The New and Improved Bug Report Thread



  • cerylia
    cerylia Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    How come that I got banned for getting a lot of fashion in trade from a friend then the next day I got mail assuming I **** and stole and asked me why? Is this some kind of bug perhaps? or some new stupid rule??? pls don't repeat the same mistake from b4 that ppl got banned from buying pets in AH. b:cry b:irritated
  • cerylia
    cerylia Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    cerylia wrote: »
    How come that I got banned for getting a lot of fashion in trade from a friend then the next day I got mail assuming I **** and stole and asked me why? Is this some kind of bug perhaps? or some new stupid rule??? pls don't repeat the same mistake from b4 that ppl got banned from buying pets in AH. b:cry b:irritated

    i spent real money on this game and i got **** but never got my things back plus a false ban accusation on my other account. really.. is this the automated bug customer support **** ur giving us?
  • nynna8
    nynna8 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    There is a quest in the game at level 22 that is called "Suspicious behavior" and the quest begins when a popup appears and you confirm, then the quest starts.... i am playing with a friend and he got the quest and i didnt, so i searched in the internet to see what i was doing wrong.... found some coordinates that i am suppose to go to get the popup but still i didnt get the popup... and now i don't know what to do.. can someone help me with the bug?

    P.S: i tried to logout login and even close the game and login and nothing worked out.
  • nobodynowhere
    nobodynowhere Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    i just did the second banker slot extension - gathering materials.
    it DID NOT etend slots
    it DID take the mats
    it only offered me to do the quest again
    banker is in west archesaur
    im a 31 BM, nemed MrMeatyMeI
    please alter my account to reflect completion of this quest
    thank you
  • Lailitha - Dreamweaver
    Lailitha - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Im not sure what happened but I was in game and i got dcd..when I relogged I was in Silver Pool..Well 2 of the Npcs didnt look right..they were block letters ERR but backwards.

    Please anyone know how to fix this?Anyone else have this problem?
  • Inclinations - Heavens Tear
    Inclinations - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    So i went to get on today and it is telling me my client version is low and to exit/update. I tried updating but it says there are no new updates available. So wondering why I can't log in and its telling me to update?
  • /lad - Dreamweaver19
    /lad - Dreamweaver19 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Cleric magic shell time limit not counting correctly.
  • /lad - Dreamweaver19
    /lad - Dreamweaver19 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Banding to previous location. Location 100% of map.
  • /lad - Dreamweaver19
    /lad - Dreamweaver19 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Air pets with incorrect ground/height foot prints causing them to be stuck in ground. Possibly related to banding corrections where ground height maps were changed
  • /lad - Dreamweaver19
    /lad - Dreamweaver19 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Multiple quests with incorrect path destinations around the location of Dawn's cry.

    Yes these are some old bugs. With how they have been apparently over looked wanted to make sure you knew about them .
  • Grayheart - Raging Tide
    Grayheart - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Ok If I look at any character in the game I can only see the body fashion and not any fashion on the head.I am sure this is a simple glitch and I asked other PWI players in the game and some are having the same problem.Think you can fix this? If you can I would be very thankful.Thanks for reading. it has a screen shot of the default hairstyles and faces instead of the real you can plainly see 2 look the same but they are different when you click on them for the profile shot like the one of mine.
  • mesavov
    mesavov Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    my lvl experience had reset to 0%. I had 57% lvl experience and they were gone? My charachter are not get killed. why this happened? im stuck at lvl 47 now. when i rich 12% it happens again-without been killed it resets my lvl exp at 0%????dont know where is the place to post this bug,just hope someone fix this bug, sorry my bad english
  • mesavov
    mesavov Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    my lvl experience had reset to 0%. I had 57% lvl experience and they were gone? My charachter are not get killed. why this happened? im stuck at lvl 47 now. when i rich 12% it happens again-without been killed it resets my lvl exp at 0%????dont know where is the place to post this bug,just hope someone fix this bug, sorry my bad english
  • azteen3
    azteen3 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    all of my armor/wep stats say wrong element followed by a number. also all armors/weps i look at in world chat or auction house same thing. plus my stats are all white even though they are almost all enhanced (my stats are correct though just white)

    did'nt do this before patch i relogged and its still doing it...i will run verify just to be sure.

    it's just weird though.


    after i verified files with launcher stats for armor/weps are correct all seems well.
  • Presouuse - Heavens Tear
    Presouuse - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    dq rewards page is not working

    also charge rewards have not been working
  • Adventureuan - Lothranis
    Adventureuan - Lothranis Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    brige from soud arch to nord arch buged i fold in the water after i past 2 sec after i was in whater
  • Joeylyn - Sanctuary
    Joeylyn - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    For some reason I cannot accept any sort of invites. Trade invites, friend invites, or any others. I can send invites out alright but I'm not able to accept any. Is anyone else having these problems. Is there any way to fix it? I'd appreciate some guidance. =)
  • cll
    cll Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    When i try to logg in my game crashes... Whats up with that? And how do i fix it?
  • balmblast
    balmblast Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Outside of West Archosaur I keep finding (on a semi-regular basis) a patch of ground that I fall into as if it were water. It is impossible to escape without quitting and reloading. This cost me as I was stuck and tried get out for awhile as I had equipped a Training Esoterica (1.5X EXP for 1 hour -- 50 silver) and had to waste a bunch of time running around "in" the earth and then reloading. VERY ANNOYING.

    Anyhow, the ground appeared to be a flat, monocolor green yet rocks appeared above it and you can jump on those without getting sucked in.

    When inside, you see white while looking down and various items like trees and the city gates -- as if viewed from under water if looking up.

    It happens just north of path, in the trees with the rocks, about 200 meters from the city gates.

    This bug is present with or without the Training Esoterica.

    Hope this helps. And I hope you mail me a new Training Esoterica.
  • ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver
    ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Ok If I look at any character in the game I can only see the body fashion and not any fashion on the head.I am sure this is a simple glitch and I asked other PWI players in the game and some are having the same problem.Think you can fix this? If you can I would be very thankful.Thanks for reading. it has a screen shot of the default hairstyles and faces instead of the real you can plainly see 2 look the same but they are different when you click on them for the profile shot like the one of mine.

    go to your game options panel and make sure you have customization checked/turned on
  • ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver
    ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    For some reason I cannot accept any sort of invites. Trade invites, friend invites, or any others. I can send invites out alright but I'm not able to accept any. Is anyone else having these problems. Is there any way to fix it? I'd appreciate some guidance. =)

    Make sure in your game setting squad invites and trades are checked/turned on
  • ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver
    ViciousMinx - Dreamweaver Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    balmblast wrote: »
    Outside of West Archosaur I keep finding (on a semi-regular basis) a patch of ground that I fall into as if it were water. It is impossible to escape without quitting and reloading. This cost me as I was stuck and tried get out for awhile as I had equipped a Training Esoterica (1.5X EXP for 1 hour -- 50 silver) and had to waste a bunch of time running around "in" the earth and then reloading. VERY ANNOYING.

    Anyhow, the ground appeared to be a flat, monocolor green yet rocks appeared above it and you can jump on those without getting sucked in.

    When inside, you see white while looking down and various items like trees and the city gates -- as if viewed from under water if looking up.

    It happens just north of path, in the trees with the rocks, about 200 meters from the city gates.

    This bug is present with or without the Training Esoterica.

    Hope this helps. And I hope you mail me a new Training Esoterica.

    There is a similar glitch in OHT when flying back to the main floating platform players will become stuck under water at -altitude.
  • hester
    hester Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    On Flag Hill at 576, 726 there is a clump of bushes that is displaying as black squares.

  • StarryOpal - Raging Tide
    StarryOpal - Raging Tide Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    This is not a faction submission bug. We had the icon, but now it is missing

    A few days before Christmas our faction icon was finally put in the game. After Tuesdays maintenance I signed in and noticed the icon is now gone. Another member of the faction also noticed it was missing. I asked several random people in the game and they also stated that the icon is just the generic faction icon. I'm guessing that with the updates there was a glitch and the icon was lost. Can we please have our icon back.

    I was going to submit a ticket but, could not get the ticket submit page to load. I tried both firefox and Chrome and then as a last ditch effort IE, but the page is not working.
  • ihatethisshyt
    ihatethisshyt Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I am on Dreamweaver server....I am unable to pick up my divine quests for today. I picked them up yesterday and finished them, but am unable to get them today....( The shield above her head is purple }
  • mabalzesharier
    mabalzesharier Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    What good is it to have a ticket system when no one replies to the damn things anyway? I submitted a ticket for a problem a week ago. I got the automated response saying I would here something within 48 hours. Haven't herd a damn thing since. I'm wondering what all the money I've spent on this is for. It certainly doesn't pay for CONSUMER support. I will not be putting in another penny until my issue is resolved. Oh, in fact, I have updated the ticket 2 times since and still no reply. Your so called support system sucks.
  • lalalalla96
    lalalalla96 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I have a problem..i maked a charcater then..i change the server to make another one..but only thing i can see are exit and start..and start is grey..And i maked a new account ..and i can`t make any charachters ..why :|?
  • Katinas - Momaganon
    Katinas - Momaganon Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Ok I had this weird bug yesterday.
    My main (barb 100) my alt(59) + more 4 squad members were doing fb59. My alt had lead all the time since it is fb and he needed to tab. After Ofotis I got dc on both characters. After I dc'ed and logged back in other players in squad still saw my both characters in squad and they all got timer. For some reason my main didn't. So I had to re-invite whole squad with my main. (Originally alt had lead)

    Then on the way to drake I got disconnected again. Again for some reason when I logged in they saw me in party. And since my alt had lead there was no way in kicking us. We tried waiting for 15minutes while having both characters offline, so server kick them, but it didn't happened. Then I tried to re-invite everyone as for the first time but we ended up resetting cave AND one of the party members even after leaving the party saw that everyone is in the party anyway.

    P.S. No Cat-shops were online and it was dual-clienting
    EDIT: Cave was wined and I had to finish fb by clearing cave instead of doing it fast.
  • evu
    evu Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I'm having a problem with my Healing Herb, Mystic skill. I have all it needs to learn it, but i can't see the skill with the other skills taht I could learn.
  • morigorum
    morigorum Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    When is PWI going to fix this damn annoying *POOF* exiting of game at random locations around the game? It happens even running in Compatibility Mode on my Win7 Home Premium 64 bit. NEVER did this on XP for the most part, i.e. once in a blue moon meaning months where as this damn thing happens at LEAST 3-4 times a week at random places. Teleporting to Raging Tide (most often), Tele-ing to Plume (2nd worst), happened in Warsong and just now putting an item in my safe in south arch.

    This is NOT my computer that is the problem, this is the game that needs to get a LOT of these nit picky BUGS FIXED. I can't wait till Guild Wars 2 arrives as I expect people to bail in DROVES to it. From what I hear it is going to a) be massive, b) 2x the servers from original game, FREE to play as much as you want once you buy it (I have all the other GW releases and beaten normal/hard modes and working on some titles still).

    You best get your act together, quit pushing stuff out when it isn't ready (Mystic/Seeker for one, new area for 2, Genesis in general for 3, and now Descent. I will play it for a bit but once *** is on the streets my time (and any more money I've already spent in this game) will be much much less. FIX THIS PROBLEM as I am NOT the only one reporting it/seeing it on Windows 7.

    My system works perfectly elsewhere but this game, that tells me something.....

    And the error message is the same one pointing to a dll file.
This discussion has been closed.