Post Info for Problems With Jones Blessing Here ONLY!



  • stormybluesky
    stormybluesky Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    gobroncos wrote: »
    My wifes facebook account was having the same problem but mine where not even while using the same computer. I was able to fix it.
    Here is what I did:
    Log into the facebook account that is not working - facebook not PWE.
    Click the Edit Profile link.
    On the left side there is are a bunch of links and under the links it has :
    You can also visit your privacy settings to adjust other settings.
    Click on the words "privacy settings" link.
    Look for the Apps and Websites and click the "edit setting"
    Under the Apps you use section should be PWI with a Edit Setting link next to it click that.
    Click the edit link on this page.
    Click the "Remove app" link.
    A pop up will come up tell it to remove.
    Another pop up click ok.
    Search for the Perfect World face book page and go there.
    If there is no "Like" button scroll down and on the left there should be a link to "Unlike".
    This will bring the "Like" button back, click it.
    Go back to PWI website and goto the facebook connect page.
    Log into your PWI account and it will pop up to allow PWI to have access to your facebook account. This is the problem and might be able to be fixed another way but if you give them the permision it all works.
    That's right, I forgot you have to remove the app first. b:infuriated
  • tiwgy
    tiwgy Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1) What web browser are you using? What version? Firefox I do not know what version.

    2) What plugins and ad blockers are you using for your web browser? Java.

    3) What toolbars do you have installed in your web browser? Stumple upon

    4) What is your screen/desktop resolution? 1600x900

    5) Are you running your browser in windowed mode or maximized mode? maximized

    6) Are you using a laptop, netbook, tablet, or desktop? laptop

    7) What OS are you using? (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Jedi Mind OS 3) Windows 7

    8) Please post a screenshot of the error you receive
    for some reason mine is different than all the others.
  • XAioNx - Lost City
    XAioNx - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1) What web browser are you using? What version?
    Firefox, 10.0.2

    2) What plugins and ad blockers are you using for your web browser?

    3) What toolbars do you have installed in your web browser?

    4) What is your screen/desktop resolution?
    1920x1080 and 1280x1024

    5) Are you running your browser in windowed mode or maximized mode?

    6) Are you using a laptop, netbook, tablet, or desktop?
    Laptop and Desktop

    7) What OS are you using? (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Jedi Mind OS 3)
    Windows 7

    8) Please post a screenshot of the error you receive
    Same as #453

    This problem has happened to couple of my friends too.
    I think it's the update, because before the update I was able to get Jones Blessing, but after the update I can't get Jones Blessing, nor check how many DQ points I have :l
    Please fix this asap, thank you for reading.
  • Bravenwulf - Sanctuary
    Bravenwulf - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Some how I'm not surprised the blessings page is down AGAIN. b:lipcurl These problems (expansion/game unavailable to a lot of people), (DQ rewards and blessings being down, again) are getting very old. I'm seriously thinking of switching to a game that doesn't have so many problems...such as World of War craft or something similar. I'm tired of this ****...especially when support tickets aren'
    t answered. I am so disgusted and disappointed with PW right now. It's pitiful when a game not only prevents players from playing but also screws up their own web site availability.
  • PrinceFlare - Harshlands
    PrinceFlare - Harshlands Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    ok for all those QQin about jones blessings and omalley's stop ok you dont need them to play a game all those who QQ about blessings being down who cares ,yall are just abunch of nabs who need to rely on blessings to play a game ,2nd its a free to play game stop QQin if you dont liek the way its is progressing quit and play another game stop teh crying ,3rd i have no problems playin PWI so those who say they cant play fix your dam comp and stopp the QQin .or just play another game QQers are not helpin .
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Holy Necro Batman
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • bloodbath581
    bloodbath581 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    C'mon PWi, fix this. Or at least tell us how long it'll be.
  • mabalzesharier
    mabalzesharier Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    My problem with Jones is simple. I can't friggin get it. How long is this **** going to take to fix after the new and improved version.LOL,,new ,Maybe,,,improved,,Definetly not
  • mabalzesharier
    mabalzesharier Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    ok for all those QQin about jones blessings and omalley's stop ok you dont need them to play a game all those who QQ about blessings being down who cares ,yall are just abunch of nabs who need to rely on blessings to play a game ,2nd its a free to play game stop QQin if you dont liek the way its is progressing quit and play another game stop teh crying ,3rd i have no problems playin PWI so those who say they cant play fix your dam comp and stopp the QQin .or just play another game QQers are not helpin .

    what an ***. I dont know about you but I have $100s wrapped up in this FREE game so yes, i expect sht to work and when it doesn't I expect it to be fixed in a timely manner.
  • PW_KickAss - Harshlands
    PW_KickAss - Harshlands Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    what an ***. I dont know about you but I have $100s wrapped up in this FREE game so yes, i expect sht to work and when it doesn't I expect it to be fixed in a timely manner.

    +1 ._.
  • padraig77
    padraig77 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Fix The Facebook Connect Please, Its Been Down For Weeks
  • morriganr
    morriganr Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Well for everyone that is b:cry that the blessing and other areas are down. If you all would have thought back this is what happens with EVERY single big update they do. If you all had thought about it and were smart enough you would have stocked up on the blessings like a lot of us have done. You can get one blessing a day. Just send it to you mail then open it just don't take it out. Gesh after all it is a FREE game unless you choose to put money. Do not blame them for you putting money on the game and then complain when things go wrong. Just deal or stop playing the FREE game. Go play another crappy game that you HAVE to pay for and then you complain to them that you have put money on the game. b:chuckleb:sweatb:flower
  • mabalzesharier
    mabalzesharier Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    morriganr wrote: »
    Well for everyone that is b:cry that the blessing and other areas are down. If you all would have thought back this is what happens with EVERY single big update they do. If you all had thought about it and were smart enough you would have stocked up on the blessings like a lot of us have done. You can get one blessing a day. Just send it to you mail then open it just don't take it out. Gesh after all it is a FREE game unless you choose to put money. Do not blame them for you putting money on the game and then complain when things go wrong. Just deal or stop playing the FREE game. Go play another crappy game that you HAVE to pay for and then you complain to them that you have put money on the game. b:chuckleb:sweatb:flower

    I'm guessing you need new glasses.
  • notathome
    notathome Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    why the hell do u need to know all that ****? obviously the link isn't working with anything and hasn't been for weeks... just fix the damn link and stop trying to put the blame on our end and admit its your fault and not your users!!!
  • Caede - Dreamweaver
    Caede - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I have the same issue as all of these people; solid white "like" button. It's driving me mad. I tried with both Firefox and Explorer. No dice.
    Protect your squishies... especially your clerics. :3
  • WOL - Lost City
    WOL - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1) What web browser are you using? What version?

    IE9, Firefox, Google chrome

    2) What plugins and ad blockers are you using for your web browser?

    Eset Smart security

    3) What toolbars do you have installed in your web browser?


    4) What is your screen/desktop resolution?


    5) Are you running your browser in windowed mode or maximized mode?


    6) Are you using a laptop, netbook, tablet, or desktop?


    7) What OS are you using? (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Jedi Mind OS 3)

    Windows 7

    8) Please post a screenshot of the error you receive

    Its a white screen that says Internet Explorer cannot display the page. i tried in firefox and google chrome and am geting the same thing
  • Aduro_Tri - Heavens Tear
    Aduro_Tri - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Little heads up, you're still having issues with both the DQ pages and Blessing Pages...Its not registering characters that have been made recently, I would know, I made two or three characters just recently, and they're not showing up on the page, and I got that character from level 1 to 22.
    Now, I'm not like some players, who rely on the blessing, yes they're nice to have, but, I don't NEED them.
  • feintdemise
    feintdemise Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Just recently made another character, and you guessed it, I can't get a stupid blessing...I choose the blessing, choose the server, and I choose the cha- oh wait, it's not there@! wtf brotato chip! My noob needs meh Joneseeywonseeeyy!b:angry
  • Darkharow - Heavens Tear
    Darkharow - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    ok so m not having the usual problem...
    i get in, i get the server and character options.... but whn i select my server (Heavens Tear)
    som of my new characters dont show up in the character list and i cant find those same char in the avatar section for the forums either...plzz help..ty.
  • nunshaku
    nunshaku Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I've have made a new character a while ago..

    And even thought i can get into the Jones blessing's Page.. and get it working..

    My new char wont apear on the Character's list..

    Nor de DQ Points i've been earning lately..

    What should i do?

    Would apreciate your helps.

  • ronnythaboyyy
    ronnythaboyyy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    this is my problem

    i had this on different accounts
    i cant choose any chars made after february
    i even created new accounts and it still didnt work
    pwi please fix this for me b:cryb:cry

    [edit] i cant get dq reward either its the same problem
  • ladyskysong
    ladyskysong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I just started and I can't get blessing at all. I have been playing for 2 weeks now and I have pwi liked on fb also. I can't even pick my character avatar. ;/
  • ryan91790
    ryan91790 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1) What web browser are you using? What version?
    Google Chrome 12

    2) What plugins and ad blockers are you using for your web browser?

    Shockwave Flash Object

    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_24

    3) What toolbars do you have installed in your web browser?

    4) What is your screen/desktop resolution?
    1680X1050 32Bit

    5) Are you running your browser in windowed mode or maximized mode?
    I use both them. Windows mode

    6) Are you using a laptop, netbook, tablet, or desktop?

    7) What OS are you using? (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Jedi Mind OS 3)
    Windows 7

    8) Please post a screenshot of the error you receive

    i have a character in the Lost City server IGN: Remuranun . but the server is not there only the harsland appear.
  • xaraphina
    xaraphina Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    After clicking the fb icon and entering info into the pop-up, the page would keept reloading over and over without doing anything. To fix my issue i disabled (firefox plugins) adblock and disconnect(probably the problem since it blocks fb) then restarted(you have to restart the browser..). I was able to select my server/char/blessing after that. Hope this helps.

    Disable plugin

    Restart browser

    Try again
  • pokepokejabz
    pokepokejabz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I'm having the same problem as almost everyone else i made my character a bit before march and i cant send my jones blessing Moondhemon on heavens tear
  • elyuk
    elyuk Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    For me, it simply tells me I have no characters in Perfect World... which is not true obviously.
  • aerz
    aerz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Well, like most people here, i can't select my character when i want to get one of the blessings.
    This happens only on one account, but not on others.
    Curiously, the one account where it's bugged, DOESN'T have a character with a \, while the other has some of them and I can select them all.

    The bugged account shows me the first char on there, however, I just can't scroll down to select others.
    If I read the previous posts right, that's one step further than most others with this problem get.

    I'm not willing to edit the page just to get blessings for an alt, though.
    If every user can fix it following this tutorial, it shouldn't be to hard to fix it for everyone...
  • Riverwell - Archosaur
    Riverwell - Archosaur Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    EDIT: everything is working fine for me now. You can disregard this message.

    Jones Blessing has been working fine for me when everyone seemed to be having troubles, but when I tried to access the page today it didn't work. It says that I have to become a fan of the PW facebook page (which I already am a fan of). The 'like' button is all greyed out, but it's not letting me connect and get to anything further.

    1) What web browser are you using? What version?
    Chrome. I'm not sure what verson, but I'm assuming the latest one.

    2) What plugins and ad blockers are you using for your web browser?
    I have McAfee site advisor, but nothing else.

    3) What toolbars do you have installed in your web browser?

    4) What is your screen/desktop resolution?
    1280 x 800 px

    5) Are you running your browser in windowed mode or maximized mode?

    6) Are you using a laptop, netbook, tablet, or desktop?

    7) What OS are you using? (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Jedi Mind OS 3)

    8) Please post a screenshot of the error you receive
    And then it wont let me proceed from this screen.
    Previous Enemy Executor
    Current SentineI Member
    "I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide
  • Sairish - Dreamweaver
    Sairish - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    xaraphina wrote: »
    After clicking the fb icon and entering info into the pop-up, the page would keept reloading over and over without doing anything. To fix my issue i disabled (firefox plugins) adblock and disconnect(probably the problem since it blocks fb) then restarted(you have to restart the browser..). I was able to select my server/char/blessing after that. Hope this helps.

    Disable plugin

    Restart browser

    Try again

    Tyvm that has helped : )
  • bianca0106
    bianca0106 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    My Problem is, it says i need to like the fan page - but i have it on like. Tried to re-like but still doesnt working =(