DQ Rewards and Facebook Connect Down [Resolved]



  • kenpachikensai
    kenpachikensai Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So you guys have to patch it the 12th of april .-. aka this tuesday. but cannot patch it like right now?

    I remember when you guys did a emmergency maint with patch on a friday or was thursday, but only to put more packs in sale >_>
  • Tigriss_o - Raging Tide
    Tigriss_o - Raging Tide Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No need to fix the DQ page if you're not putting metals back in there. ijs

    Dont ruin it for everyone else because your butthurt about the medals. I use a bunch of the other stuff in the Reward list.
  • Darkwound - Harshlands
    Darkwound - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sorry this damn thing has broke how many times now? Whats the point it seems it spends more time down then up. And seems to be more trouble then the items are worth.
  • Nael - Dreamweaver
    Nael - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sorry this damn thing has broke how many times now? Whats the point it seems it spends more time down then up. And seems to be more trouble then the items are worth.

    Lol what "trouble" does it give you to NPC DQ items? Instead of not picking them up at all you are picking them up, NPCing them for some coins, and receive points to exchange for free goodies on top of it.

    If you think they shouldn't have it at all then don't use it and pretend it's not there. I happen to prefer having it than not having it at all, tyvm. b:bye
  • Aowenn - Archosaur
    Aowenn - Archosaur Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I wonder if they will start adding Dragon Orders to the list as it takes, like, 20 years just to get 1 order. Also bring back the blessing things that give 4k exp/1k spirit
  • Promivius - Dreamweaver
    Promivius - Dreamweaver Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I wonder if they will start adding Dragon Orders to the list as it takes, like, 20 years just to get 1 order. Also bring back the blessing things that give 4k exp/1k spirit

    Depends on which order you refer to really.

    Copper order = 1 quest if you see it through.
    Silver order = 50 run of the Level 43 Dragon Quest if you do it consistently and if you dont get a silver you will get copper.
    However the chance of getting silvers go up with higher levels of the Dragon Quest (or so I read about it)
    Gold order I have no clue simply as I lack any high character to even try.

    To put it differently:
    I grinded out 2 "Fine Pataka of Bodhi molds" within 3 months tops.. 20 years.. not likely
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • TunaRoll - Lost City
    TunaRoll - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Its real funny that DQ page and blessing pages go down as soon as crapy new event comes out.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So.... if you are going to leave Jones' Blessing broken for this long how about going back to more than one a day for people with numerous alts, so that we can actually get them their blessings again without having to go over a period of like 9 days. Ijs.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842
  • Lionki - Lost City
    Lionki - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    fault= can we have 2x back b:dirty
  • MykoDeviant - Lost City
    MykoDeviant - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    someone asked if the DQ points we are now NPC'ing are being tracked, if page is down, should we hold onto them or keep turning them in? (don't know about you guys, but im gettin a raptor, medals be damned!) b:sad
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Frankie's already stated that DQ points will still accumulate even while the page is down.

    However, those who doubt this will work (and you should considering how reliable things are around here) will probably wait til it's back up to work on their DQ points.
  • GodsDeath - Lost City
    GodsDeath - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i think people need to stop wanting things given to them so easily
  • ashleymarieply08
    ashleymarieply08 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ok want to fill us in on what is your intent with the medals now they gone from DQ points?
    Rank 9 gear seems further and further away from reaching that goal :((((
  • Wunderkind - Dreamweaver
    Wunderkind - Dreamweaver Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i think people need to stop wanting things given to them so easily

    You call grinding for 5 hours for 1 medal GIVING TO EASILY?!?!? GTFO b:bye
    Currently: pwcalc.com/b4c92dacf1da8c21
  • Nareeah - Lost City
    Nareeah - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    someone asked if the DQ points we are now NPC'ing are being tracked, if page is down, should we hold onto them or keep turning them in? (don't know about you guys, but im gettin a raptor, medals be damned!) b:sad

    frankie said NPCd DQs still count
    so i hold it on ur word frankie b:shocked
  • sethh
    sethh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wtf Morons Bring It Back ! Now ... Do I Need To Tell How To Do Your Jobs ...?
    b:pleasedI'm ignorant :)
  • xuelian
    xuelian Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    hope DQ page will get back soon`````````b:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrenderb:cry
  • _Jaysun_ - Heavens Tear
    _Jaysun_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If you don't put medals back in might as well not even put the worthless thing back up.

    I just want to say that this sentence is the only sentence that matters on this forum at the moment.
  • Endofdark - Lost City
    Endofdark - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    well make a way to get medals, like trade mystery chips for general summer tokens, trade something from dq point system so we can trade in for a medal where ppl can sell it. then that sloves the glitching issue and the distatisfaction
  • lastdefinition
    lastdefinition Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Please put the medals back before tons of people quit the game.

    Hehe i already quited cause of that,

    i used to buy and sell dq's as only last way left to earn some coins,
    now that they have taken that away too i decided to quit,
    i am just to tired finding another way to earn coins all the time,
    while devs keep on taking these out anyway so more ppl buy gold
  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    When that page comes back up, those medals better be on there or a lot of people will leave, myself included

  • sam00000
    sam00000 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    after medals gone from dqrewards all goes rong and now hear no fun lol.
    cant make now r9 so ready for leave game. its realy sucks.
  • soylentgreen79
    soylentgreen79 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i just want the blessing back...

    that couldnt be so hard...

    but i guess they dont want to work on that...
  • unaro
    unaro Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    sam00000 wrote: »
    after medals gone from dqrewards all goes rong and now hear no fun lol.
    cant make now r9 so ready for leave game. its realy sucks.

    Yeah... it really sucks. I could've grabed those medals long ago, I had the dragon points... and now I would have the R9... but guess what? they loose money cause it's not only me that ain't charging a damn cent on pwi. I know 3 people farming dragon points for the full set R9... ready to buy the chips! and now gone. We lost? yeah... but we still have R8 wep that we can refine and the status Nirvana can give us! So... who's really loosing here? PVP fun messed by R9? I have seen Nirvana and even OHT chars beat the hell up of R9!

    Anyway, Medals are gone... I thought of leaving... but I'm only getting the game for the game now. No more zen. They loose.
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i tell ya

    the quantity of doo-doo rolling down the pipe is pretty overwhelming at this moment in time.

    let's review:

    -the standard old bugs are all still there, still irritating
    -i decomposed fc feet..for gold feet mat, well now some mats arent in game ..got fckd on making something
    -im farming for l87 robes, since there really isnt **** in the game until wing trophy. maybe i can make something i want to use. so i spend lots of mob shooting time.
    DC=death....my farmer has now seen L88.6% 3 times..that blows
    DC death is my way of life...l87 was 6 dc deaths.. and my res scroll failed..exp+scroll GONE lol..
    -long range plans were also R9 with the dq help..the massive cash is srs enough chore..justhaving the R9 parts available was enough to go for it. now im like the raptor guy, *** it im dying clothes and buying w/e i fckn feel like at the moment. i got nowhere to go.
    -even **** like warsoul power weapons are so far out of reach yet they arent light years superior to some r9/nirvana stuff, except regular peeps could get those if theywere only maybe 2bill to get..6billion+ has to be the most reetaarded number ever conceived. and their overwhelming mfring of so many of them proves it (ie, sarcasm for doubtful if anyone has made one)
    -whatever the heck pw is doing with tw, it doesnt matter. there is now an elite set of players who got in under the wire. going up against them is nothing but waste of money and R9 bootprints in your back. this elite group will quickly reown the map. i see nothing changing

    -i got a jones blessing each of the 2 days befor it got taken down. after i ordered one, the message came up saying ive exceeded daily limit, come back tomorrow. and my one jones showed up in the mail each day. go to go back the nextday, site is down.
    that page was working just fine right before it got taken down. just makes you wonder.
    at least i have 2 weeks of jones left, although imma save last one as a souvenier from something we used to have. pro tip: get yer *** to the schoolteacher, everday..u can count on her (well unless the server gets 2 days behind..fcn fail every which way i turn dang)

    and there is stuff im sure im not even aware of...

    there is either gross incompetence at play here OR there are very definite plans for the future, and none of the player base is going to like them in the slightest. esp the poor schmecks who sold their cars n sht. the way things are handled and the results arrived at..jst dont add up...W....T....F?

    edit: o wait...i'm NOT dying clothes..forgot, that webpage is fubar'd too. lolfailBUTconsistent
  • xxkillersinxx
    xxkillersinxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    maybe they will work if you put the medals back..... b:surrender

    Agree b:sad
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited April 2011
    ....o wait...i'm NOT dying clothes..forgot, that webpage is fubar'd too. lolfailBUTconsistent

    I'm curious about this one. What webpage pertains to dying clothes?

    Also you forget to mention that new updates bring back old bugs that were previously fixed.

    I think most of it has to do with the fact that the original develpoers of the game aren't around anymore, and the ones that are around now, have no clue about how the original code works. (This is easily noted by comparing the movement of trees in any older area with the trees in the new Earthguard lands. we didn't notice with Rising Tide because they don't have trees but giant mushrooms instead.)
  • Divinie - Heavens Tear
    Divinie - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Funny how they bring it down as a rep sale hits. I think its going to be down till the sale is over and if that is the case I will see you all next month. >< I had saved and saved so I could get the 50 event gold. Right when Im 2k from the goal its been shut down for almost a week. ,,!,, PWI
  • Edyn - Dreamweaver
    Edyn - Dreamweaver Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hi everyone,

    This news makes me kinda sad, not cause the pages are down but the whole flaming that follows after it.
    Before any1 starts replying to what I say plz take in mind that I dont mean it in any bad way.
    It sucks that the page is down, thats true. I also do not like it, I was saving for the event gold as well just as Divinie said here. (porbably a fashion-addict to^^)
    And as far as the medals, well I can believe it sucks as well if you were aiming for that to. But maybe we should be aim our anger towards the ppl who found a way to change the bounded ones to unbounded ones. That aint fair to and maybe hurts the community alot more then taking them out of DQpage. If ppl would behave then maybe these things wouldnt have to happen. Anyways, why not go on merchanting and selling DQ's and go back to earning the medals like ppl did before.
    I gotta say I like the DQ system alot, its free stuff!
    Its just sad that we ppl dont always praise the good things as much as we flame towards the lesser ones.
    Im sure the gm's are working to reach a compromise somewhere that balances everything out, lets wait and give them some time to figure things out instead of beeing angry, you'll feel much better to!
    Ty Silvychar b:thanks
  • Kurerikku - Dreamweaver
    Kurerikku - Dreamweaver Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Yeah, there's no point in DQ without medals because nobody wants those lame event sage/demon cards and mysterious chips/rep badges. They are entirely worthless, am i right? and all the other stuff I'm failing to mention is useless and nobody needs them.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]True clerics go HA! b:chuckleb:victory