"New" Suggestion Compilation thread!
Still hoping the barbarians get their animal forms. And with it, some new species.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
do the moderators and devs actually look at the suggestions and take them in consideration or are they only intersted on spending our money on their personal needs ?0
Dark__Heart - Sanctuary wrote: »do the moderators and devs actually look at the suggestions and take them in consideration or are they only intersted on spending our money on their personal needs ?
One thing is sure: they wont care more than how much they actually care, if ppl ask this.If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.
a topic with 100 pages.....
....and no official statement about it.0 -
a topic with 100 pages.....
....and no official statement about it.
And soon 1000th post, maybe they wait until 1000th post. b:pleased
Or they never say anything if an suggestion is included on development.
(though maybe only a fraction of the original suggestion)
Well i wish they find way to fix rubber band so it can identity player were cheating or not when they move so fast.
And moar skills !! Moar class for each race !! b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
About this :
Territory War
- Time change to suit more people in different time zones
Just make it with a callender.
Fill in Date & Time you want to start fighting (Server Time) (Not standart days & hours Real wars does not start on Fixed times)
In Settings you can already see your Ping & Server info
Add a Server Clock
For Binding Gear you have binding stone's
make a Unbound Stone (personaly i think people will like this option)0 -
Going to put this in big bold letters;
LordKoopa - Archosaur wrote: »Well, well, well dyes is for people that make mistakes... when purchasing a clothing item click on the fitting room to see it on your character then simple click on a other item and then go back to the item you want, you will see it random generates a color every time you click on it, so to get the color you want the first time just keep clicking back and forward until you get a color you want... or buy a bunch hot dye boxes and waste your money... remember PWI isn't ripping you off your ripping yourself off
b:angry Stop blaming PWI for your mistakes, and do some research before you buy things!!!
O_O i have nvr heard of that, nvr even that faintest clue of that and if that is true there should be a notice of that too much of the game is unexplained and many ppl probably nvr heard of that before either so they should have a nice notice on each fashion piece in the boutique that lets you know about that and if it isnt true they should also put a notice on the fashion pieces that said that... like i said there is too many vague wrong and just missing info you need to make an informed decision... yes figuring some stuff out is nice but when it costs you money because its not common knowledge that is a scam to me or at the very least very poor business ethics
such as one of the genie skills (idr its name) says it drains health from the enemy which mean it should heal you based on what dmg it does but in reality it doesnt matter it always heals you for 1% of your max hp >.>
and on that note make the genie skills do what they say like the one thats supposed to cure poison have it cure poison not make you immune to wood dmg for a few seconds and have some that does that for burn and drown i would guess you call it
and yes if you did that purify would still be needed because it stops all debuffs not just poison or anyone element
also make some of the genie skills last longer some of em are so short they are almost uselesslibrian-"At lvl 100, which race is better: seekers, clerics or blademasters? and what are the reasons? Ty"
joshcja -"Aryans? dont be a racist skinhead ****?"
now who do you think is the real racist?
Ability to undock character, inventory, friend, squad, faction dialogs as well as the coord assistant and main map and move them outside the game window. Also set the chat and info message lists to undock as well.
Remember when the inventory screen has been opened manually and susbsequently leave it open when closing a shop dialog.
When a trade or asking someone to join a squad fails, give reason for failure (eg. too far away, or player already in a squad etc.)
Improve options for naming a squad. List the name above the character similar to how faction does at the moment.
Search for squad by name.
If you disconnect from the server and log back in within 5-10 minutes or so, ask if you want to rejoin the squad you were in when you left (Subject to the squad still being available and the current squad leader approving).
When a player in a squad attacks a mob, tag the mob with an icon (similar to how NPCs have quest flags). The tag is only visible to members in the squad. This enables squad members to see where their friends are attacking much quicker.
Have the option to auto defend yourself if attacked by a mob. You could also add an extra option to set a skill or macro as the first move used if attacked (assuming they have sufficient mana).
Example of where this is useful: You have fought a mob, your health and Mana are down, so you move to an area you think is safe and meditate. You go grab a coffee while you wait, but when you come back, a roving mob has found you and killed you because your character doesn't retaliate unless you tell it to. With auto defense enabled your character at least has a fighting chance. Remember the auto defense doesn't initiate the attack so walking past passive mobs will have no effect. The auto defense will only activate if the character is idle ie. commands from the user or the character running to a spot will not invoke an auto defense....
Hotkey to open co-ordinates assistant.
Ability to save more than 5 coordinates eg. have default coords in left pane, have another list of user coords in right pane (saved to local disk), plus active coordinate for auto path listed above for reference.
Make coord assistant and main map undockable so can they be pulled outside game window (Hang on, I already suggested that didn't I?
Modify auto path to do basic navigation on the ground ie. move around obsticles. It doesn't need to have advanced path finding, just something better than a single straight line.
Ability to auto path from the map (double click a point on the map or hotkey to set destination to mouse cursor).
Ability to modify the auto path on the main map. This would be done by grabbing a point on the navigation line and drag a waypoint across the map, or right clicking a waypoint and deleting it etc. This will enable the player to modify the navigation path to suit himself eg. to move around an area that has high level mobs or obsticles on the navigation path that he would rather avoid.
Have the map zoomable to any abitrary level (not just the current two settings ie. full map and 10x zoom in)
Most of these enahancements are for squad work. I especially think that having the map undockable with double click auto path would be handy; can track squad members over a larger area.
I probably could think of lots more given enough time, but this'll do for now.
Horsewhisperer700 -
Movement canceling channeling is dumb, as a barb, skill spammer class unless you go -int, we would be canceling all of our skills while chasing people. Do you people think before you subject us to your garbage?0
id like to see sofs and nix feathers in the dq rewards system for a reasonable price for all of us who arent rich0
I have not read all 1002 previous posts but I'm willing to bet the three things I want them to change yesterday have already been mentioned.
1. The pick-up action should pick-up your stuff no matter how far away. I killed the mob, the stuff is dedicated to me for a period of time, I want to just go get it all please.
2. The distance to the target should be displayed in the info box (which also needs to be a bit wider I've noticed). If I cast out of range, I move up automatically but if I use a genie spell I do not move into range. Spell does not cast and it may need to be first.
3. Those stupid lines that come from that goose should have been fixed immediately. They've been an annoyance for how long now?0 -
how about better rep for 1 man army0
only fashion,fashion, fashion!!!
50% -!
its boring!!!!0 -
item to give 2x or more drops like hypers but for drops0
did anyone ever think that some ppl dont want to pay REAL money for a game that is suposudly free?
get the objects in the store with coin prices as well, keep the number high for your prfits of course but seriously im dying to get some stuff from there but im not gonna pay huge amounts of money for a game, the reason i play this is because i dont wanna pay for WORLD OF WAR CRAFT
p.s. seriously censuring the name of W.O.W ?0 -
Just be glad you can play this game for free. There are other games, partially free in which there are huge amounts of the world map unavailable to the free players. The boutique items are very expensive if you'd compare them with real money, however they are very useful in-game. The thing that I like about PWI is that we are NOT obligated to pay for those items. While in other games you MUST pay if you want to play.
Aside this fact; getting really on-topic here. On the first page stated in the list of the OP, there is the suggestion of a "Change Name Scroll", I would love to see this feature appear very soon. It's just such a big list... Is it still being updated? And are the developers actually looking at the list?
There are quite some "bugs" with "invalid characters". I don't know whether they are supposed to be. The reason why I'd love to have my character name changed is because a stupid _ as a space bar space is ugly. Character setting should actually be changed to include "spacebar", dots, and others that are not (yet) possible, which should not scr*w up the entire font of the game of course.
Also change the character setting for the faction message screen. If you want to write down a slogan, you cannot because it doesn't allow any spacebars.
I think this would be quite descriptive...?
Oh, and the people wanting more drops, more exp/spirit and more money, I really hope you are all last in the line. It's actually the greed that wants such a thing, not yourselves. I would like to have more drops/exp/spirit/coins as well, but that's not important for me. I would prefer the game play to be more fluent, less problems with fonts and character settings, then having more in-game stuff while the game play is getting to my nerves. The game should be fun to play, it shouldn't be about greed. We already get too much from PWI, for example Hyper Stones, new races(TideBorn) and especially a fun and addictive way of spending our time. Keep up the good work PWI!!!
(Manufactured by: Renegade_El*) Where * is some strange block thingy... :S
Added suggestion: Reshape the world map to a resolution of 1920x1080 (1080p HD), so the half of the new TideBorn continent that is falling of the window will be properly seen. This will improve the game play as well, as I barely go to City of the Rising Tides myself because of this. Not even to get those special TB weapons. As City of the Rising Tide cannot be clicked at the teleporter when playing the game at a resolution of 1920x1080.0 -
nice ideas. i had one especialy about the clothes. if u plaid jade dynasty b4 u would c tht it stole alot of things from pwi XD. like the the scarlet ninetails (wich they turned red and look alot cooler) the bad panda(staid the same), tht rare big eyed blue cat thinggy wichs name i4got, the humans flys (swords or surf boards or wever u kall tht XD) . and many other thigs tht i problably havent see yet. Back 2 my piont why kant pwi steal some stuff from jade. i think tht pwi would be alot beter if they had some of the clothes that jade haz.0
I like most of the classes. What I'm wanting is a sword and shield class. Like for blademasters. Let them equip a shield in there off hand. Just my 2 cents worth.b:victory0
Sulvane - Dreamweaver wrote: »I like most of the classes. What I'm wanting is a sword and shield class. Like for blademasters. Let them equip a shield in there off hand. Just my 2 cents worth.b:victory
does make sense. Can't have a good offense without a good defence. With that, i can imagine that the shield would have nasty counter skills to come with it.
O.O another thing, if they are called Blademasters, shouldn't they be able to use daggers as well?0 -
Here are a few things I'd like to see added to the cash shop:
1) Color themes for random dyes - basic colors, pastels, fluorescents,
2) A $2 stone that would change a piece of armor into a piece of fashion,
3) A scroll that would only increase your spirit gained for an hour, and
4) A chi stone set for adding 1000 stamina to your genie.
Also, PWI should sponsor an official poll where they take the most interesting suggestions from this list and let people vote on them (group suggestions by the categories in red). This list is very large, but it could be useful for the developers if the list was narrowed down and the items were ranked.0 -
Didn't feel like reading all of the posts so I have no idea if this has been added or suggested but we need male venos and female barbs, ability or change the color of barbs fur and venos tail and ear color, ability to change the tiger and fox form colors (including the fire effect), new transformations for barbs and venos (wolves, other big cats, bears, or what ever human form you picked), new human forms for barbs and new tails and ears for venos (white tiger, ape, panther/cougar, alligator/reptilian creature, better lion). Maybe take away the buy-able hair styles and add better starter hair styles; sunglasses, headphones, wristbands, necklaces, and other items that barbs can use. Better flying mounts definitely or land and flying mounts that can fly but also run on land. Should be allowed to use flying pets in caves, jump higher, and use land mounts.
All this is nice but I think what really needs to be fixed is the glitch issues we have in game, such as the rubber banding. I've gotten used to it but it's still a pain sometimes.0 -
Oh and also, will prolly get a lot of QQ for this but, they should make fists BM only. I have my reasons and I'm sure others do too, or just get rid of fists all together and -int gear.0
Oh, im suprised no-body said this one-
Cash shop item that increases drop rate for that character. with various %'s ( 1g= 50% drop rate increase for 1 day 2g= 100% increase for set time etc.)
Should help the economy quite a bit + give more money to PWE. im sure ALOT of players want to be able to buy drop rate increases, me included. it would lower alot of prices on items in game as well0 -
EVERY week, i can see something on the news page like:
ugh...0 -
It would be cool if after turning demon or sage new customization options unlock and you can change you're apereance to more demon or sage like
imagine psychic with spines on his/her body. awesome
They see me trollin`
They hatin`
Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
My music so loud
I'm flamin`0 -
You developers mind adding some new stuff the DP rewards during the Genesis expansion? You know like some basic and intermediate reset notes? That shouldn't be too hard, right?0
not sure if this was covered but is there going to be a new server with the Genesis expansion?0
what if you have an idea for like mounts and classes and stuff couse i haeve a whole book full of idea i whould lovs to see happen on PWI my designs on Perfect world whould be awesome0
I really hate the ten hour pk timer when you switch into pk mode. How about 5? Having this shorter timer would make it easier to do events.0
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