How do you feel about the free-PVP in SP?
This change has made every boss and quest item in SP a nightmare to attempt. This really hit at a bad time for my Psy as I had to do all of the early SP stuff just as PK was re-implemented. Without the generous help of a friend I would still be stuck. New players don't usually have high level contacts.0
Today also a friend was helping with silver frost, and some idiots just followed them to the boss and killed them, I hope the god damn **** will do something soon, either make a new instance for **** stroking r9 cser wh0res or remove it from SP, if you want god damn pvp switch to pvp mode or get to a fu cking PVP server, also they could not see who killed them just some numbers popped up you were killed by P123234 bla bla bla so they can`t report it either.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Ty Silvy0
i dont know if ppl allready said what im going to say cause i honestly dont wanna read 49 pages showing that the GM's screwed up big time and i explain why
pick a cave low lvl (now lowbies need to spend coins (that they dont have many) to use illusion stone to teleport to bh
ppl that wanna do thier chrono quest now (kill Silver Frost) now they cant because some (lets not insult) special ppl canp there killing everything that moves
change an existing instance when they should give us some new ones
why not cave of sadistic glee? no mandatory quests in there. only the quest for the 2 bosses in the end and that even is for higher lvl that maybe also enjoy the pk (oposite then the lvls 20 -.-)
just admit that was a mistake what you all did. you had the rules forbidding the pk in SP till you all got the reply from PWCN saying that ok can be like that. was a code error. sounds better but maybe make half the problems go away simply by admitting that you all made a mistake, its ok we know yuo all humans0 -
i chose to play on a PVE server for a reason, i dont want to be randomly killed by other people when i want to do a quest!!
you go in there and people are just standing there in the middle of the first door just waiting for you to go near them then BAM! your dead and in orchid temple, what's the point in killing a level 30 when your over 100? seriously?
PVE should be PVE, not PVE if you can get past the wave of aoe PKing and constantly watching your back for pkers while you do a quest, that kind of thing has put me off other games and the thing that drew me to this game was that it had PVE only servers.
call me old fashioned, but i want to quest, i find it fun, i dont want to hyper to 105 and spend $1000000's for rank whatever armor so i can walk through a low level doorway.......
/QQ i know, but it's game breaking for some people and the poll shows most strongly oppose it.0 -
I quit. I really loved this game too. I'm actually pretty pissed about it. I thought the whole idea of pve was so I wouldn't have to worry about higher levels handing me my a**. But whatever.
Laters pwi0 -
Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary wrote: »Today also a friend was helping with silver frost, and some idiots just followed them to the boss and killed them, I hope the god damn **** will do something soon, either make a new instance for **** stroking r9 cser wh0res or remove it from SP, if you want god damn pvp switch to pvp mode or get to a fu cking PVP server, also they could not see who killed them just some numbers popped up you were killed by P123234 bla bla bla so they can`t report it either.
Pretty racist there, buddy.
Maybe try Chinese?
I guess the mods aren't doing their jobs or maybe they're racist too?
We already know the GM's don't care.
I bet you don't have any asian friends, huh? You call them all '****' too? What do you call the hispanics?0 -
Leafdance - Dreamweaver wrote: »****?
Pretty racist there, buddy.
Maybe try Chinese?
I guess the mods aren't doing their jobs or maybe they're racist too?
We already know the GM's don't care.
I bet you don't have any asian friends, huh? You call them all '****' too? What do you call the hispanics?
Yes it was a racist remark, sry but It really makes my blood boil, how can the devs be so stupid and not think about the consequences this change will cause, many people are unable to finish chrono quest because silver frost in there, and as we know it takes time to kill it, even for an aps monkey, i just can`t imagine what can be so fun killing lower lvl people who needs quests there, even those who come to help them, like PVM already mentioned, the devs simply ****ED it up, they chose the easiest method to introduce the aspect of pvp on a pve server.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Ty Silvy0 -
The major difference between pvp and pve here, is that on a pvp server players below 30 cant be killed. Not even in SP. On the pve servers tho, this is possible. And rather not fair.
This community is a mirror of real life society under a magnifying glass. To ask ppl to not kill lower lvl players, would mean youd have to ask them to show some decency mixed with a tiny tad of morale and tolerance. See the joke? Rather sad we all know upfront in most cases its a lost cause.
b:scorn0 -
Runelle - Harshlands wrote: »Illusion Stone. Use It Motherfker.
learn to spell too.
Well i think he seems mad to u cause u insulted him in a bad way... and its true guys that used words like u got ban here and there... just think of that... and so ya i dont think hes mad... the only what he think is a guy that use words like that will maybe get a ban any time cause he do it not just one time and when it was often enough he will get the ban and thats the same persons that start QQ about that then and others that got insulted from u start to laugh about it...
Just to explain it to u...0 -
Last i knew this was a pve sever. there is some thing wrong with giving higher lvl player the ability to just kill of smaller questing toons at the entry point. I mean really do we expect them not to (thats a joke ) if pk'ers have a chance to get a red name at the cost of some lower toons exp(bunch of punks).They r going to do it. and as for asking to be able to quest there with out getting pked.Taht dont work i went in there on lvl 40 toon and got double teamed by 2 lvl 90 a soon as i was in. So how is that better?????????? I wonder r the pkers going to do all the bosses in there for the non sade edio,dismal shade and silver frost , and the wheel of earthand verouis other mob quest
i vote no for pk in sp0 -
Well 100 Points to PWI.....For sheer Tenacity at foulups
Now the slaughter of the Lower lvl Players attempting to follow the quest lines that pop up in their Find, or by chain from previous quests picked up.
As for ''Not Needed'' this will be a great suprise to new Players. Just maybe the whole weapons token quests are ''Not Needed'' or maybe the new skills will appear lit to learn if other quests NOT done????
Going to rewrite the whole lvl chain of help via Encyclo & Help service??? for all our newer unknowing players??
''Oh by the way your Char is no longer in a PvE game but PvP during questing so expect to skip quests, areas or get REPEATEDLY KILLED ( Possibly by other Players ) enter areas at your own risk''
To all the PK Players that wish to slaughter each other for fun do so, DO NOT take your Bully skills out on Blue Named Lower lvl Players - Not skill nor Training for TW or any other of your pastimes.
Nuff SaidThere are NO Adults in this World,
Just old Children, with Wrinkles b:chuckle0 -
Give the PKrs their very own place that doesnt cause a hassle for those wishing to get bosses done. I dont mind tele in to get fb but you cant tele into shade dismal or silver frost or dig wheel of earth.Be fair to everyone in game People want to pvp thats great give them a pvp arena were they tele in and dont dont drop gear and let the people trying to quest actually be able to get there quests done.0
I'm fast approaching levels where I have mob quests in SP, and I'm dreading it because I know I'll simply have to grind because 9/10 PKers are ****s and all the staff at PWE are stupid.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »This is an issue that appears to have somewhat divided the community. Some people enjoy the new area since it allows pvp without risk or much cost. Others point out that it is being used by high levels to grief lower level people.
I thought it would be nice to have a poll so we can see where the forums opinions lie.
I know theres an existing discussion but I like seeing polls :O0 -
ok imo they should take free pk out of SP and make a new damn instance 4 pk 24/7 4 those who wanna pk without dropping ****. dont put it in a instance where ppl grind n quest..its unfair 4 those who wanna lvl without spending real money on the game, or fcing all the way up... not all of us are cash players damnit! b:angry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
signature picture thanks to Schznider<33 ty hun<333 b:cute0 -
Create a level 1 toon and try to go into PK mode and read the pop-up. GM's should do the same!0
Decided to bring this over here as well. I see no harm in copy-pasta in this case. b:thanks
Say, for a moment, there were two towns. In one, you were only allowed to punch anyone over the age of 18. In the other, you weren't allowed to fight except with other people that also wanted to. When you lose a fight, sometimes you have to give up one of your possessions that you worked hard for. This makes a lot of people not want to fight.
One day, the Law changes for both towns, and suddenly it's alright for everyone to go to into the nearest elementary school, and punch anyone they find inside. This includes children that are just trying to learn and play with friends.
For some people that can't remember back when they were little children, they find this update to the Law fun! Yeah, punching children because I'm older and stronger!
For some people that, say, have children of their own, or perhaps help teach the children at this school, they're horrified with this change. Children don't enjoy being punched. They don't enjoy being bullied and made to beg for mercy. Sure, they're not losing their possessions or anything, like the older people do when they lose outside the school, but they aren't learning anything except that the older people are a-holes. Sure, there's some nice ones, that try to protect them, but they just end up getting punched too.
Despite what the Law says, punching children is wrong and stupid, especially when they're just there to learn. And makes you look like a **** that can't fight people your own size.
For those of you that think this story is unrelated...b:chuckle
-Two Towns = PvP and PvE
-Elementary School = Secret Passage
-Law = Original post of this Sticky
-Learn = Quest
-Children = Lower level players/alts[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~
Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
"You sir, are why I love clerics" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
b:thanks Well thank you Liba<30 -
Jeremied - Sanctuary wrote: »Decided to bring this over here as well. I see no harm in copy-pasta in this case. b:thanks
Say, for a moment, there were two towns. In one, you were only allowed to punch anyone over the age of 18. In the other, you weren't allowed to fight except with other people that also wanted to. When you lose a fight, sometimes you have to give up one of your possessions that you worked hard for. This makes a lot of people not want to fight.
One day, the Law changes for both towns, and suddenly it's alright for everyone to go to into the nearest elementary school, and punch anyone they find inside. This includes children that are just trying to learn and play with friends.
For some people that can't remember back when they were little children, they find this update to the Law fun! Yeah, punching children because I'm older and stronger!
For some people that, say, have children of their own, or perhaps help teach the children at this school, they're horrified with this change. Children don't enjoy being punched. They don't enjoy being bullied and made to beg for mercy. Sure, they're not losing their possessions or anything, like the older people do when they lose outside the school, but they aren't learning anything except that the older people are a-holes. Sure, there's some nice ones, that try to protect them, but they just end up getting punched too.
Despite what the Law says, punching children is wrong and stupid, especially when they're just there to learn. And makes you look like a **** that can't fight people your own size.
For those of you that think this story is unrelated...b:chuckle
-Two Towns = PvP and PvE
-Elementary School = Secret Passage
-Law = Original post of this Sticky
-Learn = Quest
-Children = Lower level players/alts
i love the comparison story jeremied XD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
signature picture thanks to Schznider<33 ty hun<333 b:cute0 -
I posted this on another thread that was shipped off to suggestions before I could finish. Ill post it here so you all can give your thoughts on this solution to a pk instance.
One day everyone level 80 and up are called to Gen Summer. Something odd is going on in the area around Frostcovered City and you need to go investigate. In the area you find a rising Fortification guarded by a welcoming army. You are ushered inside where you find the commander Gen Winter the lost hero of Frostcovered City who was until recently trapped in a frozen slumber inside the city. He awoke to find the world ravaged by wraiths and swore to rebuild his army and cleanse the lands. He welcomes your visit and asks that you help him by investigating reports of a disturbance in the nearby mountains. You investigate, find clues report back and find out its a boss whose escape from Frostcovered City was the cause of Gen Winters awakening. Being a powerful wraith that could organize the wraiths in the area, he must be destroyed. You destroy the boss and report back to Gen Winter. Being impressed with your strength and valor he asks you to join his army.
Then every player on the server level 80 and up chooses to stay in Summers army or switch to Winters army.
If you change to Winters army, report back to Gen Summer what has transpired. Upset at first, Gen Summer realizes that an allied army to the north will be an asset in the fight against the wraith. He grants your release and sends you on your way with thanks for your prior service.
Though allied, the two Generals often argue that each has the greatest army. To prove the point they create the Battle of Superiority. Twice each day aligned soldiers will be called to join the battle by reporting to the Battle NPC, voluntarily. You are teleported to the battle instance and there try to be the first army to complete the battles goals, either kill count, capturing areas on the map by destroying an area totem while preventing the other army from destroying it, you get the idea.
At the end of the fight the winning general boast of his armies win over wc and being so proud of their prowess sends two gifts to EVERY member of his army. The gifts should be useful items like a dragon orb, solid color dyes, or a gold charm.
This gives penalty free PK, late game content and shows appreciation for the players by giving them an opportunity for gifts twices a day.
What do you think?0 -
Over 500 now b:surprised Time to go poke Facebook for more votes.0
plz explain how we get Culti SilverFrost to open oht when we are bieng pked even when we ask to pass?oh and since we cant get to him how about telling me how we get the high lvl Culties done with out the oht map Really curious whats to be said about that .0
You know mabey the biggest part of this thats upsetting many is that You are Forcing PVE players who actually enjoy doing all of our Quests to a PVP mode.Give them Back their blessed Button and Let the rest of us Play Our way in peace.Becuase Personly dont think you Enjoy bieng forced to do any thing against your will either.but meh could be wrong.0
I hate it i tried doing the 10 quests or so in secret passage and wanted to cry. 10 hours later and lost count of the amount of deaths from 101+ characters I got them done. I joined a PvE server so I would not be ganked.0
Dethprowl - Raging Tide wrote: »I posted this on another thread that was shipped off to suggestions before I could finish. Ill post it here so you all can give your thoughts on this solution to a pk instance.
One day everyone level 80 and up are called to Gen Summer. Something odd is going on in the area around Frostcovered City and you need to go investigate. In the area you find a rising Fortification guarded by a welcoming army. You are ushered inside where you find the commander Gen Winter the lost hero of Frostcovered City who was until recently trapped in a frozen slumber inside the city. He awoke to find the world ravaged by wraiths and swore to rebuild his army and cleanse the lands. He welcomes your visit and asks that you help him by investigating reports of a disturbance in the nearby mountains. You investigate, find clues report back and find out its a boss whose escape from Frostcovered City was the cause of Gen Winters awakening. Being a powerful wraith that could organize the wraiths in the area, he must be destroyed. You destroy the boss and report back to Gen Winter. Being impressed with your strength and valor he asks you to join his army.
Then every player on the server level 80 and up chooses to stay in Summers army or switch to Winters army.
If you change to Winters army, report back to Gen Summer what has transpired. Upset at first, Gen Summer realizes that an allied army to the north will be an asset in the fight against the wraith. He grants your release and sends you on your way with thanks for your prior service.
Though allied, the two Generals often argue that each has the greatest army. To prove the point they create the Battle of Superiority. Twice each day aligned soldiers will be called to join the battle by reporting to the Battle NPC, voluntarily. You are teleported to the battle instance and there try to be the first army to complete the battles goals, either kill count, capturing areas on the map by destroying an area totem while preventing the other army from destroying it, you get the idea.
At the end of the fight the winning general boast of his armies win over wc and being so proud of their prowess sends two gifts to EVERY member of his army. The gifts should be useful items like a dragon orb, solid color dyes, or a gold charm.
This gives penalty free PK, late game content and shows appreciation for the players by giving them an opportunity for gifts twices a day.
What do you think?
Not a bad idea. I wonder if it will be ignored as the devs didn't think of it first?0 -
My problem with this "pvp blue names in sp" concept is that I feel it is likely to discourage a class of new players that I would enjoy spending time with.
Which has been leading me to strongly consider finding another place to spend my time.0 -
Hey all,
For our last patch, the developers screwed up royally- but we'll claim it has something to do with PWIC tournament, they decided to give the players on the PW China servers a fully open PVP instance - they turned Secret Passage into a full PK zone.
Since our version almost 100% mirrors the Chinese version, and because they're really freakin' lazy, we now have the same thing.
While this change is quite jarring and pointless, we think we'll actually have to do work banning people so we'll allow it, and for these reasons:
1. Players have been asking for a place to PVP low players without any consequence for a long time. This new Secret Passage fulfills that role.
2. Secret Passage is a mandatory instance for low-level's. Most of the mobs needed for quests can't be found just outside the instance as well.
3. Those who need to enter the Hall of Deception instance can use the various Illusion Stones in Archosaur so buy zen and sell gold you new players so you can afford the cost to port in and decent gear so the mobs in the doorway room don't kill you. (one is at 529,664).
So, in short, we're going to change this rule and go play WoW or get very drunk. We do have a lot of high level players who would like to slaughter low level players in the world of PvP, and I believe that this new version of the Secret Passage will give them that opportunity.
So please don't let me know if you have any questions, and I'd like to mention a special **** you to KrittyCat who's worked really hard to talk with and help players during this most incredulous situation.
Enjoy the parody/truth!b:bye0 -
frankieraye wrote: »Good poll, thanks for putting it up.
So why don't you actually do something about it!!!b:angry0 -
I will be putting off trying out the Seeker class as I had planned. I wont be able to do Quingzi, Shade Eido, Wheel of Earth, or any of the other low level cultivations and quests there. I chose a PVE server because I did not want to deal with rampant PKs. Forcing A PVE server to accommodate the wants of the minority (PKs being a very loud minority on most PVE servers) by letting them pick off low level players without threat of reprisal is just plain immoral.
If I hadn't had help to get my Psychic through the cultivations there I would have stopped playing her. Preserve the rights of PVE players to choose not to engage in PVP.0 -
I guess the developers were actually watching the forums and this poll. Frankie just announced SP will be returned to a PVP free zone.
This means those of us who uninstalled the game can get back to playing the game instead of being harassed.0
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