[Breaking News] Secret Passage Being Reverted



  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Something finally arrives that has been missing for so long from this game, a 24 hour safe PvP instance, all the community can do is cry about safe pvp because it interferes with a handful of quests. </3 you noob Pkers too for ruining this for everyone else(although I never saw noob PK as badly exaggerated as what people claim was going on in these forums).

    You can go kill ur Eido Shade with no pvp threat now, but have fun standing around with nothing to do for hours in a few levels.

    i know u want to QQ ur eyes out right now, but lets face it. SP was a HORRIBLE place for them to choose out of all the places they could have picked. infact they should have just introuded a pvp arena.

    SP was actually a popular spot for lower lvls to do there quests until this instance made all of the lower lvls gtfo of it. it was a ridicoulouslly stupid decision for them to pick that spot as a pvp instance out of all the places/options they had at there disposal

    that area was a giant troll for any new low lvl players trying to quest there. they go in there not knowing what to expect then get repeatedly PKed everytime they pass the door yet no one gives a **** because of there own selfish wants.
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    oh! oh! i wanna play 'guess the obscenity'!

    lets see, 3 asterisks....hmmm....


    Doesnt filter it in game, but its not allowed here? Excellent consistancy.
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    Doesnt filter it in game, but its not allowed here? Excellent consistancy.

    aw, i was hoping for something like "***" or "***"...

    oops, lol. guess youll have to guess what i was saying, next. :P
    Disclaimer: I am nobody's mommy, nanny, pawn, messenger, therapist, or groupie. I am not responsible for what happens to you if you say something stupid in my presence.
  • Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    There are a lot of sarcastic comments I could make right about now, but I'll leave that to the more troll-minded. >_>

    Thank you frankie for actually getting in touch with the devs and seeing that this is resolved in a timely manner. This is a relative rarity on any version of PW. By no means does this fix the issue of communication with the devs (or lack thereof) in general, but that can be worked on in the future. With any luck.

    Now all we need is a little honesty from you. Go ahead. You can admit that this whole thing about "granting free PK in an instance which really just allows blatant jerkdom is a good thing!" was a lie. I'd honestly think better of you if you just came out and said that. -_- And I think I'm not the only one who would.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Did we see anywhere that it will never be replaced? IIRC, Frankie can't discuss plans in the idea stage, he did however ask for ideas on where to move a pvp enabled area in this weeks maintenance thread. Let's hope that it's a hint of where the devs minds are currently at.

    My hope for PWE ended a year ago from the last Genesis expansion. Everyone being 105 really adds heights to the game, let's also hope the game isn't dead by then too why don't we? There hasn't been any real content added to the game in almost 2 years now.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Thanks PWE, this is good news!

    Lol, endgame content is 1-shotting blue names? There is actually quite a lot of content for higher levels, but the difficulty level is higher than lurking in SP and killing lowbies.

    Why does everyone assume we wanted this instance open to kill lowbies? No. People I saw for the times I sat in SP weren't lurking for lowbies. It was high levels/high geared people killing each other, not camping lowbies. Seeing this kind of response OVER and OVER is just....zzzZZZZzzzz...

    The grand issue here, is that there will now be no instance for risk free Pvp. We don't care if its glee, if its the arena, or if its SP. Consider it bad planning on PW managements part that they chose SP when the could have just opened the arena. All we wanted was a PvP instance, we don't care about pking noobs. So please find a less idiotic argument.
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    There are a lot of sarcastic comments I could make right about now, but I'll leave that to the more troll-minded. >_>

    Thank you frankie for actually getting in touch with the devs and seeing that this is resolved in a timely manner. This is a relative rarity on any version of PW. By no means does this fix the issue of communication with the devs (or lack thereof) in general, but that can be worked on in the future. With any luck.

    Now all we need is a little honesty from you. Go ahead. You can admit that this whole thing about "granting free PK in an instance which really just allows blatant jerkdom is a good thing!" was a lie. I'd honestly think better of you if you just came out and said that. -_- And I think I'm not the only one who would.

    I certainly don't think we should think less of him because he was trying to find the positives and hoping it would turn out to be a good thing. I'm just glad that he realized that they actually did monitor the situation and responded to the issue rather quickly (well quickly for this game) to it. Now here's hoping that the arena is opened so that the people who were only there to have fun and not grief others will have a place to go.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i know u want to QQ ur eyes out right now, but lets face it. SP was a HORRIBLE place for them to choose out of all the places they could have picked. infact they should have just introuded a pvp arena.

    SP was actually a popular spot for lower lvls to do there quests until this instance made all of the lower lvls gtfo of it. it was a ridicoulouslly stupid decision for them to pick that spot as a pvp instance out of all the places/options they had at there disposal

    that area was a giant troll for any new low lvl players trying to quest there. they go in there not knowing what to expect then get repeatedly PKed everytime they pass the door yet no one gives a **** because of there own selfish wants.

    Lets do some thinking.

    On one end of the scale we have an hour or so's worth of easy, low level content.

    On the other, we have hours and hours of potential gameplay: PvP wars, faction practice, etc.

    Now think about what loss this needless QQ caused the entire game before calling me selfish.
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Why does everyone assume we wanted this instance open to kill lowbies? No. People I saw for the times I sat in SP weren't lurking for lowbies. It was high levels/high geared people killing each other, not camping lowbies. Seeing this kind of response OVER and OVER is just....zzzZZZZzzzz...

    The grand issue here, is that there will now be no instance for risk free Pvp. We don't care if its glee, if its the arena, or if its SP. Consider it bad planning on PW managements part that they chose SP when the could have just opened the arena. All we wanted was a PvP instance, we don't care about pking noobs. So please find a less idiotic argument.

    I facepalm so hard when people keep trying to correlate supporting having PvP areas = people who harass noobs. Correlation does not equal causation.. They're pretty much mutually exclusive. Any hard core PvPer isn't going to waste their time camping lowbies.

    I could care less about noobs, if I wanted to camp noobs I wouldn't have bothered spending a year - 1.5 years getting 105 or R9, and gearing up to do what I could have done at 3x.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Lets do some thinking.

    On one end of the scale we have an hour or so's worth of easy, low level content.

    On the other, we have hours and hours of potential gameplay: PvP wars, faction practice, etc.

    Now think about what loss this needless QQ caused the entire game before calling me selfish.

    none, because it was a accident in he first place and the devs decided to just leave it in out of lazyness. then ppl over from china QQ hardcore to the point they had to remove it.

    its a feature that should have never existed to begin with. just have them implement a pvp arena and problem solved.

    the pvp in SP was just one of there many many **** ups. however this **** up just so happened to be a golden one. one that they are fixing relativly fast compared to other **** ups like FC glitch.
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    none, because it was a accident in he first place and the devs decided to just leave it in out of lazyness. then ppl over from china QQ hardcore to the point they had to remove it.

    its a feature that should have never existed to begin with. just have them implement a pvp arena and problem solved.

    You have to think why people even QQ about 15 minutes worth of content in the first place.. It takes more effort to write up a huge wall of text QQ post than for the same person to just do the quest...

    It takes the Devs way more effort to create a new instance, than to use an already pre-made instance.

    Efficiency/Time management comes to play here. Is it honestly worth it over such a trivial thing?
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Why does everyone assume we wanted this instance open to kill lowbies? No. People I saw for the times I sat in SP weren't lurking for lowbies. It was high levels/high geared people killing each other, not camping lowbies. Seeing this kind of response OVER and OVER is just....zzzZZZZzzzz...

    The grand issue here, is that there will now be no instance for risk free Pvp. We don't care if its glee, if its the arena, or if its SP. Consider it bad planning on PW managements part that they chose SP when the could have just opened the arena. All we wanted was a PvP instance, we don't care about pking noobs. So please find a less idiotic argument.

    so, you're saying the my lowbie mystic didn't get one hit by some of those idiots? hmmmm, I must have been dreaming it then aswell as the screenshots I have must be faked ... interesting ... either way, I find it good that they do not force PvP on the people of a PvE server anymore
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Lets do some thinking.

    On one end of the scale we have an hour or so's worth of easy, low level content.

    On the other, we have hours and hours of potential gameplay: PvP wars, faction practice, etc.

    Now think about what loss this needless QQ caused the entire game before calling me selfish.

    Losses from having PK enabled in SP
    Hours and hours of potential gameplay from doing your 100 culti, doing OHT dailies, level 100 skills, new players, hours and hours of high levels helping newbies and forming starter guilds just for that purpose, sanctioned harassment, the ability to trust what the user interface is telling you, an hour or so worth of easy, low level content, the ability to finish your character by completing the chrono quest line.

    Losses from having PvP enabled in Sp

    hours and hours of consequence free PK, faction practice

    You can still have PvP wars, you can still PK for hours on end. All you have to do is find a generally secluded area on the map and go white named. That's what safety lock is for, or binding your stuff or guardian scrolls. The ability to PK hasn't been taken from you. Yeah, now there are consequences. Yes, it really sucks they didn't put this in a better place. Yes, there should be an instance like this, but that doesn't mean that SP should be PK enabled or that it wasn't majorly affecting the gameplay experience of others.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Any hard core PvPer isn't going to waste their time camping lowbies

    oh ya? tell that to the ppl in enrage with +12 rank 9 that kills anyone that crosses that door including lvl 2x players. ur full of bull**** if u think higher lvls dont camp. they do it out of pure bordom cuz they have nothing better to do except sit in SP all day and kill anything that moves low lvl or not.
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    so, you're saying the my lowbie mystic didn't get one hit by some of those idiots? hmmmm, I must have been dreaming it then aswell as the screenshots I have must be faked ... interesting ... either way, I find it good that they do not force PvP on the people of a PvE server anymore

    Educate yourself. She's saying the majority of the people who wanted the instance open for PvP aren't noob harassers. It holds true for the most part, because the noob griefers get rolled by the big factions.
    oh ya? tell that to the ppl in enrage with +12 rank 9 that kills anyone that crosses that door including lvl 2x players. ur full of bull**** if u think higher lvls dont camp. they do it out of pure bordom cuz they have nothing better to do except sit in SP all day and kill anything that moves low lvl or not.

    You are correct, people do that; but those people aren't the hard core PvPers I was referring to... Those are noob griefers. Don't rage unless you know what you're talking about.
    Any hard core PvPer isn't going to waste their time camping lowbies.

    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You have to think why people even QQ about 15 minutes worth of content in the first place.. It takes more effort to write up a huge wall of text QQ post than for the same person to just do the quest...

    It takes the Devs way more effort to create a new instance, than to use an already pre-made instance.

    Efficiency/Time management comes to play here. Is it honestly worth it over such a trivial thing?

    Do I think the they should work to ensure they are giving the product out they advertised and people bought and paid for? Yes, yes I do. Do I think it's worth it for them to create a new instance for PK. Yes, yes I do. DO I think they should also be creating new content in general? Yes, yes I do. Do I think it's necessary for them to address an issue that causes more harassment than they can deal with through the ticketing system? Yes, yes I do. Do I think it matters whether or not the people harassing others are factors or hardcore or whatever? No, no I don't. The only that matters to me is that new players are being harassed and are quitting. Whether or noobs or not is irrelevant.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm part of the PVE community, and represent many of the frustrated people stuck on a PVE server with nothing to do after our gears are complete. You're naive if you think I'm the only one with this opinion, we're also part of the PVE community if you took your blinders off.

    If you think the entire PVE community is a bunch of 3x who can't complete their quests, they should all go play hello kitty with the rest. What does a 3x player have to lose besides 3 seconds of their time by clicking the go to town button. Honestly, it takes 10 minutes to get to level 30 in the first place, whereas people seeking real content and PvP would need to reinvest thousands of hours to get back to where they were.

    There's plenty of PVE players that enjoy risk-free PvP areas, removing it and offering nothing to compensate for another area is total horse ****.

    I can see that being on an actual PvP server scares the p*ss out of you so you'll keep making untenable statements like "takes 10 minutes to hit level 30" BUT "it would take ME 1 year to get where I am (because I'm such a lamebrain)" while polluting the air of the PvE servers.

    Good job.
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Educate yourself. She's saying the majority of the people who wanted the instance open for PvP aren't noob harassers. It holds true for the most part, because the noob griefers get rolled by the big factions.

    Those people aren't hard core PvPers... Those are noob griefers.


    are you serious? define "hardcore pvper". because now i honestly beleive u are truly full of bull ****. because last i checked, most of these ppl are redname, TW all the time, Pvp all the time, and PK all of the time yet they still camp the nubs. are u saying enrage isnt a big faction with hardcore +12 rank 9ers in it?

    so if thats not the definition of a "hardcore pvper" then what is ur definition of one?

    also it doesnt ****ing matter if "SOME" ppl are not harassers. the fact of the matter is soon as u pass that door SOMEONE will kill u. try logging on HT and try running pass the safe zone and watch what ****ing happens to u.

    you had better hope they are bussy fighting each other because that is the only way u will get passed. and even then AoEs will end up killing u in the friendly fire.
  • Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    Due to the extremely negative feedback about the recent change to Secret Passage, the developers have agreed to revert it to its original state - the way that it was before the change.

    From what I understand, the change is about to be implemented on the Chinese servers, and it will soon take place over here as well.

    Thank you for all of your feedback on the matter :)

    OMG....FINALLY!! PW actually listened to us! b:victory Guess you'll sticky a post again when it's been changed? See QQ'ing helps b:pleased
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Do I think the they should work to ensure they are giving the product out they advertised and people bought and paid for? Yes, yes I do. Do I think it's worth it for them to create a new instance for PK. Yes, yes I do. DO I think they should also be creating new content in general? Yes, yes I do. Do I think it's necessary for them to address an issue that causes more harassment than they can deal with through the ticketing system? Yes, yes I do. Do I think it matters whether or not the people harassing others are factors or hardcore or whatever? No, no I don't. The only that matters to me is that new players are being harassed and are quitting. Whether or noobs or not is irrelevant.

    I have nothing against them addressing the issue, but they clearly haven't; as they haven't offered a replacement for the PvP area. I have a problem with people assuming everyone who supports PvP areas are noob griefers. I hunt people like that.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    It only took like 7 days, 149 pages and 1400+ posts....but thanks regardless, rather late than never right b:thanks
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I have nothing against them addressing the issue, but they clearly haven't; as they haven't offered a replacement for the PvP area. I have a problem with people assuming everyone who supports PvP areas are noob griefers. I hunt people like that.

    like i said it does not matter if ur a noob griefer or not. what does matter is that in areas like these there will bee someone that kills every single thing that moves 99% of the time because of boredom. and these are NOT just scrub ppl either, these are ppl in full r+12 rank 9 doing this.
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    are you serious? define "hardcore pvper". because now i honestly beleive u are truly full of bull ****. because last i checked, most of these ppl are redname, TW all the time, Pvp all the time, and PK all of the time yet they still camp the nubs. are u saying enrage isnt a big faction with hardcore +12 rank 9ers in it?

    so if thats not the definition of a "hardcore pvper" then what is ur definition of one?

    also it doesnt ****ing matter if "SOME" ppl are not harassers. the fact of the matter is soon as u pass that door SOMEONE will kill u. try logging on HT and try running pass the safe zone and watch what ****ing happens to u.

    you had better hope they are bussy fighting each other because that is the only way u will get passed. and even then AoEs will end up killing u in the friendly fire.

    Hard Core PvPers in my book go for the Hard Core PvP above all else; they don't go out of their way to chase down some noob; that's not PvP in my eyes, as the other person isn't attacking back. There's no reason a Hard Core PvPer would want to evade Hard Core PvP to hunt noobs, is what I'm saying. The point of becoming a Hard Core PvPer, is to do Hard Core PvP, which noob hunting does not fall under.
    I can see that being on an actual PvP server scares the p*ss out of you so you'll keep making untenable statements like "takes 10 minutes to hit level 30" BUT "it would take ME 1 year to get where I am (because I'm such a lamebrain)" while polluting the air of the PvE servers.

    Good job.

    I actually have a BM on LC, there's actually less PK there than there is on Sanc because of all the guild rules there preventing RPK, what's your point?
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Lame. I guess time to change my sig.

    Lame, it's cuz of idiots like you that we QQ'd...but I am hoping that they will make a separate PVP instance for you guys
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hard Core PvPers in my book go for the Hard Core PvP above all else, they don't go out of their way to chase down some noob. If they wanted to camp noobs for infamy / PK ranking they could easily spam an alt.

    i guess your book doesnt account for the bored "hardcore" pvper in full +12 rank 9 that doesnt give a **** what ur book says and will continously kill a lvl 2x player just because he can. and guess what? no one will care. u know why? cuz enrage is a top faction with 100% of its members in +10-+12 rank 9.

    all u do is click a button and the 2x player dies. doesnt take even half a second of ur time which is why most ppl dont care. but i guess your book doesnt account for these ppl huh? because they are there. and there there every single day with nothing better to do. why? because they have to stroke there epeen somehow being in rank 9 and all.

    the fact of the matter is these ppl exist and they dont give a damn about morals or ethics. so u can spew all of that BS ab out a "hardcore pvper wont go for noobs" all u want cuz guess what? there is still ppl out there that will do it regardless of what u might think.

    so dan if u TRULY want to put the blame on someoen dont blame the community, blame the *** hatted douch ****s that greif and harass other players out of there own enjoyment and boredom.
  • Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So will there be a free-PVP instance with no risk of dropping, and always open?
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
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  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm not "celebrating" anything until it's actually been fixed, until then sp is still in failsville.
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i guess your book doesnt account for the bored "hardcore" pvper in full +12 rank 9 that doesnt give a **** what ur book says and will continously kill a lvl 2x player just because he can. and guess what? no one will care. u know why? cuz enrage is a top faction with 100% of its members in +10-+12 rank 9.

    all u do is click a button and the 2x player dies. doesnt take even half a second of ur time which is why most ppl dont care. but i guess your book doesnt account for these ppl huh? because they are there. and there there every single day with nothing better to do. why? because they have to stroke there epeen somehow being in rank 9 and all.

    If there is no other faction on your server to compete or put up a fight against Enrage, then there never existed Hard Core PvP to begin with; then it applies perfectly as they have nothing better to do.

    On Sanc there's 3-4 very powerful factions each with many R9; R9 campers will get cleaned out by another big faction's R9 here, so there is always unavoidable Hard Core PvP going on. We've had 5 hour wars inside against other factions on our server inside SP, each side with at least 4-5 squads, that's one example of Hard Core PvP.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If there is no other faction on your server to put up a fight against Enrage, then there never existed Hard Core PvP to begin with; then it applies perfectly as they have nothing better to do.

    On Sanc there's 3-4 very powerful factions each with many R9, noob campers will get cleaned out by another big faction here.

    you see thats where you are also wrong. theres factions that compete and pvp with each other including enrage all the time. and guess what? these factions also dont give a ****. did u really thing it was only enraged doing the camping? no. it goes far beyond that and its something u seem to not understand. they dont pvp each other to "protect" the noobs like ur white knigh crew does on sanct (which btw i find very hard to beleive) they pvp because they hate each other.

    noobs are a casualty of these fights because of the aoes that are going on, but ironically its the best time to get passed because they wont notice u. however if there is nothing going on in SP and everyone is just standing around then chances are a sin will pop out of steal, kill u, and pop right back in again for more trolling.

    so like i said before dan if u TRULY want to put the blame on someoen dont blame the community, blame the *** hatted douch ****s that greif and harass other players out of there own enjoyment and boredom.
  • Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ok...all you PK'ers out there QQ'ing now about the change, chill...you know as much as we do that this change needed to happen as it was placed in a very inappropriate place... and if you actually read throught the thread almost everyone QQ'ing was complaining about the location not the idea...and if you can't agree with that, then you were just gettig off pking noobs (wow you're awesome being able to kill someone 60+ levels lower than you).

    Also you will notice in the thread that many ideas and support were given to a separate/new PK instance. So now is your turn to stop QQ'ing about SP being reverted back, but instead to give suggestions as to how and where they should place a PK instance, because I am sure that they will implement such an instance. Also try submitting tickets.
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR


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