Some DQ System Changes (items added/removed)



  • zg198542
    zg198542 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Anyway, Thanks FrankieRaye. However, I have to say those devs are f-u-c-king idiots. They developed the rank9 gears and then dont want many players to get them?
    Removing the medal makes it is too hard to get medal, which means few people can get full rank 9 set in a few years. Who has interest and patience to want to get full rank9 gear in 1-2 years at least.
    Now. the price of medal is 30m-50m in the market, and only the faction with land can get them. How about other players?
    I am Chinese, but I have to say those chinese PWI managers and devs are really stupid a-s-s . They use their Chinese way of thinking to make decidions on USA PWI. Do they know China and Usa are two different countries? People has different incomes? people has different thoughts? And many things, I am sure they dont know.
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It is your game - you're rules. You wanna change some rules that make your customers unhappy? Fine. We should not question that you thought it through before making yet another drastic change like that. Al least that's my opinion.

    However, in all fairness, you should have warned your customers that such an change will happen.
    Personally I think people are more upset about being ambushed like that.
    Your customers spent a lot of their in game time trying to provide DQ's for those medal since there was no other way to get them. They could have been doing something else. I really admire some of those people spending countless hours hacking the same mobz over and over again for days... x_x

    SOLUTION: How about you permit people to get those medals for another week, 2day, 12 hours, whatever, so they don't feel played/cheated/let down by PWI.
    After that make whatever changes you want in that regard, but try to do it the proper manner -> Warn your customers, let them time to adapt, then implement changes.
    This was hitting under the belt and you know it as much as I do.
    Fix it if you care about your customers.
  • Cutlspbm - Archosaur
    Cutlspbm - Archosaur Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    PWI devs need to realize one little thing. With the customers NOT spending money because they are unhappy. Without the people playing PWI there would be NO PWI they need to FIX PWI. It doesn't matter what you others say about people QQing. I was here last year when they cut our drop rates by Half forcing us to buy packs and Zen with cash. The excuse then was because there were gold/coin farmers on the chinese version ruining their economy. So the chinese version economy matters more then the USA version? They need to return our version's drop rate back to the rate it was a year ago maybe that will stop the constant QQing people do.
  • Bollocks - Raging Tide
    Bollocks - Raging Tide Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Basically, our developers believe that it had become too easy to acquire Medals through DQ, and even more so because of the tradeable/untradeable glitch.

    So they put r9 medals in the DQ reward. But their fail brain could not think things true? I wonder how long it took before you guys actually found out about the glitch. And instead of trying to fix it, this was an easier solution. Think PWE devs should just go and make some new board games, like monopoly. This is clearly above their capabilities.
    The sheer number of Medals being sent out on the servers was very concerning to them, and the fact that they were readily available on the open market made them function completely opposite of how they are viewed in the Chinese version of PW. Folks here felt that, as long as players worked for them, Medals should continue to be obtainable through these non-TW ways. Ultimately, though, the devs do have the final say, and after originally supporting the Medals' increased accessibility, they decided that, at this time, they needed to be removed from the DQ shop.
    Concerning why? Oh wait the glitch again. Then fix it! In the end PWE benefits more from having the medals in DQ then if they aren't. Cause getting the rank9 gear still involves more cashshop buisiness then Nirvana gear. Sure the medals can come in the shop. But I for one will show you the finger, and tell you to shove your 25gold medals up your ****!
    "Bollocks - a guy that will always point out to some1s nonsense and generally indicate contempt for a certain task, subject or opinion. A balancing force and more often then not, a voice of reason around thees parts. There is also paradox in that being his cleric name, as he likes to put it "useless char", while he is one of the best clerics on the server in PvP and PvE imo."
  • Darkwound - Harshlands
    Darkwound - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    well i understand where devs are comming from. with them that easily available. ive seen all are r9 chars appear. But it is unfair to put something like that into the game allow a ton of people to use it. Then when you or your friends are about too. you take it out of the game. wouldnt it be just as easy to track the people who were exploiting and remove them? i mean you do track what we spend are DQ points on. so its not l;ike u cant find the people. because now that all the super geared factions are out there. TW is pointless if we wont be able to get the same gear.
    Look im not r9 but yes i do intend to be. And yes I do spend money on the game. And im not raging. cause im not dcing every 15 min. So at least i can play. But what is the point in TW if we know we can never win. and the only reason we cant is because lets face it a faction with a few r9 barbs that arma are whole squad to death is pointless to fight lol.
  • Engeli - Sanctuary
    Engeli - Sanctuary Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    wow ._. lucky those who got r9 before huh........... yea.
  • Dezto - Harshlands
    Dezto - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey all,

    This thread has now reached its 54th page, and I felt that you guys should know two things-- one is that we are indeed reading your posts, and we read your discontent regarding this issue loud and clear. The second is to let you know that this Medal of Glory issue is something that is not only controversial on the forums, but within Perfect World (the company) itself, where there are differing opinions on whether or not the Medals should have remained in the DQ shop.

    Basically, our developers believe that it had become too easy to acquire Medals through DQ, and even more so because of the tradeable/untradeable glitch. The sheer number of Medals being sent out on the servers was very concerning to them, and the fact that they were readily available on the open market made them function completely opposite of how they are viewed in the Chinese version of PW. Folks here felt that, as long as players worked for them, Medals should continue to be obtainable through these non-TW ways. Ultimately, though, the devs do have the final say, and after originally supporting the Medals' increased accessibility, they decided that, at this time, they needed to be removed from the DQ shop.

    The DQ system, remember, is something that is completely unique to our version; in a sense, it's an experiment, one that has proven to be very successful and popular with the players. But the fact that it is something of an experiment also means that it is particularly malleable and open to revision. Revision can go both ways, though, so you can count on two ultra-rare items being added to the DQ shop in the near future, along with more new items down the line. I'll admit that it's a slow process, getting items approved to put in the DQ shop, but we're continuing to work to make that happen for our unique little system.

    Thanks all,

    Hey FrankieRaye,

    This doesn't' even make sense.

    Explain to me how spending $25 is HARDER than farming 40k DQ points, until then you point is invalid and this is just a low attempt trying to hide the fat that you are doing this all in greed.

    If you read through the lines, it's clear that PWI is removing the MoG not because of the glitch but because how easy it was to get them with DQ points and that meant PWI couldn't get $25 a piece.

    As for the PW-CN excuse, it's already to late. On my server alone we have probably 100+ R9's. Now they will have the advantage as long as the MoG is unavailable for the rest of us.

    The way MoG were meant to function in PW-CN will never be anything close to what is in PWI, you guys made sure of that. Using that as excuse now is just stupid and you are basically saying that you ****ed up and now we, the players, have to pay for it. Well played.

    By the way, this post does not answer any of the questions people are asking in the past 45 pages. Make a real post or don't post at all.

    Your welcome,
  • Minimus_ - Sanctuary
    Minimus_ - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Update (4-8-2011)

    Hey all,

    This thread has now reached its 54th page, and I felt that you guys should know two things-- one is that we are indeed reading your posts, and we read your discontent regarding this issue loud and clear. The second is to let you know that this Medal of Glory issue is something that is not only controversial on the forums, but within Perfect World (the company) itself, where there are differing opinions on whether or not the Medals should have remained in the DQ shop.

    Basically, our developers believe that it had become too easy to acquire Medals through DQ, and even more so because of the tradeable/untradeable glitch. The sheer number of Medals being sent out on the servers was very concerning to them, and the fact that they were readily available on the open market made them function completely opposite of how they are viewed in the Chinese version of PW. Folks here felt that, as long as players worked for them, Medals should continue to be obtainable through these non-TW ways. Ultimately, though, the devs do have the final say, and after originally supporting the Medals' increased accessibility, they decided that, at this time, they needed to be removed from the DQ shop.

    Thanks all,


    Is the problem the abuse of the medals from the DQ system or in general the influx of medals into the system? Fix the glitch and there will be less medals or make it harder to get them. If you skip it atm then it is highly unfair to those who were working on r9 and get squished like bugs without having the opportunity to get R9 themselves although they worked for it. On another note this will make the big factions stronger in comparison to medium factions since they will provide their members with the medals. The game becomes even more unbalanced and players will qq about this. If there existed Nirvana G16 (3rd recast) with comaprable stats as R9 this wouldn't be such a problem. xD
    Middle lane, middle lane.. b:shutup
  • Irdis - Sanctuary
    Irdis - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The truth finally comes out. It was all about making money on the medals. When can we expect them for sale in the boutique? They better be 50% off after all this bllsht we had to go thru and btw stick my DQ points up your dev teams ***

    you mean 90 % off. As an apology to all the players who have been screwed and then been told some random lies -_-;...

    Seriously, Frankie, tell them this please (that is ofcourse if they really said what you just typed on the 1st post as an update -_-;). Obtaining those medals was the hardest part out of the stuff needed for r9 -_-; because you made several sales on rep and chips. And the last one had chips packs which can be opened by NPC. I dont think it took me that long to buy required rep and chips off the cash shop b:laugh . So please dont post something random which did not answer our question. We asked HOW are you going to place them back in game if you remove them form the DQ system, ofcourse i am not even taking into consideration the random single medal for 1 tw faction once per week - thats ridiculous.

    Ofcourse putting them in the cash shop would make it sooooooo difficult to obtain D: like 19 clicks of mouse and 19 hits of enter button after charging zen/buying gold from ah.

    PS. So you guys think that its ok to leave people hanging there for couple of days and answer only once every 50 pages? Really?
  • XVBx - Dreamweaver
    XVBx - Dreamweaver Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    ultimate weapons = $10,000 RL
    Full Rank 9 gear = $1000 RL
    Watching the forums meltdown = priceless
    My computer beat me at checkers, but I sure beat it at kickboxing. b:cool
  • Irdis - Sanctuary
    Irdis - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This thread has now reached its 54th page, and I felt that you guys should know two things

    oh, my bad, every 54 pages
  • LeiMai - Raging Tide
    LeiMai - Raging Tide Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Update (4-8-2011)

    Hey all,

    This thread has now reached its 54th page, and I felt that you guys should know two things-- one is that we are indeed reading your posts, and we read your discontent regarding this issue loud and clear. The second is to let you know that this Medal of Glory issue is something that is not only controversial on the forums, but within Perfect World (the company) itself, where there are differing opinions on whether or not the Medals should have remained in the DQ shop.

    Basically, our developers believe that it had become too easy to acquire Medals through DQ, and even more so because of the tradeable/untradeable glitch. The sheer number of Medals being sent out on the servers was very concerning to them, and the fact that they were readily available on the open market made them function completely opposite of how they are viewed in the Chinese version of PW. Folks here felt that, as long as players worked for them, Medals should continue to be obtainable through these non-TW ways. Ultimately, though, the devs do have the final say, and after originally supporting the Medals' increased accessibility, they decided that, at this time, they needed to be removed from the DQ shop.

    The DQ system, remember, is something that is completely unique to our version; in a sense, it's an experiment, one that has proven to be very successful and popular with the players. But the fact that it is something of an experiment also means that it is particularly malleable and open to revision. Revision can go both ways, though, so you can count on two ultra-rare items being added to the DQ shop in the near future, along with more new items down the line. I'll admit that it's a slow process, getting items approved to put in the DQ shop, but we're continuing to work to make that happen for our unique little system.

    Thanks all,


    Please point out to them that having the medals in the boutique in the first place has made a HUGE impact on the community. You knew about the glitch for a long time, you allowed it to be discussed on the forums and therefore become public knowledge. Removing them from the boutique isn't going to change whats already will only change the future, and its going to effect the people working towards R9 the most. How are we supposed to catch up? You allowed them (everyone who already has R9 from DQ) an easy enough way to get it....the rest of us are just stuck where we are.

    Why can't you just fix the medals to be nontradable and let people go back to working towards it like we were before? We were farming DQ for a reason, to get our own points to get our own medals. Not everyone was taking advantage of the exploit, but those are the ones you should be punishing not the rest of us who are just trying to close the gap between ourselves and those +12 R9 people running around.
  • dreimas
    dreimas Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I just want to say thank you for a great game. Perfect world international rocks! I am concerned about this revision though. I wonder if you know how this has affected the whole
    DQ economy? Most of what monsters drop are DQ items as we progress through the quests and the demand and price for those has hit rock bottom. Many of us are turning to farming (yuck) to support our mid level characters, and the items that sell are decreasing in value. for instance, purified oil was selling for 8,500 average before, now it's around 6,000 each unit and the market is flooded with manufacturing items like this. Those areas are becoming crowded and tempers have been flaring as we step on each others toes....I strongly urge you to find a replacement use for the DQ items or change the items the monsters drop so we can sell them if you aren't going to fix the problem. Many of the people I game with here have stopped playing as a result of all this. It would make me sad to see the demise of this game but that looks like where it's headed unless you make some changes.
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    when put something on sale like that and remove it, its gonna be a very big fail as new people wont ever in their lifetime will be able to catch up. so they will always be weaker.

    have to get it back or game will suffer as its not fair to those without now. would be no prob if they sale had never been here in the first place, but it was.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    ok hold up.

    frankie's post.. "the number of medals being sent out to the servers was" too much? are you KIDDING ME?!?

    1- the number of medals needed for r9 multiplied by the number of people wanting r9 (everybody who could either buy the dqs from other players or farm them) = the number of medals "sent out". how on earth is that too much/too many? it's not like someone created some sort of **** that just generates dq items or dq points out of thin air and started mass pumping medals into the economy. no. players started mass playing, grinding dqs. the number of medals was NOT "too much" -- it was EXACTLY PROPORTIONATE to the DEMAND FOR MEDALS!

    and 2- what made r9 SO EASY TO GET was NOT easy access to the medals. it was CHEAP and EASY ACCESS to the REP and CHIPS via the CASH SHOP! the medals was the item in least demand compared to the number of chips and rep badges you need for the r9 items.

    and yea, i am in 100% agreement with everyone who feels they've been screwed over. i have 7 medals. thats 1 shy of being able to get both the ring and weapon. i am not paying 50m+ for the last medal to some player who EXPLOITED this "glitch." NOR will i be charging zen to purchase the rep and chips i'd need. why? bcuz i cannot realistically get the full rank 9 set any time in the foreseeable future.

    and sure, they MIGHT "fix" it. when? next year? i really don't foresee many people hanging around the game that long. certainly not lvl 100+ players who are in tw guilds and have to fight a ton of r9 players every week knowing that they have no way of getting r9 for themselves.

    THIS VERSION IS NOT THE CHINESE VERSION! when on earth are the "devs" going to realize that? seriously.. the dq coin reduction was bs to begin with. we DONT HAVE GOLD FARMERS HERE IN THE INTERNATIONAL VERSION! and they dont have a cash shop in the chinese version! rank 9 is harder to get over there because THEY DONT HAVE REP AND CHIP SALES EVERY 2 WEEKS and people have to actually work for those things!
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    and 2- what made r9 SO EASY TO GET was NOT easy access to the medals. it was CHEAP and EASY ACCESS to the REP and CHIPS via the CASH SHOP! the medals was the item in least demand compared to the number of chips and rep badges you need for the r9 items.

    in fairness to frankie --- and watch closely now, because it's a rare day when i agree with frankie about anything much, or put in much effort to be fair to the company --- the medals were in least demand because they were so easy to get.

    what frankie seems to be saying is that the dq points made the medals NOT be the bottleneck to rank 9; rather, the rank sales became that, and they were a much wider bottleneck. what he seems to be implying, although not saying outright, is that we may have a heckuva lot more rank 9 players than PW-CN does, to the point where the devs became concerned our game balance was in jeopardy. or something.

    the only part of this i find hard to believe is the devs giving one wet **** for game balance, honestly.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    PS. So you guys think that its ok to leave people hanging there for couple of days and answer only once every 50 pages? Really?

    You're lucky he's even responding at all.

    PWI's usual method is to make a stickie so everyone has a collective place to QQ, ignore it then dump it after a certain period of time. And if frankie does happen to post updates several times in one thread, you can actually see the story shift so drastically that even calling him out on the lies is elementary.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Cristall - Harshlands
    Cristall - Harshlands Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Still, the only ppl this benefits are the cashshoppers who threw however much money it would cost right away to get full R9.

    The only result to this stupid idea is that the gap between cashshoppers and the non-cashshoppers grows even bigger, and because of the complete lack of a heads up we couldn't even get the medals we already gathered points for, when the ppl who already got their medals could keep glitching them.

    I've played PWi from day one, when Lost City came out, and I've never been this close to just deleting my character and uninstalling the game. I know for a fact I'm not the only one who feels this.

    Awsome job, PW.
  • Qiulin - Dreamweaver
    Qiulin - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Too many medals being sent out onto the servers? You're joking right? What made R9 possible to obtain in the first place (without spending a lifetime of earnings anyway) was because of your General Summer's Sales, which you implemented because you felt that "R9 would be too hard to obtain otherwise", if I recall correctly. So now that a lot of people actually ARE getting R9, and getting medals in a way that bypassses the cash shop, you decide to take them out of DQ rewards system. You're contradicting yourself here. The justification for taking the medals of glory out of the DQ rewards was initially to stop players from exploiting the glitch which, as pointed out earlier, had been discussed on the forums long before this, and now it's because too many medals are flooding the servers. In other words, medals, and therefore R9 is too easy to obtain. The justification for the rank sales in the first place was to make R9 easier to obtain. Right. I'm seeing breaks in logic here. When one of your justicifactions break down, you try and replace it with another. Though I have to admit it's funny seeing PW QQing about their own rank sales without even realizing it.

    The excuse for unbalanced gameplay isn't gonna fly either. You've basically allowed a handful of players to obtain R9 relatively easily by having access to medals. Then you take away the medals and leave the rest of us behind in the dust, making the problem worse. Presumably when you put medals back into the cash shop, you basically be catering to the cash shoppers who are willing to pay. Non cash shoppers who relied on farming DQs for profit and who aren't able to fork over $25 per medal just got screwed over. Awesome.
  • fuqthegovt
    fuqthegovt Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If the dev's are worried about the server being flooded with medals why not just make it harder, but still not as hard as tw-only. Like maybe put them back on dq list for 500k dp each or something. I'd actually pay $100 each first if I had to pick between the 3 options.
  • Dezto - Harshlands
    Dezto - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    After reading the 1st post by frankie again, I'm pretty sure he must be trolling.

    Frankie, did you by any chance give your account info to Yulk?

    That is the only logical explanation I could come up with, considering the vast amount stupidity the 1st post has.
  • StormDragoon - Sanctuary
    StormDragoon - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Let's put it this way, there are many people that farmed 20k or more DQP wanting an specific item which was obviously the Medal of Glory. Now that DQ page is down we are uncertain of what's going to happen with those points, and even if the page comes back up with new items, what if those people that had those 20k DQP only farmed/bought it from DQ items for Medals of Glory and don't want the other items? Personally I don't care about any other item that comes in the future (distant future, seeing as it takes almost a week to get the page back up alone), I want what I was offered and what I farmed for with my time spent in the game.

    This is the problem with this, we all farmed for an specific item but now that item got taken off right in front of our eyes so we basically got robbed.

    Without buying the DQ items, it takes around 1hour~ per 100 DQ items (only around 3k points) at Lethal Araneids (Spiders near Avalanche Village). This is 1/2 shooting most of the time, so I can't even bear to imagine those that were there and having to hit them 5+ times per spider farming their DQ. Legion attacks and all that stuff is gonna go inactive again as noone will care.

    I even heard of friends getting their points resetted before the pages went that is even sadder. I only had 20k DQP before i heard of Medals of Glory now, I should have been able to farm the other Medals within all this time we've been waiting for them to decide what to do and therefore bought all the chip packs needed which I haven't.

    EDIT: I agree with some of the people here that have commented, we cannot even compare ourselves to China servers, our economies are worlds apart. You might say having the medals in the DQ made the game more unbalanced/was glitched/were too easy to get/whatever other excuse you can make off. At the end of the day the game became more active more gold being bought and sold (Now I've only seen it stand still for couple of days between 900k-930k, in Sanctuary, compared to the other Rank 9 sale which lasted a month and gold was fluctuating a whole lot more).
  • raccoona
    raccoona Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    F-u-c-k China
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    fuqthegovt wrote: »
    If the dev's are worried about the server being flooded with medals why not just make it harder, but still not as hard as tw-only. Like maybe put them back on dq list for 500k dp each or something. I'd actually pay $100 each first if I had to pick between the 3 options.

    see, we will end up willing to pay more for the medal, so it is time to medal back to CS, 100 gold seems reasonable.
  • Ryegard - Heavens Tear
    Ryegard - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    swgs wrote: »
    see, we will end up willing to pay more for the medal, so it is time to medal back to CS, 100 gold seems reasonable.

    100 gold for a medal...your a tool. Its cheaper to buy them from the exploiters at that price. They should put them up for 10 to 12 gold each to make up for **** over the people that payed 8 to 10 mill each in DQ points only to see thier money and time become worthless.
  • Zudy - Dreamweaver
    Zudy - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    put em back already b:sad
  • Nubispotze - Heavens Tear
    Nubispotze - Heavens Tear Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    raccoona wrote: »
    F-u-c-k China

    quoted for the TRUTH
    Exegesis-103-Psychic--blackballs, blueballs, pinkballs, hairless balls. You got a lotta balls to be applying to Enrage...AND ask for a private denial reason? gg man. gg.
  • Kyzuk - Sanctuary
    Kyzuk - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    um uh, idk but the DQ points system is still down for me
  • Arshies - Sanctuary
    Arshies - Sanctuary Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The question is:

    WTH Do you release a rep/chips R9 sale when you just removed the Medals from everyway to acquire they?
    Arshies - Sanctuary
  • Bosk - Sanctuary
    Bosk - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I made a suggestion like this back on page 30 something, but in light of the new PWI position, I think it has merit with maybe one minor adjustment.

    1) Put Medals into the Cash Boutique for 10 Gold
    2) Put Medals into the Event Boutique for 30 Event Gold
    3) DOUBLE all Dragon Points (DP) currently in the system

    If 10 Gold is not enough for a Medal, then make the numbers 15, 45 and TRIPLE the current DP everyone has.

    The reason for doubling is that if Medals end up costing 10+ million coins, then a single DP is going to be worth half of what it has been worth up until now. This seems to be the crux of the problem ... Dragon Points were SUPPOSED to be worth 270 coins or so, but instead have risen to 500-600 points because of the Medals. At 270, a Medal would cost 5.4 million coins. At 550, a Medal costs 11 million coins.

    Someone who has farmed/purchased DP points prior to today has done so with an understanding that the DPs are worth 550 or so (they range, but this number makes the math nice). Therefore, their investment per medal is about 11 million coins, or 10 to 12 gold (depending on gold prices).

    This is the de facto market value for these items, so long as they are readily available. Taking them out of the market, as has happened this week, has seen them shoot up in value as people exploit the glitch AND the players who only need one or two medals to make their R9 gear.

    So, if DP are generating too high a value because of the Medals, give the Medals a static market value. This can be done by putting them into the Cash Boutique at a defined value.

    Initially, intentionally or otherwise, PWI figured Medals were worth about 5 Gold:

    - 1 MoG per 20,000 DP x 1 DP per 270 c x 1.1m c per 1 Gold = 1 MoG for about 5 Gold

    Even if you use Gold at only 900K (instead of 1.1m) you still get a MoG being worth only about 6 gold.

    The community, however, is willing to pay 10-12 Gold for them by buying DP at 550 coins each.

    So, either:

    - add them to the Cash Boutique at 5 gold and either keep them in the DP rewards at 20,000 DP or the Event Boutique at 15 Event gold (or both).


    - double/triple the values (including the DP reward value, so 20,000 becomes 40,000 or 60,000), but to be fair, double or triple the existing DP of everyone to make up for the error.

    I just think that would be the fairest solution for everyone.

    Good Luck!
    Dante: "Cute is a relative term."
This discussion has been closed.