Small Faction TWs



  • Revenge - Raging Tide
    Revenge - Raging Tide Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    sibwhttgrs wrote: »
    Up to this point I have stayed quiet and listened well but it is time to speak my mind...

    I have been a member of several small factions, clawing my way through the ranks and struggling with gear, quests, etc and looking to the guild roster for groups and taking enough pick up groups to register as insanity. But - - Even now those that I have played with that need anything know that they can count on me to help in whatever way I can.

    HOWEVER the major point of my post- - Each time as our small guilds became stronger and closer to TW the QQme spies started, honing in on which player they were going to steal away, how they could disrupt our progress or even in some cases turning the leadership. In one such instance it was so bad that they entered our vent shortly after a TW and while trying to convince us they were there to help, one of their spies started spewing a debate (that was going on in faction chat) over world chat!" I came right out and told those individuals that did this that they had no honor and no true loyality in the game.

    Sound familiar DarkFlare? Oh, yea...thats right...some of you actually joined QQme....what was it that an officer in DarkFlare stated... "Because imho you join a faction for its values (common goals) or it leadership." In both categories you have made a fatal mistake. I am proud to say that my guild doesn't stand on the backs of smaller factions they have broken to maintain their members." If you apply you are considered and the entire faction has a vote" whereas QQme sabotages until you are left with the choice of following your friends or finding yet another guild they will eventually dissolve when you are close to your goal.

    So....*unlike some* I will come out an say directly that I don't trust QQme to come through on their end of the deal. In addition - - I wish they would rename their guild "FACTION BOMB" which would be far more appropriate.

    One thing I have learned (now) being in a larger faction (that I applied to by choice and that I sought out) is the stuggle continues for all the same things and the only difference is the speed at which you can accomplish your goals.

    The major notice I want to make is that QQme has proven their dishonesty to me (if not to anyone else) and although I attempt to hold my feelings against the name it has made for itself - - I agree with vicious in their hesitation to make the first move on the territory issue. QQme's effort to "help" in my opinion has come at too great a cost for everyone that has ever suffered at their dishonesty.

    In direct relationship to the territory itself, well. I know what it was like to hold land in a smaller faction and the pride and joy it brought me back then. To accomplish what seemed impossible and succeed, it was amazing! Although I am not personally opposed to the idea of handing over land, I will be honest in saying that as long as QQme has their name on the map it would be futile. Their lack of moral code and abundance of dishonorable tactics would only result in their sabotaging the efforts of all those holding land if vicious was no longer strong enough to defend. As SeverusSnape so nicely put it "its one faction dominating everyone else for their own needs" HOW LONG DID QQME OWN THE MAP??? and now that they are loosing they are asking everyone to feel sorry for them? They've named a new demon...are you going to fall for it? Aasimar used the phrase "devouring weaker factions" which is the reality of how they choose to play the game....are you really jumping on the bandwagon?

    In closing - - As I said before, I am not opposed to the sharing of land, but will tell you, it is a far greater victory to win it in a fair fight when your guild accomplishes its goal of coming together as a force to be recognized. It isn't easy, and yes it comes with a great deal of struggle but I know that you can do it! Being in TW at any level is about testing yourself, your skill, your team, your leadership, your tactics, and your ability to maintain the endless expenses through personal effort. As funny as his attempt was to make fun of Whitestreak's posts were, Atuhm's words do ring true "here it is easy to drop some money and feel important, in rl you usually have to prove yourself." Guys the land is only the beginning...the personal dedication it takes to maintain your ability to participate (charms, gear advances etc) and it isn't about money, it takes consistant work and constant effort for those of us (like White and myself) that don't/can't drop money into the game whenever we need something and being unprepared defeats the joy and excitement of doing it right.

    no idea who you are but, have my babies plox?

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    sibwhttgrs wrote: »
    (like White and myself)

    What is my name? What guild Am I in. Think really hard, I think you know who it is. Hint= What color text did this person use?

    Do I need to tell you or are you going to guess?
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    What is my name? What guild Am I in. Think really hard, I think you know who it is. Hint= What color text did this person use?

    Do I need to tell you or are you going to guess?

    I was just assuming it was bluestreak.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    it isn't the responsibility of the large tw factions to bailout tw. QQme and vicious both started where the small factions did. They both worked hard go get where they are now. And before you spew more BS, I've spent a considerable amount of time in both factions. If the smaller ones can't gear up and work together to TAKE land then giving it to them won't solve anything. Suppose it does get more apps to qqme and vicious? It's apps from people that expect things to be handed to them, not worked for. Those are not people I want to be in faction with.

    If the large factions want to keep having worthwhile TWs it is their job to bail it out. Dont know if most of you have noticed but new players are few and far between and old ones arent hanging around as long as before. In a couple of months its going to get way worse.

    If you want to hang on to your pride and puff out your boney chest so be it. When the time comes this is going to happen anyway and some of the smaller factions are going to become powers with the same numbers they have now. Seems to me a smart faction leader would take advantage of an opportunity before its short window is closed.

    All the ones fighting this seem to think that there will forever be a long line of players to fill the ranks of the bigger factions. But the ingame actions of the bigger factions and things like this continue to turn more players against those big factions.

    Its not enough that you proved you could take the land in the first place, congrats on that. But now your too short sighted to allow a couple of lands each go to create a greater interest in TW amoung more casual players. Well when the serious gamers leave for the new games in the next few months those casual players will likely be all that is left to fill out the ranks. If they decide to TW its most likely they would go to a faction that allowed them to try it.

    Well again I waste my breath here. Stupid of me since I dont care one way or the other, but seeing these bandwagon players crow like they actually had something to do with building the big factions kind of inspires me. Your pipeline of bandwagoniers is going to dry up real soon, if your going to stay and play here you need to adjust your thinking and your methods of bringing in new factionmates. The low faction TWs is one way to do that.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    If the large factions want to keep having worthwhile TWs it is their job to bail it out. Dont know if most of you have noticed but new players are few and far between and old ones arent hanging around as long as before. In a couple of months its going to get way worse.

    If you want to hang on to your pride and puff out your boney chest so be it. When the time comes this is going to happen anyway and some of the smaller factions are going to become powers with the same numbers they have now. Seems to me a smart faction leader would take advantage of an opportunity before its short window is closed.

    All the ones fighting this seem to think that there will forever be a long line of players to fill the ranks of the bigger factions. But the ingame actions of the bigger factions and things like this continue to turn more players against those big factions.

    Its not enough that you proved you could take the land in the first place, congrats on that. But now your too short sighted to allow a couple of lands each go to create a greater interest in TW amoung more casual players. Well when the serious gamers leave for the new games in the next few months those casual players will likely be all that is left to fill out the ranks. If they decide to TW its most likely they would go to a faction that allowed them to try it.

    Well again I waste my breath here. Stupid of me since I dont care one way or the other, but seeing these bandwagon players crow like they actually had something to do with building the big factions kind of inspires me. Your pipeline of bandwagoniers is going to dry up real soon, if your going to stay and play here you need to adjust your thinking and your methods of bringing in new factionmates. The low faction TWs is one way to do that.

    Just go back to your pserver and shut up. You don't seem to understand how tw works (I'm assuming you have never been in a tw faction) and the fact you keep responding means you do infact care.
  • Bluestreak - Raging Tide
    Bluestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I wasn't trying to conceal my identity just new to this stuff...and probably will be forever b:chuckle

    Anyways, White and I have agreed, disagreed, and spent hours more than it took me to read these posts discussing these very issues at length and my post was an expression in support of all guilds working their way to power as the game cycles and changes (as it is deemed to do). I do strongly believe that the map deserves more color and variety but also strongly believe that sharing isn't something that QQme is capable of. Yes, it is a double edged sword. QQme tactics (as long as it keeps occurring and being tolerated to build their ranks) - guilds in opposition of their efforts regardless of their genuine desire to even out the map will struggle with a reputation of being too powerful to leave room for the smaller factions. I truely believe that if OOme no longer have players willing to join their ranks that the map will become playable for more factions by natural design but also understand that they would simply adjust as they have in the past and play under another guild name to acquire their own objective.

    Win or loose I'm not willing to compromise my prinicples of honorable play no matter where my character finds a faction and you shouldn't either nor should we continue to support the efforts of a guild that has already proven they are willing to compromise anything to win.

    TW is good/bad in that it is a competition. Like any form of competition one team dominates for a period of time until at which time another team develops then overtakes. I once (as an executor) told my guild leader that numbers are important and this is true. But guys so it teamwork and dedication and (as a sad point for my poor *** - so is gear to some extent).

    There have been some very strong leaders (in factions building to TW) that have posted in this forum and expressed their interest in TW. I encourage those of you interested in TW to join factions that are/have expressed the same interest. I have no fear of sharing the map with any of you, if fact I would love to. I am not a R9+12 player, I am a poor white girl (very little like in 'teeny weenie' cash shopping goin on) that freaked out when I reached R8 and have slowly built to my first +10 item through a great deal of effort on both White and I's part. I know what it is like to feel the train engine up your *** when you hit 97 and now at 101 to feel bored at times but I can also tell you it is possible to achieve.

    Don't give up!
  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I see that the antagonism still runs deep between some factions. I can appreciate that you wish to express yourselves; but, it adds nothing to the purpose of this thread. I see that the number of new players on the server is going down. I see the hardcore gamers wanting only more hardcore gamers in their OP factions. I submit to you that the game has changed over the past year and that faction strategys must change in order to stay strong. PWI hasn't instituted a means to encourage more players to gear up for major league TW or entice them into trying it in a more enjoyable fashion. If the additional 40 possibles for QQme don't turn the tide back to a balanced map, then the smaller current land holders will loose their lands in time as before. I will suggest that any of the proposed lands may be the retraining grounds for existing land holders to get back on the map when it has turned to one color.

    Until PWI will clearify the issues associated with the loss of land in relation to this program, I see this program on hold. I don't blame either leader for not wanting to risk a TOS ban due to a flood of tickets from their opponents.

    Some of you have suggested that the smaller factions merge to form larger factions. In the faction I'm in, we have had 4 offers to merge in the past 9 months. Our membership has voted with 75~80% to reject the offers. Loyalty and friendship does count for a lot in any relationship, even in a game. We wind up with no more than 20% of those we recruit staying with us in the long run. Some of you are aware that we're a 'mature' group that keeps drama to a minimum. We also enforce our standards of conduct for our members. We do have 'alliances' with other like minded smaller factions. We here for the long run so we'll keep on building.

    To those of you who think that this type of program is a give away, I would respectfully disagree. I see such a program as a training ground for building more TW players. We've lost several level 100+ members in the last quarter. A cleric went to QQme, a tank Barb went to Levi to get better TWs for a while. (Yes, our members take sabbaticals to go TW in larger factions. If & when they come back, we have a better member and great teachers.) Several others have left here for other games because they have lost interest in this game. Those that leave the game are hard to replace. It happens in all the factions. Let's just agree to disagree.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Just go back to your pserver and shut up. You don't seem to understand how tw works (I'm assuming you have never been in a tw faction) and the fact you keep responding means you do infact care.

    Didnt mean to start a battle of wits with a brain dead opponent. I fully understand how TW works and have been in several TW factions with several different toons. I will admit that I do care slightly if you will admit you are a brainless ***.

    Only an idiot would think TW is such a big deal. Im just bringing it to your attention that if you want to continue having worthwhile TWs after the new startups come online, protecting the current system is not going to cover it. But it really doesnt matter to me, I dont even have PWI on my system anymore. If you guys are dead set on **** up what little fun is left in this version, knock yourselves out.

    In the meantime I will take your kind advice and return to my private server. At least the people there understand there are ways to play this game without being screwed by the game owners and other players.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Didnt mean to start a battle of wits with a brain dead opponent. I fully understand how TW works and have been in several TW factions with several different toons. I will admit that I do care slightly if you will admit you are a brainless ***.

    Only an idiot would think TW is such a big deal. Im just bringing it to your attention that if you want to continue having worthwhile TWs after the new startups come online, protecting the current system is not going to cover it. But it really doesnt matter to me, I dont even have PWI on my system anymore. If you guys are dead set on **** up what little fun is left in this version, knock yourselves out.
    In the meantime I will take your kind advice and return to my private server. At least the people there understand there are ways to play this game without being screwed by the game owners and other players.

    Here's a donut so you can sit without the butthurt getting to you. yusomad?
  • Salari - Raging Tide
    Salari - Raging Tide Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    This sounds fun! Slowly working Hartland up to get a base cant wait.
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I had submitted a ticket on the loss of land in TWs and it was closed without an answer by an Admin today. Seeing that PWI Admin hasn't posted here, I have no further ideas on resolution on the main issue of TOS violation bans.

    Thank you for your time, support and efforts. I think it's still a good idea but without support from required people. b:thanks


  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Glad to see vicious is still a breeding ground for propaganda and hate, but just a warning, that will make you ugly people in the end.

    People in Vicious don't have to go farther than their own faction to ask if Man is honest, Ask Kali if i do what i say i will, ask Isabo, and Errion, and Filgyar, ask whomper, ask 22-2. Not doing what you say is not only unethical but also not the best policy even from an evil persons standpoint.

    I named my character man, based of The Man of Lamancha aka Don Quixote, a blind idealist. I have a lot of ideals in real life, and in this game where things are a game and more black and white, i strive to uphold good ideals even moreso.

    So when someone named Bluestreak gets on the forums and says the "qqme spy infiltration and sabotage" stops smaller factoins from growing etc. etc. etc. Then i respond "i don't even have enough time to prep for tw, i can only log on like 20 minutes before tw, i don't have time to do the evil you accuse us of, and that whole thing you wrote is simply crazy."

    When ppl say "Man seduced ppl to qqme by offering virgins" I say "yes i once pm'd a person joking and offered him virgins to join qqme, i don't know why vicious ppl want to quote my jokes, or post screenshots to their forums but apparently vicious either thinks my jokes are really funny (they aren't) or it was a legit offer (it was)

    Early server reset 1 qqme member fake bidded vicious, it was not a cooperate thing. Then the next week someone i have never talked too and never will bid on them b/c he was rejected from joining them. If you want to blame qqme as a whole for the action of 1 individual not in qqme, and 1 member in qqme then that is sad. Then i ask you should i say the whole vicious faction has the ideas of vicious officer Bastilla? (ex i guess)

    To point i have no problem with vicoius not ceding their lands to this idea, they just should have been up front about it and their turmoil instead of coming up with excuses and "foist" their indecision on qqme mistrust. That is my take on the matter.
  • Bluestreak - Raging Tide
    Bluestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    It is clear by stating my own experience in smaller TW factions, before joining vicious, (which is what actually prompted my original distrust of QQme as a faction) has struck a cord.

    If you noticed in my post, I didn't name the individuals involved because regardless of who you are in the faction I believe you are representing the faction you wear the flag for. If as the leader of that faction you want to claim ignorance or innocence on the part of your members that is up to you.

    However since you have attempted to address your personal ideals I must attend to the percieved flaw in your claim...

    It becomes public knowledge that it is your alt that was in Darkflare.

    Leadership of Darkflare actually post that there is nothing to it.

    Later a "merge" occurres that left many of this faction to either follow their
    friends into QQme or start over, and we all know how hard starting over is.

    They weren't choosing to go there through the application process but
    tagged along because QQme took over and claimed DarkFlare for alts.

    Although my own case was similar we made it known we weren't interested and then the sabatoge started which I mentioned in my previous post. If you want additional details my char name is bluestreak (no capitals) and I'm normally in game after 5 server time.

    I have not attacked any single individual in QQme, but have openly expressed my distaste for the tactics I experienced that (by perception) continued to be used by the faction to gain new members. Instead of recruiting in world chat or putting the word has become common knowledge that factions are broken and are absorbed by QQme's recruiting process. I am opinionated but I highly doubt that my personal experience expressed on this forum or anywhere else can sway or create "common knowledge".

    I do believe that honor and principled playing makes it enjoyable for everyone. This is the truth behind why I called Katie out in the forums for bringing faction noise and flaming leaderhip in this venue as an attempt to gain attention and gave kudo's, in my own way, to Spell_Caster for addressing it.

    In addition, as a note for future reference my opinions are formed on my own experiences not from any form of propaganda... Actions speak far louder than any words from anyone.

    If you want to change the reputation of QQme to something other than what it has become to people (like myself that have experienced the sabatoge first hand) then be the "Man" you claim to be and do something about it.

    As a commissioner I cannot boot someone from the faction that chooses to act dishonorably but (in my past) as a leader/officer I wouldn't and haven't sat by and let it continue or claimed to be blind to the reprocutions. We can't have it both ways.

    "Plausable deniability is only a concept created in the minds of those destined to be average."
  • Ranker - Raging Tide
    Ranker - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    It is clear by stating my own experience in smaller TW factions, before joining vicious, (which is what actually prompted my original distrust of QQme as a faction) has struck a cord.

    If you noticed in my post, I didn't name the individuals involved because regardless of who you are in the faction I believe you are representing the faction you wear the flag for. If as the leader of that faction you want to claim ignorance or innocence on the part of your members that is up to you.

    However since you have attempted to address your personal ideals I must attend to the percieved flaw in your claim...

    It becomes public knowledge that it is your alt that was in Darkflare.

    Leadership of Darkflare actually post that there is nothing to it.

    Later a "merge" occurres that left many of this faction to either follow their
    friends into QQme or start over, and we all know how hard starting over is.

    They weren't choosing to go there through the application process but
    tagged along because QQme took over and claimed DarkFlare for alts.

    Although my own case was similar we made it known we weren't interested and then the sabatoge started which I mentioned in my previous post. If you want additional details my char name is bluestreak (no capitals) and I'm normally in game after 5 server time.

    I have not attacked any single individual in QQme, but have openly expressed my distaste for the tactics I experienced that (by perception) continued to be used by the faction to gain new members. Instead of recruiting in world chat or putting the word has become common knowledge that factions are broken and are absorbed by QQme's recruiting process. I am opinionated but I highly doubt that my personal experience expressed on this forum or anywhere else can sway or create "common knowledge".

    I do believe that honor and principled playing makes it enjoyable for everyone. This is the truth behind why I called Katie out in the forums for bringing faction noise and flaming leaderhip in this venue as an attempt to gain attention and gave kudo's, in my own way, to Spell_Caster for addressing it.

    In addition, as a note for future reference my opinions are formed on my own experiences not from any form of propaganda... Actions speak far louder than any words from anyone.

    If you want to change the reputation of QQme to something other than what it has become to people (like myself that have experienced the sabatoge first hand) then be the "Man" you claim to be and do something about it.

    As a commissioner I cannot boot someone from the faction that chooses to act dishonorably but (in my past) as a leader/officer I wouldn't and haven't sat by and let it continue or claimed to be blind to the reprocutions. We can't have it both ways.

    "Plausable deniability is only a concept created in the minds of those destined to be average."

    and I believe every word blue said on this...
  • Darkwraith - Raging Tide
    Darkwraith - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    According to the rules found at the link below this is a violation of the rules for Territory Wars.

    "Any willing and capable faction can bid on any opposing territory provided they have no affiliations with the current owners."

    I accepted the solution, since it was a dead end, but did add the note to expect a flood of tickets from the two bigger factions alt faction, when someone get ganked or wined again. Also suggested they get a bigger in-box for the up coming tickets, since TW is nd game for most, until we get some more game content.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    until we get some more game content.
