[Server Maintenance Tonight!] 9-12-2011 [COMPLETE]



  • Sinator - Lothranis
    Sinator - Lothranis Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Whats the point? seriously whats the point of making a Quest place PVP enabled, why not make a place special for PVP such as the Arena, a place where anyone who WANT to PVP can teleport there
    sure PVE servers are Boring more than PVP servers but hey ppl can open their PK anytime
    so if Developers are looking for sometihng Exiting for players then THEY SUCK Oh andbest of it is saying since Chinese server has done it Ok we will do it too WTF? lazzy to come up with your own ideas why the heck are you hired
    i'll just say it will be stupid to make any instance PVP enabled rather than making a new special PVP placeb:shutup
  • juice1
    juice1 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    patch Notes Version 563
    Released September 13, 2011

    patch Servers
    We Have Upgraded Our Patch Servers In Order To Address A Connectivity Issue For Some Players.

    frostcovered City
    We Were Able To Implement A Fix To An Exploit With Last Week's Patch. We Will Continue To Monitor The Situation And Attempt To Address Any Further Issues Concerning This Dungeon.


    Frost Is Patched Now? :d
  • Aowenn - Archosaur
    Aowenn - Archosaur Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I say heaven and hell still. 89+ players can pk freely. Not really any quests except the 99+ spirit culti, and you can stone into aba/sot, if youre too broke to pay 30k, youre too broke to be 89+.

    So a Bm hits lvl 89, thinks "great, i can go get my sage/demon skills now", then goes in feeling all good in themselves and 'wham' get's pk'd. Only way that would be if they made the first entrance into heaven/hell safe zone or even have a time limit to get skills before pking kicks in
  • Sansho - Dreamweaver
    Sansho - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ah pwi cant seem to fix anything break what isnt broken and then cant fix that either
    PWI Working for you 24/7 24hours a week 7 months a yearb:shocked
  • noobynoobydoo
    noobynoobydoo Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Much better off paying 3.5 - 6 mil for an 11 speed mount...look at those tiger mounts, they look similar to the panthers and I got mine for 4 mil I think

    lol yeah I never looked at how much it would cost with gold prices now b:laugh

    cost me 350k to max mine way back when :P
  • Shazaama - Harshlands
    Shazaama - Harshlands Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    a new instance would be much better. however, PWE/PWI is only interested in profitable dividends, hence will prolly never happen. as for new players coming to the game, once they see for themselves, that it's free to download, free to login and run around, but not truly free to play as the incentive to obtain better gear is no longer there without at least some amount of cash shopping, is unlikely they will stay for long. PK in SP well all i can say to that is this, all the tickets sent n regarding the harrassment by certain red named players on my server anyway, no one was ever banned for it, even when it was considered bannable. simple reason, pwi will fish this pond to the very end, meaning that they arent as worried for new players or fairness, or banning cash shoppers at least until they have finished milking this pond aka us, for everything it has. b:chuckle
  • noobynoobydoo
    noobynoobydoo Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ah pwi cant seem to fix anything break what isnt broken and then cant fix that either
    PWI Working for you 24/7 24hours a week 7 months a yearb:shocked

    nope they cant fix nothing just make it look like thats what they meant to do b:shutup
  • V_m_ - Harshlands
    V_m_ - Harshlands Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Whats the point? seriously whats the point of making a Quest place PVP enabled, why not make a place special for PVP such as the Arena, a place where anyone who WANT to PVP can teleport there
    sure PVE servers are Boring more than PVP servers but hey ppl can open their PK anytime
    so if Developers are looking for sometihng Exiting for players then THEY SUCK Oh andbest of it is saying since Chinese server has done it Ok we will do it too WTF? lazzy to come up with your own ideas why the heck are you hired
    i'll just say it will be stupid to make any instance PVP enabled rather than making a new special PVP placeb:shutup

    best QQ ive seen so far tonight...

    "perfect world isnt perfect, but its better than this so called "reality""
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    lol yeah I never looked at how much it would cost with gold prices now b:laugh

    cost me 350k to max mine way back when :P

    WOW, how long ago was that??? LOL b:chuckle
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • noobynoobydoo
    noobynoobydoo Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    juice1 wrote: »
    Frost Is Patched Now? :d

    finally no more "wanna do FF glitch cause its 2x?
    then im like no =.=

    and say why do you think we dont have more 2x drops its cause people doing that glitchb:angry
  • noobynoobydoo
    noobynoobydoo Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    WOW, how long ago was that??? LOL b:chuckle

    couple years ago :P
  • romeoromantiko
    romeoromantiko Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    lol exactly 35 gold on panther is overkill :P

    yeah your absolutely right, but the panther looks more cowboy ride than anything else, and it's black :P and raptor looks too cartoonish, blazing tempest overrated, and other mounts, ..not my type. midnight black looks cool tho but hard too get/ too much time to spend to achieve
  • V_m_ - Harshlands
    V_m_ - Harshlands Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    finally no more "wanna do FF glitch cause its 2x?
    then im like no =.=

    and say why do you think we dont have more 2x drops its cause people doing that glitchb:angry

    fc... forgotten frostland is OUTSIDE of the frostcovered city. therefore fc...

    "perfect world isnt perfect, but its better than this so called "reality""
  • Wavetide - Archosaur
    Wavetide - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    u know sometimes i wish i cud tell the GM's about some of the ideas i have for this game. one problem though i don't know if they would want to hear ideas from there fans of pwi. i have so many ideas for this game that i would like to incoporate but i guess they will never be heard of.
  • Evinerre - Lost City
    Evinerre - Lost City Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Patch Notes Version 563
    Released September 13, 2011

    Patch Servers
    We have upgraded our patch servers in order to address a connectivity issue for some players.

    Frostcovered City
    We were able to implement a fix to an exploit with last week's patch. We will continue to monitor the situation and attempt to address any further issues concerning this dungeon.


    Please god let this be a goons fix.
  • semperfi74
    semperfi74 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    what is the deal with it taking days for you to get your confirmation email when you create a pwi account?
  • Amystinia - Archosaur
    Amystinia - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    And just in case you didn't understand it the first few times ... ARENA
  • Aowenn - Archosaur
    Aowenn - Archosaur Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    haha guess so just glad I got my spurs back when gold was 100k each b:shocked

    I know, gold has now gone stupid in price. I left for 12 months because of work commitments and gold was around 400k then. Now i'm back, it's shot up to 1.2-1.4M EACH b:sad
  • krogon
    krogon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I just think it's a sad situation. Why was this changed in the first place? I started playing this game when it first came out...I chose a PVE server for a reason. There is a PK mode button but why have it if you're gonna force people into a PK situation? It makes no sense. And to have it in SP? I mean, give us a break. There are SO many cons about that and it makes it VERY unfair to the low levels. PW, do you honestly think you're going to keep new players if they can't complete their quests/bh in there? Or how 'bout the loyal players you've had for years that want to make a new character and can't get through SP to do their quests/bh? I mean, what the Heck are you guys thinking? If you MUST have an open PK area ON A PVE SERVER, please choose somewhere where it doesn't interfere with regular game play. Make a new area/instance or implement the arena as many have suggested...just keep it out of the areas that all players have to enter for regular game play. This isn't rocket science you know...it's only common sense.
  • noobynoobydoo
    noobynoobydoo Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    fc... forgotten frostland is OUTSIDE of the frostcovered city. therefore fc...

    oh sorry we call it FF on our Heavens tear server get used to it, we dont say fc on HTb:laugh
  • WalyCube - Raging Tide
    WalyCube - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    And for the usual maintenance question..

    If you could make any instance in the game open PVP (like Secret Passage is right now), which would you choose and why?

    None - stop being lazy and make a PVP zone just for that oh wait I don't know... maybe call it the Arena...

    Stop messing with PvE servers - there should not be any open PvP on care bear servers.

    Just fix the Arena and make it good, and stop messing with zones that have no business messing with.
  • V_m_ - Harshlands
    V_m_ - Harshlands Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    u know sometimes i wish i cud tell the GM's about some of the ideas i have for this game. one problem though i don't know if they would want to hear ideas from there fans of pwi. i have so many ideas for this game that i would like to incoporate but i guess they will never be heard of.

    i think to many peoples surprise on the HL server, there was a GM in Orchid Temple... talk about epic gear... and you think R9 is beast... wait till you see a GM's gear

    "perfect world isnt perfect, but its better than this so called "reality""
  • jlfick
    jlfick Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    In response to the Panther mount The Boutique explains it very well, if you click on the said mount it will explain whether it it is upgradeable or not, and also After clicking on the "RIDE" tab there are 2 tabs 1 says "BEASTS" and the the 2nd one says "UPGRADES" if you then click on each upgrade that too will self explain.

    In response to the PVP in SP I totally find it rude that new players have to use their coins to tele in to a place where they need several quests NOT just Quinzgi. Maybe some of you level 100+ PVP's that think it's funny to kill a level 29-30 person should pay them 5000+ coins to tele in and out each time they need to go in there. Seriously people its not that HARD to look at a person before killing them to see what level they are, leave the lower levels alone. Seriously it makes you look like an ***.

    OPEN the ARENA let the people who spend their paychecks on R-9-R-12 bounce like monkeys off the walls.
  • Sinator - Lothranis
    Sinator - Lothranis Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    best QQ ive seen so far tonight...
    feeling bad for yourself? prolly cuz you are one of these morons who like to pick on others keep up the shiity work!
  • kerberous
    kerberous Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    anyone able to log into Archosaur? it's saying the server is online, but it keeps timing out and saying can't connect to the server.
  • V_m_ - Harshlands
    V_m_ - Harshlands Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    oh sorry we call it FF on our Heavens tear server get used to it, we dont say fc on HTb:laugh

    look at sig
    now look back up
    notice that i have a char on HT server too??
    so yes im getting used to that server as well... granted i wish i could use my 94 bm interchangeably between HL and HT have fun on both

    "perfect world isnt perfect, but its better than this so called "reality""
  • romeoromantiko
    romeoromantiko Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    and btw PWI *** ya, let me have the jones blessing!!!!! it's been almost 2 months since i can easliy get them on the site! and a thousand tickets i've sent!!! god dammit you lazy people!!!!
  • SeaI - Sanctuary
    SeaI - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    We will be having Server Maintenance tonight from 11pm PDT until 1am PDT!

    And for the usual maintenance question..

    If you could make any instance in the game open PVP (like Secret Passage is right now), which would you choose and why?

    You're asking Us?
    why would we give u an answer... you never listen to us before..
  • Seventeen/ - Sanctuary3
    Seventeen/ - Sanctuary3 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    maybe ill switch from Sanc/LC to somewhere lik HT or HL...just for the heck of it lol
  • V_m_ - Harshlands
    V_m_ - Harshlands Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ok, really? almost 3 hours now and i have A LOT of grinding to do.

    "perfect world isnt perfect, but its better than this so called "reality""