Rank 8/9 Recasts



  • Chimer - Lost City
    Chimer - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Since I haven't seen it posted yet, here are the chances for unique adds on magic weapons according to PWDatabase:

    Purify Spell (6.67%)
    Infinite (13.33%)
    Requirement -25% (26.67%)
    Attack Level +10 - 25 (6.67%)
    Defense Level +10 - 25 (26.67%)
    Critical Hit Rate +3% - 6% (13.33%)
    Channeling -3% - 10% (6.67%)

    The exception to this is the veno pataka, which has higher chances to get attack levels or channeling, and thus slightly reduced chances for the other adds.
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Since I haven't seen it posted yet, here are the chances for unique adds on magic weapons according to PWDatabase:

    Purify Spell (6.67%)
    Infinite (13.33%)
    Requirement -25% (26.67%)
    Attack Level +10 - 25 (6.67%)
    Defense Level +10 - 25 (26.67%)
    Critical Hit Rate +3% - 6% (13.33%)
    Channeling -3% - 10% (6.67%)

    The exception to this is the veno pataka, which has higher chances to get attack levels or channeling, and thus slightly reduced chances for the other adds.

    So were looking at about 18 tries (on average) for the ever so wanted purify spell?

    Hmm.... Not bad, I mean, its nothing like trying to get +20 atk levels in nirvana gear is it?
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This is pretty interesting. If I were to fit myself out in full R9 gear, then got purify on a R8 wand, on either mystic or cleric, they'd be able to spam their heals without fear of being stunned, as well as being able to kite away from any melee.

    On a mystic, especially, once the proc activates it's an instant ~7000-8000 hp heal coming out, on a R9 with ~14k to 15k hp, 14k p. def and ~60 defense levels. As long as the purify is procced, it would be very hard for a BM to actually get a dragon off too.

    I strongly considered purchasing the Radiant Wand, but I was never able to even come close to 144k faction contribution, and it's likely not even implemented in the game. Plus 1.15 billion coins is sort of risky when I don't even know exactly how the proc works or how often.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This is pretty interesting. If I were to fit myself out in full R9 gear, then got purify on a R8 wand, on either mystic or cleric, they'd be able to spam their heals without fear of being stunned, as well as being able to kite away from any melee.

    On a mystic, especially, once the proc activates it's an instant ~7000-8000 hp heal coming out, on a R9 with ~14k to 15k hp, 14k p. def and ~60 defense levels. As long as the purify is procced, it would be very hard for a BM to actually get a dragon off too.

    I strongly considered purchasing the Radiant Wand, but I was never able to even come close to 144k faction contribution, and it's likely not even implemented in the game. Plus 1.15 billion coins is sort of risky when I don't even know exactly how the proc works or how often.

    Great for Wizards too. Means we have a large chance of shrinking and kiting aps chars or dropping sleep and gtfo'ing.

    Im definitely going to aim for Purify R8 recast now lol.


    Ohhh wow, I just thought. Under the assumption it triggers even if you take no damage, its going to make life hell for sins. Hitting an Expelled or Ironguarded character while theyve a purify weapon equipped puts them at huge risk of getting fuxxord on the most entertaining of ways.

    Cant. Fakking. Wait.
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This is pretty interesting. If I were to fit myself out in full R9 gear, then got purify on a R8 wand, on either mystic or cleric, they'd be able to spam their heals without fear of being stunned, as well as being able to kite away from any melee.

    On a mystic, especially, once the proc activates it's an instant ~7000-8000 hp heal coming out, on a R9 with ~14k to 15k hp, 14k p. def and ~60 defense levels. As long as the purify is procced, it would be very hard for a BM to actually get a dragon off too.

    This new proc really seems to be PWE's answer to aps for Casters because the multiple hits increases the chances that purify will proc. But remember, you can still get stunned and then 1-2 shot from a Zerk axe BM or Gemini by Seeker without it triggering. Additionally, R9 +12 Sins can also kill you in one to two shots as well again before purify has a chance to proc.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This new proc really seems to be PWE's answer to aps for Casters because the multiple hits increases the chances that purify will proc. But remember, you can still get stunned and then 1-2 shot from a Zerk axe BM or Gemini by Seeker without it triggering. Additionally, R9 +12 Sins can also kill you in one to two shots as well again before purify has a chance to proc.

    And for those of us that can't cash our gear to the max? This Purify tips the scales largely in the favor of Arcanes, even with even gear at end game. Sins? Sure, they'll still have a good shot and wrecking them, but for us other melees.... against someone properly geared it seems to be more trouble than it's even worth. If this is their answer to high APS characters then it's a freaking horrible one. "Hey guys, we made one type of character OP in PvE, so we'll completely break PvP by giving another type of character a weapon that can keep you from stunlocking and killing them!!" >.>
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    And for those of us that can't cash our gear to the max? This Purify tips the scales largely in the favor of Arcanes, even with even gear at end game. Sins? Sure, they'll still have a good shot and wrecking them, but for us other melees.... against someone properly geared it seems to be more trouble than it's even worth. If this is their answer to high APS characters then it's a freaking horrible one. "Hey guys, we made one type of character OP in PvE, so we'll completely break PvP by giving another type of character a weapon that can keep you from stunlocking and killing them!!" >.>

    By "other melees", you're referring to 4-5 aps BMs right ?

    Well gee... since the elimination of channel canceling, I get the impression that in PK, Casters who know how to play haven't been afraid of aps BMs in a long time. b:surrender

    Anyway... with the introduction of this purify skill, it just means that the emphasis has now shifted dramatically to damage per hit rather than the old damage per second... since the purify has a much lower chance of triggering the less hits the caster receives.

    BM concerns aside, I see nothing wrong with Casters now having something of an answer to getting face rolled by every **** geared noob Sin that sparks out of stealth. And they (the Sins) are really the ones that now have to learn how to play with a bit of skill for a change since the guarantee of an automatic stun lock will no longer be there.
  • Vancore - Sanctuary
    Vancore - Sanctuary Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    By "other melees", you're referring to 4-5 aps BMs right ?

    Well gee... since the elimination of channel canceling, I get the impression that in PK, Casters who know how to play haven't been afraid of aps BMs in a long time. b:surrender

    Anyway... with the introduction of this purify skill, it just means that the emphasis has now shifted dramatically to damage per hit rather than the old damage per second... since the purify has a much lower chance of triggering the less hits the caster receives.

    BM concerns aside, I see nothing wrong with Casters now having something of an answer to getting face rolled by every **** geared noob Sin that sparks out of stealth. And they (the Sins) are really the ones that now have to learn how to play with a bit of skill for a change since the guarantee of an automatic stun lock will no longer be there.

    Federation of United Casters Keeping Others From Failing And
    Positively Succeeding (Taken from SkogDyr of Lost City)
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    By "other melees", you're referring to 4-5 aps BMs right ?

    Well gee... since the elimination of channel canceling, I get the impression that in PK, Casters who know how to play haven't been afraid of aps BMs in a long time. b:surrender

    Anyway... with the introduction of this purify skill, it just means that the emphasis has now shifted dramatically to damage per hit rather than the old damage per second... since the purify has a much lower chance of triggering the less hits the caster receives.

    BM concerns aside, I see nothing wrong with Casters now having something of an answer to getting face rolled by every **** geared noob Sin that sparks out of stealth. And they (the Sins) are really the ones that now have to learn how to play with a bit of skill for a change since the guarantee of an automatic stun lock will no longer be there.

    Sure it fixes the problem with **** geared sins, but for properly geared sins it won't help quite as much. I mean yeah... it's gonna hurt them but, honestly... R9 sins? It'd give them a nice window to kite or something but that Sin's gonna get in another 2-4 hits before they're out of attack range.

    But eh.. BMs won't really have a surprise factor, a caster is gonna know we're coming and won't be shocked by us coming out of stealth. Sure we can use GoF axes but I mean seriously... against casters that have highly refined Pdef orns and gear it'll be a pain, they have a chance to get out of a stunlock, kite away, and blast us with hard hitting skills.
  • Vancore - Sanctuary
    Vancore - Sanctuary Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sure it fixes the problem with **** geared sins, but for properly geared sins it won't help quite as much. I mean yeah... it's gonna hurt them but, honestly... R9 sins? It'd give them a nice window to kite or something but that Sin's gonna get in another 2-4 hits before they're out of attack range.

    But eh.. BMs won't really have a surprise factor, a caster is gonna know we're coming and won't be shocked by us coming out of stealth. Sure we can use GoF axes but I mean seriously... against casters that have highly refined Pdef orns and gear it'll be a pain, they have a chance to get out of a stunlock, kite away, and blast us with hard hitting skills.

    so it will be a fair fight cause when a caster gets stun locked, which is not that hard to do, they will have a chance to escape and counter att
    Federation of United Casters Keeping Others From Failing And
    Positively Succeeding (Taken from SkogDyr of Lost City)
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I guess n0b0dy realizes still that sins will be able t0 recast their gear and still be just as 0P ijs. I mean a sin d0es n0t really need their stuns t0 win n0wadays.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I mean a sin d0es n0t really need their stuns t0 win n0wadays.

    How many Sins do you know can tank a well geared and weapon refined Wiz or Psy (or even Mystic) counter attack ?

    Particularly when Caster no longer has to use use up sparks, genie skill or apoth to break out of stun ?
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    so it will be a fair fight cause when a caster gets stun locked, which is not that hard to do, they will have a chance to escape and counter att

    Uh.. they already have that chance via genie and apo, and they hit way harder than we do, how exactly does it make it a fair fight? This tips the scales severely in their favor. I mean seriously, stun a Wiz... attack them a few times, Purify activates and they kite away, then they channel BIDS and use Extreme Poison + Frenzy. That's good game if it crits, or hell even if it doesn't against some BMs it'll one shot anyway. Think about it, they get out of your stunlock FOR FREE and you can't stun them for 6 seconds, they still have their genie to use whatever skill they want, AND the BM has to use all of his genie energy just to survive with Absolute Domain or True Emptiness if he manages to get close enough. Now say he stuns the Wiz one the effect's off, then it just happens all over again... Even if it's only a 10% proc rate that's still pretty game breaking. Just sayin'
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    How many Sins do you know can tank a well geared and weapon refined Wiz or Psy (or even Mystic) counter attack ?

    Particularly when Caster no longer has to use use up sparks, genie skill or apoth to break out of stun ?

    I kn0w al0t actually, and tank l0l???I was unaware sins had t0 TANK an arcane class *facepalm* And quite frankly the 0nly arcane class that d0es n0t die fr0m stealth due t0 2spark G0F 0r Sac Assault s0 easily, is a psychic.

    D0n't believe me?? L00k at the f0rums and tell me h0w many p0st y0u can find 0f r9's stating they get killed fr0m 2 spark G0F crits fr0m stealth.

    meh nvm what d0 I kn0w, I'm 0n a carebear server right???
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • Vancore - Sanctuary
    Vancore - Sanctuary Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Uh.. they already have that chance via genie and apo, and they hit way harder than we do, how exactly does it make it a fair fight? This tips the scales severely in their favor. I mean seriously, stun a Wiz... attack them a few times, Purify activates and they kite away, then they channel BIDS and use Extreme Poison + Frenzy. That's good game if it crits, or hell even if it doesn't against some BMs it'll one shot anyway. Think about it, they get out of your stunlock FOR FREE and you can't stun them for 6 seconds, they still have their genie to use whatever skill they want, AND the BM has to use all of his genie energy just to survive with Absolute Domain or True Emptiness if he manages to get close enough. Now say he stuns the Wiz one the effect's off, then it just happens all over again... Even if it's only a 10% proc rate that's still pretty game breaking. Just sayin'

    but unlike every single melee class (and archers) who have at least 1 skill that makes them immune to all movement debuffs a long list of offensive and defensive wep procs, on top of genie skills and apoth, while we arcane have a mere 2 defensive wep procs are utterly unfair and will take away every single advantage and means of defeating arcane classes melees have at their disposal
    Federation of United Casters Keeping Others From Failing And
    Positively Succeeding (Taken from SkogDyr of Lost City)
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Uh.. they already have that chance via genie and apo, and they hit way harder than we do, how exactly does it make it a fair fight? This tips the scales severely in their favor. I mean seriously, stun a Wiz... attack them a few times, Purify activates and they kite away, then they channel BIDS and use Extreme Poison + Frenzy. That's good game if it crits, or hell even if it doesn't against some BMs it'll one shot anyway. Think about it, they get out of your stunlock FOR FREE and you can't stun them for 6 seconds, they still have their genie to use whatever skill they want, AND the BM has to use all of his genie energy just to survive with Absolute Domain or True Emptiness if he manages to get close enough. Now say he stuns the Wiz one the effect's off, then it just happens all over again... Even if it's only a 10% proc rate that's still pretty game breaking. Just sayin'

    I'm going to love that proc so much
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Uh.. they already have that chance via genie and apo, and they hit way harder than we do, how exactly does it make it a fair fight? This tips the scales severely in their favor. I mean seriously, stun a Wiz... attack them a few times, Purify activates and they kite away, then they channel BIDS and use Extreme Poison + Frenzy. That's good game if it crits, or hell even if it doesn't against some BMs it'll one shot anyway. Think about it, they get out of your stunlock FOR FREE and you can't stun them for 6 seconds, they still have their genie to use whatever skill they want, AND the BM has to use all of his genie energy just to survive with Absolute Domain or True Emptiness if he manages to get close enough. Now say he stuns the Wiz one the effect's off, then it just happens all over again... Even if it's only a 10% proc rate that's still pretty game breaking. Just sayin'

    Really? And what about balance right now? Are you happy? Because you playing melee class you are trying defend melee classes? Right now, are melee classes too much OP to magic classes.
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sins that can oneshot people dont come into the equasion, seriously.

    For everyone else, barbs can tank the magical damage or interrupt casting, Archers can kill in 5 hits without even needing to stun half the time, BMs can suck a ****, MAgic Marrow will save your *** from even an R9 if you use it properly. Seekers... Eh, seekers.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    but unlike every single melee class (and archers) who have at least 1 skill that makes them immune to all movement debuffs a long list of offensive and defensive wep procs, on top of genie skills and apoth, while we arcane have a mere 2 defensive wep procs are utterly unfair and will take away every single advantage and means of defeating arcane classes melees have at their disposal

    Wizards can seal you with a relatively low cooldown, and they have an emergency sleep along with the ability to leap over 20 meters away. Venos have an anti stun if they're Demon and a 79 skill that makes them immune to damage for 10 seconds which can be used with the Purify Proc to cancel out the stunning side effect. Clerics have two different shells and a skill that reduced all damage by 60%. Psychics have their Souls and Soul Burn, and Mystics have an anti stun and skills that can seal, both of which could also freeze the target AND a pet that can stun. Don't try to make it out like Arcane classes are at a huge disadvantage vs a melee class, I mean yeah.. if they just sit there they are, but a smart Arcane user is gonna be able to kite and fend a melee class off with creative use of class and genie skills and apo. Oh, and let's not forget the higher damage that they can deal from LONG RANGE. For a melee class to do any damage we have to be right in your face.
    Really? And what about balance right now? Are you happy? Because you playing melee class you are trying defend melee classes? Right now, are melee classes too much OP to magic classes.

    Name one non-sin melee class that can one shot someone from 30 meters away. Oh, you can't? Didn't think so.
  • Vancore - Sanctuary
    Vancore - Sanctuary Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Wizards can seal you with a relatively low cooldown, and they have an emergency sleep along with the ability to leap over 20 meters away. Venos have an anti stun if they're Demon and a 79 skill that makes them immune to damage for 10 seconds which can be used with the Purify Proc to cancel out the stunning side effect. Clerics have two different shells and a skill that reduced all damage by 60%. Psychics have their Souls and Soul Burn, and Mystics have an anti stun and skills that can seal, both of which could also freeze the target AND a pet that can stun. Don't try to make it out like Arcane classes are at a huge disadvantage vs a melee class, I mean yeah.. if they just sit there they are, but a smart Arcane user is gonna be able to kite and fend a melee class off with creative use of class and genie skills and apo. Oh, and let's not forget the higher damage that they can deal from LONG RANGE. For a melee class to do any damage we have to be right in your face.

    Name one non-sin melee class that can one shot someone from 30 meters away. Oh, you can't? Didn't think so.

    how about a dose of your own advise: use apoth and genie skills
    Federation of United Casters Keeping Others From Failing And
    Positively Succeeding (Taken from SkogDyr of Lost City)
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    how about a dose of your own advise: use apoth and genie skills

    Because that totally addresses the issues with Purify right? I can use apo and genie skills but, all Purify has to do is activate and as if by some form of magic all my efforts are a bit.. pointless... they can then kite the apo and resist a stun genie skill, if I manage to catch up it's possible I'll have to use my energy on True Emptiness to survive. Then I'm out of a genie and have no apo, while they can still have purify activate to break my stunlock if I attempt another. Having a stunlock broken without genie or apo isn't exactly fun...
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Wizards can seal you with a relatively low cooldown 21 second CD 5 second Seal vs 15 second CD 6 second STUN + other stuns that can be used relatively frequently + occult, and they have an emergency sleep Its got a 2 minute CD, takes 20 chi and for me and anyone else not living next door to the servers, doesnt ****ing work properly, like any "instant spell" along with the ability to leap over 20 meters away You can cover half that distance in your own leap and travel much faster than we do. Venos have an anti stun if they're Demon If demon, and only ifand a 79 skill that makes them immune to damage for 10 seconds which can be used with the Purify Proc Thought this comparison was the current state? to cancel out the stunning side effect. Clerics have two different shells Plume shell takes MP like a *****, to the point where if the damage is extreme enough it will drain your MP even charmed and leave you as defenceless as if youd not used it, Wings has a 3 minute CD and 20% of mostclerics health is not very ****ing much. and a skill that reduced all damage by 60% Costs a spark and has a 5 minute bloody cooldown. Plus its ony 10 seconds. Psychics have their Souls and Soul BurnPsychics do have their seals and junk, granted, few intelligent Psys complain about melees beating them, and Mystics have an anti stun and skills that can seal, both of which could also freeze the target AND a pet that can stunYeah, they can suck. Try being a wizard, that Absorb Soul hurts like a **** and cannot be blocked.. Don't try to make it out like Arcane classes are at a huge disadvantage vs a melee classWe are when it comes to APS +12 spamshyts like half the game has become, Sin or not., I mean yeah.. if they just sit there they are, but a smart Arcane user is gonna be able to kite and fend a melee class off with creative use of class and genie skills and apo. Oh, and let's not forget the higher damage that they can deal from LONG RANGE. For a melee class to do any damage we have to be right in your face.That would be part of what defines a melee class.

    Name one non-sin melee class that can one shot someone from 30 meters away. Oh, you can't? Didn't think so.Can name Archers however, they do it with such joy and ease.

    You feel way to sorry for BMs.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Oh wow.. 21 seconds, if the BM is sealed they can't stun unless they occult. That means they have to use genie energy on you, and you can simply use Badge to break out and use Distance Shrink followed by Gush to slow the BM down and make kiting a bit easier. That's already an easy 7 or so seconds of cooldown gone. Yeah, sure the BM can use a leap as well but that the Wizard can slow them while they do, and if they do start getting close you can jump up and fly. The sleep has a stupidly long cooldown, I agree, but that's why you use it sparingly. It's rather hurtful if used right, can easily **** up a stunlock combo.

    The veno example wasn't particularly relevant to my argument I'll admit, but they could still use Demon Summer Sprint for the anti stun then use their 79 skill, the same thing and it still applies to the point I'm making.

    With an MP charm the Cleric will have ample time to pop a genie skill for survival, I know this oh.. I don't know.. because I've played one? Even from +8 Deicide with +3 TT90 armor I could take a few hits before I ran out of mana, and that was without an MP charm. Clerics these days tend to have much better gear, and trust me, their shell can take a nice amount of hits before it drops. If they have Badge or Fortify they'll easily break your stun chain, even if shell does go down they're still out of your stuns and kiting/sleeping you. What fight do you know of that will last 5 minutes? Most people expend their chi/genie in the first minute and a half, it's a matter of knowing when to use the skill.

    Yeah, +12 ANYTHING hurts, you ever been blasted by a +12 Wiz or Psy? Trust me, it aint fun. a +12 R9 Psy can do 4.5k while I'm Demon Magic Marrowed without critting or sparking or even amping. Half my HP gone in about two seconds, you can say high APS with high refines is OP'd all you like but when it comes down to it.. we just don't deal the kind of damage to a well geared arcane as they can deal to us when the gear is about even.

    You say that having to get up in someone's face to hit them is what defines a melee class, well what defines an Arcane class is being weak to melee and long range magic attacks. You don't want BMs or other melee classes to kill Arcanes easily but you want Arcanes to have a massive advantage over melees? What kind of logic is that? Their advantage is the ability to hit hard from a distance, and the ones that do it well are pretty hard to kill already.
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    fairly sensible stuff.

    Eh, guess were just never going to agree. You want to smash us apart in 3 seconds and we want to get the chance to smash you apart in one more than once a moon.

    Well, were going to get it, so hey, youll just have to hope the proc rate is really damn low b:chuckle
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Eh, guess were just never going to agree. You want to smash us apart in 3 seconds and we want to get the chance to smash you apart in one more than once a moon.

    Well, were going to get it, so hey, youll just have to hope the proc rate is really damn low b:chuckle

    I'll **** the game and make it a 0.5% chance. b:cool
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Kids calm it down and go find me more info :P

    Besides we still don't know the PROC RATE of the purify (for instance).
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Kids calm it down and go find me more info :P

    Besides we still don't know the PROC RATE of the purify (for instance).

    That's the thing I care about... if it's higher than 5% I'm rerolling for pk b:avoid
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Kids calm it down and go find me more info :P

    Besides we still don't know the PROC RATE of the purify (for instance).

    PRoc for normal procs is usually 5%, 10% for advanced versions.

    So in all likelyhood its 5%. But since there is no "advanced" purify proc we know of, it could be 10%, then we just lol.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    PRoc for normal procs is usually 5%, 10% for advanced versions.

    So in all likelyhood its 5%. But since there is no "advanced" purify proc we know of, it could be 10%, then we just lol.

    SS is 15% and GoF is 30% so no you can't generalize all of them like that. As I said we will find out soon enough. (or Ast can like go email that pwdatabase guy again and request that info be displayed too :P)
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    SS is 15% and GoF is 30% so no you can't generalize all of them like that. As I said we will find out soon enough. (or Ast can like go email that pwdatabase guy again and request that info be displayed too :P)

    wtb link to that info? Ive never owned a GoF weapon, but my old BMs axes were definitely around 5% on the sacri activation.
This discussion has been closed.