Is there any point being a veno?

explex Posts: 84 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Venomancer
Well i was wondering, is there any point in being a veno if your never going to get a herc?
Post edited by explex on


  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    is there any point in being any class if you are never going to get a +12 nirvana weapon?

    just enjoy the game, if you want to start a veno to grind a bit of coin cheap - go for it. you can do that just fine without a herc.
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
  • explex
    explex Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yes but when people ask for veno for fb/tt, they always ask for a herc, i understand where you are coming from, but i was just thinking why people are venos :D
  • Maddieson - Sanctuary
    Maddieson - Sanctuary Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm a veno without a herc. Make friends that don't care whether you have a herc or not and do things with them. I don't see a herc anywhere in my future soon, nor do I care do have one. I'm taking my time with it. No point in getting a herc if I have to do everything in a party anyways.
    It's not my job to shut you down on a suggestion. It's a pleasure, though.
  • explex
    explex Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Awesome thanks for the advice! It helps alot, since im starting to play again after several months away, im going to start a veno i guess. What kind of Veno are you (going slightly off topic)
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    It ceratinly can be fun to play hercless veno even if you'll find yourself unwanted in many squads. And it doesn't mean you have to do without TT/FCC runs, a couple of friends who know they can count on you can really make a difference.
  • explex
    explex Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yeh i have a friend who is 87 i think at last count :D. He cant wait for me to get to 60 ish so i can tt and tihngs.
  • Doqui - Raging Tide
    Doqui - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm a full Vit arcane veno, (with herc)
    You will find that in a squad with a barb (you need barbs couse pet's are lousy agro holders in squads) you are much better off using a pet that 1: does good dps and more important 2: provides debuffs, this will help your squad more then just showing up with a herc.

    I bought my herc becouse i realy enjoy doing TT solo (and some BH, but never EVER try BH69 solo -.-)

    I find that the free pet's rare or regular will do a great job at grinding and squad instances.
    It's all about witch pet you use in wat situation.

    *edit* I just bought an Armored bear (i know i didn't need it, but i like the way it looks.... don't judge me) and it is easely capable to tank in TT 1-1 and 1-2 and have yet to try 2-1 but with some effort it should be alright in there.

    *Lollipop Chainsaw Addict sinds 05-2012*
  • Namidatears - Harshlands
    Namidatears - Harshlands Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    No herc here,and everytime friends and fact members look for me to help in all instances,becouse they know my player skill...I lure...I keep them safe if some one catch the aggro,and many knows herc or no herc,wepons +12 or not....all depends on you and others player skills to do a good run as a Team.
    =Palynzer= b:bye
  • Shifong - Heavens Tear
    Shifong - Heavens Tear Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    A good or bad veno is not based on which pet she has. At lvl 100 it doesn't matter since your pet won't get aggro anyway (unless you have a crappy squad), even in TT. A veno is all about keeping bosses amped, purging, luring and debuffing etc.
    Retsuko - Shifong
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    A good or bad veno is not based on which pet she has. At lvl 100 it doesn't matter since your pet won't get aggro anyway (unless you have a crappy squad), even in TT. A veno is all about keeping bosses amped, purging, luring and debuffing etc.

    Venos are DD's like most other classes. Many bosses we encounter after 100 are AoE. Other pets tend to die too easy or require too much healing to do proper dd. Venos refusing to get a Herc is like Barbs who refuse to upgrade their armor, and choose to ride off others' work. If you wanna be a mooch: play a wiz, or one of those archers that begs for ammo.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Umon - Sanctuary
    Umon - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    What does "DPS" stand for?
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Damage Per Second
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Umon - Sanctuary
    Umon - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thanks, that’s been bugging me for a long time.
  • explex
    explex Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Its not i refuse to buy one, its just that it costs way to much! I want to play a game not just pay a load of $$$ skip loads of quests just to get a herc.

    Is it that complicated to play a veno in instances and BH with all the buffing de-buffing stuff?
  • Zeelia - Raging Tide
    Zeelia - Raging Tide Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Anyone who b!tches at you to get a herc tell them to buy it for you if they want you to get it that much.

    Venos did just fine before battlepet packs came out so...

    $200/grinding till your fingers bleed = Herc.
    Playing for fun because it is JUST a game = priceless.

    Anyone who tells you otherwise needs to get in touch with reality, we don't all have Mummys credit card.

    Armoured bear at lvl 80 should do it. b:victory

    Edit: Glacial walker // Crystaline Magmite till lvl 80- then bear from then on. IMO.
  • explex
    explex Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thanks ^^. I guess you need some confidence to say NO i dont have a herc sometimes, even if you cant ever find a tt run :D.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    Venos are DD's like most other classes. Many bosses we encounter after 100 are AoE. Other pets tend to die too easy or require too much healing to do proper dd. Venos refusing to get a Herc is like Barbs who refuse to upgrade their armor, and choose to ride off others' work. If you wanna be a mooch: play a wiz, or one of those archers that begs for ammo.

    No, it's not. My 78 Tabby survived Frost fine and i found the need for herc largely exaggerated. Oh, yeah, it's 3-3 and Nirvana right? Bosses after 100 are hardly the concern of the vast majority of the player base... And i largely suspect much of the same shenanigans at that level range. I've seen plenty of 1xx venos in forums posting you don't need an herc. Oh, but they're likely all fail, aren't they?

    You want to talk speed? Herc isn't the best dps and you know it. Cost efficiency? How much time are you actually wasting having a full squad gimp their damage output so that a subpar tank takes center stage? Saving repairs? A pet with Threaten will reduce damage input by 36% for a good half of boss fights.

    Not getting a herc is more like not wanting to get gear refines over +6. You don't actually need it for PvE and people demanding such are fail players. Oh, but we wouldn't want someone working for 102 actually taking a chance would we?

    Demanding a herc is psychotic, no one playing 2 hours a day or less will get one in any reasonable amount of time and honestly, for all your tripe about how players who brag about how good they are turning out to be fails i've never seen another veno claiming to make the amount of coin you usually advertise as a standard for yourself. People like you are sucking the life and fun out of this game, i wonder how long is it going to be until you decide to start on the "game is dead" rant, which really is the pattern i have seen with those making unreasonable demands from the player base.

    How long were you logging in each day when you were getting your herc at mid levels? Because that is precisely what you're asking others to do. And oh please, lord of wisdom, could you name exactly which bosses have an AoE that only a herc can survive without spam healing? How many are there really?
  • explex
    explex Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Nice post @above, i spend maybe 4 hours on the forums maybe more, but then only a few in game as i take part in the discussions. I guess this proves that you dont need a herc at all, you just need a good reliable squad. :D
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Squads tend to rely on venos with a herc in FF until roughly 90+, when the -interval people kick in and hercs can't keep aggro even on bosses anymore (more recently, my archer with fists and bow took and kept aggro from a herc on FF bosses at 90). Before that point, hercs represent one of the best DD's on bosses in FF, on top of tank (minus Fragrance for the tank part). A veno with a herc is also like, as tweakz mentioned, a barb who invested in their gear to give themselves more HP and/or defenses. It's a standard for a veno to have a herc, particularly by higher levels (80+), though to a degree at higher levels hercs become slightly more obsolete concerning the role they used to have (especially with certain instance changes). As far as ground pets that can be instanced are concerned a herc is still the best pet that comes with skills that make it a "legendary pet" already learned, and there's no reason to not have a herc or a herc equivalent as a veno.

    And to the notion that a veno should be well geared instead, by FAR most of those people I found who did not have a herc, also had crappy *** gear, so a rather correct generalization would be correlating not having a herc to being lazy about gear too.

    And at higher levels venos tend to be replaced? Why? Look at Shifong's posts of what usefulness a veno has. Purging? A BM, barb, hell, and archer can do that too. Before I got picky, I did pro Nirvana squads and, particularly on the 2nd boss, it was common to have BM's switch to a purge pole or archers to a HS (or TT purge bow). Amp? Uh, sin amp, HF, extreme poison, easily overcome.

    In the end, squads prefer a herc the same way squads will prefer a BM or barb or sin or archer with higher APS, because someone who invested more into their character (whether it be time or money) development is going to ultimately be picked first. When they can't find a herc veno, then they will look for a different class altogether (likely APS), or at least a better geared hercless veno, which is a rarity, or, even more rare, a DPS veno.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    No, it's not. My 78 Tabby survived Frost fine and i found the need for herc largely exaggerated.

    A Varicose Scorpion can tank most bosses in Frost -whoo-hoo!
    You want to talk speed? Herc isn't the best dps and you know it.

    Duh. I was the one that posted the high end stats for Dark Wanderer. I also know it can't handle AoE's especially the mag type near as well. Sure it can hold aggro on Stygean at Lv.101 but it has to be spam healed so you lose dps. It's like saying a veno can't damage a boss as much as a wiz while ignoring our debuffs.

    Cost efficiency? How much time are you actually wasting having a full squad gimp their damage output so that a subpar tank takes center stage?

    At sub 100 you should know that a Herc has great aggro against [?] bosses like in FF where the Barbs/ BMs are better suited to taking out the ads.
    Saving repairs? A pet with Threaten will reduce damage input by 36% for a good half of boss fights.

    You don't actually need it for PvE and people demanding such are fail players.

    Fail players would be those that can't afford something that most others can by a certain time.

    Demanding a herc is psychotic, no one playing 2 hours a day or less will get one in any reasonable amount of time and honestly, for all your tripe about how players who brag about how good they are turning out to be fails i've never seen another veno claiming to make the amount of coin you usually advertise as a standard for yourself. People like you are sucking the life and fun out of this game, i wonder how long is it going to be until you decide to start on the "game is dead" rant, which really is the pattern i have seen with those making unreasonable demands from the player base.


    How long were you logging in each day when you were getting your herc at mid levels? Because that is precisely what you're asking others to do. And oh please, lord of wisdom, could you name exactly which bosses have an AoE that only a herc can survive without spam healing? How many are there really?

    How are you getting to mid levels w/o earning enough coin for a Herc? b:cry
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Squads tend to rely on venos with a herc in FF until roughly 90+, when the -interval people kick in and hercs can't keep aggro even on bosses anymore (more recently, my archer with fists and bow took and kept aggro from a herc on FF bosses at 90). Before that point, hercs represent one of the best DD's on bosses in FF, on top of tank (minus Fragrance for the tank part). A veno with a herc is also like, as tweakz mentioned, a barb who invested in their gear to give themselves more HP and/or defenses. It's a standard for a veno to have a herc, particularly by higher levels (80+), though to a degree at higher levels hercs become slightly more obsolete concerning the role they used to have (especially with certain instance changes). As far as ground pets that can be instanced are concerned a herc is still the best pet that comes with skills that make it a "legendary pet" already learned, and there's no reason to not have a herc or a herc equivalent as a veno.

    Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean it's good. If an herc is tanking then the full squad is gimping their damage so as not to steal aggro. Yeah, even on (?) bosses. If you want a dps pet then a scorp or a wanderer would make for far better choices and i've never seen anyone in WC asking for them. Furthermore, those herc skills are only good for tanking, not damage. Yeah, there is reflect but the point stands. Your so called standard is based on a defficient understanding of a veno's role and of the true capabilities of pets other than herc. An herc is a substandard and incovenient tank. An herc is not the best dps you can get on a land pet. This is fact.
    And to the notion that a veno should be well geared instead, by FAR most of those people I found who did not have a herc, also had crappy *** gear, so a rather correct generalization would be correlating not having a herc to being lazy about gear too.

    Generalizations are just hot air, you have no bussiness messing with the specs of other players. Yeah, there is a minimum competence standard for every class but this wouldn't require expensive gears nor high level refines. Nor hercs.
    And at higher levels venos tend to be replaced? Why? Look at Shifong's posts of what usefulness a veno has. Purging? A BM, barb, hell, and archer can do that too. Before I got picky, I did pro Nirvana squads and, particularly on the 2nd boss, it was common to have BM's switch to a purge pole or archers to a HS (or TT purge bow). Amp? Uh, sin amp, HF, extreme poison, easily overcome.

    What's your point? That venos are useless as a class? Why don't we just say so are BMs and Archers since -int Sins will blow them out of the water? Veno remains useful regardless. You say Extreme Poison can substitute for a veno? It stacks with Amp and i always use them as a combo, and you can get that along HF. Why don't you start asking for players to all have optimized genies before going into a run huh? Ridiculous pretentious standards don't make you a better player, but rather the opposite...
    In the end, squads prefer a herc the same way squads will prefer a BM or barb or sin or archer with higher APS, because someone who invested more into their character (whether it be time or money) development is going to ultimately be picked first. When they can't find a herc veno, then they will look for a different class altogether (likely APS), or at least a better geared hercless veno, which is a rarity, or, even more rare, a DPS veno.

    In the end most squads are run by noobish players that don't actually like to think about what they're doing and don't want to try new things. You would think for the sake of variety some people would at least be more willing to experiment, but the truth is established wisdom is nothing more than a bunch of glorified pet peeves and ideals...
    Your full post doesn't actually involve discussing actual gameplay, but rather you try to make a point out of wants and expectations. Seriously? For any given run there are at least 5-6 classes that are not actually necessary, wishful thinking will not make it otherwise. I've seen 9xers kicked out of squads my level so let me impress something upon you, we are all expendable. Unrealistic criteria may improve the chances of a select few but advances the game not one iota and has contributed to the game's decline almost as much as packs. Who wants to level up to 6x only to find out you won't be able to make endgame unless you dedicate sick amounts of time and money to the game? There is a legitimate reason not to have a herc, is called having a life. Just because many players don't doesn't mean the rest of us can't compete...
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    A Varicose Scorpion can tank most bosses in Frost -whoo-hoo!

    Precisely my point.
    Duh. I was the one that posted the high end stats for Dark Wanderer. I also know it can't handle AoE's especially the mag type near as well. Sure it can hold aggro on Stygean at Lv.101 but it has to be spam healed so you lose dps. It's like saying a veno can't damage a boss as much as a wiz while ignoring our debuffs.

    How many bosses? Are we talking more than a handful? And you're talking tanking, not dps.
    At sub 100 you should know that a Herc has great aggro against [?] bosses like in FF where the Barbs/ BMs are better suited to taking out the ads.

    Not great enough DD classes can go all out. Even on 1-2 runs with mediocre gears same level hercs loose aggro to me for crying out loud.

    Likely the reduction is not the number stated on the skill description but it's there. Prove me wrong if you're going to call bull...
    Fail players would be those that can't afford something that most others can by a certain time.

    Most others? Wait, do venos get enough coin for an herc just by saving up a bit while leveling? Because that would make a liar out of every veno that has posted they sacrificed to get an herc...

    QQ moar.
    How are you getting to mid levels w/o earning enough coin for a Herc? b:cry

    Because i don't lie about how much coin i make ingame unlike you. That's right Tweakz, i'm calling you a liar to your face. And as usual you have ignored substance and gone on to discuss what you thought favored your skewed point of view. Not one argument concerning actual gameplay. Not a single word proving herc is necessary.

    I'm actually disapointed in you. For all your being an obnoxious troll you used to be able to make points that related to actual gameplay and not merely presume your opinion to be fact. I might as well be talking to someone who doesn't play veno from your responses...
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I just think..herc is very overrated, and I kind of miss my GW =/. I've used herc long enough to know that he's no big deal at all, and you non-herc venos shouldn't be stressing over not having this pet..

    Thing is, he is GODLY 1-70. But after that, things change.

    In the grand scheme of things he is good for grinding because you don't have to babysit him.

    Please don't forget that the pet does not make a veno.. it is the veno the makes the pet.

    You are OK.. you are still a useful venomancer with or without herc..

    *is a bit tired of this subject..*
  • XxXvixonXxX - Heavens Tear
    XxXvixonXxX - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    a herc is a nice addition yes but YOU DO NOT NEED a herc to do anything. it is all about the individuals play style not how others want to you play
  • Yindra - Sanctuary
    Yindra - Sanctuary Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    How are you getting to mid levels w/o earning enough coin for a Herc? b:cry

    What is "midlevel" for you? I'm lvl 80 +55%, so yeah, I'm midlevel between 80 and 81 :-)

    I'm slowing approaching my 8th million, which doesn't buy me a herc, AFAIK. Unless you decide to sell one cheap :-) And even the 8th million doesn't mean much --- I don't even have most skills, let alone maxed to whatever they can be at lvl 80. I wouldn't be surprised if those almost 8M couldn't even buy me the skills, maybe not even if I don't advance my cultivation to whatever it could be at lvl 80.

    Anyway, if lvl 80 counts as midlevel --- I don't run dungeons. So that's how I got to midlevels without getting rich. And it has slowed down --- if I actually decide to do some grinding, I usually feel like "hey, I collected 50K today, lets do a Crazy Stone". Luckily I can't spend those 50K in one go :-)
    Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    "hey, I collected 50K today, lets do a Crazy Stone". Luckily I can't spend those 50K in one go :-)

    -And that's how people end up being mooches. CS is for Cash Shoppers.
    That's right Tweakz, i'm calling you a liar to your face.

    You kids like to talk tough on the internet. Sorry, but I called you liar first. =P. You're boldness behind the monitor impresses me though.XD
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    -And that's how people end up being mooches. CS is for Cash Shoppers.

    Not everyone gets 4-6 hours a day to grind nor is willing to. You do realize games are suposed to be fun?
  • Zairi - Dreamweaver
    Zairi - Dreamweaver Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Oh noes my so carefully written text its all gone! Curse you compact keyboard.b:cry

    Since MANray and even Tweakz did the job for me while i typed i just let it go.b:laugh

    MANray dont fall for the Trollz! They'll eatz your brainz! b:shocked

    Thank you Silest i heared similar statements from some other Herc Venos now.
    It makes me feel more confident to stay Hercless and rather spend some spare coins from time to time for cheap Phoenix Feathers if i see some (i have 42 lol) and my HA plans.

    My gear is very far from beeing gimp and i know if i had less time or didnt spend a little cash i could impossible afford it. A legendary Pet...never.
    If you level up the old school grinding and Quest doing way you barely get enough coins to get all skills and maybe 1-2 rare items with shards. Even if you know you can buy tokens and exchange them for flawless shards for 40k less it still is 140k. On mid levels with only 2h a day no merchanting and just the little relaxing grind/questing that is alot.

    There are many points in beeing a Hercless Veno: It is still fun! It is still flexible! And in my case it still is very Pink.b:laugh
    Yes its hard with all the flames but people always find reasons to flame you and they wont stop just because you got a Herc. If it isnt Herclessness they will find something else.
    The next will flame you for useing the "wrong" weapon, or armor, or shards, or because your left Toenail is colored blue...
    Funny is: If you have a Herc, Flameing Chicken, +12 Nirvana Armor, Ultimate Weapon +12, alternatively the rank9 gear in your inventory, guess what: youll get flamed now because suddenly it was too much.
    Human stupidity ftw!
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    You kids like to talk tough on the internet.

    Sorry, but tweakz you've been that way in this forum for a while now. No one's trying to be tough around here but you.
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    i guess i'm just about at "mid level" right now --- i'm at 52 and over 50%, so twice that would be 105, right? 8-) i might have a million and a half, all told, if i gathered up all my various alts' coin in my account stash and emptied all their banks. Lenie's the richest by far; "her" share of the coin doesn't come up to a million, although it has in the past.

    skills and pet skills (especially pet skills) are the steady drains that keep me from adding up very much more than that. buying my wheel of life was the single biggest one-time investment, if i have to repeat that kind of thing for any further weapons or armor i shan't see two million any time soon.

    a day spent playing the way i usually do --- two to four hours of questing and/or grinding, with maybe some helping others' quests, FBs and BHs for a break and socialization --- usually adds up to between 100 and 200k, depending on what i'm grinding and how lucky i get. net, after repairs and etcetera, of course. that's if i'm playing on Lenie only; time i spend alting cuts that down significantly. trying to increase the number very much would make the grind unbearably boring, defeating the purpose of playing a game. grinding my pets' XP bars higher is already pretty mind-numbing, yet that's my main income stream right there.

    that income stream's bound to get wider as i level up, but so will my expenses stream. i figure my chances of being a millionaire --- counting saved capital only, stuff i can afford to keep in the bank or spend on a whim --- by the time i hit 75-80 are quite good. multi-millionaire, even, should be doable, especially if i make do with ****ty equipment for careful PvE only. 10+ mil, not too likely, no matter how i equip myself. and my chances of having 80 or so mil to spend on a legendary pet, by that point? big, fat zero.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.