How do you feel about the free-PVP in SP?



  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Kinda sucks how most people are biased against it because a few lowbies get killed in there by idiots who should know better. I've yet to see a solid argument against PK in SP that has any point in it other than that.
    And when I say a 'few' lowbies I really mean a few...have any of you taken the time to watch SP and see how many lowbies make it through and how many don't? The number that get killed is surprisingly small and it's always by a sin, at least on my server.

    Solid argument.

    The idea? Brilliant. The location? Horrible. Secret Passage has absolutely no place for level 100+ to be within. It is in an area that is designated, by the Game's design, for those under level 100. In fact, the highest levels that are necessary for anything within that Quest are level 70 for the Map cultivation.

    The arguing from the "carebears", from the "QQers", from the "whiners", is not about taking away anyone's desire to PvP. It is to change the location only. Keep the instance for those of us end-game to go and kill each other to PWI heaven all we like. Take it out of the place that is designed for players levels 20-70. They do not want to ruin your fun, they do not want to stop you guys from ripping each other's throats out. The concern lies in the location. Only.

    Must I repeat it? Location. Only.

    For those who cannot seem to comprehend what this means, it means keep the idea, move it to another location.

    I am level 100 on this character, 101 on another, 90 on other and so forth. I have no reason to go into Secret Passage anymore seeing as how most of my characters have their Culti chain at this point. Hell, I would love having an instance in order to have risk-free PvP. But even I can see that the location is bad. You're a new player, you know nothing of Illusion Stone, you know nothing of power leveling. All you know is that you need to get your Quest and head into the Secret Passage and complete it. You work hard for your coins, you don't swipe swipe, insta-get coins.

    You try to kill your pesky mobs/head into 29. You are not even level 30 yet, the starting level usually for PvP servers to even start open map PvP, and yetYou're constantly killed by level 100s with absolutely no reason to be in SP except for PvP. Does everyone do it? No. Is it common? It doesn't have to be. The point is: It happens. If its QQ, its justified damn QQ.

    To those who have a problem with people who wants this to be moved and not removed, I can't believe you. Perhaps you are one of those who don't seem to care for other players but your own amusement. And more power to you, let PWI come up with an instance that will give you the desire you crave to murder and slaughter all you like. But to dare say that people don't need these quests, that noobs can just spend their coin and stone in to avoid it, to think to yourself that their inability to play the game peacefully is nothing but whining to you, as if you are more important than they are, is sad.

    Once again: Wonderful idea. Crappy location.
  • Selak - Dreamweaver
    Selak - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Kinda sucks how most people are biased against it because a few lowbies get killed in there by idiots who should know better. I've yet to see a solid argument against PK in SP that has any point in it other than that.
    And when I say a 'few' lowbies I really mean a few...have any of you taken the time to watch SP and see how many lowbies make it through and how many don't? The number that get killed is surprisingly small and it's always by a sin, at least on my server.

    Hows this for a solid argument.

    I joined a PvE server.
    I joined a PvE server so I would not be forced to PK.

    I HATE PvP and have been playing PC games long enough to know what i like. e.g. early 80s.

    I do not like encouraging idiots with low self esteem to feel better about themselves by making it seem ok to kill people just minding there own business, whether its in real life or just in a game.
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ...I have no reason to go into Secret Passage anymore seeing as how most of my characters have their Culti chain at this point...

    There is no Culti chain:
    see Aware of Vacuity or all quests.

    Yes, they are yellow at quest list, but they can be skipped.

    I myself against PvP at Secret Passage, this is why I will not go there until it will be reverted to normal instance.
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I will add my 2 cents worth seeing as how its as invaluable as pwi 2 coin any who i am indifferent the only problem i have is the killing of blue names. now i do have fun with blue names by letting them beat up on my lvl 100 chars and feel important but my main reason in there is most of the time to try to fight the loser pkers messing up others quest and bhs i mean i don't mind sp or the idea of no penalty pvp but poor blue names were told in the beginning that pvp wouldn't be an issue till 30 so i just feel bad they get introduced to the vulgarity of nubs who have nothing better then to hunt blue names.. so there is my opinion like it hate it your choice i stand by it.
  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    There is no Culti chain:
    see Aware of Vacuity or all quests.

    Yes, they are yellow at quest list, but they can be skipped.

    I myself against PvP at Secret Passage, this is why I will not go there until it will be reverted to normal instance.

    There is a Culti chain that involves the Chrono gold chain, because in order to complete Celestial Sage/Demon? You know, the final fairy? You need to do that pretty little yellow quest that requires Secret Passage at some time.

    Then again, other people choose to just remain with their second fairy because its easier, gimp out on the possibility of level 100 skills, and pretty much bugger off the other maps[See: level 101 sin NOT knowing what OHT/OVS/OUF/Moonshade even mean yet geared from Hell to back with r9], but you know for those who still kinda want to achieve things in the game besides leveling, yeah those little yellow quests are still important.

    But yes, still against PvP in Secret Passage here.
  • zhirq
    zhirq Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You didn't need to make a topic when you said the same thing as your post here.

    You should really read forums more babe, also read the in game announcements when you first login. herpderp.

    I am so glad you contributed to my reply! Oh wait, you did not add 1 piece of useful information to explain anything in what I said.

    All you can do is pretend to troll by blaming the victim and using a strawman. Are you trying to be an internet bully?

    Why should I read the forums more? Do you realize that this is for a game? You are saying I should read every post before i can play the game? Well, I guess it will take 2 years to read every topic and every post so that you will be happy. (yes, obviously over-exaggerated).

    How about this... It is a PVE server.... Whats the last thing you expect in a PVE server? oh yea PVP.

    How about you grow up and read the rules before you start flaming and posting spam.

    since you want to try to be a forum ****, here you go

    A Note about Respect

    We're here to have fun and to share information with each other. With so many different personalities gathered in one place, clashes are bound to happen now and then. But how one conducts oneself during these situations makes all the difference. Don't get us wrong, opinions are valued on the forums, yours and everybody else's. But please remember to respect each other and have discussions and not arguments. If you find yourself disagreeing with another member, think first and then calmly compose your words. Don't be insulting if you happen to disagree with someone, just understand that their views are different than yours. Just really treat each other how you would like to be treated.

    You may not use the Perfect World International (PWI) Forums to:

    6. SPAM by posting frequent and/or annoying messages in the forums.

    If this is the way that you wanted to disrespect others. Then that must be how you want to be treated... because either you are ignorant or a bully.

    7. No trolling, or flaming.
    Any form of personal insult will not be tolerated. General rule of thumb: if you think that what you are about to post is insulting, don't post it.

    11. No power-posting, spamming, bumping and/or flaming.

    14. Keep posts on-topic.
    Keep the topic in mind when you post. Refrain from posting irrelevant information.

    20. Post only in English.
    We have to make sure that we can properly moderate and understand the topics being discussed in the various forums. So please, keep everything in English.

    since the word "herpderp" is not English. I figured that you may want some definitions too... so i posted that here as well


    Hijacking: Taking control of another person's post to forward your own agenda will result in having your posts removed from that thread. Repeated hijackings can result in a ban from the forums/game.

    Trolling: Attempts to incite others to anger, frustration or similar; also attempts to incite flaming.

    Defaming: Anything negative posted about another person, if you have something to report please submit a ticket. The forums are not the correct place to report bad behavior.

    Off topic: Please do not stray from the topic stated within the body of the thread by its creator. Threads that have gone off that topic will be edited, split or locked. Threads are posted in the wrong section will be moved. Threads that are created with no purpose other than to spam will be taken off of the forum.


    What is this supposed count down to? 9-30 it was 12 days? It is now 10-10, so guessing that makes 2 days left? Well, guess i wont play until this gets fixed.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    So serious about defending yourself on the forams. You complained about lack of warning when the warning was clearly on the announcement page on login as well as on forums. So who's posting spam now? You just posted a pretty long page of it and for what?
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Ruquel - Dreamweaver
    Ruquel - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    still not reversed... Almost 11-11 now when THE game will be released i have been waiting for .....
  • memworld
    memworld Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    still not reversed... Almost 11-11 now when THE game will be released i have been waiting for .....

    +1...Time is running out on this game.
  • PanzerClaw - Sanctuary
    PanzerClaw - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    they added free pvp in SP b:shocked damn bad time to return to the game and only 2 lvls away from my fb29 b:cry
    "Running in place will never get you the same results as running from a tiger."

    Proud Member of Ethereal~
    Your Local Tiger Tank At Your Service
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    memworld wrote: »
    +1...Time is running out on this game.

    Someone should offer resume' services for GM/Developers. Take ya ear phones off... Fat lady is singing.
  • Aranarwa - Heavens Tear
    Aranarwa - Heavens Tear Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    memworld wrote: »
    +1...Time has ran out on this game.

    ^ there you go, fixed it for ya.
    Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder b:chuckle
  • Courtneyabwy - Lost City
    Courtneyabwy - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Since I'm on a PvP server, I support PvP in all areas of the game.

    The only thing I have a problem with is the fact that blue names can now be pk'd in secret passage. Blue names should not be pk'able ever under any circumstances. Leave the blue babies alone!!!!
    Haterz Gunna Hate b:laugh
  • Roseary - Sanctuary
    Roseary - Sanctuary Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    They should of turned that unused cave near Silver Pool into a PVP area, there are no quest the require people to enter so it sounds perfect.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Here's a story PWI should have been mentioned:

    But then it was American launches... the PWI blunder is all China's baby.
  • Courtneyabwy - Lost City
    Courtneyabwy - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    Here's a story PWI should have been mentioned:

    But then it was American launches... the PWI blunder is all China's baby.

    Actually perfect World is and has been a very lucrative game since 2008. So successful in fact there has been several expansions over the years and the player base continues to grow.

    The link you posted only refers to "Disastrous Products" that failed and was quickly killed. It in no way refers to a game that is doing well. i do have problems with the direction this game is headed, but to say it is not profitable is totally false.
    Haterz Gunna Hate b:laugh
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    They should of turned that unused cave near Silver Pool into a PVP area, there are no quest the require people to enter so it sounds perfect.

    That unsed cave in silver???? CoA? That is a weekly event and a very profitable one too. Though it is true they could turn it into a PvP arena during the rest of the week I think that would be fun.

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Actually perfect World is and has been a very lucrative game since 2008. So successful in fact there has been several expansions over the years and the player base continues to grow.

    The link you posted only refers to "Disastrous Products" that failed and was quickly killed. It in no way refers to a game that is doing well. i do have problems with the direction this game is headed, but to say it is not profitable is totally false.

    It would have EVERYTHING to do with the topic at hand... the disaster in rolling out PVP in SP which was a change in their product just like the roll out of NEW Coke. And if its profitable or NOT... (despite the tanking in stock price) IF the game continues in the direction as even you have admitted is not on track... the game WILL see a bleed of more players. I know of several players who have left for other games due in large part to direction the game is going and the blunder in SP was the last straw.
  • _Grandpa - Raging Tide
    _Grandpa - Raging Tide Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Blue names should not be pk'able ever under any circumstances. Leave the blue babies alone!!!!

    True... I have tried many times to enter SP but always got killed by high level players.... players that PK anyone. Tried to talk with them but still can't get to the Quinzi guy. The funniest thing today: I told someone that I will enter SP again when he sleeps (European guy). He told me he's a nolifer so would stay for another 6 hours. O well.. tomorrow another day

    I wish that PK will change again... only PK the people who have choosen to enter PK mode.