Archers Outdated?



  • Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Will this thread also have cake, popcorn, pillows, and hot chicks?
  • Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Demons can have better bursts, but they are laggy bursts. Sages have higher dps for the early stages of combat.

    Meanwhile, vit build sacrifices both crit and damage. So I think your criticisms should be directed against vit builds.

    I didn't even consider vit build, would be like considering HA cleric in cleric discussion.

    But anyway, I stand by my statement. Demon = more killing power with your bow/a bit more versatility with your farming gear.

    And kerona don't forget veno harems lol
  • Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yes, Veno Harems, Stormrage babies, and Roid and his jar.
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Even better factions don't take their wizards on Nirv runs and simply gear them. There's no good reason to bring a non aps class because it's only slowing everybody down.

    -->well the first good reason is that when you are playing for fun doing nirvi even without phys DD is something different + it doesnt slow down a lot when the squad consists only of psy wiz because then undine really pushes the dmg

    I don't even...why would a sin refine a bow to +12? And of course it would hurt at +12, everything does. A bm using a +12 bow could do some damage...

    -->why not? if money is no issue why not take a +10-+12 bow as sideweapon. I have seen a lot of sins with better bows than archers.

    wtf kinda combo is that? You sleep them so you can knock them back out of sleep and give them a chance to do something? Pro-tip: use FoW, undine, maybe a gush if you're feeling daring, sleep, ulti.
    And winged shell is a non factor in endgame pvp. A regular class can pop it with a few hits, a dph class like ours can easily destroy it in one.

    -->A "Pro" comment to your tip: using sleep first because it is instant. Especially when the distance between you and your target is larger FoW takes some time to reach the enemy and cause the seal effect (this problem gets smaller with ~-25%chan+) then using undine which interrupts the seal followed by fow because most of your attackers will try to approach you which lowers the distance and thereby also the time that FoW needs to "fly" to the target. This limits the chance of getting stunned. you could also shrink to your target if it is an archer during sleep before you undine and fow to get into the 50% dmg reduction range because during sleep the archer can not move away.

    -->Of course winged shell can be destroyed with 1 hit but the thing is it is really hard to 1 shot an archer with winged shell on because the dmg you have to deal with 1 hit will be a lot higher ~1-1.250k pvp dmg more. And I just named wing shell as example of skills an archer could use to prevent a 1 shot by an arcane class. I didnt say that winged shell will save the archer in the end.

    So I guess you never upgraded your skills to sage/demon? Or maybe mine are just special, because my range is 30m

    -->nope mine are all sage except DB and Blade Tempest. I just wasnt ingame and accidently took the lvl 10 values but nevertheless the there is still a small advantage of the archer

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    What? Well it is sad to see a level 100 archer who fails to notice the value of versatility. Going by Factual information, 5 aps archers aren't fail. You sound just like an old friend of mine who would say stupid things to try to discourage me from the thought. Things like , "DPS doesn't matter". Well for those of us who don't want to roll silly fish alts and farm a bunch of HA for bms, it is an efficient way to PvE.

    And no its not the equivalent of an LA wizzie. An LA wizzie has to stat extra strength and dex to wear his LA, whereas a Fist archer can remain pure dex and still be 5.0. It is a simple matter of swapping out gear pieces. The equivalent of an LA Wizzie would be maybe an HA archer, so that analogy fails.

    However, I must agree on the point of archers having many fails in the class. But I can not agree that it has to do directly with 5 aps. I think it's more the R9, and people who level a TW archer alt and set it up with R9 without even knowing what their skills do.

    and sage is terrible for an archer that is built for anything other than 5 aps soloing. You honestly dismiss so much crit/burst damage potential just for that argument of "higher base damage", which is really, only slightly. I would still prefer demon even in a fist build, because our spark means we can wear better ornaments/gear while farming than we'd be forced to use if we were sage.

    Fists on an archer doesnt make much logical sense in the fact that if you were so concerned with trying to cut costs you would have just rerolled a sin anyways. Sins can use half of your gear via account stash and are the highest dps class and best for farming. Its not like bows dont DD hard. They were used before the aps craze if Im not mistaken. DPS really matters very little end game unless you are so concerned with farming (I would rather farm IRL tyvm ;)) If DPS is so important roll a fish or make an LA BM that wears your archer gear as a farming alt.

    Cutting costs isnt really justified by getting 2 sets of gear. Str rings/LG cape or I could just save 30mil on the LG cape and get Cloudcharger instead and aim towards a P def neck. You know, things that are actually useful in pvp. Or I could put on some +dex/+p atk rings and get even more dph (I prefer accuracy rings). PvE is still so easy Im not sure why people try 5.0 on an archer. Sure its cheaper than BM. Sure its faster than a bow (marginally and for bosses only; the extra aps above my 2.5 doesn't justify my loss in bow damage or the expenses I would pay, perhaps in the long run, but I'm satisfied as is).

    Also, demons really tend to devalue Sage spark. 25% reduction to damage taken and extra chi gaining skills arent meant to be taken lightly(I will have cloud eruption soon too mind you). Have you tanked every boss from 89 down? Mostly because nothing else keeps aggro from you. This includes Pole/Nob and some SoT bosses. Also Sage BoA is pretty nice for solo farming too (Yes, I have it).

    Nay, never did I dismiss "so much crit/burst damage potential". I've always said go Demon for dps, but a sage has its benefits too. Its undeniable that QS/STA/Stun are great demon. However, if you fail to see the benefit of a longer stun or 600+ more p atk (which becomes more if Im pure and the Demon is fist build) per arrow then you do not realize that can mean the difference between 1-2 shotting a caster or having them hit back and kill you. 33% crit rate is still pretty nice ijs.

    And correct me if Im wrong but a sage builds for defense whereas a demon builds for dps. Im afraid (at least in my view) full garnets (cant afford JoSD/Vit stones atm), a phys cube neck, Wings of Cloudcharger and a warsong ele belt outweigh any other possible ornament combination you could show me bar r9 with similar shards/neck/cape. Refines give enough hp.

    And if you truly don't believe Sage archers can DD well, I steal aggro from many things without trying. Demon sparked 2.86 BMs, Barbs, r9+12 Wizards, Hercs and anything else that isnt 3.33 or higher. Under the right conditions Ive hit for a surplus of 145k. I even take from similarly geared sins half the time. Would I want the aps I get from demon spark? Probably not no because I would die much more often. The one time I would value fists for an archer would be to tank melee range bosses so I don't do half damage and the other DDs can go all out, but even then I would rather use my barb or have someone else tank it. Sage and Demon is a different mindset and not really relevant in this thread. Regardless, Demon has more dps (on every class) and sage is more defensive/chi oriented.
    Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -

    Retired from PWI.

  • Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Fists on an archer doesnt make much logical sense in the fact that if you were so concerned with trying to cut costs you would have just rerolled a sin anyways. Sins can use half of your gear via account stash and are the highest dps class and best for farming. Its not like bows dont DD hard. They were used before the aps craze if Im not mistaken. DPS really matters very little end game unless you are so concerned with farming (I would rather farm IRL tyvm ;)) If DPS is so important roll a fish or make an LA BM that wears your archer gear as a farming alt.

    Cutting costs isnt really justified by getting 2 sets of gear. Str rings/LG cape or I could just save 30mil on the LG cape and get Cloudcharger instead and aim towards a P def neck. You know, things that are actually useful in pvp. Or I could put on some +dex/+p atk rings and get even more dph (I prefer accuracy rings). PvE is still so easy Im not sure why people try 5.0 on an archer. Sure its cheaper than BM. Sure its faster than a bow (marginally and for bosses only; the extra aps above my 2.5 doesn't justify my loss in bow damage or the expenses I would pay, perhaps in the long run, but I'm satisfied as is).

    Also, demons really tend to devalue Sage spark. 25% reduction to damage taken and extra chi gaining skills arent meant to be taken lightly(I will have cloud eruption soon too mind you). Have you tanked every boss from 89 down? Mostly because nothing else keeps aggro from you. This includes Pole/Nob and some SoT bosses. Also Sage BoA is pretty nice for solo farming too (Yes, I have it).

    Nay, never did I dismiss "so much crit/burst damage potential". I've always said go Demon for dps, but a sage has its benefits too. Its undeniable that QS/STA/Stun are great demon. However, if you fail to see the benefit of a longer stun or 600+ more p atk (which becomes more if Im pure and the Demon is fist build) per arrow then you do not realize that can mean the difference between 1-2 shotting a caster or having them hit back and kill you. 33% crit rate is still pretty nice ijs.

    And correct me if Im wrong but a sage builds for defense whereas a demon builds for dps. Im afraid (at least in my view) full garnets (cant afford JoSD/Vit stones atm), a phys cube neck, Wings of Cloudcharger and a warsong ele belt outweigh any other possible ornament combination you could show me bar r9 with similar shards/neck/cape. Refines give enough hp.

    And if you truly don't believe Sage archers can DD well, I steal aggro from many things without trying. Demon sparked 2.86 BMs, Barbs, r9+12 Wizards, Hercs and anything else that isnt 3.33 or higher. Under the right conditions Ive hit for a surplus of 145k. I even take from similarly geared sins half the time. Would I want the aps I get from demon spark? Probably not no because I would die much more often. The one time I would value fists for an archer would be to tank melee range bosses so I don't do half damage and the other DDs can go all out, but even then I would rather use my barb or have someone else tank it. Sage and Demon is a different mindset and not really relevant in this thread. Regardless, Demon has more dps (on every class) and sage is more defensive/chi oriented.

    Holy god what an essay. First,go pay for G13/15 dagger and then tell me that "roll a fish" bs. May be easy for you if you like to charge/merch but for those of us unsuited to that, 5 aps archer is a viable and efficient alternative. No many of us don't want to level up/skill up/gear up a whole other class just to farm. And frankly, statements like "roll this or gtfo" are anti logical. Please, find a real argument... Which you wont, because this "ARCHER USE BOW ONLY" thing is purely one's own principle, at least admit that much.

    and idk your server but last I checked lg cape/cloudcharger cost about same, actually cloudcharger a bit more expensive mostly.

    On sage: It's not that an extra second on stun isn't nice (and btw its totally not always 600+ more p attack), it's just that 10% extra crit rate is so much nicer. Your argument here makes it sound like you rely on fighting only undergeared ppl. Both Demons and Sages can build for defense. Also, stealing aggro, zzZZzzzz worst way to back up an argument by bringing up accounts of you stealing from randoms who happened to be sins/ bms
  • Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Holy god what an essay. First,go pay for G13/15 dagger and then tell me that "roll a fish" bs. May be easy for you if you like to charge/merch but for those of us unsuited to that, 5 aps archer is a viable and efficient alternative. No many of us don't want to level up/skill up/gear up a whole other class just to farm. And frankly, statements like "roll this or gtfo" are anti logical. Please, find a real argument... Which you wont, because this "ARCHER USE BOW ONLY" thing is purely one's own principle, at least admit that much.

    and idk your server but last I checked lg cape/cloudcharger cost about same, actually cloudcharger a bit more expensive mostly.

    On sage: It's not that an extra second on stun isn't nice (and btw its totally not always 600+ more p attack), it's just that 10% extra crit rate is so much nicer. Your argument here makes it sound like you rely on fighting only undergeared ppl. Both Demons and Sages can build for defense. Also, stealing aggro, zzZZzzzz worst way to back up an argument by bringing up accounts of you stealing from randoms who happened to be sins/ bms

    Cloudcharger/LG cape information comes from a friend that purchased both for his BM. Cloucharger 45mil. LG Cape 70mil. Given this was abit ago, but still, LG cape should cost more because it has -int and people love them some -int (ask yourself, for you are pro aps).

    Also, if I was gonna spend the coin for a deicide, I would most definitely put it on a BM. Fist mastery+Bell = Winning at solo grinding compared to an archer. As an archer I do want to do the most damage I possible can with a bow, else I wouldve rolled something else.

    My main arguement against going full aps on an archer is:

    1) High pop of BMs/Sins means alot of melee based DDs that hit harder than you and dps harder than you.

    2) Bow kills everything before a melee can hit it. Why bother wasting coin on aps I won't ever use but for a boss? My archer DDs hard enough as is with a bow. Last I checked dps order for phys classes was: Sin, BM, Archer. A Bow will out dps fists for quite a while in that first spark. And its not like afk auto attacking is much different with fists vs a bow. Bow just means I don't need to spend 70mil+ on an LG cape and switch my ornas/tome all the time. Sounds good to me tbh. I swear lol, and people argue that Sage is more expensive than demon...I don't ever want to worry about how much the HA99 ornas cost. The adds aren't even good enough for me to consider >.>

    And my logic on the bow thing is sound. A Sage with a bow WILL get aggro from 2.86 BMs (likely a demon too due to demon spark). Crit rate of a 1/3 shots > 2.86. It will happen. 2.86 isn't that much. Crit rate + higher spikes and especially since I am a DPH build sage (EP/Frenzy every spark unless I'm tanking) means I DD hard. Not to mention I am ALWAYS in squad with my wizard brother. Wizard undine strike lowers fire/water/earth resistances. Isnt it nice that I deal both fire and water (frostblade) with my normals? Sage Frost arrow crits for well over 50k with undine. Also, I checked for you. If I were demon and (based on a pool of my faction and my friendslist) Demon with 117 base str for Warsoul of Earth/gear for deicides I would have about 470 more p atk if sage (pwcalc ftw). I can only imagine that margin growing if I restat my extra strength and got higher refines/better shards/r9. Sure it isn't much, but still every little bit helps, thats why archer is THE highest dps ranged DD. Not 3rd best melee dps class...b:chuckle

    Yes, fists will DD slightly more on bosses, which is the only useful thing to use fists on. Mobs die before they enter melee range. I pvp with my bow, can't freeze/stunlock someone for 15-16 seconds with fists. Keep in mind I already said that. Pretty much the only fists I would aim for are Gorenox Vanity because we can't get BP like sins/BMs. Yet another reason to roll a sin/bm for farming. More soloing capabilities due to BP. And if I ever did invest in a pair of fists, I would use them only for TANKING melee bosses if no bm/sin was available. 2mil/50mirages/50chips/8subs from BH100 means I make alot of profit doing very little. Use subs to solo TT for mats to sell. Use chips to make molds to craft and sell. Use mirages to refine or to sell (or for Warsong). 2mil is straight up coin lols. In fact my archer can just do the above while my barb continues his way to 100. I honestly don't see the point in doing Nirvy unless its 2x since 3-4 runs averages my squad of 6 about 600-800k each which could have been made in 2 solo TTs.

    Another point, why is a level 98 demon archer attempting to lecture me on aps? You don't even have TT99 yet. What are you? 1.33? 1.43? You have no aps. Unless you were stupid enough to waste coin on TT90 gold or (god forbid) TT80gold. Keep in mind I only have r8/99+4/6 having only been 100 less than a month, so I am not well geared myself, but to be lectured on aps by someone who doesn't have it yet (or even have my aps) is well, a bit redundant. You got .87 with a bow yet? You rocking 4.2k p def unbuffed? I have my doubts. GL tanking stuff b:bye

    I am commenting on my experience being level 100 pure dex sage with minimum +aps solely from my r8/TT99. I don't need aps to be in squads. I have to tank nearly everything. I form everything. I bring whatever classes I want to bring to Nirvy/FC/BH. Wiz, Psy, Veno, Sin, Cleric? Sure bring it lol. I'm all for helping out the other classes that are actually useful in TW like Psys/Wizzies/Venos/Axe BMs. No one looks at me and says "oh he is a horrible DD because hes sage". The last demon archer that said that to me got 1 shot by a Stormrage crit lols and that was pre-99 (aka pre-good gear, as in gear you don't have yet; also he was demon ^_^).

    And again, since you keep neglecting that I've said it (I've said it in other threads too). Demon has great dps and -- >SUPERIOR<-- dps potential. However, if your playstyle is better suited to sage, then by all means roll one. It's not as if 10% more crit means Sage never crits and can't DD. I DD harder with non crit normals, and harder with crit'd normals. Demon hits harder when QS/STA/Stun proc. And hits faster when Demon sparked (obviously). Still, sage is a viable alternative, and both are great for pvp.

    Note: Apologies for the essaylike posts lol. Sometimes youre a college student taking tons of english history classes. 8 pages is nothing so these posts are really nothing. b:victory
    Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -

    Retired from PWI.

  • Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Cloudcharger/LG cape information comes from a friend that purchased both for his BM. Cloucharger 45mil. LG Cape 70mil. Given this was abit ago, but still, LG cape should cost more because it has -int and people love them some -int (ask yourself, for you are pro aps).

    Also, if I was gonna spend the coin for a deicide, I would most definitely put it on a BM. Fist mastery+Bell = Winning at solo grinding compared to an archer. As an archer I do want to do the most damage I possible can with a bow, else I wouldve rolled something else.

    My main arguement against going full aps on an archer is:

    1) High pop of BMs/Sins means alot of melee based DDs that hit harder than you and dps harder than you.

    2) Bow kills everything before a melee can hit it. Why bother wasting coin on aps I won't ever use but for a boss? My archer DDs hard enough as is with a bow. Last I checked dps order for phys classes was: Sin, BM, Archer. A Bow will out dps fists for quite a while in that first spark. And its not like afk auto attacking is much different with fists vs a bow. Bow just means I don't need to spend 70mil+ on an LG cape and switch my ornas/tome all the time. Sounds good to me tbh. I swear lol, and people argue that Sage is more expensive than demon...I don't ever want to worry about how much the HA99 ornas cost. The adds aren't even good enough for me to consider >.>

    And my logic on the bow thing is sound. A Sage with a bow WILL get aggro from 2.86 BMs (likely a demon too due to demon spark). Crit rate of a 1/3 shots > 2.86. It will happen. 2.86 isn't that much. Crit rate + higher spikes and especially since I am a DPH build sage (EP/Frenzy every spark unless I'm tanking) means I DD hard. Not to mention I am ALWAYS in squad with my wizard brother. Wizard undine strike lowers fire/water/earth resistances. Isnt it nice that I deal both fire and water (frostblade) with my normals? Sage Frost arrow crits for well over 50k with undine. Also, I checked for you. If I were demon and (based on a pool of my faction and my friendslist) Demon with 117 base str for Warsoul of Earth/gear for deicides I would have about 470 more p atk if sage (pwcalc ftw). I can only imagine that margin growing if I restat my extra strength and got higher refines/better shards/r9. Sure it isn't much, but still every little bit helps, thats why archer is THE highest dps ranged DD. Not 3rd best melee dps class...b:chuckle

    Yes, fists will DD slightly more on bosses, which is the only useful thing to use fists on. Mobs die before they enter melee range. I pvp with my bow, can't freeze/stunlock someone for 15-16 seconds with fists. Keep in mind I already said that. Pretty much the only fists I would aim for are Gorenox Vanity because we can't get BP like sins/BMs. Yet another reason to roll a sin/bm for farming. More soloing capabilities due to BP. And if I ever did invest in a pair of fists, I would use them only for TANKING melee bosses if no bm/sin was available. 2mil/50mirages/50chips/8subs from BH100 means I make alot of profit doing very little. Use subs to solo TT for mats to sell. Use chips to make molds to craft and sell. Use mirages to refine or to sell (or for Warsong). 2mil is straight up coin lols. In fact my archer can just do the above while my barb continues his way to 100. I honestly don't see the point in doing Nirvy unless its 2x since 3-4 runs averages my squad of 6 about 600-800k each which could have been made in 2 solo TTs.

    Another point, why is a level 98 demon archer attempting to lecture me on aps? You don't even have TT99 yet. What are you? 1.33? 1.43? You have no aps. Unless you were stupid enough to waste coin on TT90 gold or (god forbid) TT80gold. Keep in mind I only have r8/99+4/6 having only been 100 less than a month, so I am not well geared myself, but to be lectured on aps by someone who doesn't have it yet (or even have my aps) is well, a bit redundant. You got .87 with a bow yet? You rocking 4.2k p def unbuffed? I have my doubts. GL tanking stuff b:bye

    I am commenting on my experience being level 100 pure dex sage with minimum +aps solely from my r8/TT99. I don't need aps to be in squads. I have to tank nearly everything. I form everything. I bring whatever classes I want to bring to Nirvy/FC/BH. Wiz, Psy, Veno, Sin, Cleric? Sure bring it lol. I'm all for helping out the other classes that are actually useful in TW like Psys/Wizzies/Venos/Axe BMs. No one looks at me and says "oh he is a horrible DD because hes sage". The last demon archer that said that to me got 1 shot by a Stormrage crit lols and that was pre-99 (aka pre-good gear, as in gear you don't have yet; also he was demon ^_^).

    And again, since you keep neglecting that I've said it (I've said it in other threads too). Demon has great dps and -- >SUPERIOR<-- dps potential. However, if your playstyle is better suited to sage, then by all means roll one. It's not as if 10% more crit means Sage never crits and can't DD. I DD harder with non crit normals, and harder with crit'd normals. Demon hits harder when QS/STA/Stun proc. And hits faster when Demon sparked (obviously). Still, sage is a viable alternative, and both are great for pvp.

    Note: Apologies for the essaylike posts lol. Sometimes youre a college student taking tons of english history classes. 8 pages is nothing so these posts are really nothing. b:victory
    Dude, tl:dr....seriously.

    EDIT: came back and read it all cuz i was bored. well, kind of, I skimmed some parts.
    First of all, why are you talking about "full aps"? what the hell does that phrase even mean? Anyway, reading this has made 2 things explicitly clear to me
    1. you are not a farmer, therefore you would not see the value in equipping an archer to farm.
    2. you don't do a whole lot of research around here, because fist mastery actually accounts for a much smaller amount of damage than u probably believe.

    And why, why would you assume I'm talking about using fists on regular mobs when i say "5 aps archer", no. that's **** and inefficient. However, it doesn't slightly outdps bows on bosses, it is PERMASPARK 5 HITS A SECOND. If you can't look up the mathematical facts as to why the dps is noticeably higher, try to at least use basic logic.

    At this point I am wondering why I am arguing with you, because the simple statement "you have no aps" can probably discredit anything you have ever said on this forum through it's blunt asininity. Same goes for the person who came to the conclusion that you were a horrible DD for being sage( would prolly be better if demon, ijs), and then again back to you for using stormrage(unless it was meant as a joke).

    And buddy, ofc you don't need to be 5 aps to be in squads, but if one makes most of their cash spamming tt's/nirvanas/etc, then it is a wise investment to make. And if you aren't up for making an entire new character, and pumping all your precious cash into it just to send it back to the first one who could do the job competently enough if you were to just gear it up in the first place instead of making a second char,......*deep breath* then a 5 aps archer, (who doesn't use fists when inappropriate like some dip****) is an efficient char to farm with.
  • Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Dude, tl:dr....seriously.

    EDIT: came back and read it all cuz i was bored. well, kind of, I skimmed some parts.
    First of all, why are you talking about "full aps"? what the hell does that phrase even mean? Anyway, reading this has made 2 things explicitly clear to me
    1. you are not a farmer, therefore you would not see the value in equipping an archer to farm.
    2. you don't do a whole lot of research around here, because fist mastery actually accounts for a much smaller amount of damage than u probably believe.

    --> response to 1) Yeah, I farm very little if at all. Occasional solo TTs are doable with .87 r8 on a bow for some cheap coin when Im bored. I just don't really understand what one farms for after they have a -int cape and 5.0 aps (what I meant by full aps, you would have to neglect an awesome defensive cape/ornaments to have 5.0; that or buy both which I'm not willing to do).

    --> response to 2) I do plenty of research, I just am very end game minded and at endgame there is nothing to do but pvp and TW thats really worthwhile. Squad dynamics in BH is fun i suppose, but in squads I don't see the purpose of fists. Sure, it is slightly higher dps. Sure it is nice if you are melee tanking, but tbh, I get by fine with TB and wingspan spam on groups when I tank. I could really understand gearing an archer to fists if bows werent so good already. In the end the cost doesn't justify the goals for me. I wanted to just say that it IS possible to be endgame 2.2 just from r8/99 and still do anything you want to do and DD harder with a bow than a fist build (Bow vs bow ofc).

    And why, why would you assume I'm talking about using fists on regular mobs when i say "5 aps archer", no. that's **** and inefficient. However, it doesn't slightly outdps bows on bosses, it is PERMASPARK 5 HITS A SECOND. If you can't look up the mathematical facts as to why the dps is noticeably higher, try to at least use basic logic.

    --> I understand the fact that some people spend time farming instances like Nirvy (only good on 2x) or TT. I'm not sure why since farming IRL >>>> in game. 2 days of work at minimum wage should pay for r8 and some nice refines and it should use alot less time. My Time >>> Farming. And yes it is only slightly more, would you like to know why? Bosses drop dead with only ONE aps member in squad if the squad isn't braindead. All casters should have EP on their genie, all melees with Mire. HF+Amp+EP+Mire+Frenzy+Everyone triple sparking (Ill use my recent SoT squad as an example: Sage Archer, Sage Wizzy, Sage Sage Veno, Sage Psy, Cleric, Demon BM). Bosses drop quickly. I got 9 110k+ crits and a 217k crit. Do I even need to mention the casters damage? A boss will drop quickly from that, before spark is even over.

    Literally the only bosses worth the time it takes for fists to DD them to death are Nirvy and TT and 2 instances, in my pov doesn't justify the cost of: Deicides+refines+extra strength+extra ornas+-int cape+nirvy legs. Theoretically though if all you did all day was TT and Nirvy and WBs fists would be a great investment, however, I would rather just spend all that 100mil+ coin on refining gear I will actually use in pvp/TW.

    At this point I am wondering why I am arguing with you, because the simple statement "you have no aps" can probably discredit anything you have ever said on this forum through it's blunt asininity. Same goes for the person who came to the conclusion that you were a horrible DD for being sage( would prolly be better if demon, ijs), and then again back to you for using stormrage(unless it was meant as a joke).

    --> Stormrage was indeed a joke, though Sage version is a decent debuff (20% less defenses for 30 seconds means its a good way for me to help out an Amp or HF when I don't want aggro; I also felt like sharing that because it srsly happened lol). And really though you can't have very much aps at 98. Especially since you said you were too busy to farm up an alt which might be high aps. That or your avatar is incorrect. I'm just telling it like it is. Endgame, aps isn't very important. Fastest instances I've run have been without more than 1 or 2 aps DDs. I just like to stick up for all the people that get neglected from squads because they aren't aps. They are all good at TW and good to have around for pvp (Similarly geared BMs w/nice axes/Sins/Barbs/Casters). Sure theoretically, a fist archer will out DD a bow archer, but does it really matter when everything dies? Not really. Thats all I'm saying.

    And buddy, ofc you don't need to be 5 aps to be in squads, but if one makes most of their cash spamming tt's/nirvanas/etc, then it is a wise investment to make. And if you aren't up for making an entire new character, and pumping all your precious cash into it just to send it back to the first one who could do the job competently enough if you were to just gear it up in the first place instead of making a second char,......*deep breath* then a 5 aps archer, (who doesn't use fists when inappropriate like some dip****) is an efficient char to farm with.

    --> I see your logic. If you do not have time then making another toon could seem unreasonable (though with alt fc you could have it at 100 in like a week; my barb is 45 in 2 weeks without alt FC just CS/BH). And I'm not sure how one has time to farm, but not make another toon. Half the aps gear you farmed could just be account stashed to a sin or BM alt. I'm busy working so I just stick to bh/solo TT for my ingame income, but I suppose if I had the luxury of free time I could farm 8-10 hours a day instead of chatting with friends or whatever. Point is a fist build archer will always do less dps with a bow than a pure dex one. I suppose I am just a perfectionist and if you aren't building the best, why invest the coin. A pure dex archer is probably the most efficient ranged dps class you can make. Sure versatility is nice, but so is specializing. I mean seriously, I would love to meet a similarly geared archer that can out DD me and until I do, fists won't be an option, especially since the majority of BMs I meet still fail to tank.

    Do note I am not trying to discredit fist dps, sure its alot, but its just overkill is what I'm saying. To be honest the coin really could be invested in nicer things. People really do act like high aps (3.33+) is a mandatory end game thing for any melee class (including barbs sometimes, at least on my server).
    Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -

    Retired from PWI.

  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    People farm in-game because they're here to play a game, no **** it's faster to charge money, but for people who want to play by farming, me not included, let them seizure-jerk over bosses.

    Well-geared APS users can solo or dual pretty much all the bosses in this game, so your argument that a squad with one APS tank can take bosses down fast is kind of stupid.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    People farm in-game because they're here to play a game, no **** it's faster to charge money, but for people who want to play by farming, me not included, let them seizure-jerk over bosses.

    Well-geared APS users can solo or dual pretty much all the bosses in this game, so your argument that a squad with one APS tank can take bosses down fast is kind of stupid.

    I play the game for the social aspect (Friends/Fac/Randoms, etc), I never really considered the "zomg lols Im awesome I can solos pwi rofl" argument. Instances would be boring as all hell if it was all but soloing (I only do solo TT when extremely bored). Squad dynamics ftw.

    And I agree let those that farm continue to farm, its them that ruin the server economy by not knowing how to price things and buying overpriced. ;D (I swear if I see another Demon STA sell at 25mil+...Clip is 42ish mil)

    Oh and candy for anyone that says fist mastery doesn't add anything:

    Fist BM (I honestly don't know how to build a BM, but heres one):

    inb4blazin=fistmastery; 60% =/= 200%

    Deicide Archer (Again if there is a better way feel free to optimize it):

    Sad crit rate makes me sad :'(

    The BM will out DD the archer until it is irrelevant (You could probably 5.0 the BM somehow and the archer would never out DD the BM but tbh, idc lols overkill is overkill). If I spent the coin from the LG cape/Ornas/Nirvy legs on things I want I would be a lot better off, especially in pvp. The fist archer may be the poor man's farming tool I suppose (even though it is much more costly than anything I desire), but is there a point to farming after achieving that much? I can still make a profit just from BH100 despite funneling coin to skill/gear up an alt lols. Then again, I get no enjoyment from repeated farming, so perhaps I will never understand.

    Also that BM I mentioned from SoT was not well geared. I believe he was 2.86. He was there for bh and to HF. He was a good BM still. I was the tank and my Wizard brother tanked Rancid lols, BM could not hold aggro not like it mattered since it was literally an 8-20 second boss spark ****. Good job there though.

    Summary: Why overkill when its not necessary? <--Rhetorical
    Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -

    Retired from PWI.

  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    If I spent the coin from the LG cape/Ornas/Nirvy legs on things I want I would be a lot better off, especially in pvp. The fist archer may be the poor man's farming tool I suppose (even though it is much more costly than anything I desire), but is there a point to farming after achieving that much?

    -->If you did take the coin from all that waste, you'd most likely have some decent gear and refines, I agree. End game all fists is good for is solo farming, and people only do that if they're trying to gear up fast to TW or prepare for an alt.

    -->The "fist archer may be a poor man's farming tool argument" makes absolutely no sense in the fact that if they REALLY wanted to gear out faster, they would have just leveled a BM/Sin FIRST and then transferred over gear/coin in order to deck out an Archer. Doing it in reverse much? Need I remind any of you that with pw calc you can quite easily see how a bm/sin can out DD a fist archer easily? Shameful really.

    Also that BM I mentioned from SoT was not well geared. I believe he was 2.86. He was there for bh and to HF. He was a good BM still. I was the tank and my Wizard brother tanked Rancid lols, BM could not hold aggro not like it mattered since it was literally an 8-20 second boss spark ****. Good job there though.

    -->The thing here you fail to realize is that most squads are in fact nerfed because most people waste too much coin incorrectly decking out their classes for HF 3spark **** to be an effective alternative to perma spark fists. Sure it can be done but with the way people trash their classes, I'm amazed that people even bother complaining about their being a total landslide of classes anymore. I mean seriously archers trying to be Bm's, barb's trying to be Bm's, Bm's trying to be sins... Its really disgusting actually. Whats next 5.0 Wizards/Psy's? In all honesty any defense of not playing your class the way it was designed can be refuted with the simple logic of "Didnt you roll the wrong class? Are you SURE you want to be an archer? Because last I checked they used bows."


    Also TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Rehashed arguments are rehashed.
    Our time is coming, we cannot be stopped, soon the time of the wizard will be upon us and all shall know and fear us. we are a magical army of wizardry and death, cold and emotionless, we carry out our tasks without a conscience.
    ~Fiorrello_ - Raging Tide

    ^Wow he has no life.
    ~Menarin - Dreamweaver
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Oh and candy for anyone that says fist mastery doesn't add anything:

    Fist BM (I honestly don't know how to build a BM, but heres one):

    inb4blazin=fistmastery; 60% =/= 200%

    Deicide Archer (Again if there is a better way feel free to optimize it):

    Summary: Why overkill when its not necessary? <--Rhetorical

    Where did you get 200% weapon damage from? DBB is not worth casting when it takes 2 sparks and you can't CC. You know what's funny? Calculate the DPS from your own two builds when they're both in Demon archer deals about 10k DPS less compared to the BM, pretty good considering the respective costs of gear needed to reach permaspark. (-int Tome not even necessary) The 500% weapon damage from Demon Spark far overshadows the differences in mastery.

    Also consider the fact that the BM would have to get a second set of ornaments if he wants to be anything in PvP. Lionheart ornaments, on the other hand, are totally acceptable for pre-R9 archers. You try to say that HA 99 are not good enough in PvP for archers yet you slap on some evasion orns on the BM, that's just terribly ironic isn't it? Not needing second cast leggings can easily allow the archer to work towards a highly refined R8 bow, while the BM is stuck with +5 lunar claws. Last time I checked, there is no claw-only BM, or claw-only any class for that matter, so better add some GX to the bill.

    Basically for about the same amount of coin you can have a decent archer that can farm events (which takes about 1/2 an hour a day), or you can have a claw-only evasion orn joke of a BM. Your pick.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Now that BMs can no longer glitch DBB, archers do about the same or possibly more DPS. If you reroll to a BM wanting to get higher DPS you are wasting your time. It would only be worthwhile to roll a sin but sin is pretty lame and embarrassing to play.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    -->The "fist archer may be a poor man's farming tool argument" makes absolutely no sense in the fact that if they REALLY wanted to gear out faster, they would have just leveled a BM/Sin FIRST and then transferred over gear/coin in order to deck out an Archer. Doing it in reverse much? Need I remind any of you that with pw calc you can quite easily see how a bm/sin can out DD a fist archer easily? Shameful really.

    Or you know, we could have made our archers pre-Tibeborn and aps craze.
  • Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    And I agree let those that farm continue to farm, its them that ruin the server economy by not knowing how to price things and buying overpriced. ;D (I swear if I see another Demon STA sell at 25mil+...Clip is 42ish mil)
    ^There is literally no logic, knowledge, or reason applied in the above statement.
    Sad crit rate makes me sad :'(
    Dont You EVEN be talkin about crit rate, you sage.
    but is there a point to farming after achieving that much?
    Yes, becuse that's really not all that much, but I wouldn't expect you to know. so its ok.

    Some things are a bit off with your arguments and general understanding of "end game" and THE game in general, my good sir.
  • Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Oh and candy for anyone that says fist mastery doesn't add anything:

    Fist BM (I honestly don't know how to build a BM, but heres one):

    inb4blazin=fistmastery; 60% =/= 200%

    Deicide Archer (Again if there is a better way feel free to optimize it):

    Sad crit rate makes me sad :'(

    I think I am going to have to somewhat agree with everyone else posting here.

    I think that your biggest mistake was that you got their buffs wrong. Also, you have given the archer enough interval gear that this could be a sage archer. Also, for a starting point, you should probably give them similar gear. (For example, why did you give the archer a level 6 tome and the blademaster a level 3 tome? Let's give them both level 4 tomes instead...)


    And yes, it looks like the blademaster still has higher dps. If I work through the numbers, and if I assume magic defense = physical defense for their target, I get 60227-70614 dps for the blademaster and 54277 - 63596 dps for the archer. In other words, the blademaster has an 11% dps advantage here for sustained combat. (But the archer will build up chi faster and each spark the blademaster builds in combat, using fist normal attack, after the archer reaches 3 sparks, turns into 42-44 seconds of combat time, before he catches up with the archer.)

    On the other hand, if we assume we are fighting a level 150 boss, this archer reduces physical damage by a factor of 3.62 where the blademaster reduces physical damage by a factor of 3.54. And for magical damage, the reduction factors are 1.76 for the blademaster and 2.63 for the archer. So the archer's costs will be slightly lower, which can help in future gear purchases.

    But I think the big advantage claw archers have over claw blademasters is gear flexibility.

    Also, if the archer had been demon instead (sacrificing some of that damage reduction), you could have shed unneeded interval gear and used it for increased refines, or a better weapon (and the archer could have gotten enough gear for 5aps long before the blademaster if we assume they had equal money earning potential in the early game).

    So, maybe we should not have started them out with equal gear?
  • Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I did say feel free to improve on those builds. I don't build for aps, and never really would as it is redundant in the long term, as I've stated several times. Things still die, idc if they die slightly quicker. Aps really helps little in TW/pvp since I can one/2 shot nearly everything and if that doesnt work Aim Low from deadzone/Stun is 10-11 seconds of nuking and if my brother or another DD can't nuke/extend stunlock on that r9/Barb in that amount of time something is wrong lol.

    Also apologies for attempting to create a BM (I know next to nothing of the class as I hate playing melee toons lol), but you're right, I should've just rolled a sin in pwcalc. IT would've been basically the same gear. I did pick the wrong farming alt after all. :P

    @_blood_rain: Yes, Demon gets what 2% more crit rate with normals etc (from passives) and 10% when STA/Stun proc. Grats? Sage still crits, its not as if my current trash crit rate of 31% (Trash tome, etc) means I never crit. Demon sin>Sage Sin>Demon Archer>Sage Archer>Demon fist archer, I assume thats a pretty accurate representation of crit rate. Note how a sage archer with a bow crits more than a demon with fists. Now note it again. You kill things slightly faster when sparked/when proc is active. I still like my longer stun and my infinite supply of chi for WoG/EA/Shell in TW tyvm (inb4clouderuptionandchipotsbecauseicanalsodothatandgetsagechigainaswell). Also sage BoA is great for non BB scenarios like tanking sins in TW. I recognize the advantages of demon when I see them (QS/Stun/STA foremost amongst them), yet it seems so difficult for a demon to recognize sage's advantages where they are.
    Yes, because that's really not all that much, but I wouldn't expect you to know. so its ok.

    You were referring to r9? Or full Nirvy perhaps? Those come with time, though perhaps me playing my archer for 2 years (on and off with breaks, before sins I had a wizzy; before that I had IRL commitments, I still do) means that I too am not into farming or creating an aps alt (I made an alt thats actually one I would have a use for, a barb, later on I'll probably roll a cleric).

    @Asterelle: Thanks, as usual your posts are solid. I know very little about BMs (Never played one), and I had trouble even coming up with ways to give it more aps (My barb won't be getting endgame HA for a while, shouldve just made a LA BM). IF I were to ever make a farming alt (which I won't mind you) I would just use a sin, even though they are silly. I am a purist and I would probably restat even more into dex if I was able to just to have the maximum possible dph with a bow that I can.

    @Quilue: Feel free to build a better BM. I'm far too lazy and I don't care enough to make one. It was mostly taken from a BM on the BM forums anyways. Should I have just used TT99LA boots/HA99 orns? Then they could've just been account stashed. Or account stash your archer's gear to a sin for maximum farming potential (Archers can't get BP, so I'm pretty sure there are situations where the BM would indeed be superior, not in dps output but in survivability).
    Last time I checked, there is no claw-only BM, or claw-only any class for that matter

    really? You meet other archers that use bows more frequently than claws on your server outside of pvp? Perhaps its just DW then that doesn't know that you can help a squad kill faster using some skills instead of just maximizing ones solo dps. Squad dps is pretty nice too (Undine+Sage frost arrow wins lol; veno amp too, aps people on my server shun all classes that arent sins/bms, even archers for the most part). Blessed be Sanctuary.

    @Fleuri: You know the math and everything is really nice on paper, and before its applied *points to Joshcja*. Sometimes its still very good then *points to Asterelle's calculator*. There are times however where you are not calculating in other uses. The BM will have more hp. The BM can self bell. The BM can receive BP. And a sin can dps even harder. There are too many variables and even unknown and incalculable variables like player skill, lag and reaction time amongst other unknown factors.

    As for the archer pwcalc, I initially built it off of my own archer's pwcalc, but I kept finding issues with acquiring enough strength for deicides. I will admit I was surprised that once I got them on there the defense loss was not that noticeable (though it would be if I had a cube neck/cloudcharger). Apologies on the tome btw, I had changed it for nirvy pants but I guess I forgot to save it. I had originally built it for GVs, but I realized if I changed the r8 ring I could get deicides on it. I didnt even put demon spark on because it slipped my mind (I was turning my archer into 5.0 after all, and demon spark isn't really an option or a desire for me, though it could be used for a cheaper farming alternative).

    Archers are great as is, and sure you may go 5.0 if you do so desire, but I still stick to my argument of why bother to go 5.0 on a toon that will never be the best at it. I mean, archers are really great as is with pure bow/dex builds, and really the only thing that will out dps them are aps exploited toons and sins, both things that are essentially cheat codes for a game that is easy enough without aps. I still enjoy sticking up for venos and other neglected classes and bringing them to Nirvy or wherever because I recognize that 2bms,2sins,an aps barb/archer and a cleric isnt the only way to do things. (inb4itwouldn'thavebeendesignedthatwayifitwasn'tintended).

    Also, is the argument for fist archers merely based on the fact they have -int on the rank top? If so, thats quite something. In my eyes bell and HF are at least as good as 2 pieces of -int gear so a 3.33 BM is fine with me (especially if multiple BMs time their HFs). Keep in mind that comes from the view that a demon archer can only slightly out DD me on bosses, and can't really do anything else terribly useful that I myself cannot do. My STA hits for more. My normals hit for more. Whenver QS/Stun/STA proc is inactive I hit for more. I have slightly more range. Sure, they buff me 200-300 more evasion, but what use is that. I stun longer and I can tank better out of BB. Hell, I even have chi to waste on Alacrity for the cleric. Perhaps from another classes eyes a demon archer really is more efficient for maximizing squad dps and not just their own...
    Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -

    Retired from PWI.

  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Or you know, we could have made our archers pre-Tibeborn and aps craze.

    -->This I can somewhat say "ok" to. Long before the Aps craze I had farmed 150k rep (from doing fb's and quests, old school I know) and had 34mil saved up. So I did what any sane person would do, I blew the rest of my coin on rank gear. Greater survivability = more coin. Now I have enough coin saved from just getting ecstasy cards every day or other day that I don't actually need to farm. Sure its slow, but I have a life. b:cry

    But let's not let me rant, because I'm sure nobody cares about this^

    -->The main thing I don't understand, is why use claws/fists? Sure you kill things faster, sure its great if you want to solo farm, but if I drop 150k-200k damage 3-4 times in 1 HF and do around 50k-70k normals what need is there for a claw-archer in my squad? You're not being very useful in squad dynamics by using fists, you don't bring anything to the table I cant get better from a sin or a bm. In all honesty I would rather just go get a sin, because that at least makes sense, they have bloodpaint and it will keep the other melee DD's happy. In fact I would rather take a veno over a claw-archer because at least then it adds to my attack damage with amp, and thus I make up for the negligible damage you would have done to slightly kill the boss faster.

    -->And before we even go there, I agree, yes MAYBE you take off about 30-40 seconds of boss combat. But hey idc because I'm here to play a game not zoom through it with no intention of enjoyment. And if we're going to use logic in a six-man squad two-aps classes is really all you need (clarcher, clawrcher, clawarcher, claw-archer? wow that looks **** on paper) not being one of my preferences.

    I'm replaceable like everyone else, but I can debuff elemental damage and make people resist it. I also tank like no 2morrow. I DD hard as hell. I know the benefits to my class, but this isn't about me, its about YOU. What can YOU a claw-archer do that makes it worthwhile for ME to consider taking YOU along for nirvy/delta/TT?

    And before anyone gets mad or rages or misunderstands, I'm sincerely confused as to the long term benefits of claw-archers outside of solo combat, farming, and as replacement aps when there is none, which we all known there will never NOT be.

    TL: DR the point of the claw-archer outside of farming is...?
    Our time is coming, we cannot be stopped, soon the time of the wizard will be upon us and all shall know and fear us. we are a magical army of wizardry and death, cold and emotionless, we carry out our tasks without a conscience.
    ~Fiorrello_ - Raging Tide

    ^Wow he has no life.
    ~Menarin - Dreamweaver
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Claw users simply bring better damage output than non-claw users to instances. It's also not 30s of boss combat shortened, it's a lot more. You both seem to like padding your arguments with opinions. Something tells me you've never been to 3-3 TT, WB hunts, or even Nirvana for that matter if you don't understand how much permasparks characters shorten a fight.

    It's not that no one will take you to instances if you don't have claws, being taken to instances also have something to do with connections you have with other players - and that is why claw archers may get chosen over claw anything else in any particular squad. It's just that claws is the cheapest way to increase a DD's contribution to the squad. For that matter, the only extra cost is a refined Lunar claw. Anything else contributes to APS when using a bow as well so it's not wasted. Wasted resources is rerolling a BM to farm, wasted resources is rerolling a sin to farm.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Claw users simply bring better damage output than non-claw users to instances. It's also not 30s of boss combat shortened, it's a lot more. You both seem to like padding your arguments with opinions. Something tells me you've never been to 3-3 TT, WB hunts, or even Nirvana for that matter if you don't understand how much permasparks characters shorten a fight.

    -->Looks at my level, looks back yea pretty sure that says 100 alright. Been doing WB's since lvl70 over a year ago. And idk about you, but in 5 nirvy runs which takes anywhere from 20-30mins 2 aps classes are all that is really needed. Yes that means I can take my friends and my loved ones along who don't really do any great damage. I can even take 3 clerics if I want because we have all the DD that is relatively needed for a moderately fast run. Though I do enjoy your ability to disregard what I even said and just post whatever you like, thinking I wont notice.

    here let me repost this for you since you didn't get it the first time:
    The thing here you fail to realize is that most squads are in fact nerfed because most people waste too much coin incorrectly decking out their classes for HF 3spark **** to be an effective alternative to perma spark fists.

    -->Oh wow seems to me like I realize the value of perma fists alright... who would have thought?
    You're not being very useful in squad dynamics by using fists, you don't bring anything to the table I cant get better from a sin or a bm. In all honesty I would rather just go get a sin, because that at least makes sense, they have bloodpaint and it will keep the other melee DD's happy.

    -->True statement is true I dare you to refute this sound logic at your own ignorance.
    And if we're going to use logic in a six-man squad two-aps classes is really all you need (clarcher, clawrcher, clawarcher, claw-archer? wow that looks **** on paper) not being one of my preferences.

    -->So I'm a little biased. You dont get BP, you cant HF. You benefit my squad how again? Oh wait you don't because a bm/sin will always be infinitely more useful then you with your claws.
    this isn't about me, its about YOU. What can YOU a claw-archer do that makes it worthwhile for ME to consider taking YOU along for nirvy/delta/TT?

    -->Maybe I should have rephrased this as: "What is it that a claw archer can do better than a bm/sin? Nothing? Well LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Claws sure are useful for you there buddy. Great ability to help the squad out besides being easily replaced by a better DD.
    And before anyone gets mad or rages or misunderstands, I'm sincerely confused as to the long term benefits of claw-archers outside of solo combat, farming, and as replacement APS when there is none, which we all known there will never NOT be

    -->Main point of this was to say the last line. Here let me BOLD it for you so you can read it better. Feel insulted yet? No? Okay here read this quote and then tell me again your build has a place in RELEVANT squad dynamics again.
    Freedom without limit is hell.

    Why would I not roll a Sin for farming again? What do archers have in PvE using fists? APS and healing off of Bloodpaint should you get your wish. Nothing much else, the majority of your interesting skills require a bow. All giving you Bloodpaint would do is make you even less likely to use your bow.

    If you want true freedom in this game. Then there would be no classes. No skills limited to class. Youd just get the "x point to put in talents" sort of **** other MMOs pull off.

    This would result in a horrible game.

    TL:DR In short I refute your logic of claw-archers deserving a place in my squad because of their ZOMG HAX APS DMG OMG. Until you can come up with some kind of semi reasonable argument to the question I asked, it's better to just remain quiet.

    I at least am nondelusional about the fact I'm easily replaceable in a squad.
    Our time is coming, we cannot be stopped, soon the time of the wizard will be upon us and all shall know and fear us. we are a magical army of wizardry and death, cold and emotionless, we carry out our tasks without a conscience.
    ~Fiorrello_ - Raging Tide

    ^Wow he has no life.
    ~Menarin - Dreamweaver
  • Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    -->Looks at my level, looks back yea pretty sure that says 100 alright. Been doing WB's since lvl70 over a year ago. And idk about you, but in 5 nirvy runs which takes anywhere from 20-30mins 2 aps classes are all that is really needed. Yes that means I can take my friends and my loved ones along who don't really do any great damage. I can even take 3 clerics if I want because we have all the DD that is relatively needed for a moderately fast run. Though I do enjoy your ability to disregard what I even said and just post whatever you like, thinking I wont notice.

    Anybody can dd for a world boss. I solo/duo wbs more or less 3 years ago... pretty sure that beats your one year. and why does it matter if someone else wants a 6 5aps squad... you are not in it... so why should you really care? take 5 clerics and do a hour long nirvana run for all that matters... no one really cares.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    -->The main thing I don't understand, is why use claws/fists? Sure you kill things faster, sure its great if you want to solo farm, but if I drop 150k-200k damage 3-4 times in 1 HF and do around 50k-70k normals what need is there for a claw-archer in my squad? You're not being very useful in squad dynamics by using fists, you don't bring anything to the table I cant get better from a sin or a bm. In all honesty I would rather just go get a sin, because that at least makes sense, they have bloodpaint and it will keep the other melee DD's happy. In fact I would rather take a veno over a claw-archer because at least then it adds to my attack damage with amp, and thus I make up for the negligible damage you would have done to slightly kill the boss faster.

    A claw-archer doesn't always have to use their claws/fists. If the boss is gonna die with one spark, then I'll use my bow for instance. It depends on the situation.
    -->And before we even go there, I agree, yes MAYBE you take off about 30-40 seconds of boss combat. But hey idc because I'm here to play a game not zoom through it with no intention of enjoyment. And if we're going to use logic in a six-man squad two-aps classes is really all you need (clarcher, clawrcher, clawarcher, claw-archer? wow that looks **** on paper) not being one of my preferences.

    Personal playstyle, can't argue that.
    I'm replaceable like everyone else, but I can debuff elemental damage and make people resist it. I also tank like no 2morrow. I DD hard as hell. I know the benefits to my class, but this isn't about me, its about YOU. What can YOU a claw-archer do that makes it worthwhile for ME to consider taking YOU along for nirvy/delta/TT?

    For hh, I STA before using fists. NV, you would probably just try to get a sin and bm for DD after you got your support classes. And I've been doing full deltas since I was 93.

    Also, I will take any class into instances who actually knows their class over a 4/5 aps idiot anyday.
    And before anyone gets mad or rages or misunderstands, I'm sincerely confused as to the long term benefits of claw-archers outside of solo combat, farming, and as replacement aps when there is none, which we all known there will never NOT be.

    TL: DR the point of the claw-archer outside of farming is...?

    There is no long term benefits outside of pve.
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    -->Looks at my level, looks back yea pretty sure that says 100 alright. Been doing WB's since lvl70 over a year ago. And idk about you, but in 5 nirvy runs which takes anywhere from 20-30mins 2 aps classes are all that is really needed. Yes that means I can take my friends and my loved ones along who don't really do any great damage. I can even take 3 clerics if I want because we have all the DD that is relatively needed for a moderately fast run. Though I do enjoy your ability to disregard what I even said and just post whatever you like, thinking I wont notice.

    You don't seem to know what a real WB hunt is. No one cares about your lvl 70 back water "oh look I was at Alpha." People get up at maint to take out WBs in quick succession, in order to come back the next night when it respawns. Because WBs respawn 24hours after they die, it means if your squad is slow, you will be staying up later and later as the week goes on or you will be hitting less and less WBs as other squads take them out before you get there. On double drops it's easily 50m a night if you have a good private squad. Why have an archer in the squad? 1 STA takes out 1/6 of the boss' hp that is why, there's my 1/6 squad contribution for you plus additional damage from claw DD. (better if you have BV) Again, you have no idea what you're talking about at all.

    30min Nirv you missed the point of what you just quoted. Clearly if permaspark users only shorten a boss by 30-40s, the fastest squads on the server would be running Nirv in at least 18min, but that is not the case is it?? You also fail to mention any experience of 3-x TT where having not enough damage output would place the success of the run in jeopardy. This is why I say you have no experience whatsoever in any endgame farming.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    :D this is turning into a good thread. b:cute

    As a caster it's hard to understand just how much DD a claw/fist user outputs. Even harder to wrap your mind around a 5.0 sin. On an HF a caster can crit, what, 40-90k on a boss. We look, we feel proud of it, we gloat internally. On that same HF a sin is critting 40k at 5 attacks per second. A BM or Archer may be critting 24-30k easily as well at 5 attacks per second. In that instant, literally, they are doing 5 times your damage.

    Claw Archers vs Bms
    Archers with Blood Vow are certainly useful, even on bosses that can't be STA'd (Vana for instance). Archers can easily handle mobs on the racist boss, flame bait for chicken, and purge the resist boss. Versus an unmarrowed BM, they have higher base magic resists so fire does not kill them quite as quickly.

    On WBs, FCC, or TT bosses, STA knocks 1/6 their hp. Fire arrow thingy does a lot on Water bosses.

  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Anybody can dd for a world boss. I solo/duo wbs more or less 3 years ago... pretty sure that beats your one year. and why does it matter if someone else wants a 6 5aps squad... you are not in it... so why should you really care? take 5 clerics and do a hour long nirvana run for all that matters... no one really cares.

    -->What does the amount of time one has played the game have any relevance to what I said? Are you bragging you're wasting more of you life online? I don't get it. b:chuckle

    -->The point of what I said about MY TIME in game was to refute the false assumption that I have never done a WB hunt before. Which as a matter of fact I did today. It wasn't even difficult, didn't take very long for 3 bosses with just under 30 people, and I didn't die a single time. That's what faction mates are for. Congratz on your duo or w/e, well I guess that's a great achievement for you apparently, although that's not entirely practical anymore. But I guess if you like 1 or 2 bosses instead of 3-4 when in competition against others, then w/e.

    -->Also where did I ever say 6man aps squad? I said 2APS IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED FOR A MODERATELY FAST SQUAD Multiple times. Its in this thread at least 4 times now. Let me bold it and underline it for you from now on.

    You don't seem to know what a real WB hunt is. No one cares about your lvl 70 back water "oh look I was at Alpha." People get up at maint to take out WBs in quick succession, in order to come back the next night when it respawns. Because WBs respawn 24hours after they die, it means if your squad is slow, you will be staying up later and later as the week goes on or you will be hitting less and less WBs as other squads take them out before you get there. On double drops it's easily 50m a night if you have a good private squad. Why have an archer in the squad? 1 STA takes out 1/6 of the boss' hp that is why, there's my 1/6 squad contribution for you plus additional damage from claw DD. (better if you have BV) Again, you have no idea what you're talking about at all.

    -->Already answered this response, god you all think the same. Its like dealing with clones. And believe it or not yes I like archers in squad, never said I didn't like STA, but I said CLAW-ARCHER as in mainly claws. Yes I get you can use a bow and DD with "claws", but I'll be the one laughing when you die on Sonic Oppressor like 10 times with those claws. Watched it happen to a few claw-archers about 2hrs ago. b:victory

    -->Need I even mention that I can replace you with 1 bm with Deicides? hmm look at that chance to decrease boss max hp sounds similar... Oh wait JUST LIKE STA. Rage now? Go ahead b:laugh

    -->You must be thinking man this guy is a troll, well I guess I am trolling if it wakes you up to the fact that the only real unique benefit you can give to a squad is the skills most of you choose not to use for whatever godforsaken reason. Honestly half of you should just reroll a bm/sin if you're so into your claws, if you havent already.

    30min Nirv you missed the point of what you just quoted. Clearly if permaspark users only shorten a boss by 30-40s, the fastest squads on the server would be running Nirv in at least 18min, but that is not the case is it?? You also fail to mention any experience of 3-x TT where having not enough damage output would place the success of the run in jeopardy. This is why I say you have no experience whatsoever in any endgame farming.

    -->Okay you got me I admit that I exaggerate with times, I'm not some master of math like you're all "supposed to be". Also excuse me if I'm wrong, but what 3-x TT squad dies if it already has TWO APS DD in it? What kind of garbage people do you squad with for TT? Non rank9's/rank8's? ROFL

    -->Really are you a troll or are you going to present facts? Give me statistics, give me math. Come on archers where is your proof in numbers? Where is your formulas for disproving that a fist bm or a sin cant replace you!

    -->Unless somebody can present an argument grounded in logic this thread is doomed to Sin>Claw-Archer, Bm>Claw-Archer, Claw-Barb>Claw-Archer. Claw-Wizard>Claw-Archer.

    TL: DR Present facts, assuming I have no experience is the weakest argument I have ever had the misfortune of reading. Good day mates.
    Our time is coming, we cannot be stopped, soon the time of the wizard will be upon us and all shall know and fear us. we are a magical army of wizardry and death, cold and emotionless, we carry out our tasks without a conscience.
    ~Fiorrello_ - Raging Tide

    ^Wow he has no life.
    ~Menarin - Dreamweaver
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    :D this is turning into a good thread. b:cute

    As a caster it's hard to understand just how much DD a claw/fist user outputs. Even harder to wrap your mind around a 5.0 sin. On an HF a caster can crit, what, 40-90k on a boss. We look, we feel proud of it, we gloat internally. On that same HF a sin is critting 40k at 5 attacks per second. A BM or Archer may be critting 24-30k easily as well at 5 attacks per second. In that instant, literally, they are doing 5 times your damage.

    Claw Archers vs Bms
    Archers with Blood Vow are certainly useful, even on bosses that can't be STA'd (Vana for instance). Archers can easily handle mobs on the racist boss, flame bait for chicken, and purge the resist boss. Versus an unmarrowed BM, they have higher base magic resists so fire does not kill them quite as quickly.

    On WBs, FCC, or TT bosses, STA knocks 1/6 their hp. Fire arrow thingy does a lot on Water bosses.


    -->First I apologize for two posts in a row but I thought this one deserved my attention just a little bit more since, unlike the last posts, its view-point is refreshingly unique.

    -->I do understand the view of wow I can deal 200k damage and I feel accomplished, but no where in there did I ever claim I'm the one doing the most damage. Its a fact that when my Sin wife is in squad, she is the one steadily beating down the boss while I'm nothing more than glorified artillery. A 5.0 Bm or a Sin will always out DPS me no matter what even with sutra, even with 3 sparks, cloud eruption, sage chi skill, and Teas.

    -->In fact I never compared myself in the slightest to an APS class. Remember this thread isn't about me its about the Claw-Archer.

    -->I also fully understand the benefits an archer gives in a squad (which is why I always squad with one), but I don't understand this mindless zealotry of "every archer must be claws or gtfo" that everyone has for some reason. (Watch that part be ignored, I will lol so hard... well harder than I already am b:laugh)

    -->I don't know if you know the element list, but fire doesn't beat water its the other way around. Frostblade would give better DD on fire, and the fire buff better DD on metal mobs. But I won't hold a slight mistake like that against you, sometimes even I forget things.
    Our time is coming, we cannot be stopped, soon the time of the wizard will be upon us and all shall know and fear us. we are a magical army of wizardry and death, cold and emotionless, we carry out our tasks without a conscience.
    ~Fiorrello_ - Raging Tide

    ^Wow he has no life.
    ~Menarin - Dreamweaver
  • Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    @_blood_rain: Yes, Demon gets what 2% more crit rate with normals etc (from passives) and 10% when STA/Stun proc. Grats? Sage still crits, its not as if my current trash crit rate of 31% (Trash tome, etc) means I never crit. Demon Archer>Sage Archer(fixed) I assume thats a pretty accurate representation of crit rate. Note how a sage archer with a bow crits more than a demon with fists. Now note it again. You kill things slightly faster when sparked/when proc is active. I still like my longer stun and my infinite supply of chi for WoG/EA/Shell in TW tyvm (inb4clouderuptionandchipotsbecauseicanalsodothatandgetsagechigainaswell). Also sage BoA is great for non BB scenarios like tanking sins in TW. I recognize the advantages of demon when I see them (QS/Stun/STA foremost amongst them), yet it seems so difficult for a demon to recognize sage's advantages where they are.
    This is getting tedious. You should learn to condense your ideas, Im not your college professor I dont demand 8 pages per response. Most amazing is your ability to write a whole lot without saying anything at all, as again your argument is irrelevant to anything indicating a basic understanding of the issue.
    really? You meet other archers that use bows more frequently than claws on your server outside of pvp? Perhaps its just DW then that doesn't know that you can help a squad kill faster using some skills instead of just maximizing ones solo dps. Squad dps is pretty nice too (Undine+Sage frost arrow wins lol; veno amp too, aps people on my server shun all classes that arent sins/bms, even archers for the most part). Blessed be Sanctuary.
    Archers are great as is, and sure you may go 5.0 if you do so desire, but I still stick to my argument of why bother to go 5.0 on a toon that will never be the best at it. I mean, archers are really great as is with pure bow/dex builds, and really the only thing that will out dps them are aps exploited toons and sins, both things that are essentially cheat codes for a game that is easy enough without aps. I still enjoy sticking up for venos and other neglected classes and bringing them to Nirvy or wherever because I recognize that 2bms,2sins,an aps barb/archer and a cleric isnt the only way to do things. (inb4itwouldn'thavebeendesignedthatwayifitwasn'tintended).

    You said something about overkill not being necessary in those great walls of text before, yet your whole argument revolves around contradicting yourself because you still insist we make a whole different char just to "DPS MOAR"
    Also, is the argument for fist archers merely based on the fact they have -int on the rank top? If so, thats quite something. In my eyes bell and HF are at least as good as 2 pieces of -int gear so a 3.33 BM is fine with me (especially if multiple BMs time their HFs). Keep in mind that comes from the view that a demon archer can only slightly out DD me on bosses, and can't really do anything else terribly useful that I myself cannot do. My STA hits for more. My normals hit for more. Whenver QS/Stun/STA proc is inactive I hit for more. I have slightly more range. Sure, they buff me 200-300 more evasion, but what use is that. I stun longer and I can tank better out of BB. Hell, I even have chi to waste on Alacrity for the cleric. Perhaps from another classes eyes a demon archer really is more efficient for maximizing squad dps and not just their own...

    A 5 aps archer will outDD you. But demon archers can do much more terribly useful things than you. You know what was the most boring thing pre-easy rep era, watching a sage archer who isn't overgeared trying to kill someone, even someone who is afk. This "hits for more"argument is completely laughable but I'm not gonna tell you why. And anyway, judging by these posts all you do is tank BH, why don't you take your own advice and reroll in that case?
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    No I'm thinking this guy is a ******. You must be convinced we're all saying claw or GTFO, but no one even said that, or Kiyoshi, the pure bow user, would have replied to one of those posts already.

    Even worse saying Deicides can replace STA/BV...b:sweat

    Sorry but it's become extremely clear that you haven't touched endgame farming at all. You responded to my assertion that you've never done a real WB hunt by saying you DDed at WB from lvl 70...Anyways you can go figure out the distinction, I'm not going to bother with telling you how blind you are to the side of farming you'll never know about (nor get taken to).

    2aps is all that's needed for a fast squad...what kind of stupid claim is that? If that's the case the squad would be composed of one sword BM.

    Jokes aside, most farming squads are here to make the most efficient coin possible. That means they're not going to take extra baggage that contributes **** damage output and doesn't shorten the run. I never said 3-x squads have to be composed of 5 or all claw users. I just said 3-x squads need enough damage output, so it could just be 1 well-geared claw user and 1 some alts for buffs and to open. Some even have lvl 100 BM alts for HF slaves. What's the point of taking a claw archer when you can take blah blah blah? The claw archer could be the sole DD in the squad. b:bye
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    On an HF a caster can crit, what, 40-90k on a boss. We look, we feel proud of it, we gloat internally.

    I've seen a wizard with a +5-ish midnight black hit for 400k-ish on an hf.

    This kind of thing can be fun.
    A 5 aps archer will outDD you. But demon archers can do much more terribly useful things than you. You know what was the most boring thing pre-easy rep era, watching a sage archer who isn't overgeared trying to kill someone, even someone who is afk. This "hits for more"argument is completely laughable but I'm not gonna tell you why. And anyway, judging by these posts all you do is tank BH, why don't you take your own advice and reroll in that case?

    Sage with moderate crossbow, sage skills and zooming thunder should have good burst damage.


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