} looks so familiar too you, is because; I've posted so ~friggen much~ on this thread...... As far as I know this might be the most that I've Posted on 'Any Thread', in my time on the forums.....Newblitt....^v^

    WOW! 33 Posts on this thread, so far.......
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    (k) Cheat or utilize unauthorized exploits in connection with the Games or the Service

    and if i find another glitch you will ban me for your incompetence. b:sad
  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    (k) Cheat or utilize unauthorized exploits in connection with the Games or the Service

    and if i find another glitch you will ban me for your incompetence. b:sad

    Well, if you feel the need to have a rebel moment, you can PK in SP or open 2+ clients for multi-clienting.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
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    -Master of Coffee-
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Gj damn glitchers got banned now we need the other ones to be banned to

    A QUOTE FROM A LVL 105 b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh

    go laugh at urself dude :PPP
  • Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    A QUOTE FROM A LVL 105 b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh

    go laugh at urself dude :PPP

    looks at my core connect
    Bane of the Chimei
    Level a Seeker to 105.

    Apr.05,2012 @ 6:51 am More
    yes i so did 3rd boss for 75exp a kill ...... there are ways to lv in game ppl are jsut lazyb:bye
    100% F2P legit 105 since starting this game. Full rank9 jaded +12 seeker. .tinyurl.com/nocashshopHaters gona hate cuz they cant play a game
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    All 104+ peoples has glitched without any doubt, the ones who are lvling now they allllll had around 30+% exp from their glitch times.
    So banning for a week and then releasing them from ban will be SO UNFAIR, same as Caster nirvana's limits b:bye b:shutup
    Roll back their lvls OR Never put their name in ranking (lvl ranking or PK ranking) so all knows the cheaters....
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    looks at my core connect
    Bane of the Chimei
    Level a Seeker to 105.

    Apr.05,2012 @ 6:51 am More
    yes i so did 3rd boss for 75exp a kill ...... there are ways to lv in game ppl are jsut lazyb:bye

    Ugh u said and i believed, dude before seeker and mystic I was playing this game, so don't tell me the ways b:laugh b:laugh
    All knows the seekers where like a diamond in glitch, so don't tell me u didn't glitched to 104 and 104- 50% to 105 ...

    Cause lvling up that fast from 1-105 for a seeker which is a new class is kinda impossible without glitch.
    b:chuckle don't post here anymore, all will die of laugh, make an alt and come post your point b:bye
  • Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    The truth of the matter is that our tracking tools for recognizing glitchers have been limited from the start, and this problem, compounded with the fact that it took four months to modify the FC boss, meant that we could not effectively enforce the rule in this situation.
    that it took four months to modify the FC boss

    There was not a thing modified on the boss, they just nerfed the xp on the mobs (which also afflicted the mobs on the end of FC towards holeen), and that took you 4 months?
    What kind of devs are working over there? New born monkeys?
    It seriously takes you 4 months to decide to nerf XP on mobs to what it is now?

    Or did they actually FIX it for once and restored the xp on the mobs? Because last time I did FC, it wasn't.
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Well, if you feel the need to have a rebel moment, you can PK in SP or open 2+ clients for multi-clienting.

    i don't talk about pk in SP or multi clients b:surrender

    this game have bugs since i play on malaysian servers
  • Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    PWI is a business. Clearly it would be a bad move to ban their major source of income. They should, however, implement some kind of fix/compensation:

    Take levels from all probable glitchers.
    Or add levels to everyone else. (And increase level-cap to give people a reason to play).
    Or reintroduce the goon bug and make it legal.
    Or Increase exp rewards for present content. (perhaps make quests give massive exp?)
    Or add new, mega-exp content.

    The company really should be trying harder to make its player base happy.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Don't like the way this company does business? Report them here.
    Better Business Bureau
    Send em a message that as players we are tired of their bull ****.
  • Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Iv read this thread from front to back, and as a newish player to PWI, i find it all laughable that this was allowed to happen, and that nothing was done to prevent abuse of this glitch.

    So sad to see a great fantasy game so poorly ran. This will kill the game off, is this what the owners of this game want? You have to ask yourself this question...

    I for one will continue to play this game as im a genuine fan, and enjoy playing.

    I will however be looking at alternatives in the nr future, coz i dont think this game will be here much longer.

    I just cant believe that the owners of this game are so poor technologically that they cant, manage any issue as it arises. If they cant, they should sell the rights to this game to someone who can, get it fixed so we can continue playing.
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'm already having a lawyer look over the 'legal' to see if there's anything that we can maybe even file a class action over. This company is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous! Now obviously if you haven't spent any money ever (cash shopped) then you probably would not be able to benefit of such type action. However, if you have cash shopped before (EVER) and want your money back; you should contact a lawyer and have them look over the 'legal' aspect.

    I think it's about time we show them we are ****ing serious and file ****ing lawsuits against them!

    It's no ****ing wonder they have an F rating with BBB they FAIL SO HARD...
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Franky may as well move this thread to the lower depths.....There is no point in it anymore. This company just shows their incompetence more and more with every major issue that they 'solve'.

    *Looks at seitori's post's* Why does that style seem so familiarb:shutup.

    NOTING these are actual copy and pastes from his profile.

    Level 1 character


    Login at least once every day for 14 days straight.
    April 16, 2012 at 11:17am

    billynormankk just received an achievement in Perfect World International
    I'm a Paying User
    Purchase 5 items from the Cash Shop.
    April 8, 2012 at 10:46am

    billynormankk just received an achievement in Perfect World International
    Startin Sumthin
    Get your first PvP kill.
    January 11, 2012 at 9:59am

    billynormankk just received an achievement in Perfect World International
    Pocket Change
    Buy 5 Gold through the Auction House.
    March 28, 2012 at 3:59am

    billynormankk just received an achievement in Perfect World International
    I Need the Money
    Sell 5 Gold through the Auction House.
    March 25, 2012 at 12:25pm

    Hmmm even a Pk'r lol we have a Trio Persona here

    The good *What appears outwardly to be a basic newbie*

    trying to hide the bad *One of those who is putting money into the game and trying to talk as if innocent*

    and the ugly *Even a Pk'r hmmm what are the odds this person was hitting in the entrance of SP?*

    Checkmate and tag you're it


  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Iv read this thread from front to back, and as a newish player to PWI, i find it all laughable that this was allowed to happen, and that nothing was done to prevent abuse of this glitch.

    So sad to see a great fantasy game so poorly ran. This will kill the game off, is this what the owners of this game want? You have to ask yourself this question...

    I for one will continue to play this game as im a genuine fan, and enjoy playing.

    I will however be looking at alternatives in the nr future, coz i dont think this game will be here much longer.

    I just cant believe that the owners of this game are so poor technologically that they cant, manage any issue as it arises. If they cant, they should sell the rights to this game to someone who can, get it fixed so we can continue playing.

    See frankie this is what the lies, deception, and mismanagement by you and by the company cause every day. Most won't even bother to post like AlphaOmegaX did and just leave.
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Lesson to learn why try to hide if and yes I expect you to say this.

    "I am innocent"

    No one innocent would try to hide behind a false facade or alternate persona on a forums.

    Not guilty of anything then no need to hide am I right ?



    An invitation if needed anyone who thinks I am hiding anything I give full permission to look into my full background as I am all you see nothing to hide.

    ~SirEros~ / Protogonos
This discussion has been closed.