PWI Fall Beauty Contest 2010



  • buttercupcruella
    buttercupcruella Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    *dresses up in a cheerleader costume*
    GO HOPE, GO HOPE!!!!
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Rigged you say?

    Well, I won't say anymore.

    A video response directed @Dashiko and @KiAngelo will be up in a short period of time.
    Oh hey you two by the way, or should I say.... one
    Great to see you again, I haven't forgotten you

    Don't waste your time, i won't watch =3


    Have no idea who you are. You can't afford my friendship o-o

    *edit* They did admit it was unfair. Okay toodles.
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I don't even think either of them entered a character into this contest... I'm not surprised, I remember that they both hang out with each other and rain on parades and/or get upset when one or the other gets insulted.

    *sigh* trouble makers.

    Besides, most of the people that even entered in the first place hang out in the forums... otherwise they wouldn't have seen the contest to enter. Sure, friends probably told a few of them of it but come on, you guys are being stupid. It's hard to run a fair contest, we all know that.

    Hell, even the PWI staff can't do it. (Remember the fash contest?) No need to be a**holes over it.

    Kyna's like thos hot n feist blademaster gf i've always wanted. Wewt lol.

    Everything was nice until you called us a**holes.. Come on Kyna let's go have some coffee and drink off that rage.

    *edit* I just noticed she admitted to this being unfair. Hehe let's I'm out Have fun guys.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Everything in life is biased. Get over it.
  • _Lady - Dreamweaver
    _Lady - Dreamweaver Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thank you Hope for putting the time and effort into this : ) Ignore all the b/s and just remember most of us are here to have fun.

    _Lady: lvl 80 BM on Dreamweaver
    _Constantina: lvl 60 Cleric on Dreamweaver
    _Nomura: lvl 30 Wiz on Dreamweaver

    Lady_Emal: lvl 61 BM on Sanctuary (Retired)
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I agree with the sensible ones. Everything in life is bias; there is no such thing as an unbiased person. Also, this is a forum... A contest hosted on a forum... Of course they'll be people who frequent the forums...

    And I don't quite see how this could be rigged. xD Unless...

    Hope b:avoid Make me win for 2mil coins? Jk <3
  • Sarieanna - Raging Tide
    Sarieanna - Raging Tide Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Heeeey Hope!

    Just wondering, what if you had done it on excel? Excel is like a calculator... If you want to switch feel free to tell me on fb/email or something, and i'll get it to you ASAP. b:chuckle

    Cause thats what I do for the majority of my math hmwk b:surrender
    I love my sister, Alex <3
    Even though, I taught her more then she taught me. b:cute
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I agree with the sensible ones. Everything in life is bias; there is no such thing as an unbiased person. Also, this is a forum... A contest hosted on a forum... Of course they'll be people who frequent the forums...

    And I don't quite see how this could be rigged. xD Unless...

    Hope b:avoid Make me win for 2mil coins? Jk <3

    I vote for Gabbeh 'cuz she is smexy and I love her. b:cute

    Is that bias? b:avoid
  • KuiXing - Harshlands
    KuiXing - Harshlands Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    b:angry why are you guys flaming so much b:irritated Hopes practically losing sleep for us so suck it up or dont fkn post
    I have the best mom ever, she brought me drugs and fruit juice - Reavღ
    Challenge accepted I'm going to go blow up the sun - FanFon
    Those crabs are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going and going... - Wildsblade
  • BeingHope - Raging Tide
    BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    [removed By Hope 29/9/10]
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thanks to everyone for the support today.

    I've been exhausted and the KiAngelo/Dashiko issue made me even worse.
    Currently I'm non-stop blowing my nose.

    Anyways, here is a video about the contest.
    This video in the first half explains the 5 judges, the biased parts, etc.
    The second half is mostly about trolls in the contest (aka the two)

    Additionally, I have took the time to screenshot every post they have made.

    However, I would like to add.
    KiAngelo and Dashiko are the same person.
    I have been suspecting this for months now but now I have more legible proof.

    Heres a screenshot of their last posts.
    (excuse the random pink dots xD)

    So my reasons for this?
    They end very similarly.
    Seriously, they'll probably troll and respond back to this.
    But isn't it way too coincidentally how they both do *edit*?
    And how KiAngelo is ALWAYS supporting Dashiko and saying the exact same things?

    I believe that the person playing Dashiko made KiAngelo to "help" prove their point.

    Anyways, I'm tired, exhausted, and angry so I'll get off before I make more of a mess on my own contest.

    Edit: Actually the video is kind of mixed up. So umm yeah... Feel free to skim parts of it if you choose to watch it

    Poor Baby, tried so hard to fail. Oh well you Tried. We're not the same person. If the Mods wouldn't have killed my thread, I could show you we're not the same people, KiAngelo was kill on sight enemy of mine one time.

    Oh My last post before this was too offensive. Didn't wanna hurt your feelings like we already did.
  • failerpwnd
    failerpwnd Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I remember a thread dashiko made a while back. back in 2k5 boasting about her so called awesome characters. I thought her and Kiangelo were the same too but.

    KiAngelo Trolled her non stop because of her ugly characters until they found out they go to the same school.

    SO first off they're not the same because of some silly *edit* if that's the case those two would have avoided that to have someone come across such a stupid assumption.

    I personally attack them in Pm's asking how hard did they try to **** people off.

    Besides KiAngelo has a picture of himself in the Post a picture of yourself thread BeingHope.

    That was pretty low of you. Toodles.
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    failerpwnd wrote: »
    I remember a thread dashiko made a while back. back in 2k5 boasting about her so called awesome characters. I thought her and Kiangelo were the same too but.

    KiAngelo Trolled her non stop because of her ugly characters until they found out they go to the same school.

    SO first off they're not the same because of some silly *edit* if that's the case those two would have avoided that to have someone come across such a stupid assumption.

    I personally attack them in Pm's asking how hard did they try to **** people off.

    Besides KiAngelo has a picture of himself in the Post a picture of yourself thread BeingHope.

    That was pretty low of you. Toodles.

    Meh Don't sweat it, you're forgetting she's stressed. QQ about rough sex?.. She was sitting on her bed in the vid.

    Oh i watch that Vid and gagged. She has got to weigh like 5 pounds man.
  • failerpwnd
    failerpwnd Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Meh Don't sweat it, you're forgetting she's stressed. QQ about rough sex?..

    Obviously a partner in crime doesn't exist anymore. Btw Failerpwnd who the ** are you?
    Someone your mom wants to buy.

    Relax dude. But yeah it's bogus how she thinks you two are the same person when i've reading your posts (today) and ROFl laughing at all of em.

    That chick's just delusional and in denial obviously because of stress. She shouldn't post Rep scarring B.S like that.
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Still say this is rigged.
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If A troll has a buddy, they're going to do sh*t like that Personally I think it's childish and puts them in the position of Idiot in denial. I guess Yulk and NightRage are Buddies too Right? They support each other (at times). KiAngelo Flames/has flamed me (believe it or not). But yeah let this toothpick with barbwire in her mouth make her assumptions. This is what we get for trolling a butt kisser thread.

    Btw Failerpwnd just won the thread im leaving.
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    But Kyna is Feisty and I Like Feistyb:kissb:dirty

    We can have dinner and coffee for Entertainment well...We have BeingHope

    The Radio and She can turn invisible going sideways!

    Seriously that was uncalled for lol.
  • Moog - Lost City
    Moog - Lost City Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Wow, where are the mods to ban these fail *** trolls

    If you are going to troll at least do it with style, not mocking someone so bluntly you people sound like you are 12 year old kids that are picking their noses behind a computer screen. b:embarrass
  • crystalynnex
    crystalynnex Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Wow, where are the mods to ban these fail *** trolls

    If you are going to troll at least do it with style, not mocking someone so bluntly you people sound like you are 12 year old kids that are picking their noses behind a computer screen. b:embarrass

    the only mod that ever does the banning etc is ary imo :S and she quit D:

    @hope you sound just like my old high school friend! xD i opened the vid in another tab and i was browsing a separate tab so i didnt see your face, but when you spoke i was like "zomg it's tiff where is sheeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~?!?!?!" ._." yeah... and she says like as much as you do! xD jk <3

    ♥ siggy by Susylu - HT

    "you can compare alcohol to a woman; she can make you feel so high, or she can make you miserable that it's far beyond everything." -AL
  • MadisonRayne - Heavens Tear
    MadisonRayne - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    moogs right if those 2 are gonna troll they coulda at least made it good

    see sometimes, watching a troll, wether youre the person being targetted by them, or the person just reading it, can sometimes provide for some cheap entertainment.

    however in thier case, they failed to deliver any trolling even remotely close to entertaining

    they could win most boring troll duo of the year award
    hope dont feed into the trolls tho (the vid did just that) cuz thats what they WANT you to do, they want negative attention.
    I usually just ignore players like that, who are rude in a public forum cuz, its alot easier to be mean to someone on the internet than it is to be nice, and if someone isnt being nice, then theyre not even really worth repling to.

    even if the contest was rigged or biased, its still more of an event than I see them running o.O

    but anyways, back on topic of the contest I do have one question / concern and thats, how much is the player voting part going to count for in the final voting? (maybe u said it already I missed it)

    cuz I can see it getting well, not exactly rigged as the trolls say but, biased voting yea for sure, Im sure some ppl have lot of friends who will come vote on them for being thier friend, and not on the real goal of the contest.
    I suggest you dont let the player voting count for most, or even alot of the final score cuz if its not, not only will ppl NOT be so inclined to ask everyone they know to vote for them (and not to vote on chars who may have more 'beauty' than thiers) but keep in mind its your contest with your judging panel.
    the judge panels decision should be the heavy influence on the winner, not the audience voting.

    you rely on the audience voting too much, and it will lose its original beauty contest theme and become a popularity contest fast.
    but well thats just my thoughts on it, its your contest afterall
  • Llux - Sanctuary
    Llux - Sanctuary Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Going to post a personal opinion just to get things back on track. Also, thanks for making that video Hope to make things so clear. b:victory

    I really would prefer there not be a poll for the final winners. I honestly don't see the need and it would only increase biased results. While you can never really escape being biased there are ways to keep it at a minimum. For example; not integrating the usage of a poll which has ruined the beauty contests of the past.

    Since Hope has such a variety of judges; young, older, in game, and out of game, I'm completely fine letting their varied opinions choose the final winners.
    On a forum, this is the least rigged and least biased a contest could ever hope (no pun intended) to be.
    Thanks Hope!

    P.S. Hope, if you really want to get the forum and fellow players involved, why not make a people's choice award as well for the finalists?

    ~My Screenshot Tumblr~
  • Myralis - Sanctuary
    Myralis - Sanctuary Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thanks for hosting such a wonderful contest :)

    The people derailing this and insulting each other in here really deserve to be banned =__=
    Dont let it get to close to you, Hope. Some people are just idiotic on forums and ingame...
    [ -- Wolves - Alpha | Hurt me, I'll bite back. Hurt my pack, I'll snap your neck. -- ]
  • MadisonRayne - Heavens Tear
    MadisonRayne - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I 100% agree with Llux

    also the "peoples choice award" idea is simply brilliant, and really is prolly the best method to make the event not turn into popularity contest.
  • Grippieluver - Lost City
    Grippieluver - Lost City Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    'like' 'like' 'like'

    lol Hope you're adorable and I love you to death!! The vid you made was very cute, no it wasnt professional (who cares :P) but the thought was really well put together... and heyyy u could see my magenta posts :DD xD
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • __LOEKI__ - Heavens Tear
    __LOEKI__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    not sure if people noticed but I got my characters out of this competition

    I got feeling this is same as al others even if they say it is not
    people who they know like coco sky graviora and some more got al
    oh and ah so cute and beautifull most of time
    al up to them but I do not like some text they put in my sheet

    like what the heck
    and by some other characters who entered
    oh again baby face and looking weird
    so I got myself away from this but last thing is I want
    is to show my character here
    with the model picture I used to make my cleric with and tried to
    make it look like a real male person
    not ment to copy just for the modelling of
    the face with cheekbones and eyebrows and such to make a characteristic look
    and not stick to the smooth wrinkleless face you start with

    but comment is
    what the heck on the sheet below with the points
    sorry ladies and every other judge persons
    think for me I do not really think my character looks that ugly
    but those points showing like it does oh except for my body then
    but hey can not do much wrong with that

    and if I read some comments by others I got more feeling you all
    have alot of fun over others who are really serious about
    there character some put maybe alot of time in it and others
    maybe less but stil they think they have an unique look
    I must also say weird sayings for tideborns like
    I do not like the tattoos
    you get those tattoos by the look you choose
    it is not an option you can take off so you
    telling me there that you give him less points for something
    he can not alter in the creation part
    think that is a weird way of judging
    and the tideborn looking so skinny is one of the few I have seen
    that does not look like a standard click to play look but it
    really looks unique for you skinny and scary with those leggs but hey
    he can not put muscle body under a small young boy looking head
    that would been weird

    so if you do not like this to bad and people who wil respond
    wel go ahead but think this is not better then any other contest of
    how your character look and if you tried to make it look unique or
    atleast try to then it is just what the heck or baby face or bad tattoo
    or any other weird stuff you put in sheets like he could be your dancepartner
    has nothing to do with contest
    Guess if you are more known you have more chance to be cute or a doll
    or what else you put on the sheets


    and yes just one colum is filled already feel like no thanks for me this is not needed
    to be more ot less insulted with that text like I am a monsterly looking character

    have fun with your contest wish al the guys and girls goodluck
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Haha, those two talk a whole lot of smack not to play on a PvP server... and that random third person that just decided to jump in, who also plays a Veno on Sanctuary apparently.

    You guys should take a lesson in trolling from my cousin >_> he's actually good at it.

    In any case, sorry you feel the way you do Loeki but :/ I don't really think your character looks like who you tried to make it look like. I thought Hulk Hogan when I saw the mustache and that guy doesn't really strike me as... attractive...

    I mean, props for uniqueness but this was a "beauty" contest and not necessarily a uniqueness contest and while some of the judges are a little harsh and I don't agree with the "tattoo" bit it's not my contest to run. Best thing to do is just to not take it so personally.

    Better luck with a different contest I suppose.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • __LOEKI__ - Heavens Tear
    __LOEKI__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    if you read the piece again you should also read the part
    not ment to copy
    just as excample for making the face
    give it cheekbones and a chin not leave the face flat
    and wrinkleless but think most characters in contest
    that does not look to much like the presets are
    or baby face or just get
    what the heck
    think Tefalzar one of the last entries also got same message
    but like I said if you are different or not known
    is never so good as beeing known
    sorry to say but sheck sheets of people if they are even bit known
    or seen or from forum they are having more chance on
    ah or cute or whatever other
    cuteness they can think of then if you are just unknown
    they even put it on top of sheet in what way they know them
    that is my opinion and once again
    I did not use the male model to copy so it does not look like it
    just for the face model itself
    the cheekbones and chin and such
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Look dude.

    Just don't take it so hard. Like I said before, props for making your character unique but he also looks like hulk hogan with that handlebar mustache. Good for uniqueness, bad for beauty contest. I mean heck, I think he's a well put-together character.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • __LOEKI__ - Heavens Tear
    __LOEKI__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    wel got feeling you can not even have a comment here or
    there is somebody start calling you
    like you are a little kid
    and have to be stopped talking

    wel don't worry I am not so that I keep on going and
    about hulk hogan
    I know how he looks but do not think my cleric looks like him
    it was not even ment to look like anyone just a look on his own

    and other contest do not think so think they al the same no matter
    what you all say

    and think if ever want to make a real fair contest
    then better have judges that judge seperatly and do not know eachother at all

    I mean mum if I should read that wel it is the mother of hope
    you do not think she let herself influence by hope
    it is afterall her daugther
    and the others are her sister or friends so stil some influence there
    if you like it or not

    but I am done

    have fun
  • buttercupcruella
    buttercupcruella Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Loeki, I'm sorry to hear that. Beauty contests can be mean; some people will always feel worse, humiliated, ugly, laughed out....

    I like Viggo as an actor:))) Anyway...
    I think it looks nothing like Hulk, but then again, people have different perceptions.
    Getting a bad comment should not ruin your fun. All that matters is if YOU enjoy your character.

    I, myself, do like your char more than some of the ones that got top scores, but guess what, PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE OPINIONS. Please, don't tell me that when some1 tells you you're not super hot irl, you go and cut yourself!!!!!

    Believe in yourself. If you accept yourself, then life will get better. You will be less bitter.