Guide: Demon vs Sage

ArchAngeLi - Harshlands
ArchAngeLi - Harshlands Posts: 285 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Mystic
DISCLAIMER: before you come with your QQ, you should know that this "guide" is biased. I like Sage and I support sage. Read at your own risk.

Me, at the moment. Sage.

After many people asking for this I decided I should state some opinions. I've experienced Mystic to its full on CN version and now that it has come to PWI I'm still loving it.

It has been stated repeatedly that Mystics are a mixture of classes and that they should never excell at anything bla bla bla. Whatever our beloved Mystics are, you have to make a choice here:

b)DD&Support all terrain (I think Mystic belong here, no matter what you say)

Some people went demon and they did because of the following reasons
-spark - chan
-res - 100% HP recovery
-petals - 4 min
-bramble tornado - 1m more


EDIT: Demon Verdant shell's add on is comfirmed to act as the skill Focused Mind from Assasins, you have 20% chance to neglect any damaging skills for idk how many secs after rebuffing.

Demon seems to be good for TW purposes cause of the res buff, ur friends will come back with 100% hp, ur petail will last longer and all... Let's consider both sage/demon res are nice since they don't tick charms. Still, not enough for me to choose demon though.

If you choose a full channeling build (not expensive at all really) you'll be at 42%. Demon sparked you'll be at what... 62%ish? talk about glitching randomly while you are casting your skills? Other than that, you mostly triple spark on TW / PvP to either finish off someone or to purify a deadly debuff you have. Do you really need the extra channeling? What do you need the channeling for? for Nature's Vengeance??? really??? maybe Absorb Soul, but either way you have a different role than nuking people.

Plus, you'll be pot / cloud eruption dependant. Also I like how demon aoe heal gives purify, thats just LOL

Petals CHANCE of extended duraton is nice, but then again its "up to 4 min", people keep thinking you wont have to renew your petals for 4 minutes which is LOL, so you can't depend on it. It's a life saver skill but it's so unpredictable that i can't really rely on it. Bramble tornado? seriously? 1 more meter? Your main enemy in TW/PvP will be archers and if that knockback works, pushing him back for 1 meter wont make a difference, since the skill range isn't that long.

I almost forgot about thicket's amplify damage proc, but unless you pop an ironguard or use absolute domain, run around a bunch of enemies and thicket them... (which is actually a BM role with roar/dg combo)... and then HOPE to amp them... I think it's not reason enough to choose demon. In my personal opinion, that's like choosing a sage archer because "take aim does more damage, metal debuff lasts longer, barrage gives you damage reduction and sharpen tooth arrow is 20% hp reduction" lol


Call me biased but there are several reasons why Sage outshines Demon. Even though this is a guide, demon has too many downsides. Sage is more verstaile, you can switch from suppport to attack and back again without risk.

You get A LOT of free chi for constant AoE. Think, other than Nature's Vengeance, what other attack do you spam? Swirliing Mist? seriously? Absorb Soul with his long *** casting time? You use your 2 AoEs... and they ACTUALLY come in handy when eithe single or few melee enemies come at you and try to aps you to death. You better have enogh pdef to survive. That's why you choose a good defense build. Gale force is also nicer, so is Thicket, both give you more damage and OHEY what you need for those skills? chi? the kind of chi you get every minute with sage?...

Anyway, Sage gives you also LESS MANA USAGE, yes, you wont be eating that much mana after all, not only that, if you switch to support mode, you'll have purify on a skill that you actually use a lot in PvE and maybe in PvP too.

More damage on all skills (starting from Wood Mastery, then Nature's Vengeance, and then Thicket which is SUPPOSED to be our ULTIMATEROFLMAWTFBBQ attack). Verdant Shell gives you more P.Def... oh, hey, maybe that extra p.def is useful... I don't know... do you? Sage Energy Leach gives you a longer anti stun and that is always nice for either a OMFGTFOHERE escape or ironguard on the last second

Anyway, I hope you choose what suits you, it's a matter of wheter you want to be full attack or an all-terrain-class which is basically what Mystics are supposed to be in my opinion.Both paths are good, but I like and thinSageis MUch BETTER.

EDIT: Removed pw calcs, they ended up being the same.
Post edited by ArchAngeLi - Harshlands on


  • Myrrmidonna - Dreamweaver
    Myrrmidonna - Dreamweaver Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I do agree.

    I have chosen my mystic to go sage already, just after the s/d skill versions were first posted. Demon doesn't seem to suit the support-supporter side of the mystie's gameplay that I'm going to concentrate on. I can even hardly think of a playstyle that would benefit more of demon than of sage, which I don't like - I like the variety and balance in game.

    (Quite the oposite for veno - while I love, and will follow, the demon path for my trixty debuffer/support/both-forms gamestyle, I can very well see the use of the sage path, and the areas where it is supperior than my choice - demon)

    Really, I find it rather silly to make the two paths so better-and-worse, not equal-but-different as I would say they ought to be.

    On the other hand I feel sorry for all of those who could/would see demon fitting their gamestyle better, and ending up hearing 'booo-fail-myst!'. Somehow people tend not to remember that the majority's choice =/= the one and only right path...
    Myrrmidonna, 8x Trickster b:sin
    Eskarinne, 5x Summoner b:cute

    It is not the destination that makes the journey worthwhile...
  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i still love demon. both paths are equally good in my eyes. you may not think you want more casting with demon spark + rapid growth and even casting gear, but if your going to spark+rapid growth, why spam NV? i spam absorb soul, which hits a billion times harder lol, and doesnt get "bugged" or whichever you mentioned.

    for me, chi isnt a problem as demon. you didnt mention that break in the clouds is a great way to earn chi back. the skill casts so fast its no trouble spamming it a bit. also, who cares if you use a pharmacy pot or genie for chi? thats what theyre made for. I also dont care about using more MP as demon. thats what 75 MP pots were made for also.

    I would also like to know where you are seeing this Nature Vengeance giving more DMG? because last time i checked, it was the demon version that gave 600 more dmg than sage. which was another reason why i chose demon, our main spam attack has a better dmg output.

    but the REAL main reason i chose demon was because i look at the reality of my characters. i dont have the best gears, and i dont plan on getting every demon skill. i look at the skills that im most likely to get and how many would benefit me from those. demon resurrect is cool, but if its gunna cost me a fortune to buy, im not likely not getting it. sage thicket may be better, but my thicket will probably just stay at level 10 anyways.

    the only skill that made me even think about going sage was break in the clouds, and possibly thicket. but i would rather pick the path that has the more skill add ons that i like, which for me i am sacrificing 3 skill add ons from sage (which 2 im likely not going to afford or bother getting anyways) i like, over 6 or so from choosing demon.
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver
    EmeryFlower - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have been wondering what I'll be going at 89... if I can ever get there >>;
    I wanted sage because I've never been in brim before, but that's not a good reason to pick it. xD I hardly glanced at the demon/sage skills yet since it's way too early to even really bother with it, but I think this thread kinda cleared up the confusion in my head. I'm definitely going sage now, especially since I'm not really into TW and PvP, which you seemed to imply that demon was mainly for. I like being offensive, but I don't mind going defensive sometimes, especially if the cleric is subpar >_>

    Happily forum married to Zannie again. >:O Haters gonna hate
  • yordravia
    yordravia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It seems demon is better for tw, so is my choice since i only care about this.

    Was thinking about the Resurrect. When the target rises what happens, the demon effect or the charm is activated first? This is crucial to see how good is this skill.

    Petals is a main skill, 4 min is awesome to buff everyone before advance. 1 min is not enough.

    Gain a good amonut of chi with genie, Break in the Clouds and the summons.

    Demon Gale Forces and Energy Leech are really impressive.

    I like a few of the sage effects, but none of them are ubber omfg. The best ones are Wood Mastery(demon is not so great but really good), Nature's Vengeance(great but Demon Break in the Clouds is better for a support character), Thicket(only +375 on a char defm = 0, good but not amazing), Energy Leech(demon is better) and Verdant Shell(effect overrated).

    I have four 10X characters, 3 sages(wf, psy, sin) and 1 demon(ep). Mystic will be the fifth and was the easiest one to choose.
  • Mysticarella - Lost City
    Mysticarella - Lost City Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    When I saw the skills for sage/demon I found Demon more suitable for my playstyle, and thats what I ended up going for. I liked a lot some of the sage skills but the overall demon was better for me. The basic damage skill, NV takes more damage and that the one you use more of all no matter what you can argue about it; better HP rez is a saver in FC, GV etc especially for cleric; and more channeling which is very important nowadays with 5 aps mania. In PvP channeling is a key to win or loose, doesnt matter if you have more pdef or not, if you are not quick enough to spam skills, you are dead before you leech and thicket. Then in PvE I found awesome that break in the clouds gives lots of chi and if I want to purify I use comforting mist that purifies everyone in my squad...and...has more chances to purify then sage break in the clouds.
    Im not trying to say the demon is better, just saying that is better for me...b:victory
  • Ephemera - Raging Tide
    Ephemera - Raging Tide Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This doesn't seem much of a guide highlighting the reasons to go sage or demon as it does a "go sage, because demon sucks." Seriously, you listed like, no reasons to go demon, because apparently all demon skills are useless in your eyes.

    I'm going sage myself, but if you're going to make a guide on demon/sage, it should at least list the pros and cons of each--not be totally one-sided. As it was, you listed the pros of going demon, then listed why each of those reasons aren't worth it, while ignoring any cons there might be to going sage.
  • ArchAngeLi - Harshlands
    ArchAngeLi - Harshlands Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i still love demon. both paths are equally good in my eyes. you may not think you want more casting with demon spark + rapid growth and even casting gear, but if your going to spark+rapid growth, why spam NV? i spam absorb soul, which hits a billion times harder lol, and doesnt get "bugged" or whichever you mentioned.

    I agree, as I said, Mystics are very versatile. It's a matter of preference really. Anyway, I still feel more comfy with sage b:kiss
    yordravia wrote: »
    It seems demon is better for tw, so is my choice since i only care about this.

    Was thinking about the Resurrect. When the target rises what happens, the demon effect or the charm is activated first? This is crucial to see how good is this skill.

    Petals is a main skill, 4 min is awesome to buff everyone before advance. 1 min is not enough.

    I like a few of the sage effects, but none of them are ubber omfg. The best ones are Wood Mastery(demon is not so great but really good), Nature's Vengeance(great but Demon Break in the Clouds is better for a support character), Thicket(only +375 on a char defm = 0, good but not amazing), Energy Leech(demon is better) and Verdant Shell(effect overrated).

    1) EDITED. Charm doesnt' activate with lvl 10 res buff, let alone lvl 11.
    2) Petals duration is UP to 4 mins. Unpredictable as a cleric sleep.
    3) You mentioned 6 skills hehe, thats more than a few xD
    When I saw the skills for sage/demon I found Demon more suitable for my playstyle, and thats what I ended up going for. I liked a lot some of the sage skills but the overall demon was better for me.

    Then in PvE I found awesome that break in the clouds gives lots of chi and if I want to purify I use comforting mist that purifies everyone in my squad...and...has more chances to purify then sage break in the clouds.
    Im not trying to say the demon is better, just saying that is better for me...b:victory

    Yup, with Mystic is about what's better for you. And btw... Comforting heals less, takes more channeling and eats much more mana than BiTC.

    Anyway, ty for reading, ty for your replies b:victory
  • Kimmahri - Harshlands
    Kimmahri - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm going sage myself, but if you're going to make a guide on demon/sage, it should at least list the pros and cons of each--not be totally one-sided. As it was, you listed the pros of going demon, then listed why each of those reasons aren't worth it, while ignoring any cons there might be to going sage.

    How about you think about the cons for yourself and post them?

    I like when people leaves the thinking and research to other people. I for one don't see any con of going sage yet. Uhm... I agree with has been posted, but seriously, I can't think of any reason NOT to go sage. Sage Rapid Growth glitched and doesn't proc maybe? well they will probably fix that next week.
  • Martincito - Heavens Tear
    Martincito - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    yordravia wrote: »

    I like a few of the sage effects, but none of them are ubber omfg. The best ones are Wood Mastery(demon is not so great but really good), Nature's Vengeance(great but Demon Break in the Clouds is better for a support character), Thicket(only +375 on a char defm = 0, good but not amazing), Energy Leech(demon is better) and Verdant Shell(effect overrated)

    1)Sage break in the clouds is better for support since you may purify.
    2)Thicket.. lol wut?
    3)Energy leech: for sage +3sec of immune... for demon 50% to increase movement speed by 60%.. i think sage is better, on those 3sec you can avoid a stun or freeze, so sage is better imo.
    4) Verdant shell: ofc sage is better, since our evasion is like... too low :S
  • ArchAngeLi - Harshlands
    ArchAngeLi - Harshlands Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    In PvP channeling is a key to win or loose, doesnt matter if you have more pdef or not, if you are not quick enough to spam skills, you are dead before you leech and thicket.

    Actually, with the inclusion or Rank 9 in PW International... you can't overlook your defenses too unless you wanna be a 1 shot for the rest of your playing life. Notice how R9 benefits attack / defense levels instead of channeling / interval? Check R8 for Earthguards, starting to give out Attck/Def lvl % increase
  • Mysticarella - Lost City
    Mysticarella - Lost City Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Actually, with the inclusion or Rank 9 in PW International... you can't overlook your defenses too unless you wanna be a 1 shot for the rest of your playing life. Notice how R9 benefits attack / defense levels instead of channeling / interval? Check R8 for Earthguards, starting to give out Attck/Def lvl % increase

    1 more reason to go for more channeling, since you getting pdef from gear anyways b:thanks
  • ArchAngeLi - Harshlands
    ArchAngeLi - Harshlands Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1 more reason to go for more channeling, since you getting pdef from gear anyways b:thanks

    Since when you get pdef from gear? I thought only TT90 green pants gave pdef...
    You get pdef from ornaments lol Cube/Warsong, Nirvana hat, Lunar Ring, Cloudcharger cape / wing Trophy. Good luck relyin on pdef from gear (armor). 60 defense levels and 1k pdef much?
  • Mysticarella - Lost City
    Mysticarella - Lost City Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Since when you get pdef from gear? I thought only TT90 green pants gave pdef...
    You get pdef from ornaments lol Cube/Warsong, Nirvana hat, Lunar Ring, Cloudcharger cape / wing Trophy. Good luck relyin on pdef from gear (armor). 60 defense levels and 1k pdef much?

    I dont think we are talking about the same thing...b:bye
  • Iseria - Harshlands
    Iseria - Harshlands Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I dont think we are talking about the same thing...b:bye

    you write pdef she replies pdef how about you shut up and let people who actually think talk.

    btw I still can't think of a downside of going sage. also you can go sage and still get interval gear, it's not like you are missing channeling just because you don't have demon spark. You actually don't 3 spark often in PvP lol
  • Mysticarella - Lost City
    Mysticarella - Lost City Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    you write pdef she replies pdef how about you shut up and let people who actually think talk.

    btw I still can't think of a downside of going sage. also you can go sage and still get interval gear, it's not like you are missing channeling just because you don't have demon spark. You actually don't 3 spark often in PvP lol

    OMG so much hate...b:shocked Why sage mystics hate Demons?? LOL

    I too dont see a down side on demons, and...10% extra from rapid grown and 25% attack speed from spark is a lot more...

    IJS demon works better for me....
  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    OMG so much hate...b:shocked Why sage mystics hate Demons?? LOL

    I too dont see a down side on demons, and...10% extra from rapid grown and 25% attack speed from spark is a lot more...

    IJS demon works better for me....
    i agree, i feel a lot of hate towards demons lol. and not just in this topic. ive shouted to buy demon books on world and ive got replies like "lol demon mystic lool" like wtf? its not like i am a sage sin or something.. lol. there is absolutely nothing wrong with demons, or sages for that matter. some people may like sage more, and some people like demon more.

    only thing that urks me is that this topic is totally dissing demons, and seems to be trying to convince everyone to go sage.
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • Mysticarella - Lost City
    Mysticarella - Lost City Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    only thing that urks me is that this topic is totally dissing demons, and seems to be trying to convince everyone to go sage.

    agreed, he starts saying pros of demons then takes all away saying that is not worth it. Then sage is all pros... kind of funny tho...
  • RouxLouka - Dreamweaver
    RouxLouka - Dreamweaver Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This is an awful guide.

    Thicket is based on weapon damage. Wood Mastery doesn't affect it at all. You can spark and buff all you want, the damage from it is going to be the same.

    Demon Bramble Tornado and Gale Force gives 1m more range than sage versions.

    Demon Verdant Shell. Someone needs to confirm whether what mooy said is true or not. The defense difference isn't even that big. It's like 50-100 points of extra defense total. Not even enough to increase your resistances by 1%. Even if you decide to wear heavy armor, the 10% is negligible since you already have a ton of defense.

    It doesn't matter if demon res ticks charms or not, it is still better for pve. 90% of pve players rarely wear charms. Starting off with 100% hp is better to not get one shotted right away. Especially when they can't be healed or buffed at all while they have the invincibility bubble. A 7% difference in exp loss isn't that big of a deal, you are still losing exp regardless and hypering fc isn't all that hard.

    </3 All packs/Awful community.
  • Kimmahri - Harshlands
    Kimmahri - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This is an awful guide.

    Thicket is based on weapon damage. Wood Mastery doesn't affect it at all. You can spark and buff all you want, the damage from it is going to be the same.

    Demon Bramble Tornado and Gale Force gives 1m more range than sage versions.

    Demon Verdant Shell. Someone needs to confirm whether what mooy said is true or not. The defense difference isn't even that big. It's like 50-100 points of extra defense total. Not even enough to increase your resistances by 1%. Even if you decide to wear heavy armor, the 10% is negligible since you already have a ton of defense.

    It doesn't matter if demon res ticks charms or not, it is still better for pve. 90% of pve players rarely wear charms. Starting off with 100% hp is better to not get one shotted right away. Especially when they can't be healed or buffed at all while they have the invincibility bubble. A 7% difference in exp loss isn't that big of a deal, you are still losing exp regardless and hypering fc isn't all that hard.

    Your arguments are so strong that I'll go switch culti to demon right now.
    oh, btw, clerics sage res is better or PvE, let's roll a cleric instead.
  • RouxLouka - Dreamweaver
    RouxLouka - Dreamweaver Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    oh, btw, clerics sage res is better or PvE, let's roll a cleric instead.
    You should. We don't need any more mystics. Clerics and barbs are lacking.

    And another thought about thicket, each thicket hits 4x times. If the first one activates amp, then other 3 hits will hit more than sage version would alone.

    </3 All packs/Awful community.
  • Asthariel - Dreamweaver
    Asthariel - Dreamweaver Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I don't "hate" demons, but honestly I can't see any advantage in the demon skills for Mystics. Sage has all the effects I've always hoped for :o So yeah, I'm Sage and very proud of it and plan on getting all those wonderful skillbooks :D
    Also, I totally agree with the OP.
  • ArchAngeLi - Harshlands
    ArchAngeLi - Harshlands Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    You should. We don't need any more mystics. Clerics and barbs are lacking.

    And another thought about thicket, each thicket hits 4x times. If the first one activates amp, then other 3 hits will hit more than sage version would alone.

    This was a common misconception in PW CN. They all hit once at the same time, hence why sometimes it freezes the connection and the video render. The proc is done AFTER, unlike STA which effect is the skill itself "Reduce HP by 16-20% and deal damage". Thicket is hit plus a chance to xxxx.

    Also, in the code, this formula woulnd't be correct if damage was dealt one after the other.

    Damage = [attack damage]x(([attack level]-[defense level])/100)

    Still have to test wheter thicket benefits completely from other amps. So far it benefits from 56% of attack levels.


    Oh yeah, I didn't mean to start a demon-hate thread lol srry. I dun "hate" o.o
  • yordravia
    yordravia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1) Charm activates no matter what sadly. Tested this in CN and in Dreamweaver server.
    2) Petals duration is UP to 4 mins. Unpredictable as a cleric sleep.
    3) You mentioned 6 skills hehe, thats more than a few xD
    1) I'm so sad =/
    2) Really? It was tested? O_o
    3) I happens. =p The true is whatever class you're it depends of your playstyle to choose between sage or demon; i can't imagine playing as sage mystic but some people will make good use.
    1)Sage break in the clouds is better for support since you may purify.
    No doubt; but i was talking only about chi.
    3)Energy leech: for sage +3sec of immune... for demon 50% to increase movement speed by 60%.. i think sage is better, on those 3sec you can avoid a stun or freeze, so sage is better imo.
    Disagree; sage effect is really good but most of time 6s is enough and i prefer the speed bonus to help to avoid trouble sometimes.
  • Mayatheia - Heavens Tear
    Mayatheia - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Some people went demon and they did because of the following reasons
    -spark - chan
    -res - 100% HP recovery
    -petals - 4 min
    -bramble tornado - 1m more

    Funny how u quoted me... and give ****ty reasons for the choise.
    1st of all this is not a guide demon vs sage, it is as its been said a "sage is so pro, demon sux just coz i say so". I have a lvl 103 veno and all i can tell you is that 90% of the differences between demon and sage veno/mystic are the same. Still no1 can say that sage veno > demon or viceversa. it all depends on each individual playing style and gear posibilities.

    Lets see:

    ressurect 100% HP vs res with exp recovery. None of them are usefull in tw since no exp lose in tw and 99.999% of ppl are charmed in tw. so the only real use is outside tw (supposly while farming) ... uncharmed no angel . You lose 0.1% or less but you get full Hp after res which might save you from dying again. If i was to choose, id choose full hp after res instead of 95% exp recover but half HP after res.

    Falling petals 4 min duration vs 35% chance recover 280 Mp over 6 sec. Are you kidding me? 280 mp over 6 sec with a probability of 35% to success when my total mana is over 9000 (literaly) vs 4 min of HP pots when you get hit. And freaking yes it is awesome in TW and very useful.

    Bramble tornado 25% chance to not cost u chi (30 chi lol?) vs 1 m more. Are you saying theres no use in tw? Archers my main target? you probably are joking, or for the sake of your factions TW i hope you are. There are plenty of wizzies, venos or others to take out archers and mystics are just unique and awesome against BMs and barbs because of this skill and would be a real waste to use it on lol... archers. Imagine a BM running towards you or ur group and you slow him then knock back. Imagine catas running to you base and you keep knocking them back... why would you waste knock back on a ranged target?

    Demon spark reduces chanelling... might seem useless for you, but with my -70% (52% with TW gear) chan + rapid growth + demon spark i get to 0 chanelling. Now all those + absorb soul can be very nasty.

    Wont go through all the other skills, i can find you reasons why you should go demon and not sage, but ill leave it for everyone to decide on their own what suits them best.

    PS. when you make a comparison/guide between 2 options, it is better to show pros and cons for both of them not just "look sage is so pro coz of this and this, and demon sux."
    When people walk away from you, let them go... your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you.. and it doesn't mean they are bad people.. It just means that their part in your story is over...
  • MissyLucifer - Heavens Tear
    MissyLucifer - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    ressurect 100% HP vs res with exp recovery. None of them are usefull in tw since no exp lose in tw and 99.999% of ppl are charmed in tw. so the only real use is outside tw (supposly while farming) ... uncharmed no angel . You lose 0.1% or less but you get full Hp after res which might save you from dying again. If i was to choose, id choose full hp after res instead of 95% exp recover but half HP after res.
    I was curious about whether charm ticks first or mystic res comes first as well, so I try to make some observations.
    There was one occasion that I died on my mystic and self-ressed (with level 10 mystic res that gives 50% HP upon return); I came back with the 50% HP, with no charm ticks, hence, I'd think demon mystic res will not give charm tick. Well, since my noob isn't of level to learn that skill yet; I cannot guarantee it works that way; just an observation on my part.

    Also, I went demon, coz I prefer the way it is, sages are nice too, I might probably go try levelling one mystic to sage and we'll see. b:chuckle

    PS: hi andro~ b:heart
  • Mayatheia - Heavens Tear
    Mayatheia - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Missy b:heart

    Now u made me curious and ill try t see if charm ticks or no with half hp res xD I finally got the demon res skill but no lvl to learn it yet (hopefully will have it by the end of this week xD) If really doesnt tick ur charm after res... will be of a great use in tw to lower cata barbs charm cost xD
    When people walk away from you, let them go... your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you.. and it doesn't mean they are bad people.. It just means that their part in your story is over...
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The more I read this "guide" the more I'm starting to hate it :S The only "downsides" one path may have are only considered so because the other has a better version, and it's not like demon doesn't have any skills better than sage. I'm the same as Vixter, the only real thing that made me even consider sage was maybe Break in the Clouds, and maybe sage mastery. I'm more into PvP, so skills that get dmg increases like Thicket don't really matter to me since that number is reduced greatly when used on other players. And demon BitC seems like it would be much faster way of getting chi than waiting on a skill with a 1 minute cooldown, ijs. And I think I'll survive with 10% less pdef since that really isn't as much as you'd think considering diminishing returns... And mana is dirty cheap with herbs around so saving it is a non-factor. And I really like the skill gale force so that was also one of the deciding factors on my choice to eventually go demon. But really, I hope a lot of people listen to this "guide" so that my demon books will be cheaper. b:chuckle
  • MissyLucifer - Heavens Tear
    MissyLucifer - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Missy b:heart

    Now u made me curious and ill try t see if charm ticks or no with half hp res xD I finally got the demon res skill but no lvl to learn it yet (hopefully will have it by the end of this week xD) If really doesnt tick ur charm after res... will be of a great use in tw to lower cata barbs charm cost xD
    hehe, that was my little observation, coz I was so curious when I pm-ed you and ask you about it. =P

    But, yeah, I agree with you that it will be useful ( and hopefully the tigers would appreciate it? ) that their charm doesn't tick when they click on our res. =P

    PS: I'm only lacking of falling petals, thicklet, cragglord and the old book pages books... b:sad Now, I only need the level too. b:surrender
  • Mayatheia - Heavens Tear
    Mayatheia - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I can trade you cragglord for another skill that i dont have (or its price in tokens / coins). will pm u later in game, when i get home <3
    When people walk away from you, let them go... your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you.. and it doesn't mean they are bad people.. It just means that their part in your story is over...
  • MissyLucifer - Heavens Tear
    MissyLucifer - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I can trade you cragglord for another skill that i dont have (or its price in tokens / coins). will pm u later in game, when i get home <3
    wa~ sure! ty, you're a sweetie. b:kiss
    see ya in game then~ b:cute