[Breaking News] Secret Passage Being Reverted



  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Frankie/Mods can you guys confirm that the DEVS have actually looked at suggestions and comments and could be considering a different PVP instance please? If we could please have a comment on this?
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    @ Eilexa - Heavens Tear

    None of them are currently online. Just about midnight for the staff now.
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    @ Eilexa - Heavens Tear

    None of them are currently online. Just about midnight for the staff now.

    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ok...all you PK'ers out there QQ'ing now about the change, chill...you know as much as we do that this change needed to happen as it was placed in a very inappropriate place... and if you actually read throught the thread almost everyone QQ'ing was complaining about the location not the idea...and if you can't agree with that, then you were just gettig off pking noobs (wow you're awesome being able to kill someone 60+ levels lower than you).

    Also you will notice in the thread that many ideas and support were given to a separate/new PK instance. So now is your turn to stop QQ'ing about SP being reverted back, but instead to give suggestions as to how and where they should place a PK instance, because I am sure that they will implement such an instance. Also try submitting tickets.


    Didn't read the many pages except the first four, but I totally agree with you on the point of the PKers QQing about this being removed. When this issue came up, all I saw were people trying to suggest having this removed from Secret Passage only, not the idea in itself. In fact, there were already threads popping up on where to relocate this.

    I see no issue with this. You still have a place to PK, albeit, not without risk. Its called Open Map, toggle that PK key if you're on PvE servers, have a ball.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    you see thats where you are also wrong. theres factions that compete and pvp with each other including enrage all the time. and guess what? these factions also dont give a ****. did u really thing it was only enraged doing the camping? no. it goes far beyond that and its something u seem to not understand. they dont pvp each other to "protect" the noobs like ur white knigh crew does on sanct (which btw i find very hard to beleive) they pvp because they hate each other.

    noobs are a casualty of these fights because of the aoes that are going on, but ironically its the best time to get passed because they wont notice u. however if there is nothing going on in SP and everyone is just standing around then chances are a sin will pop out of steal, kill u, and pop right back in again for more trolling.

    so like i said before dan if u TRULY want to put the blame on someoen dont blame the community, blame the *** hatted douch ****s that greif and harass other players out of there own enjoyment and boredom.

    Lol, we don't go out of our way to protect noobs either on Sanc it's just that they're not important when we are getting ganked by the enemies, there's always Heavy PK going on because everyone hates each other here more so there is no time to care to camp noobs.

    It just isn't really a problem on Sanc so I may be more biased, but it may be on HT if one faction is clearly superior to all other factions. Sanc has 3-4 balanced factions so there is always a back and forth PK fight going on, with calling more back up until the other side gives up.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • KushClouds - Lothranis
    KushClouds - Lothranis Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    Due to the extremely negative feedback about the recent change to Secret Passage, the developers have agreed to revert it to its original state - the way that it was before the change.

    From what I understand, the change is about to be implemented on the Chinese servers, and it will soon take place over here as well.

    Thank you for all of your feedback on the matter :)

    So Can We get a PvP Arena or somethign since the QQing Carebears are happy now??
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Just when I thought PWI was gaining some of it's potential back, PWI community = killjoy. Nuff said. At least replace it with a PvP area instead, this is such **** as there's nothing now.

    Pretty much this. People ruined it for themselves by QQing and griefing others.
    Would be really nice to get some other place with the same free pk. But then again... Going to be reverted "soon". We know the meaning of this, eh... b:chuckle

    And for the argument I shouldn't be on Sanctuary if I want to pk: Sure, give me the funds to make a r8 herc/nix veno on the German server or LC. You can't blame people for not wanting to start over after 3 years.

  • Schznider - Dreamweaver
    Schznider - Dreamweaver Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    When was the last time our negative feedback forced the devs to revert a change to this version of the game? Never.

    You can thank the chinese players on the chinese servers that the devs are reverting SP back to its original state. PWI players in now way, shape or form had any impact on the decision. We never have and never will.

    why are you so sure of this? i mean its because us costumers PWI is prosperous.. did you read? frankie did notice the developers about or complaints.. i have evidence to back it up my point.. do you?

    "The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never any use to oneself."
    "Always forgive your enemies; Nothing annoys them so much."
    -Oscar Wilde.
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So Can We get a PvP Arena or somethign since the QQing Carebears are happy now??

    b:surprised you say the word "carebears" like it's a bad thing...label me a carebear I don't care, I actually like it...once again don't make it like it's our fault, this shouldn't have been implemented in the first instance is it was very inappropriately placed...they should've started a thread asking for suggestions etc...maybe you can start something like, but hey hang on, I'm sure after all the suggestions and comments, they are most certainly discussion how and where to place a PVP instance. So go ahead and help them out, suggest, don't critisize
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Pretty much this. People ruined it for themselves by QQing and griefing others.
    Would be really nice to get some other place with the same free pk. But then again... Going to be reverted "soon". We know the meaning of this, eh... b:chuckle

    And for the argument I shouldn't be on Sanctuary if I want to pk: Sure, give me the funds to make a r8 herc/nix veno on the German server or LC. You can't blame people for not wanting to start over after 3 years.

    They should enable you somehow to transfer your account to another server...I can understand that it shouldn't be easy to hop from one server to another, so maybe they can like make it if you transfer you gotta stay there for a few months before being able to transfer again...dunno just an idea
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I hope you're trolling, otherwise *epic facepalm.* It'd take me a year to get to where I am again, whereas it'd take 1 day for someone to get to 30 if they made a new server for carebears with 0 PvP in it, no dueling either.

    Don't try to convince anyone that it's logical for a person who spends years to get where they were would easily through away their investments on a server for some people who have been playing the game for 1 day.

    Sorry, Mr Big, but your year doesn't trump my year. And if your bully friends hadn't ruined it for you, it wouldn't have been a problem.

    Sitting so high up on your pedestal, you showed quite clearly over the past week you were absolutely totally frickin clueless about the issues. Post after post, you proved you had no idea of the impact the ganking was having on the server. Why? Because the people affected weren't in your high falutin fac? They weren't of a significant enough level for you to care? They don't get the same rights as you, whether they are alts with end-game chars as well, or the much needed infusion of new blood this game has been needing?

    So, lesson to you all, who are so bored at your 101+. Other people get to play too, and they get to play their way. The game does NOT belong to you and your cronies. You don't just get to push your way into an area meant for lower levels and claim it as yours because you're too bored to either switch servers, or find something else to do.

    And you know what? Since you are apparently oh so bored, why not take the time to do some random acts of kindness for lowbies? Then you'd actually have an idea about what we've all been talking about since the **** up, and you might actually make some connections with the very people you seem to have so much disdain for.

    Do that, give a damn about others, and then I'll be willing to give you an ear. Otherwise, you're just the server's window dressing as one of only TWO legit 105s.
  • rainbowyoshii
    rainbowyoshii Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So Can We get a PvP Arena or somethign since the QQing Carebears are happy now??

    u do know that even if they do make a pvp arena then it will be filled to the rim with rank 9+12 players because of competition right? anyone less then that (except for rank 8 sins) wont stand a chance.
  • KushClouds - Lothranis
    KushClouds - Lothranis Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    u do know that even if they do make a pvp arena then it will be filled to the rim with rank 9+12 players because of competition right? anyone less then that (except for rank 8 sins) wont stand a chance.

    So But still pkers need else where to go.
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Sorry, Mr Big, but your year doesn't trump my year. And if your bully friends hadn't ruined it for you, it wouldn't have been a problem.

    Sitting so high up on your pedestal, you showed quite clearly over the past week you were absolutely totally frickin clueless about the issues. Post after post, you proved you had no idea of the impact the ganking was having on the server. Why? Because the people affected weren't in your high falutin fac? They weren't of a significant enough level for you to care? They don't get the same rights as you, whether they are alts with end-game chars as well, or the much needed infusion of new blood this game has been needing?

    So, lesson to you all, who are so bored at your 101+. Other people get to play too, and they get to play their way. The game does NOT belong to you and your cronies. You don't just get to push your way into an area meant for lower levels and claim it as yours because you're too bored to either switch servers, or find something else to do.

    And you know what? Since you are apparently oh so bored, why not take the time to do some random acts of kindness for lowbies? Then you'd actually have an idea about what we've all been talking about since the **** up, and you might actually make some connections with the very people you seem to have so much disdain for.

    Do that, give a damn about others, and then I'll be willing to give you an ear. Otherwise, you're just the server's window dressing as one of only TWO legit 105s.

    OMG that post deserves like ... a trophy or something +100 well said ... b:victory I very much agree with and support this post. GJ!
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Halnore - Archosaur
    Halnore - Archosaur Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Did anyone else beside's me notice that the majority of the people qqing on the forums where well above the 29-49 lvl range. I dont think this should change at all. The ability to pk without losing gear makes pk fun. When it comes to the people who where questing and getting killed in sp, all they needed to do was either stone in or kill the same mobs that are outside of sp.
    They say that silence is golden, and duct tape is silver. So get golden before i get silver!!!!!!b:sinb:sinb:sin
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    That's great news for the community. I'm very happy that PWC has decided to listen to the community on our end and revert it so that questing is a part of the game again. Thanks Frankie, for taking the feedback the community and the mods posted and making sure PWC does the right thing.
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    u do know that even if they do make a pvp arena then it will be filled to the rim with rank 9+12 players because of competition right? anyone less then that (except for rank 8 sins) wont stand a chance.

    Yeah well not many people stood a chance in SP anyways, especially low level noobs minding their own business...so they'll have more of chance with a controlled instance. They just need to make it different somehow, which is why I am hoping these PK'ers calling us carebears will actually take the time to suggest stuff, cuz this is for them in the end...
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    They should enable you somehow to transfer your account to another server...I can understand that it shouldn't be easy to hop from one server to another, so maybe they can like make it if you transfer you gotta stay there for a few months before being able to transfer again...dunno just an idea

    Meh, never gonna happen lol And I wouldn't even want to. I got my friends here on Sanc and a lovely faction too. Sure, I could start over from zero and make a side account on another server... But too late for that now. And veno seriously isn't a cheap class if you want to be of any use ^.~

    I'm just sick of 'play pvp server if you wanna pk'. I love my pve server. But try being 100+ for several months. You will get bored without new input like pking b:surrender
  • KushClouds - Lothranis
    KushClouds - Lothranis Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Did anyone else beside's me notice that the majority of the people qqing on the forums where well above the 29-49 lvl range. I dont think this should change at all. The ability to pk without losing gear makes pk fun. When it comes to the people who where questing and getting killed in sp, all they needed to do was either stone in or kill the same mobs that are outside of sp.

    +1 ^^
  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Did anyone else beside's me notice that the majority of the people qqing on the forums where well above the 29-49 lvl range. I dont think this should change at all. The ability to pk without losing gear makes pk fun. When it comes to the people who where questing and getting killed in sp, all they needed to do was either stone
    in or kill the same mobs that are outside of sp.

    The ability to PK without losing gear is fun.

    The ability to gank people levels significantly lower than you, grief them from doing their quests, and all around discourage new and/or alts from even trying to go in a place designed for lower levels is not.

  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Did anyone else beside's me notice that the majority of the people qqing on the forums where well above the 29-49 lvl range. I dont think this should change at all. The ability to pk without losing gear makes pk fun. When it comes to the people who where questing and getting killed in sp, all they needed to do was either stone in or kill the same mobs that are outside of sp.

    You have obviously not been paying attention...go read the fricken forums you idiot! Regardless of our/my level I have alts and low level friends. There's more than just mobs in there, there's bosses, a cutli boss and stoning in FFS don't you read...costs (low levels don't have lots of money) and you get killed by mobs while porting in if your hp is low (and...noobs hp's are low...)

    GTFO if you liked it so much make suggestions as to where and how they can implement a new pk instance
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • rainbowyoshii
    rainbowyoshii Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Did anyone else beside's me notice that the majority of the people qqing on the forums where well above the 29-49 lvl range. I dont think this should change at all. The ability to pk without losing gear makes pk fun. When it comes to the people who where questing and getting killed in sp, all they needed to do was either stone in or kill the same mobs that are outside of sp.

    u can PK without loosing gear.

    its called binding/guardian charms. ppl were making use of it just fine before this. and guess what? the ability to grief ppl that did not want to be harassed wasnt possible. however in SP u have no other choice but to get harassed rather u like it or not.

    educate urself.b:bye
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Meh, never gonna happen lol And I wouldn't even want to. I got my friends here on Sanc and a lovely faction too. Sure, I could start over from zero and make a side account on another server... But too late for that now. And veno seriously isn't a cheap class if you want to be of any use ^.~

    I'm just sick of 'play pvp server if you wanna pk'. I love my pve server. But try being 100+ for several months. You will get bored without new input like pking b:surrender

    Yeah I can understand, I wouldn't want to move either, which is why I fully support a NEW PVP instance
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Halnore - Archosaur
    Halnore - Archosaur Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You have obviously not been paying attention...go read the fricken forums you idiot! Regardless of our/my level I have alts and low level friends. There's more than just mobs in there, there's bosses, a cutli boss and stoning in FFS don't you read...costs (low levels don't have lots of money) and you get killed by mobs while porting in if your hp is low (and...noobs hp's are low...)

    GTFO if you liked it so much make suggestions as to where and how they can implement a new pk instance

    yes i have been reading the forums, and good for you for having low lvl alts and low lvl friend's, but you missed my point. Their is a rare thing these days called grinding, it's what people used to do to get coin so they could do stuff i.e stone in, and their are these things called charms us em.
    They say that silence is golden, and duct tape is silver. So get golden before i get silver!!!!!!b:sinb:sinb:sin
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yeah I can understand, I wouldn't want to move either, which is why I fully support a NEW PVP instance

    I seriously hope they do give us one that's open 24/7 too. Going into Sp with fac mates and just having a little pk party within faction was epic.

    One big advantage of sp for me is that it's always open. A good deal of my friends are from Europe or other weird time zones. So it's cool for us to have the chance of a risk free event at a time that fits us more than theater of blood (4am .-.) :p
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yes i have been reading the forums, and good for you for having low lvl alts and low lvl friend's, but you missed my point. Their is a rare thing these days called grinding, it's what people used to do to get coin so they could do stuff i.e stone in, and their are these things called charms us em.

    Ok fine, then you gonna pay for repairs, stoning, charms and all of that? These are things low levels now have to do, that they never had to do before, cuz this was (and soon to be again) a low level questing area...seriously...you pk'ers that come with these idiotic ideas just because you want your fun...go and make a new thread and suggest other places to implement this. It's not reasonable to expect low levels to have to do all these things to do their quests, because of people like you
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Halnore - Archosaur
    Halnore - Archosaur Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    u can PK without loosing gear.

    its called binding/guardian charms. ppl were making use of it just fine before this. and guess what? the ability to grief ppl that did not want to be harassed wasnt possible. however in SP u have no other choice but to get harassed rather u like it or not.

    educate urself.b:bye

    Guardian charms and safety lock have been know to glitch from time to time, so before you tell others to go educate themselves you might want to do the same yourself. When it comes to being harassed in sp, i'm a lvl 101 barb that cant leave the safe zone with out getting killed by a bunch of BM's and sins attacking me all at once. You dont hear me QQing about it.
    They say that silence is golden, and duct tape is silver. So get golden before i get silver!!!!!!b:sinb:sinb:sin
  • Schznider - Dreamweaver
    Schznider - Dreamweaver Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Did anyone else beside's me notice that the majority of the people qqing on the forums where well above the 29-49 lvl range. I dont think this should change at all. The ability to pk without losing gear makes pk fun. When it comes to the people who where questing and getting killed in sp, all they needed to do was either stone in or kill the same mobs that are outside of sp.

    well you know us people that are above that lvl range do see it unfair that those in that lvl range are being killed while questing inside SP.. and you haven't you seen? noobs need shade eido, high lvls need silverfrost, noobs also need the iron chests inside that place.. and remember they are newbies, in some of those noob's knowledge this thread does not exist because they either do not know how to navigate in the forums or don't want to post a reply for whatever the reason..

    someone with >>>>COMMON SENSE<<<<< (which is what hundreds here lack) has to speak out for them ^_^.

    Now i see its pkers' turn to QQ about a place to pk LOL.. try suggesting a 24/7 openned arena or a new instance LOL

    "The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never any use to oneself."
    "Always forgive your enemies; Nothing annoys them so much."
    -Oscar Wilde.
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I seriously hope they do give us one that's open 24/7 too. Going into Sp with fac mates and just having a little pk party within faction was epic.

    One big advantage of sp for me is that it's always open. A good deal of my friends are from Europe or other weird time zones. So it's cool for us to have the chance of a risk free event at a time that fits us more than theater of blood (4am .-.) :p

    Go start a thread and put these ideas in there, if people liked SP so much they could even mirror it and place it somewhere else. Someone suggested on an island near archo, sounds pretty cool to me
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Halnore - Archosaur
    Halnore - Archosaur Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ok fine, then you gonna pay for repairs, stoning, charms and all of that? These are things low levels now have to do, that they never had to do before, cuz this was (and soon to be again) a low level questing area...seriously...you pk'ers that come with these idiotic ideas just because you want your fun...go and make a new thread and suggest other places to implement this. It's not reasonable to expect low levels to have to do all these things to do their quests, because of people like you

    Once again they can go grind, and oh btw one can get charms with dq points. How does on get dq 's they grind for them! Who said it was a PK'er that came up with the idea to turn sp in to a pvp area in the first place!?!? To me it sounds like your qqing because you would rather cry than do something about it.
    They say that silence is golden, and duct tape is silver. So get golden before i get silver!!!!!!b:sinb:sinb:sin