Multi-Clienting Rule Changes



  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    NUUUUU...u must PROVE that....rofl ..

    edited :
    take video of you and your friends playing pwi then send it to :

    PerfectWorld International,
    Imhigh 5,


    Here are me and my frands. Am safe nao?
    At least I'm still remembered some-what. :3
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The following is a compilation of intelligent posts that have been made in this thread. Please read and discuss.

    1. MAC addresses are only there so routers know what NIC it needs to send data to (if they never existed we'd either have the mess that is mass broadcasting (sending data to all NICs) or some other system that does the same thing) and if you know what you are doing you can easily do a mutli-route split with a virtual network and bridge them all together (relatively easy to do too...) so as far as the client would be able to tell they are different computers. There is no feasible way (in software) to prove multi-clienting in any game, unless they force the use of a mutex (which then opens the issue of the client being its own DOS) there isn't a way to stop it. The only surefire way of proving it would be a GM actually coming to your house and watching you every second that you play.

    2. Supposedly...this is a 'new' rule and not a rule that 'I', the user accepted on the license agreement when I made my account soon to be 3 years ago. To be legally binding, doesn't the 'user' have to accept this agreement all over again?

    3. Someone at your office decided to change the name that appears on the client window from "Element Client" to "Perfect World International". The Launcher is still checking for Element Client. That is why the launcher will allow you to launch multiple clients. Even when the Launcher prohibited running a second client, all you needed to do was double click elementclient.exe to open a second client. Patcher.exe does not check for another running instance of the client, it only checks for another window named "Element Client"...

    4. It's your game, it's your rules, so I'll stick to them, but I have to say I've been playing with 3 pcs under what have been your rules so far because it was not considered and "abuse" until today. In fact, it was even encouraged by some mods and gms on the forums when people asked about it.

    For my part, and as Kitamura also said in a somewhat disgruntled manner, using the same registration information was just being honest about it. It saddens me to hear (or rather read) that this change of heart and policie suddenly labels me as an "average abuser", especially when it's due to a reaction towards the client's technical conditions as you say in the quote below.

    All of these people make very valid points or raise important questions in regard to your new unofficial policy.
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hai Kniraven.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey guys,

    For a long long time, ever since PWI was first released in fact, we've always had the rule that you could only run one PWI client per machine.

    The reasoning behind this rule was the fact that running more than one client could not be accomplished without editing the game files, and editing game files was not allowed.

    This led to many players running PWI on a second or even third computer, usually to be able to run a cat shop while their main account actually played.

    Well, we've talked about it, and we've come to a new set of rules for multi-clienting. It should be easier to follow, easier to enforce, and it will help level the playing field between people with one computer and people with multiple computers.

    So here we go:

    • You may only have 2 accounts per person, regardless of how many computers you own.

      There isn't a viable reason to create an excessive number of accounts, so any suspicious activity from now on will be fully dealt with. We aren't going to punish you for having existing accounts prior to this rule, but you can only be online on two at once at the most.

      *Note: Excessive account creation has been and will continued to be pursued. Provided you did not abuse this before, you should have nothing to worry about.

    • You may only play on two characters at the same time, but they can both level up OR one can level up while the other is a vendor alt.

    idk who's brilliant idea this was but you blew it! Great thought horrible implementation. Listening to some friends who have seen it all come and go, this may well be the final straw in pwi's coffin.

    Let's look @ this. Wonderful, multi-clienting is now allowed. SMART! this is a good change, since now it gives you a stronger reason to ban those who muck with files. While at the same time giving your customer a more free experience to play the game as he /she feels fit.

    Then we come to the only 2pc per person rule. b:lipcurl , this was a HUGE fail! Not only is it 100% non-enforceable its ludicrous given todays techonology. Most households ( certainly in the us ) are behind a router. And if the owner is even half smart it uses a common mac address and is fully stealthed. Therefore you have no viable way of determining how many folks are living in the home, nor how many pc's are requesting access. While it may be possible to guesstimate this based on packet requests doing so is a HUGE waste of server resources and bandwidth which you've hinted at needing to preserver ergo, the rule. Now before you go making another silly rule saying you can't be stealthed / Nat'd I want to caution you that doing so will almost instantly cost you the large majority of those of us who are left. I for one will NOT remove my firewall or port filters just so you can be happy with your game. I'm nat'd because it protects the valuable information and pc's in my home, and because of that I refuse to go back to 1980's technology and open up my home to any script kiddie that wants to come along.

    I think you realized this was a dumb rule when you made it ergo the allow-multi-client rule.

    Quite frankly this rule has no reasonable basis for even existing other then your non-admitted need for bandwidth optimization. The very folks that have multiple pc's are more then likely the very same folks who have enough money to heavliy CS. Now your telling this same group, sorry, but you can't do that? As dad used to say thats "chopping your nose off to spite your face". Pretty dumb idea.

    You want larger customer pool? Stop ruining the game!! Enough cs craziness, your driving away a LARGE portion of your potential base. This game has reached a saturation point where its becoming more expensive to play it then it would be to play a P2P.
    1. Start listening to your player base when they tell u "NO".
    2. Fix your bugs, many of which have been here since day one.
    3. Stop creating rules just to create rules.
    4. Quit making the game so that if you don't CS you fail. Its driving away the F2P players who spread the word about how great a game it is, which brings the CS'rs.
    5. Quit making the game top heavy. It reduces the quality of the game by causing the player to never truly experience what PWI is. Instead they rush to the lvl cap and are done. You want longevity not fast turn-over, this ain't McDonalds.
    Thats just a few to get you started.
    Now, you can choose to bury your head in the sand like has always happened and ignore what I'm saying, OR your can wake up FINALLY and MAYBE save this game. If you don't think it can happen to you, you need to take a hard look @ your profits the last 2 quarters and the history of 9Dragons.

    You asked that this be kept civil and I have but your patient is having a massive coronary and redecorating the room will not save his life!
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Good to see the arbitrary multi-clienting rule lifted. Thank you for acknowledging the player base. b:thanks imo, 2 characters on at once per person is more than fair, and until there are 16 classes to play (+1 slot for merchant/mule), I don't see much reason for anyone to have more than two accounts either.

    That depends on your motivations. I had stopped playing a little more than a year ago or so my barb and cleric duo started in early '09, but I always kept on reading the forums just for the lol's.

    Seeing how many people complained about those who do not know how to play the game, how hard it is to get a level 100 to do their FB19 and, I will not lie, seeing there were two new races (tideborns were already a little old but I never played it's classes) with their respective new storylines, I decided a little more than a month ago to make a "vlog" about how to tackle each boss in the game at the level the quest for them is given, or at most starting the next one so people who care about xp can see there's a way to be bold and safe at the same time.

    In order to be able to show the possibilities of different class combinations on the same boss, and being limited to three computers, I needed to have barb and cleric each on one account, and at most two characters per account for the other classes. So, I created three new accounts; and yes, three, not four before you math geniouses point out that there are 10 classes, because I was leaving venos, mystics and their pets out of the project.

    That said, yes, I'm butt-hurt and basically doubled my 2.5 year post count on this thread because I have no motivation to play again. Even if those accounts themselves are "off the hook" for having their creation date before the rule publication, being unable to log three of them at once means there's no way for me to show the use of an assassin or an archer as a dd/support character; because you know, they can actually support while dd'ing with the secondary effects of their useless time-taking-damage-nerfing skills. The most I could do with the new rule is stat them like a bm to use heavy armor and auto-attack with a str based weapon while they duo a boss with a cleric, and that would be quite ridiculous.
  • Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The following is a compilation of intelligent posts that have been made in this thread. Please read and discuss.

    1. MAC addresses are only there so routers know what NIC it needs to send data to (if they never existed we'd either have the mess that is mass broadcasting (sending data to all NICs) or some other system that does the same thing) and if you know what you are doing you can easily do a mutli-route split with a virtual network and bridge them all together (relatively easy to do too...) so as far as the client would be able to tell they are different computers. There is no feasible way (in software) to prove multi-clienting in any game, unless they force the use of a mutex (which then opens the issue of the client being its own DOS) there isn't a way to stop it. The only surefire way of proving it would be a GM actually coming to your house and watching you every second that you play.

    2. Supposedly...this is a 'new' rule and not a rule that 'I', the user accepted on the license agreement when I made my account soon to be 3 years ago. To be legally binding, doesn't the 'user' have to accept this agreement all over again?

    3. Someone at your office decided to change the name that appears on the client window from "Element Client" to "Perfect World International". The Launcher is still checking for Element Client. That is why the launcher will allow you to launch multiple clients. Even when the Launcher prohibited running a second client, all you needed to do was double click elementclient.exe to open a second client. Patcher.exe does not check for another running instance of the client, it only checks for another window named "Element Client"...

    4. It's your game, it's your rules, so I'll stick to them, but I have to say I've been playing with 3 pcs under what have been your rules so far because it was not considered and "abuse" until today. In fact, it was even encouraged by some mods and gms on the forums when people asked about it.

    For my part, and as Kitamura also said in a somewhat disgruntled manner, using the same registration information was just being honest about it. It saddens me to hear (or rather read) that this change of heart and policie suddenly labels me as an "average abuser", especially when it's due to a reaction towards the client's technical conditions as you say in the quote below.

    All of these people make very valid points or raise important questions in regard to your new unofficial policy.

    I encourage everybody to quote Kniraven's post to keep the intelligent arguments against this alive, and so that this doesn't just disappear among the 9 other posts made on page 16.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    please tell me how to start anew thread. i am new to this, sorry for the troubleb:cryb:surrender
  • Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sorry, I just have to say.... some people *do* have a viable reason. I have 5 accounts and not all by choice. My main account is full, 8 chars. Because of that, *you* have forced me to open a new account for my Earthguard characters. I didn't want them on the same account as the account my shop was on in case I wanted my shop up while I was playing them, so that makes 3 accounts (I keep my shop as its own account for that purpose. 2 accounts was all I wanted.... you guys should have given us 10 slots, ijs).

    My other two accounts are for faction purposes. Being the leader I have taken on the role of guild bank, and it has grown considerably. Originally it took only 8 chars to hold everything but due to the generosity of the members (and I throw away junk to save space too) I have had to add on another 5. This meant one more account.

    So do not presume to tell me that we do not have viable reasons to have multiple accounts. You do not know us.

    Anna I can't agree with you enough... I've got 2 actives accounts, a Catshop account, my wife has her 2 accounts , and then we have 3 accounts JUST for the guild. The banks would not fit on just 2 accounts because we have a very well organized and well populated banking system due to our members generosity. 10char per account would have removed one of these accounts. My son has his account, so thats at least 8 accounts in this house and you are theoretically saying this is abusive?
    We're using the game as you designed it. Don't call us abusive because we do.

    I remember long ago we used to have "Lan partys' and 10 or 12 of us would invade a friends house and for hours go nuts all playing the same game @ the same time on one IP. The interaction was a blast not to mention the massive amounts of pizza consumed.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Another fallacy of this new 'policy'...

    Multi-clienting was bannable. Almost everyone and their mother has multi-cliented at one point or another, or all the time, before this change. Guess what, nobody was ever banned. The only bans were from people logging into accounts from banned regions or in the rare case that someone actually submitted a ticket against another person with undeniable proof.

    These people that multi-cliented with more than 2 clients before will still multi-client with more than 2. Does anyone actually believe that there is enough PW staff to monitor all the red flags the system will be sending them? Perhaps for the first week or two until they just give up in frustration from being swamped.

    This is just another unenforceable policy change based off PW's staff being unable to cooperate or communicate with each other that they don't have the staff hours to support.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • edited April 2011
    ok hold the horses here. I have 6 accounts. One for each of my 4 mains, one for storage, and one for my shop.

    So now you're saying I can't have 4 of those?

    That's not gunna fly for me. I'll just quit playing PW and move onto another game. Also losing the ability to have my shop up and run two toons isn't going to fly very far either.
  • Posts: 49
    edited April 2011
    ok hold the horses here. I have 6 accounts. One for each of my 4 mains, one for storage, and one for my shop.

    So now you're saying I can't have 4 of those?

    That's not gunna fly for me. I'll just quit playing PW and move onto another game. Also losing the ability to have my shop up and run two toons isn't going to fly very far either.

    Guess this means you WILL fly?
  • Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    ok hold the horses here. I have 6 accounts. One for each of my 4 mains, one for storage, and one for my shop.

    So now you're saying I can't have 4 of those?

    That's not gunna fly for me. I'll just quit playing PW and move onto another game. Also losing the ability to have my shop up and run two toons isn't going to fly very far either.

    No they are saying you cant use more than 2 at one time. You can use any combination of 2 total accounts at one time. And you didnt lose the ability to do sht. It was illegal before to run anymore than 1 account per pc. Now you can run a total of 2 whether it be 2 pc or one. This rule mainly helps those who didnt have a second pc. Now they aren't "left behind"..
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    so clear this up for me, lets say i have a character izuno already in game doing a quest adn i wana get something form my othet character on the same server without making a totally new account or using the stash, could i use this same account and have both characters in game to help each other only on two separate computers? or two windows maybe?
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    so clear this up for me, lets say i have a character izuno already in game doing a quest adn i wana get something form my othet character on the same server without making a totally new account or using the stash, could i use this same account and have both characters in game to help each other only on two separate computers? or two windows maybe?

    With the new rule you can run two accounts on two windows on one computer, or one window in two separate computers. Just not more than two in any possible combination.

    No, if your chars are on the same account you cannot play them at the same time. You would have to log one out and switch and use the stash. If they are on separate accounts, however, you could just double-click to open the client a second time and open the other account in another window.

    This, and sorry for misleading but I didn't read correctly. If your characters are on the same account they can't be used at the same time. Also corrected my original response.
  • Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    As for faction leaders, you can always have the directors and marshalls have a bank alt.

    the director (there's only one per faction, you know) and marshals --- heck, most officers period, along with most non-officer members too --- all have the same problem; if they don't have a character of each class too, then they need their catshop/bank alts for their own gaming. mixing faction resources with personal goods is just a flat out bad idea, it makes retiring from the faction either permanently or temporarily much harder for no good reason.

    it's the in-game equivalent of a real-world problem --- that faced by a small-business owner, self-employed, who pays their own wages out of their business profits. but mixing their business accounting with their personal household finances is still a really bad idea, and invites all manner of financial and accounting headaches down the road. you need to keep the stuff separated, because there are fundamental conceptual differences in "whose stuff is this" that aren't wise to ignore.

    ...really, in a perfect world, the GM's would look through their fingers about violations of the account-sharing rule in the case of faction officers moving "faction goods storage" accounts between them. that would make faction bank management halfway tolerable and faction officer churn much less of a pain. of course, in THIS world, i do not expect them to have that much common sense...

    You can always mail things to each other, and use mail as storage.

    still has the problem of mixing personal goods with faction goods. people already DO do this, but the fundamental problem is one of needing several accounts in order to separate your mental accounting of "my own stuff" and "stuff held in trust for and from my faction mates". mixing those is a recipe for faction drama down the line.
    And those faction leaders with the bigger factions who have been powerhouses from the beginning?

    they surely must have even worse headaches than we do in tiny little Nocturne, ijs...
    You still have all those characters, you can still have all those characters.

    that's great for the old guard, i suppose.

    meanwhile, Joe Newbie started a faction just yesterday. in a year and a half, he hopes to grow it to a serious factor. how's he supposed to do that with only two accounts?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    so clear this up for me, lets say i have a character izuno already in game doing a quest adn i wana get something form my othet character on the same server without making a totally new account or using the stash, could i use this same account and have both characters in game to help each other only on two separate computers? or two windows maybe?

    No, if your chars are on the same account you cannot play them at the same time. You would have to log one out and switch and use the stash. If they are on separate accounts, however, you could just double-click to open the client a second time and open the other account in another window.

    BTW I don't know why everyone is saying go into element.exe, I just hit the quicklaunch icon again. I assume double-clicking the desktop icon would work the same.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    As long as you guys used real info when you registered (i.e. all four accounts do not have the same registration info across the board), you'll definitely look less suspicious than the average abuser.

    The GM's will try to take all things into account before banning.
    Frankie, no matter how I say this its probably going to come out wrong but ....
    If i get banned because I have multiple accounts when I've always been honest about who I am, then I'll tell u right now, I'll come back long enough to give my stuff away and the proceed with the largest ANTI-pwi campaign i can manage. I can almost guarantee you'd lose 50 members right away, and know for sure you'd lose a dozen.
    This really is a completely unenforceable rule. Hell, its not even smart. Folks like me, Rose, susa who have been here since day one are all telling you HELL NO, THIS IS DUMB!! b:angry We must be saying this for a reason. Please wake up.
    Is it just me or did PWI roll out of the stupid side of bed this morning? First taking rank 9 medal out of the DQ points herp derp, now this **** lol.. you are bad. You.. are.. bad.

    This "rule change" doesn't even affect me just wondering how much alcohol you guys consumed last night.
    Thanks susa, nice to hear one of the large CS'rs state for himself that this is a bad idea. Maybe they'll listen to your wallet
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No, if your chars are on the same account you cannot play them at the same time. You would have to log one out and switch and use the stash. If they are on separate accounts, however, you could just double-click to open the client a second time and open the other account in another window.

    To be a little more clear...

    You can only log into one account per server. If you have two characters on the same account on the same server, you can only log into one of those characters. If you have two characters on the same account on different servers, you can log into each of those accounts as long as they are not on the same server. lol

    I just felt compelled to state that. xP
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    To be a little more clear...

    You can only log into one account per server. If you have two characters on the same account on the same server, you can only log into one of those characters. If you have two characters on the same account on different servers, you can log into each of those accounts as long as they are not on the same server. lol

    I just felt compelled to state that. xP

    Wrong, you just have can have accounts (separate login information) period. It doesn't matter what server you are on, hence them saying you can have a bank alt.

    I think a simple solution to the new large guild thing would be to simply allow faction bases to have a banking system, or to allow people to transfer coins across servers as long as its the same server type, (pve to pve only and pvp to pvp only so that people don't sit on a pvp server and gank drops all day to transfer to a pve server safe from retribution.)

    That being said, the new rule can be modified as the year progresses but for now its meant to level the playing field because lets face it (rich merch) [gap---->] (poor average player) that gap has been increasing and this 6 bank alts selling stuff at the same time bs hasn't helped.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    well i have more than 1 accounts. and its usefull to have higher lvls on older account help the newer chars on the other account with bosses and bh and ****. so. if thats against the rule then ur rule sucks lolb:chuckle
  • Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Nicely done PW!!! b:victoryb:kiss

    Way to go!!! It's fair rule since I can create a maximum of 8 toons on one account. What if i wanted to get 1 of each class, that would make a total of 10. It's fair enough!!! b:victory
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Im not sure if it was already mention or answer, but how does this affect account sharing. Ive heard its been banned and ive had friends banned for it wich i think is wholly unfair. If say my dad started playing and he needed something while im not home, should he be allowed to log my character wihtout getting banned? i know lots of people that are families or related or close friend in real life and i dont believe people shoudl be banned for that.
    b:shocked oh noes was walking and forgot to breath
  • Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The real question is, will they start banning people who use 3+ accounts at the same time? I know of a lot of people who run 3+ accounts and there is no way for me to get proof its from same pc, but now, 3+ accounts are just illegal.
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Guess I will chip in too...

    I happen to have 3 accounts registered to on my name as it was allowed during the time I joined. I tried making 4 accounts btw but I was refused the 4th. In a mail exchange I was told 3 accounts being the limit per person.
    Fine, I can live with that.

    Now I am allows (at long last) to multi-client accounts on 1 PC. Great, saves me in the bill of PC's running as I would log 3 accounts on 3 separate physical computers.
    Mind you I did not even use Virtual PC's with full versions of a Windows system on it

    The rule is therefor very confusing to me. I am allowed to have 3 account registered to my name but only 2 can be active at any given time.

    As others have stated more then 3 clients can be active in my household simple as I am not the only person having PWI accounts.

    So now if I do have my accounts running and god forbid some other member of the household starts 1 of him or herself too I or they get into trouble...

    This is how I see it tho.. The rule was created as I assume the Chinese version got abused so now we have to pay for miss-management of our Chinese counterpart.. Correct?

    Sad rule.. then again I am getting used to it.
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    GM's should ban themselves for a week so PWI doesn't get screwed up even more for at least 1 week. It's been a while since I saw a GM being usefull anyway. I guess to many non-cashshoppers got R9 now and 20 mil each medal will change their mind I guess? Anyways, I'm going to stop with complaining since all 6 of my family members got an own computer and 2 accounts and they all enjoy watching kitty shop. I'm lucky that this isn't forbidden :)
  • Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ok gms i'm confused...i have like 4 accounts..1 i'm going to give to my brother and 1 i don't use and the other 2 i do use...i know you can use 2 on a computer at a time but...if i and my brother play (i will be playing on 2 accounts (always have been doing that with 2 computers)) how we be able to prove that we are not the same person. I put some dresses and stuff that pertained to me and might be wrong now get my point? Can I get a solution please.

    Do we have to call you guys or?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The following is a compilation of intelligent posts that have been made in this thread. Please read and discuss.

    1. MAC addresses are only there so routers know what NIC it needs to send data to (if they never existed we'd either have the mess that is mass broadcasting (sending data to all NICs) or some other system that does the same thing) and if you know what you are doing you can easily do a mutli-route split with a virtual network and bridge them all together (relatively easy to do too...) so as far as the client would be able to tell they are different computers. There is no feasible way (in software) to prove multi-clienting in any game, unless they force the use of a mutex (which then opens the issue of the client being its own DOS) there isn't a way to stop it. The only surefire way of proving it would be a GM actually coming to your house and watching you every second that you play.

    2. Supposedly...this is a 'new' rule and not a rule that 'I', the user accepted on the license agreement when I made my account soon to be 3 years ago. To be legally binding, doesn't the 'user' have to accept this agreement all over again?

    3. Someone at your office decided to change the name that appears on the client window from "Element Client" to "Perfect World International". The Launcher is still checking for Element Client. That is why the launcher will allow you to launch multiple clients. Even when the Launcher prohibited running a second client, all you needed to do was double click elementclient.exe to open a second client. Patcher.exe does not check for another running instance of the client, it only checks for another window named "Element Client"...

    4. It's your game, it's your rules, so I'll stick to them, but I have to say I've been playing with 3 pcs under what have been your rules so far because it was not considered and "abuse" until today. In fact, it was even encouraged by some mods and gms on the forums when people asked about it.

    For my part, and as Kitamura also said in a somewhat disgruntled manner, using the same registration information was just being honest about it. It saddens me to hear (or rather read) that this change of heart and policie suddenly labels me as an "average abuser", especially when it's due to a reaction towards the client's technical conditions as you say in the quote below.

    All of these people make very valid points or raise important questions in regard to your new unofficial policy.

    ^^ this

    The stupidity of PWE leaves me all too often dumbfounded.
    Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder b:chuckle
  • Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    yeah, according to this new rule, families are no longer allowed to play the game together. my family has played since from almost the beginning of open beta, and now they want to shut us down?

    Ok gms i'm confused...i have like 4 accounts..1 i'm going to give to my brother and 1 i don't use and the other 2 i do use...i know you can use 2 on a computer at a time but...if i and my brother play (i will be playing on 2 accounts (always have been doing that with 2 computers)) how we be able to prove that we are not the same person. I put some dresses and stuff that pertained to me and might be wrong now get my point? Can I get a solution please.

    Do we have to call you guys or?
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Supposedly...this is a 'new' rule and not a rule that 'I', the user accepted on the license agreement when I made my account soon to be 3 years ago. To be legally binding, doesn't the 'user' have to accept this agreement all over again?

    You didn't actually read the ToS though, did you? Read number two.

    ETA: Families can still play together. Where did you read that you can't? It doesn't say two accounts per household; it says two accounts per PERSON. If things are suspicious then they'll want you to verify that it's not just one person pretending to be several. I dunno how, but I doubt it would be as dramatic as people are trying to make it out to be. That and, if you're being honest you probably won't raise suspicion anyways.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have five kids at home and the three boys all have accounts. How am I gonna prove it is different people? Will PWI come to my house for a visit?


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