The New and Improved Bug Report Thread



  • xshironobux
    xshironobux Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I turned level 40 and because i was in frost with some guild members levelling, the system message appeared for theComing Of Age quest chain and then closed itself down before i could do anything. The system message will not appear now and no matter what i do i cannot begin the tideborn quest chain

    Can some GM please help me? The first quest (Strange Monument) won't appear in the available quests or taken quests at all.
  • lorrad
    lorrad Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    OK I love the game

    Unfortunately the game recently in the last few patchs has caused my video card to crash

    ATI radeon 4870

    each crash became more violent until today it took 2 hours to get my computer operational again

    So regretably I had to uninstall the game

    I will miss you all b:cry
  • Heydee - Raging Tide
    Heydee - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey guys, There's this bug in Frostcovered city when you agro the jail boss then let him reset and someone hits him, like, a thousand dragons will spawn?!?!
    But I'm sure you had no idea about this and are working very hard on getting it fixed now.
    (insert sarcasm here)
  • themariahpoo
    themariahpoo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I can't fly... its a bug my husband can't fly ether...
  • exstormdragon
    exstormdragon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hey Peoples. Got a bug for you

    Sometimes when I go to the Snowdragon Heights by going over the mountains around Tellus City the Sky turns completely white.
  • bwm
    bwm Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    On my mystic, I have spent 2000 coins to buy a pickaxe. For some reason, when I try to farm/gather, an error pops up saying in the chatbox "You do not have the required tool for this action" when I actually have the pickaxe in my inventory. I try dropping it out and picking it back up and that did not work either. This would only happen when I try to far/gather the soulbreed plants and the Soul Rest Stone.
  • AnimeDD - Raging Tide
    AnimeDD - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Is these white spotches seen around me in the screen capture some sort of glitch, or is there an issue in the program coding on my computer?
    If the info is helpful, I am running Win7 HPx64, i7 processor, 6G of DDR3 RAM, and a GForce 525M Graphics processor.
    Here is the screen capture
  • lordgrr
    lordgrr Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    untitled.jpg so there i was minding my own business when i hit a tree that sent me flying through the ground and back up again and was somehow slowly killing me
  • cris12822
    cris12822 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Many people might have this issue but. If there is a question mark or exclamaiton mark blinking on the screen, when u click it, it does nothing nor can u move it so if it goes away it just comes right back.
  • Eocene - Raging Tide
    Eocene - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I wanted to do trivia today, but Trivia Maiden didn't have any quest for me... Such a disapointment. b:surrender
  • RangedRelikz - Sanctuary
    RangedRelikz - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'm having alot of issues with me adding people, and adding me. Exclamation mark will show up on their end, but they cant click it OR move it. they add me, i dont even get one. we both started new characters, since she came to Sanctuary for awhile. I can send her a PM fine, but i add her it sometimes says "use does not exist" when i go to add her, i PM her, and it goes through. is this on PWI's side, or do i have to re-install. Its been going on since the last patch (if thats any help). we have both re-logged several time, and same thing happens.
  • Queenalayna - Archosaur
    Queenalayna - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    heres a fun one for u my hole account is glitch'd i have rank 7 armour on my 99 sin the game far as i can see dosen't reckognise the fact that i have rank armour fitted with my TT90 armour i was getting hit for say 200 with my rank armour im getting hit for over 4k dammage see if anyone can work that one out plus its the same for all of my alts on the same account its getting on my nerves and i still haven't had a reply to my ticket
  • scenefiend
    scenefiend Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    My brother and I were both multi-clienting or alts (he has 97 barb and 50 bm, I have 86 seeker and 53 sin), and we were doing our call of duty 49(51). My sin had tabs(2), his bm did not have any. I also had quests-Powerful Lord and Avengers Fury. I tabbed Fushma with sin, we beat it, neither of us got it for FB, but I got it for A.F. Same for Rankar. We went to Wyvern because I had Weapon Token quest, same thing, but I completed P.L. Monk popped up, we left, I went back to NPC, it gave me another tab (1), and P.L. went back to uncomplete.
  • Xaimara - Heavens Tear
    Xaimara - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Yes i've already tried all of the solutions in Tech Thread none worked. Am I eternally stuck in W. Arch.
  • Ionette - Archosaur
    Ionette - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Hello, my weapons have disappeared on the two characters that I've logged in on today. They were there when I entered the game, and I can't pinpoint when exactly they disappeared as it was only when I tried to attack something that I realised that they had gone.
    Thankyou for your time!

    [Edit] WHOOPS nevermind, they were the temporary weapons from the Supply Stash...
  • MerlinBG - Lothranis
    MerlinBG - Lothranis Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    In the topic about the latest patch is said that the auto-path (AP) displays its destination but I can't see any difference. Yesterday I clicked on a monster name in the quest list and the AP dialog said only "Height 28" - that was the height I was on - but not the monster name (or the NPC name). It was like that before the patch.

    Also, there's another bug with AP - when I clicked "cancel flight on destination" the sword disappeared and my character dropped down a few heights. Then suddenly the sword came back and proceeded with the flight at the lower height. That bug happened several times last night.
  • Distra - Dreamweaver
    Distra - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    When I'm meditating with my (female) archer, the sound-loop is ending very fast.
    Wizzard's meditation has the same sound effect, but in this case it's working fine.

    Another annoying thing - "Best Performance on/off" button. When I use this and - God forbid - it disconnect me, it stays like that when I re-log and I have to change all "System", "UI" options again...
    The same is when I log-out of the game with 'Best Performance button' ON.
    It's really frustrating.
  • lyx13
    lyx13 Posts: 11
    edited November 2011
    while i was playing , i suddenly dc'd n after that when i look for my ''White Maiden Top" n "White Fairy Slippers" , i noticed they were gone. n instead of them there were 2 fashs. These 2 new fashs were an exact copy of wut i already had, "Black Duke Roke Boot" n "Black Posh Top". i really dont know wut happened, plzz help me get them back b:cry b:surrender
  • lyx13
    lyx13 Posts: 11
    edited November 2011
    now my "Black Fingerless Gloves" turn to White..... whyyyyyy? b:cryb:cryb:cry Plzzz helpppp
  • wolfkun287
    wolfkun287 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Alright then I'm going to get right to the point.I am currently having display problems with some of the fashion in witch is a minor issue however very disappointing.When ever I look at other people's characters/avatars only the body from the head down shows up in terms of the fashion they are currently wearing.I can clearly see the beautiful hairstyles, head, and face fashions on there profile head shot,(the little circle with the selected character's face/head.)however when I look at the actual character they have it's self it does not match that of the profile as I mentioned before.Witch I am sure is a simple glitch of some sort.Though as others have said they can see it and I can see mine on me , but I just can't see other people's lovely hairstyles and new face adjustments. Everything in terms of the fashion from the neck up seems to only be default,while from the neck down there is no problem. I am on the Raging Tide server if that helps at all, and this is the same problem with all my characters as well. Thank you for your time and hopefully this issue will be fixed soon.Take care now.
  • zoewiiwii
    zoewiiwii Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    what d hell happen to my pwi screen,, it happen very offen,,

    plz fix that freez n lag GM b:surrenderb:cry
  • AnimeDD - Raging Tide
    AnimeDD - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Having some sort of vid glitch. Not certain what the issue is, but I thought maybe it should be looked at as possible image coding issues of some sort... I did get a screenshot of the glitching
  • MschiefMaker - Raging Tide
    MschiefMaker - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    This was posted by some one else ...THREE YEARS AGO!!!! are you going to fix it or do you even care?! HELLO!! IS ANY ONE ACTUALLY READING THIS STUFF? COME ON FIX IT ALREADY!

    The "Gather the Materials" quest requires you to turn in the items to Hen Shao at 122,858 which is in Thousand Streams. But there is no NPC at those coordinates!

    I've searched all elevations from every angle looking for a cleverly hidden NPC but he is not there. We used to be able to turn this quest in to much more accessible bankers in regular areas, I think this got broken in a recent patch. I don't see any posts about it on the forums though.

  • MrakovkA - Dreamweaver
    MrakovkA - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Bug report:


    Check the image. Items Required has N/A....

    later :)
  • Xilplxim - Dreamweaver
    Xilplxim - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I was doing the quest where you defend the cities. I started off in Tellus and after completing Break the Blockade I moved to West Archosaur. I picked up the next quest from the Sentinel Guard and continued on. After the battles were complete and I went to get my exp reward the Sentinel Guards disappeared and now the quests are still in my log.

    I really would like to complete them and get all that exp but Im not sure what happened everything was lagging really bad.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. All that exp would be really nice.

  • oriondarkstorm
    oriondarkstorm Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I am on a quest to Brimstone to kill the 3 bosses and collect the silk for 89 cultivation, however me being new to this they both offered TAB quests and i ended up taking the demon tabs but got no quest so could not cancel it and go get correct tabs...can you fix this?
  • Xilplxim - Dreamweaver
    Xilplxim - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I was doing the quest where you defend the cities. I started off in Tellus and after completing Break the Blockade I moved to West Archosaur. I picked up the next quest from the Sentinel Guard and continued on. After the battles were complete and I went to get my exp reward the Sentinel Guards disappeared and now the quests are still in my log.

    I really would like to complete them and get all that exp but Im not sure what happened everything was lagging really bad.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. All that exp would be really nice.


    Guess I can forget about the 110k exp I would of gained from the Besieged quest. Logged in yesterday and was told I had failed.

    To what ever Mod reads this:

    There had to be a bug at the end of the battles. I went directly to the guard sentinel after it ended and as I got to him he disappeared. When I looked in my quest log it said I hadn't killed the boss when I was right there with everyone else hacking away.

    If someone could look into this so as not to happen to anyone else I would appreciate it.

    I will make up the 110k exp lost on my own.
  • zachrii
    zachrii Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Hello. I just discovered that I had a problem getting the clients updated. They don't want to seem to update. I've never had this problem before.

    Alright, to start from the beginning:
    I have been on PWI for almost four years now. I've been off and on but I have also been updating the clients. This last update, however, the one from November 29/30, it's not updating at all. It starts updating and then I get a message saying "Error in updating" or something similar. I don't know what to do. b:sad

    Edit: Never mind. I had to re-download the game.

    Edit 2: Now it's not working when I select my character and try to start. It closed out and when I tried to bring PW up again, I kept getting a wacky message but no start-up selection screen.
  • d3atheat3r
    d3atheat3r Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    wolfkun287 wrote: »
    Alright then I'm going to get right to the point.I am currently having display problems with some of the fashion in witch is a minor issue however very disappointing.When ever I look at other people's characters/avatars only the body from the head down shows up in terms of the fashion they are currently wearing.I can clearly see the beautiful hairstyles, head, and face fashions on there profile head shot,(the little circle with the selected character's face/head.)however when I look at the actual character they have it's self it does not match that of the profile as I mentioned before.Witch I am sure is a simple glitch of some sort.Though as others have said they can see it and I can see mine on me , but I just can't see other people's lovely hairstyles and new face adjustments. Everything in terms of the fashion from the neck up seems to only be default,while from the neck down there is no problem. I am on the Raging Tide server if that helps at all, and this is the same problem with all my characters as well. Thank you for your time and hopefully this issue will be fixed soon.Take care now.
  • day7neat4
    day7neat4 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Bug Report

    After I purchased the Melodic Prophet's Shoes for 100 Wedding Candies, the option to purchase them again, each day, for 1,000,000 coins, is not showing.

This discussion has been closed.