Small Faction TWs



  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,

    Any faction leader who doesn't believe that thier faction will be strong enough someday to 'own' the TW map needs to find a new job. The power ebbs and flows in a continuing change. No faction can stay on top forever. If this program goes forward, the value of good gear, orniments, weapons, apoth, runes et al will increase because of demand for the products. People will even spend more real money in the Botique. I don't think that those are valid points in this thread. The other posts that I am seeing here are who is right/ wrong or who said/ did what and when. That is also not relavent to this thread's discussion.

    I think that the one and only 'mistrust' that should be concidered here and now is whether the one factions members would send in a flood of tickets on the leader of the other faction for TOS violation for giving up land to the proposed program. I would suggest that enough ganks could happen that one land might not be defended properly and a loss could occur. A GM could post PWI's opinion here and reslove that issue. PWI Amin could answer my email about whether a 'wined' TW is a TOS violation (still waiting on that response.) Or, someone might submit a ticket asking the equivilent question. This would effect the 'smaller' factions leaders as well as one of the larger faction's leader. I have my best 2 characters on this account and don't cherish the idea of loosing them. However, I think the benifits to our server's factions and players are worth the efforts. ** discuss? **

    Again, I would like to see if there is more agreement on individual support without having to have an 'agreement' as in the previous proposal.

    I will suggest at this point that both Vicious and QQme concider one land each next weekend. This does not include waiting for the other to go first. This does not mean that either would be agreeing on a second land at this time. The lands do not have to be adjacent to each other. This puts the question to each of them individually without having to rely on the other. This should bypass personal opinions, egos, trust/ distrust and other unhelpful emotions that seem to erupt here on the forum.

    An answer from either of the Big Two can just be saying that it might be a better solution at this point. That would give you the cover of not openly agreeing and becoming a ticket target. The datails could be worked out seperatly elsewhere.

    If it's not agreeable, please be so kind as to state what your objection would now be.



    Lacking a weekly TW report thread... Thank you QQme for the TW. The Bud Lite's on me during the football games this afternoon at my house. (Dr. Pepper or Mtn Dew if you're under 21.)
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    If this is the drama this "program" brings, I say **** it all and forget the whole thing.

    Vicious doesn't trust QQme, QQme doesn't trust Vicious. Get over it.

    Not worth the effort when all you get in return is drama and fingers being pointed at you.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Jeeezus. This **** makes my decision to stay mostly on a private server seem smarter and smarter each day.
    Its not bad enough the devs and game owners **** you endlessly, now the players are **** each other.
    Have fun playing big fish in a small pond. Sucks that your lives are so empty it takes something like this to make you feel important.
  • Linc - Raging Tide
    Linc - Raging Tide Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    rue84 wrote: »

    If we're saying stuff like this, knowing we have members giving out our forums information, CAN WE BLAME VICOIUS?

    "Besides this is planning long term, when QQMe owns the whole map we need those 4 lands for weeker factions to tw on XD."

    Said by our leader. I was astonished to say the least. I had no means of denying it or defending us since that was right in my face. I was extremely embarrassed especially considering I was trying to get them to leave vic and join us. What could I have said in that situation? I mean, QQme is my family but someone has to point out stupidity at some point if we are to move ahead and start working together as a faction again.

    I'm not clear on what the problem is with Man's statement? The point he made is the point that people are asking for in the thread.
    "...we need those 4 lands for weeker factions to tw on XD."

    Is it the part about wanting to own the whole map? lol show me someone in game that doesn't want to win and I'll show you the fail faction. That's what TW is all about to me -- trying to win. And constant winning brings with it the ultimate achievement of owning the map. So when QQme decides they don't want to participate in TW or they decide they don't want to win anymore, then I might oughtta wanna think about looking for something different, because I'm not about manipulating TW to the point where we plan intentional losses and that's exactly the reason I dislike this entire "give away a block of land to the lesser factions" anyway. Let them come and try and take the land, don't hand it over on a silver spoon. That's a problem in society, the fail socialistic tendencies that want to have everyone get everything which someone else has without putting in the same efforts.

    Saying that, I will add that I don't care what direction that the land giveaway takes, because I'm not making that decision, I'm a bystander, so I'll live with the results, but I don't have to agree with it.

    Of course people are going to hate on the winners, just look at all the hate that goes on in real life sports when there is a perpetually dominating team. A lot of the people outside of the teams fanbase hate that team for their arrogance and winning ways. But the fanbase around the winning team is in love with their team...

    I did not feel the treachery or inconstancy of a friend, nor the injuries of a secret or open enemy. I had no occasion of bribing, flattering, or pimping, to procure the favour of any great man, or of his minion; I wanted no fence against fraud or oppression: here was neither physician to destroy my body, nor lawyer to ruin my fortune; no informer to watch my words and actions, or forge accusations against me for hire: here were no gibers, censurers, backbiters, pickpockets, highwaymen, housebreakers, attorneys, bawds, buffoons, gamesters, politicians, wits, splenetics, tedious talkers, controvertists, ravishers, murderers, robbers, virtuosos; no leaders, or followers, of party and faction; no encouragers to vice, by seducement or examples; no dungeon, axes, gibbets, whipping-posts, or pillories; no cheating shopkeepers or mechanics; no pride, vanity, or affectation; no fops, bullies, drunkards, strolling prostitutes, or poxes; no ranting, lewd, expensive wives; no stupid, proud pedants; no importunate, overbearing, quarrelsome, noisy, roaring, empty, conceited, swearing companions; no scoundrels raised from the dust upon the merit of their vices, or nobility thrown into it on account of their virtues; no lords, fiddlers, judges, or dancing-masters.
    From Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    That's a problem in society, the fail socialistic tendencies that want to have everyone get everything which someone else has without putting in the same efforts.

    lol such wise words ^^
    in this game youre in a "society" comparable to peasants and noblemen (free players and paying players), you are born in your class and you can not transfer between them.
    its very heroic but rather opportunistic of you to call your spending money on the game "effort" and compare it to ppl who farm their crappy +5 gear but also want to tw ;)
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Taken from the Why giving land away to bad

    About Casual Players

    Originally Posted by Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    So a weaker guilds have to lose members in order for the stronger factions to tw better?

    The way the game is designed is u must charge $100's or farm every free hour u got, leave ur guild which u probably made friends there, and join a new guild in which u probably know no one
    not fair to the casual players who dont got the time or money

    This server is just lucky we have 2 Not so OP guilds on the map that the lower guilds can attack and have a chance to beat.. otherwise everyone gets rolled in 5minut e by vicious or QQme

    Originally Posted by Whitestreak - Raging Tide

    As a matter of fact they do. A Weak fact will always be weak. Strong/Weak is a measure of Leadership and skill, not by how many players you have. Weak guilds can not keep members because they can not lead the members they do have or show others why they should join their faction and help them to TW. Think small stay small AKA Small Faction TW. Not

    Exp.. sorry F'd yourself here bud. DF is a weak faction cause they could not get player to join their guild, and the leadership decided to cop out and take the easy way to TW.

    As much as I do not like how QQme plays the game. They have very strong leadership and that is what drawls players to want to be in QQme or other STRONG Guilds. As I said before we all want to win. Even you want to win Tony, but you are unable to do what it takes to partake in TW. NO one is stopping you from TW. Work for it and you will be able to TW, or Play with your Friends up to you. What is more important to you? Your Friends or Playing TW. Sorry this game does not promise both, or either.

    Now who in the hell said that the casual play should even be able to TW. TW is END GAME Content. Only the best play it. Casual players are not the best in a game. Never will be. If you want to play a free game for free then you can only do what is free to play. NO ONE requires to CS. Plain and simple. TW is a PVP envoriment, we know you CAN FARM PVP gear for free, but it takes years to do so. Evident PVP/TW is a CASH Game that you pay to play.

    Either pay to Play or be happy that you have a free game to play.
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol gz streak, youve proven that mankind mainly consists of egoistic morons :)

    youre one of those who sit in a bus and when an elderly woman who can barely stand comes along you go "watcha lookin at ****!? i paid for this seat!", arent you ? b:chuckle
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    For all you idiot first year college students that are equating this to socalism let me straighten this out for you.

    This has nothing to do with small factions getting something for nothing. Consider it, if you will, a major league/minor league situation. Major league sports teams of all sorts take smaller markets and create minor league teams there to create interest in their major league teams and to build replacement players. Thats basically what is being sought after here.

    This system creates goodwill toward the teams/factions that support it on the local level and in return your next crop of TW players come to you ready to make a difference with skill at least, with equipment if you want to go that far. Its far from a socialist system, its forward thinking at its best.

    You say then, these guys already belong to factions that want to grow and TW. Lets face it, the bigger TW sized factions are probably the only ones that are going to get that strong. Sure from time to time there will be break downs in those and one will change name and leadership, but itll be basically the same people. The smaller factions cant keep people long enough to grow that big and the only way those TW interested players are going to fight for land is first with the small faction TWs then once seasoned and tired of the small wars on to a major league faction for full blown wars.

    Its simple to figure out, I think QQme has seen that already since they seem to be the only ones of the big factions really interested. Perhaps if they want a pipeline of seasoned TW players they could give up 4 worthless lands to create a training base, wink wink.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    For all you idiot first year college students that are equating this to socalism let me straighten this out for you.

    This has nothing to do with small factions getting something for nothing. Consider it, if you will, a major league/minor league situation. Major league sports teams of all sorts take smaller markets and create minor league teams there to create interest in their major league teams and to build replacement players. Thats basically what is being sought after here.

    This system creates goodwill toward the teams/factions that support it on the local level and in return your next crop of TW players come to you ready to make a difference with skill at least, with equipment if you want to go that far. Its far from a socialist system, its forward thinking at its best.

    You say then, these guys already belong to factions that want to grow and TW. Lets face it, the bigger TW sized factions are probably the only ones that are going to get that strong. Sure from time to time there will be break downs in those and one will change name and leadership, but itll be basically the same people. The smaller factions cant keep people long enough to grow that big and the only way those TW interested players are going to fight for land is first with the small faction TWs then once seasoned and tired of the small wars on to a major league faction for full blown wars.

    Its simple to figure out, I think QQme has seen that already since they seem to be the only ones of the big factions really interested. Perhaps if they want a pipeline of seasoned TW players they could give up 4 worthless lands to create a training base, wink wink.

    They ARE asking for handouts
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    They ARE asking for handouts

    (facepalm), ok dopey let me put it in terms even you can understand.

    A drug dealer sees a group of college students standing on the corner looking to blow off steam. He walks up and gives them each a sample, free of charge, thus cultivating possible long term customers. Some will try it some wont. Of those that try it some will like it some wont. Of those that like it some will become hardcore users and some will become casual users. Of the hardcore users some will use it alot at first and burnout and some will learn to handle it and become regular hardcore users. The hardcore users will gravitate toward other hardcore users (big factions) that feel about TW they way they do now and strengthen that faction.

    While you can consider the initial gift of a land to war over a handout, it's payoff is a steady flow of hardcore TW players to the faction that supports/gave up that land. So instead of calling it a handout I think bait is a more acceptable term.
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    (facepalm), ok dopey let me put it in terms even you can understand.

    I like how you talk about people not having lives and making themselves feel better about themselves on here and then attempt to belittle others in every post you make.

    Oh wait, Trolling 101. Hypocrisy is a must.

    -Edit- My mistake, the word you used was "important".
    Jeeezus. This **** makes my decision to stay mostly on a private server seem smarter and smarter each day.
    Its not bad enough the devs and game owners **** you endlessly, now the players are **** each other.
    Have fun playing big fish in a small pond. Sucks that your lives are so empty it takes something like this to make you feel important.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I like how you talk about people not having lives and making themselves feel better about themselves on here and then attempt to belittle others in every post you make.

    Oh wait, Trolling 101. Hypocrisy is a must.

    -Edit- My mistake, the word you used was "important".

    Thanks, its hard work but someone has to do it.
  • Revenge - Raging Tide
    Revenge - Raging Tide Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    Its simple to figure out, I think QQme has seen that already since they seem to be the only ones of the big factions really interested. Perhaps if they want a pipeline of seasoned TW players they could give up 4 worthless lands to create a training base, wink wink.

    QQme is so interested in this that they totally didnt let other factions win last week *cough cough* yea soooooooooooo interested

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Really Minor leg Ball vs MLB. They are not in the same class of players. PWI does not have minor leg TW and Major Leg TW.

    Yes it is true that from time to time a Minor team MAY win over a Major team if they are lucky. AKA same thing is PWI. IF a minor faction fights a Major Faction they MAY win.

    so Since Minor Factions are not the same class of player as Major Factions, why do they desvere the right to play on the same field. NO One wants to see MLB win every time over a Minor team that is why iit is not done.

    TW is not a lets be fair and let players play. TW stands for Terriorty Wars. All is fair in Love & War. Those that can do, DO, those that cant complain or teach.
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol gz streak, youve proven that mankind mainly consists of egoistic morons :)

    youre one of those who sit in a bus and when an elderly woman who can barely stand comes along you go "watcha lookin at ****!? i paid for this seat!", arent you ? b:chuckle

    You can call me names all you want. So What! You have yet to offer any opinion of the facts of what I am/We are talking about. Pros/Cons of giving land away to Small aka Weak Factions that want to TW.

    Go away Troll.
  • Atuhm - Raging Tide
    Atuhm - Raging Tide Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol i gave you my opinion about that topic earlier in this post, now im just laughing about ppl who confuse games with rl and try to "do" in a game what they fail in rl with, because here its easy to drop some money and feel important, in rl you usually have to prove yourself b:chuckle

    well, gl keeping ppl from having fun, nurture your patheticness with it, +12 your gear and show ppl that all your confidence lies in a bunch of items, which btw will be gone sooner or later, no game lasts forever ;)
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    QQme is so interested in this that they totally didnt let other factions win last week *cough cough* yea soooooooooooo interested

    But QQme showed enough interest that they recieved the challenges last weekend. With their troubles now gaining manpower it would seem a good gamble to donate some lands for these low level facton TWs in hopes of a manpower return.

    Ive never had much respect for QQme, but with the interest they are showing in this I have gained at least an iota. Again if they or any large faction played this right it would be a pipeline to having maximum full time membership of trained players.

    Now back to finding excuses not to do it....
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    (facepalm), ok dopey let me put it in terms even you can understand.

    A drug dealer sees a group of college students standing on the corner looking to blow off steam. He walks up and gives them each a sample, free of charge, thus cultivating possible long term customers. Some will try it some wont. Of those that try it some will like it some wont. Of those that like it some will become hardcore users and some will become casual users. Of the hardcore users some will use it alot at first and burnout and some will learn to handle it and become regular hardcore users. The hardcore users will gravitate toward other hardcore users (big factions) that feel about TW they way they do now and strengthen that faction.

    While you can consider the initial gift of a land to war over a handout, it's payoff is a steady flow of hardcore TW players to the faction that supports/gave up that land. So instead of calling it a handout I think bait is a more acceptable term.

    Only stupid dealers work that way, its how you get pinched. Bad analogy.

    But QQme showed enough interest that they recieved the challenges last weekend. With their troubles now gaining manpower it would seem a good gamble to donate some lands for these low level facton TWs in hopes of a manpower return.

    Ive never had much respect for QQme, but with the interest they are showing in this I have gained at least an iota. Again if they or any large faction played this right it would be a pipeline to having maximum full time membership of trained players.

    Now back to finding excuses not to do it....

    it isn't the responsibility of the large tw factions to bailout tw. QQme and vicious both started where the small factions did. They both worked hard go get where they are now. And before you spew more BS, I've spent a considerable amount of time in both factions. If the smaller ones can't gear up and work together to TAKE land then giving it to them won't solve anything. Suppose it does get more apps to qqme and vicious? It's apps from people that expect things to be handed to them, not worked for. Those are not people I want to be in faction with.
  • sibwhttgrs
    sibwhttgrs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Up to this point I have stayed quiet and listened well but it is time to speak my mind...

    I have been a member of several small factions, clawing my way through the ranks and struggling with gear, quests, etc and looking to the guild roster for groups and taking enough pick up groups to register as insanity. But - - Even now those that I have played with that need anything know that they can count on me to help in whatever way I can.

    HOWEVER the major point of my post- - Each time as our small guilds became stronger and closer to TW the QQme spies started, honing in on which player they were going to steal away, how they could disrupt our progress or even in some cases turning the leadership. In one such instance it was so bad that they entered our vent shortly after a TW and while trying to convince us they were there to help, one of their spies started spewing a debate (that was going on in faction chat) over world chat!" I came right out and told those individuals that did this that they had no honor and no true loyality in the game.

    Sound familiar DarkFlare? Oh, yea...thats right...some of you actually joined QQme....what was it that an officer in DarkFlare stated... "Because imho you join a faction for its values (common goals) or it leadership." In both categories you have made a fatal mistake. I am proud to say that my guild doesn't stand on the backs of smaller factions they have broken to maintain their members." If you apply you are considered and the entire faction has a vote" whereas QQme sabotages until you are left with the choice of following your friends or finding yet another guild they will eventually dissolve when you are close to your goal.

    So....*unlike some* I will come out an say directly that I don't trust QQme to come through on their end of the deal. In addition - - I wish they would rename their guild "FACTION BOMB" which would be far more appropriate.

    One thing I have learned (now) being in a larger faction (that I applied to by choice and that I sought out) is the stuggle continues for all the same things and the only difference is the speed at which you can accomplish your goals.

    The major notice I want to make is that QQme has proven their dishonesty to me (if not to anyone else) and although I attempt to hold my feelings against the name it has made for itself - - I agree with vicious in their hesitation to make the first move on the territory issue. QQme's effort to "help" in my opinion has come at too great a cost for everyone that has ever suffered at their dishonesty.

    In direct relationship to the territory itself, well. I know what it was like to hold land in a smaller faction and the pride and joy it brought me back then. To accomplish what seemed impossible and succeed, it was amazing! Although I am not personally opposed to the idea of handing over land, I will be honest in saying that as long as QQme has their name on the map it would be futile. Their lack of moral code and abundance of dishonorable tactics would only result in their sabotaging the efforts of all those holding land if vicious was no longer strong enough to defend. As SeverusSnape so nicely put it "its one faction dominating everyone else for their own needs" HOW LONG DID QQME OWN THE MAP??? and now that they are loosing they are asking everyone to feel sorry for them? They've named a new demon...are you going to fall for it? Aasimar used the phrase "devouring weaker factions" which is the reality of how they choose to play the game....are you really jumping on the bandwagon?

    In closing - - As I said before, I am not opposed to the sharing of land, but will tell you, it is a far greater victory to win it in a fair fight when your guild accomplishes its goal of coming together as a force to be recognized. It isn't easy, and yes it comes with a great deal of struggle but I know that you can do it! Being in TW at any level is about testing yourself, your skill, your team, your leadership, your tactics, and your ability to maintain the endless expenses through personal effort. As funny as his attempt was to make fun of Whitestreak's posts were, Atuhm's words do ring true "here it is easy to drop some money and feel important, in rl you usually have to prove yourself." Guys the land is only the beginning...the personal dedication it takes to maintain your ability to participate (charms, gear advances etc) and it isn't about money, it takes consistant work and constant effort for those of us (like White and myself) that don't/can't drop money into the game whenever we need something and being unprepared defeats the joy and excitement of doing it right.
  • Galtero - Raging Tide
    Galtero - Raging Tide Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    its so funny b:chuckle every1 says QQme cant be trusted but to me it looks like Vici cant be
    and heres why i say so:

    "QQme has to give up first befor Vici will" coming from the strongest faction on the map

    ive hear Vici ppl saying that QQme is scared of Vici if thats true then Vici doesnt have to care about giving up ONLY 2lands bec they can just win them back
    ive heared that Vici is only there to stop QQme from take the map and wat do i see when i look at the map Vici with the most land, then there the lovely saying about about QQme is lying and has no moral code and abundance of dishonorable tactics coming from ppl that ganks QQme

    I dont hate Vici nor any1 in the faction. QQme and Vici is the TOP faction on RT every small faction wants to be like them(be as strong as them or even stronger its wat drives ppl to get stronger) Small factions can learn alot from them, both sides has PRO players good or bad they still are PRO players

    From everything i said here ppl will say "he doesnt know anything" and i will have ppl hating me but i say it as i see it

    and if u still think QQme cant be trusted then why doesnt Vici give the land up and show us that QQme cant be trusted or it is just 1 of those rumors about QQme thats not true and yes there can be ppl that that stuff has happened to but some of us are new and some havent had bad relationship with any of QQme members for the past 2 years like me

    Sometimes u have to take the first step to see were it leads
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Why should we give up land we fought tooth and nail for to factions that cant earn them? Seriously it just enables them. What next, QQme and vicious should gear up and recruit for the small factions? Supply them with charms and apoth? Give them money to bid and buy towers/cata scrolls?

    If the small factions want tw so bad, place bids, but don't expect wined tw's.
  • Galtero - Raging Tide
    Galtero - Raging Tide Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    that good and all but then why ppl want this is bec the TW they want is 1-2hour not 5min pure murder wat we want is wat QQme and Vici feels in a 3hour TW the fun and glory and the lose were u gave your all just to go and give your all again and see if u can do better
    that wat every likes feeling
  • Lana - Raging Tide
    Lana - Raging Tide Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    its so funny b:chuckle every1 says QQme cant be trusted but to me it looks like Vici cant be
    and heres why i say so:

    "QQme has to give up first befor Vici will" coming from the strongest faction on the map

    ive hear Vici ppl saying that QQme is scared of Vici if thats true then Vici doesnt have to care about giving up ONLY 2lands bec they can just win them back
    ive heared that Vici is only there to stop QQme from take the map and wat do i see when i look at the map Vici with the most land, then there the lovely saying about about QQme is lying and has no moral code and abundance of dishonorable tactics coming from ppl that ganks QQme

    I dont hate Vici nor any1 in the faction. QQme and Vici is the TOP faction on RT every small faction wants to be like them(be as strong as them or even stronger its wat drives ppl to get stronger) Small factions can learn alot from them, both sides has PRO players good or bad they still are PRO players

    From everything i said here ppl will say "he doesnt know anything" and i will have ppl hating me but i say it as i see it

    and if u still think QQme cant be trusted then why doesnt Vici give the land up and show us that QQme cant be trusted or it is just 1 of those rumors about QQme thats not true and yes there can be ppl that that stuff has happened to but some of us are new and some havent had bad relationship with any of QQme members for the past 2 years like me

    Sometimes u have to take the first step to see were it leads

    You Sir, must be new here. Welcome to the forums. If you actually had any KNOWLEDGE about whats going on on this server, instead of just "hearing things" from the cousin of a friends friend, i might take you seriously. However...
  • soulhunter1987
    soulhunter1987 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Galtero its been happening before that qqme does anything possible 2 make attacks on them impossible. facts are vicious giving up lands might not end up well for us. and why would we risk any sort of ban? therefore they have 2 give up first. simple terms in my opinion. they afraid of us not not giving up after they did? well their loss then as far as i know Nuff is more trustable then Man.
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ok Galtero i've been here since the begining.. longer than most..
    I was here when qqme was created.. i was here when the original leader and most officers quit.. i was here when Infamy was power.. then QQme took over.. then Levi took over then QQme took it back then lost it to Vicious..

    throughout my past experience with QQme.. When Levi took power a few months b4 genesis came out.. QQme was very opportunistic in taking Levi Land away.. with ganks and such.. but keep in mind we were pretty equal in strength back then (2-3hour wars).. Having Vertu and Pilipinas and even Murr get some ganks on us.. trying to name and shame us for taking Pilipinas off the map for ganking us.. all sorts of things...

    Then when QQme took the power back from Levi.. They had widened the gap in our power vs theirs.. rolling us in 30 minutes at certain times or even faster..
    Which made Levi and NPC want to merge but decided to make a new guild and atk the south corner of the map.. after Vicious gained control of those lands.. QQme decided to take Vicious Land.. and with about 2 weeks left to expansion.. they had successfully landlocked Vicious holding them to 1 land and continued to take other low lands from other guilds..

    post Genesis expansion, map reset vicous gets land near City of raging tide.. QQme uses their alt guilds to outbid and landlock Vicious to that corner for 3-4 weeks..

    and now instead of heading in for the 2-3 hour TWs.. QQme is headin to Vertu and Levi for easy land.. trying to stay on map long enough for this plan of theirs to pay off.. (gain more OP members b4 we know we can beat Vicious again)..

    now ur Up to date.. :D

    p.s i may be a lil biased but this is all about why no one trusts QQme (moslty b:surrender)
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Galtero - Raging Tide
    Galtero - Raging Tide Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Thx Lanab:thanks and sry my mistake on the knowledge part but ill go stand by soulhunter and Tony i like them more they saw wat i ment

    i have look at the TW vidz of both side and Vici is stronger(in skill of members) then theres another option control that corner and keep QQme from it?

    and u can block them like in chess its all about how u move and reading a opponentb:chuckle
  • Shield - Raging Tide
    Shield - Raging Tide Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol i gave you my opinion about that topic earlier in this post, now im just laughing about ppl who confuse games with rl and try to "do" in a game what they fail in rl with, because here its easy to drop some money and feel important, in rl you usually have to prove yourself b:chuckle

    well, gl keeping ppl from having fun, nurture your patheticness with it, +12 your gear and show ppl that all your confidence lies in a bunch of items, which btw will be gone sooner or later, no game lasts forever ;)

    ^ so true lol

    it started as a good idea to let those that don't trow money in the game...those that wont be able to match QQme or Vici EVER.... oh wait! nobody should care about those nabs im so pro cuz i haz my +12 r9 gearz omg so pro lol

    thats why im back to LoL <3 have fun bishes
  • Whitestreak - Raging Tide
    Whitestreak - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    Successful TW is PVP (Rank 8 or 9). PVP is End Game. PVP is cash shop only now as they took farming for free PVP mats out of the game. No One is making you cash shop, and you are able to play this free game and its free content all you want too. But do not complain about those that choose to cash shop for PVP/End Game play, that is our choice.

    So no I have not one ounce of compassion for those free cheap azz players that are complaining about not being able to Play End Game content of this free game when PVP is not FREE..

    Go whine to PWI that they took out your free right to end game playing......

  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    It's adorable how people want Vicious and/or QQme to give up land and yet spew slander and offense against either one or both.

    I think everyone should stop discussing this topic. With the member response from the "small factions" I say gtfo since you don't even appreciate it.

    **** these plans, not worth the unappreciated effort.

    Never look a gift horse in the mouth. b:bye
  • TeddyBear - Raging Tide
    TeddyBear - Raging Tide Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    sibwhttgrs wrote: »
    Up to this point I have stayed quiet and listened well but it is time to speak my mind...

    I have been a member of several small factions, clawing my way through the ranks and struggling with gear, quests, etc and looking to the guild roster for groups and taking enough pick up groups to register as insanity. But - - Even now those that I have played with that need anything know that they can count on me to help in whatever way I can.

    HOWEVER the major point of my post- - Each time as our small guilds became stronger and closer to TW the QQme spies started, honing in on which player they were going to steal away, how they could disrupt our progress or even in some cases turning the leadership. In one such instance it was so bad that they entered our vent shortly after a TW and while trying to convince us they were there to help, one of their spies started spewing a debate (that was going on in faction chat) over world chat!" I came right out and told those individuals that did this that they had no honor and no true loyality in the game.

    Sound familiar DarkFlare? Oh, yea...thats right...some of you actually joined QQme....what was it that an officer in DarkFlare stated... "Because imho you join a faction for its values (common goals) or it leadership." In both categories you have made a fatal mistake. I am proud to say that my guild doesn't stand on the backs of smaller factions they have broken to maintain their members." If you apply you are considered and the entire faction has a vote" whereas QQme sabotages until you are left with the choice of following your friends or finding yet another guild they will eventually dissolve when you are close to your goal.

    So....*unlike some* I will come out an say directly that I don't trust QQme to come through on their end of the deal. In addition - - I wish they would rename their guild "FACTION BOMB" which would be far more appropriate.

    One thing I have learned (now) being in a larger faction (that I applied to by choice and that I sought out) is the stuggle continues for all the same things and the only difference is the speed at which you can accomplish your goals.

    The major notice I want to make is that QQme has proven their dishonesty to me (if not to anyone else) and although I attempt to hold my feelings against the name it has made for itself - - I agree with vicious in their hesitation to make the first move on the territory issue. QQme's effort to "help" in my opinion has come at too great a cost for everyone that has ever suffered at their dishonesty.

    In direct relationship to the territory itself, well. I know what it was like to hold land in a smaller faction and the pride and joy it brought me back then. To accomplish what seemed impossible and succeed, it was amazing! Although I am not personally opposed to the idea of handing over land, I will be honest in saying that as long as QQme has their name on the map it would be futile. Their lack of moral code and abundance of dishonorable tactics would only result in their sabotaging the efforts of all those holding land if vicious was no longer strong enough to defend. As SeverusSnape so nicely put it "its one faction dominating everyone else for their own needs" HOW LONG DID QQME OWN THE MAP??? and now that they are loosing they are asking everyone to feel sorry for them? They've named a new demon...are you going to fall for it? Aasimar used the phrase "devouring weaker factions" which is the reality of how they choose to play the game....are you really jumping on the bandwagon?

    In closing - - As I said before, I am not opposed to the sharing of land, but will tell you, it is a far greater victory to win it in a fair fight when your guild accomplishes its goal of coming together as a force to be recognized. It isn't easy, and yes it comes with a great deal of struggle but I know that you can do it! Being in TW at any level is about testing yourself, your skill, your team, your leadership, your tactics, and your ability to maintain the endless expenses through personal effort. As funny as his attempt was to make fun of Whitestreak's posts were, Atuhm's words do ring true "here it is easy to drop some money and feel important, in rl you usually have to prove yourself." Guys the land is only the beginning...the personal dedication it takes to maintain your ability to participate (charms, gear advances etc) and it isn't about money, it takes consistant work and constant effort for those of us (like White and myself) that don't/can't drop money into the game whenever we need something and being unprepared defeats the joy and excitement of doing it right.
