DQ Rewards and Facebook Connect Down [Resolved]



  • Lusitano_I - Heavens Tear
    Lusitano_I - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Let's see... when facebook connect and DQ rewards pages were down some time back it kept being said that the problem was being worked on and that they should be functional soon... but it took days!!! And now just some time after that problem, the exact same thing happens again. And once again we are told that the problem will be fixed on 12/4. And guess what? It's 13/4 already and everything is the same.

    Note that I'm not saying this is the GMs fault or whatsoever. Clearly there are only 2 possible explanations for this:
    1- plain incompetence from the technical staff that has no clue about what they are doing, which i think it's the most likely.
    2- PW is doing it on purpose for reasons such as checking the reaction of players to some changes (removal of medals or removal of jones blessing for instance), which I'd say it's a stupid move to do because there are limits to the amount of BS that players will take, and PW is doing a lot of it lately. PW wouldn't be the first game losing players and customers due to incompetence on analysing the players needs or expectations, as well as introducing changes to game system that end up ruining the game.

    So having said this I just need to add some irony and say "way to go PW, keep the good work!!!"
  • Cadeal - Dreamweaver
    Cadeal - Dreamweaver Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Let's see... when facebook connect and DQ rewards pages were down some time back it kept being said that the problem was being worked on and that they should be functional soon... but it took days!!! And now just some time after that problem, the exact same thing happens again. And once again we are told that the problem will be fixed on 12/4. And guess what? It's 13/4 already and everything is the same.

    Note that I'm not saying this is the GMs fault or whatsoever. Clearly there are only 2 possible explanations for this:
    1- plain incompetence from the technical staff that has no clue about what they are doing, which i think it's the most likely.
    2- PW is doing it on purpose for reasons such as checking the reaction of players to some changes (removal of medals or removal of jones blessing for instance), which I'd say it's a stupid move to do because there are limits to the amount of BS that players will take, and PW is doing a lot of it lately. PW wouldn't be the first game losing players and customers due to incompetence on analysing the players needs or expectations, as well as introducing changes to game system that end up ruining the game.

    So having said this I just need to add some irony and say "way to go PW, keep the good work!!!"

    Pwi likely got in trouble with their father company Wanmei for doing this, because, I'm not sure, but I dont think Pwmy has DQ points.
  • MinatoHokage - Lost City
    MinatoHokage - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    2nd Update 4-8-2011:

    Hey all, so it looks like we aren't going to be able to bring up these two pages again until we patch on 4/12 at the earliest, sorry about the inconvenience, but unfortunately we actually need a new patch to resolve the issue this time around.

    Thanks for your patience guys.

    ok for those of u saying they promised to have the dq page and the facebook connect pages back up by the 4/12 update read a little more it says the 4/12 patch AT THE EARLIEST not on that day but thats the earliest they would be able to get it back up so stop complaining and just wait
  • Zorantinez - Heavens Tear
    Zorantinez - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    M'kay, you asked for it.

    LFM people for a mob of raging players with pitchforks and shovels.
  • Babesend - Lost City
    Babesend - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wow, sure am glad I banked up half a dozen JB's and left them in my mail.
    So today when my Jones Blessing expires I just have to open my e-mail and equip a new one.

    I'm pretty sure when it comes back up there will be more people hoarding them up too. Wonder how much they are selling for?
  • Lexie_Angel - Dreamweaver
    Lexie_Angel - Dreamweaver Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well I hope it will be back up soon and cant wait to see whats going to be added in. Also to the people who QQ about those Medals being removed just stop you guys are acting like children. Oh boo-hoo they remove them now we have to find another way to get rank items for the medals. Tough Luck they had a reason why they removed them. b:cool
  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Kinda funny how they have BH lunar now instead of BH 3-3, now that peps can't get rank 9 there gonna go back to TT99. Gee guess what if it's not part of daily there will be less gold mats avail....Less gold mats means there Chips will sell cuz people will have to make them...You guys seeing how this has nothing to do with technical issue and has everything to do with them forcing you into a situation where you HAVE to buy instead of Trusting that Happy people will spend money.

    WE ARE NOT happy and I think your bottom line is gonna show what a dumb plan this really was. Alot of players quit and your trust is not repairable. There are still many on the fence that are waiting to see what your next move is <like me>.

  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well I hope it will be back up soon and cant wait to see whats going to be added in. Also to the people who QQ about those Medals being removed just stop you guys are acting like children. Oh boo-hoo they remove them now we have to find another way to get rank items for the medals. Tough Luck they had a reason why they removed them. b:cool

    your a twit.. read between the lines. He has less and less to do with medals and more and more to do with Health of this game, and the Devs complete and total lack of abbility, and communication.

    BTW Lets all say Server Merger. I think enough have quit that it will happen very soon.
  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wow, sure am glad I banked up half a dozen JB's and left them in my mail.
    So today when my Jones Blessing expires I just have to open my e-mail and equip a new one.

    I'm pretty sure when it comes back up there will be more people hoarding them up too. Wonder how much they are selling for?

    The fact that you could get like 9 of them a day was a bug..the ones with stacks of them are the ones just figured out how to click the back button on there browser<guilty>and resend it like 9 times.

    So yet again the only ones who gained was the ones that took advantage of the devs complete and total lack of ability.<not that I blame them>
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Bring Jones Blessing BACK!!!! I MISS IT =(
  • Justizzle - Heavens Tear
    Justizzle - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    yea i only read the forums when something stupid has happened. medals yea everyone has saved for them including me b:surrender. to the people who got rank 9 while u could grats but i like not not having to put money into the game and just sitting here working for my gear b:heart makes me appreciate it more =p. i do agree with lust though i believe they are just testing to see how many people they can liquidate b:surrender. lol and a month without anything in this pwi time hell i wouldnt mind going and zhenning again b:victory that was fun.
  • Justizzle - Heavens Tear
    Justizzle - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    OMFG LMAO its says im a level 71 wizard b:chuckle theres a bug cause im pretty sure i am 100 with r8 last time i checked b:laugh
  • Choze - Dreamweaver
    Choze - Dreamweaver Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    More than 12 hours after the patch, any chance of getting an update on why we still don't have theses features back ? b:sad
  • Venomincer - Sanctuary
    Venomincer - Sanctuary Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Why would they advertise in the announcement thingy before you log in about the Jones Blessing when there not even working... b:beatup

    And can we get a update? b:surrender
  • Flixix - Dreamweaver
    Flixix - Dreamweaver Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    they already said that the dq items are still beign counted you just cant GET the rewards right now

    @Googlemaster oh i know but i have a baby tiger for insiude instances anyways so all is well. i just want a pet i can use whilst im flying b:chuckle

    Ohh thank you :)
  • _Ink_ - Raging Tide
    _Ink_ - Raging Tide Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Okay, it's been a week now, PW. Get your **** together and put the DQ page back up already. b:surrender
  • terrorofseas
    terrorofseas Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    That's great PWI...you have released a new patch and no sign of the Jones Blessing yet... why had you implemented a button to not be used on the launcher???
  • jessegonzales
    jessegonzales Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    day after patch, they said it would be back up after the patch. well WHERE IS IT!? common. i havent even been able to use it once yet i would like to!
  • LordLevious - Raging Tide
    LordLevious - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I realise its frustrating, but stop being so rude guys. They're working on it.

    I didnt particularly like the comments about the medals, I mean, I was saving up DQ pts for a makeover scroll. There's more in it than just rep medals.

    Thanks PW Staff for your hard work, and hope to see it running smoothly again soon.
  • Thrashbarg - Dreamweaver
    Thrashbarg - Dreamweaver Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sorry, the entire brain pool of the Perfect World think tank is currently occupied with the onerous task of pricing the soon to be released "Glory Pack", "Spiritual Pack" and "God Pack".

    When these are released you will forget about the Jones Blessing entirely as you sell your remaining organs to finance packs, so you can have the chance to get the following items:

    Glory Pack - Chance to contain (non- tradeable) Medal of Glory! (sorry, we messed up the code so now all Medal of Glory are non-tradeable, we'll fix it someday, till then just buy more packs and open them yourself)

    Spiritual Pack - Chance to contain the new Celestial Cultivation Orb! Tired of all those Spiritual Cultivation quests taking valuable time away from your Frost runs and gold merchanting? Don't want to take the time to learn your class or build a character that can survive rebirth delta, but want your level 100 skills now!? Thanks to this pack, your pretty celestial fairy is just a click (or 20,000) away!

    God Pack - This pack is stolen straight from the armory of Pan-Gu himself! Among the other game breaking items in this pack is the fabled Scroll of Total World Domination! The lucky bearer of this scroll will be able to trade it in for a full set of Rank 9 or Nirvana gear, already sharded with Jade of Steady Defense and refined to +12!

    So go sell those organs, mortgage those homes, do whatever you gotta do to charge that zen and get these pixels!

    (on a slightly serious note, I don't think the GM's and Devs' paper cups are connected at the moment.... string is expensive in this economy)

    PS. yo PWI, got any openings in your advertising department? I got a ton of ideas like this.
    All the world's a game,
    And all the men and women merely gamers:
    They have their wipes and their rezzes;
    And one man in his time plays many alts.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If you want their attention, just make a new thread asking for updates. Surely they...or a mod....will lock it.b:laugh
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
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    -Master of Coffee-
  • Irdis - Sanctuary
    Irdis - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey all, we're having some technical issues with Facebook Connect and the DQ Rewards, and they've been brought down temporarily while we get them fixed. They are being worked on as we speak and we apologize for the inconvenience. They will be brought back up ASAP.

    Update 4-8-11:

    Hi guys, so this week's patch actually changed some aspects of the way that items are sent to player mailboxes, and that's why these two pages are non-functional right now. We are working on it and we will bring than back up as soon as we possibly can.

    2nd Update 4-8-2011:

    Hey all, so it looks like we aren't going to be able to bring up these two pages again until we patch on 4/12 at the earliest, sorry about the inconvenience, but unfortunately we actually need a new patch to resolve the issue this time around.

    Thanks for your patience guys.

    now, I knew that you guys are not gonna do anything about this in 1 week patch, because you said that 4/12 would be earliest you possibly could fix it.... meaning that you think it will take you longer than that -_-; ok, PWI can say bye bye to my cash untill they get it fixed and issue with medals solved in a satisfactory manner for us b:bye
  • liamhallett86#4514
    liamhallett86#4514 Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    pwi dont care lol they are beast
  • Choze - Dreamweaver
    Choze - Dreamweaver Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I realise its frustrating, but stop being so rude guys. They're working on it.

    I didnt particularly like the comments about the medals, I mean, I was saving up DQ pts for a makeover scroll. There's more in it than just rep medals.

    Thanks PW Staff for your hard work, and hope to see it running smoothly again soon.

    Although I somewhat agree with what you're saying, th epoint you seem to be missing is simply this: They don't bother to communicate!

    Time & time again the playerbase has informed the staff we just want to have some form of communication when things like this occur. Last note was that at the earliest it would have been fixed with last nights patch. Well patch came and went, nothing works, and still no new update.

    Simply putting a new post up saying: "due to unforseen issues last night's patch did not fix the issue, but we are stll working it", would actually stop alot of the flaming posts from appearing on the forums.

    Instead they just ignore us leaving the impression that they might not even have looked to see if it's working again, or even worse, simply don't care.

    Public realtions = Essentail for satisfied customers. You'd be amazed how easy it is to keep people satisfied when things go wrong, if you simply let them in on the problems at hand, instead of saying nothing because you don't have the answer they want to hear.
  • JennyBlazes - Harshlands
    JennyBlazes - Harshlands Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I realise its frustrating, but stop being so rude guys. They're working on it.

    I didnt particularly like the comments about the medals, I mean, I was saving up DQ pts for a makeover scroll. There's more in it than just rep medals.

    Thanks PW Staff for your hard work, and hope to see it running smoothly again soon.

    * Hands you a tissue to wipe brown stinky stuff off your nose.*
    I mean seriously, GIVE US OUR FACKIN JONES BACK!!!!
  • Zapphy - Archosaur
    Zapphy - Archosaur Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No jones blessings mean no PW in my FB (aka no free advertisement) and certainly no more cash shopping till jones blessings r back. Yes yes they dont care about 1 person doing this but if we all do it we will get results!
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    Update 4-13-11

    Entering final testing now, these should hopefully be back up today if all goes well.

    Just wondering, if you can answer, are we getting the "2 new rare items" since the medals were taken out, after the page is established?
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Juriana - Heavens Tear
    Juriana - Heavens Tear Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Although I somewhat agree with what you're saying, th epoint you seem to be missing is simply this: They don't bother to communicate!

    Time & time again the playerbase has informed the staff we just want to have some form of communication when things like this occur. Last note was that at the earliest it would have been fixed with last nights patch. Well patch came and went, nothing works, and still no new update.

    Simply putting a new post up saying: "due to unforseen issues last night's patch did not fix the issue, but we are stll working it", would actually stop alot of the flaming posts from appearing on the forums.

    Instead they just ignore us leaving the impression that they might not even have looked to see if it's working again, or even worse, simply don't care.

    Public realtions = Essentail for satisfied customers. You'd be amazed how easy it is to keep people satisfied when things go wrong, if you simply let them in on the problems at hand, instead of saying nothing because you don't have the answer they want to hear.

    I whole heartedly agree with this. I'm more frustrated by the lack of information than the downtime on the blessing and reward pages.
  • sunshineqt
    sunshineqt Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    To all the ppl that are pickin on those who are frustrated about this whole dq mess... its not just about the item... its the principle of wasting one of the most valuable and priceless items of all... TIME..... and its been wasted over an over.. its not about rank9 or about 50 event points, we all kno that can be achieved other ways but really, the time an energy, hours an coins spent to get those points are wasted with no warning or compensation of any sort, an to make it worse other things are being affected as well which puts everyone out even more -.- your probly one of those rich kids who has mommy an daddy pay for everything instead of workin for it, so probly why u dont care at all.....
  • Sirsmokealot - Raging Tide
    Sirsmokealot - Raging Tide Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Anni blessing was sent to an alt account of mine so the sending items through in game mail is possible now.

    Has been fixed though so you can no longer transfer them... Not that this is what I was doing b:shutup
    02/07/2011 - Lost paitence with PWI sold all my gear bought packs and wasted my coin till it was gone... goodbye PWI b:bye