Super Powers

Dsholder - Dreamweaver
Posts: 626 Arc User
These new changes to the game such as twilight temples being modified and territory war giving no payment has changed the way that players on the server decide to spend their time. Some players tend to farm the lower level TTs to make money now, driving down the price on the lower mats. Players that used to do TW weekly are now having to farm more and more just to afford to be prepared for territory war as well, correct? To many players it isn't worth it, but to few it's worth everything, their whole reason to play the game. Some have decided that farming for more than the TW will take isn't worth it and thats when they stop farming for TW or stop doing TW period I believe.
Today I saw two powerhouse factions TW, one of them got steam rolled within 10 minutes. Before the TW I'm sure the losing faction spent an extraordinary amount of time farming herbs, nirvana, and TT to afford to make their apothecary and pay for their charms for TW. As a individual, what would one think about this? Does one believe that all of the hours spent to work for a TW is worth it after all? Me, personally, believe that it isn't worth it to farm 3 hours or more just to go to a TW charmed with many crab meat and mana food. I guess it makes me greedy, to some that is, the naive.
Calamity Vs. Equinox
These two factions have been bidding on each other for quite some time, to try to take each other's land. I believe that both of these factions, collectively with all of their members spend over 500 hours or over 300M a week to do TW, which is a lot. The thing is, I believe that all of these wasted resources and the time loss is due to only a few players. The leader of Equinox for example, Aubree has made it clear that if there isn't anymore TW that she was going to quit, so her motivation is succeeding in TW each week. She has a goal of trying to defend the map from Calamity, but eventually it won't happen. I thought her, being logical could see, mathematically but refuses. Stubbornness I believe, nothing else.
Reason for writing this: ( it's a warning for Dreamweaver )
Equinox has forged an alliance with the faction Dynasty, in their future hopes of defending the map from Calamity. Now don't get me wrong, but alliances aren't always a bad thing, unless the people in your community disagree. Members of Equinox dislike being allies with Dynasty and I believe this will be a bad ending for Equinox, if their members decide to not TW or decide to disband. When Equinox loses more members or has low TW attendance then they will end up losing the map, which they didn't want. This means that they will end up feeling guilty for losing the map, their members, and in return will probably work harder to farm more herbs and more mats to TW, or just buy the herbs. Lately I've seen the price of devilwood and scented fungus going up, because these are the main herbs in TW. If these things are happening then the TTs will be farmed many more hours than usual, before all of these updates because players are hungry for money to take over the map. I honestly don't see any profit from TW, but the thing is, what will happen when all of the 6x-9x have all of their mats for their gears, then who will buy the materials? Don't say new players either, please, because there hasn't been a real trend of new players, so nobody will be leveling up there. I say, give it a few months and the market will be flooded with antennas, dust of stars, hoooks, most of the lower TT mats. When these mats are there and the TWing crowd doesn't have money to buy a charm, then what will happen in TW? I bet when packs are taken out and the cost of crab meat plus mp food rise then TW will be that much harder on the farmers that farm for the sole purpose.
The Tragic Part:
Equinox isn't dragging just themselves into this mess, they are dragging Dreamweaver into it. I don't necessarily blame them, just the hate they possess and the need to do TW. I mainly blame the newly, modified TTs for the decrease in higher up mats to sell. Equinox is making an alliance with a faction, a faction who's land they took months ago, Dynasty. I believe it's unnecessary for a faction to get another one involved for the taking over of another one, but it happens. The thing is, why does it matter if both factions are steamrolled in 6-25 minutes? It matters because of all the individual players being dragged into the scenario that have to use the money they farmed for to buy TW supplies for themselves.
I Used to be in EQ: (but I left and here's what I posted on their site)
"My schedule is changing and so are my goals. I think doing TW each week isn't my main goal either. My goal is to reach Lunar-Nirvana Armor and TT-Nirvana Axes, but that goal will be delayed if I have to spend each week farming just for a single event on the weekends, Territory War. I don't want to farm instances for more time than actual TWs are either just to have enough coin for TW. I can't be a successful catapult barbarian either with 80 vs. 80 people all around each other at one moment either because the lag builds up and I can't do anything effectively. I want the lunar-nirvana armor badly too, and when people are forming squads or asking for openeners I ask them if I can tag along, but they tell me the squad is either full or that they don't want to bring me along on the run. Whenever I tried to start up my own runs people don't wanna come with me, maybe it's because I'm a barbarian and they calculate that I don't do 5.0 aps. I was offline for 2 whole days and when I came back, first pm I received was, "Hey can you help open nirvana?" I almost instantly black listed the person because that person said they'd teach me how to nirvana when I hit 100, but never did. It took me a while to learn how to nirvana, but that's only because my friend took me on a few runs so that I could learn about it. What I'm trying to say here is that I'm unhappy, unhappy with the environment of the faction, and unhappy with the time I spend in-game. I have around two hands of friends in Equinox though so it won't shame or stress me not seeing their names in blue letters. I'll have their names memorized or on my friends list whenever I wanna talk to them. Imma probably join Tempest or HDT to do TW against Dynasty though, because I really dislike them and their members. These TWs will be less organized, but they'll cost me way less than the TWs that I've had in the past. Maybe I'll get to be a catapult barb there too, with less lag and all if less people do TW in Dynasty and Tempest. Maybe I'll be able to have a new TW experience instead of playing number games for TW organizers by run forward and burning my charms for the words "Victory" to pop up in bright, big yellow letters. The TWs that we have been having lately have really burnt me. It's not the losses. Equinox was losing TWs when I joined, and only started to win like a week or two after I was in, which made me think that TW was fun. Anways, to sum up this memory I'm leaving this faction, but my friends that are in here I don't want you to feel like I've abbandoned you or left you behind. This is a game and the decisions you make affect how people perceive your character and you, as a human being. I want people to perceive me as a good person, someone that has helped and respected others as I want to be treated. Good bye, ciao."
If anyone else has any opinions, or has noticed anything else on this server or on theirs similar please post. It's encouraged.
Today I saw two powerhouse factions TW, one of them got steam rolled within 10 minutes. Before the TW I'm sure the losing faction spent an extraordinary amount of time farming herbs, nirvana, and TT to afford to make their apothecary and pay for their charms for TW. As a individual, what would one think about this? Does one believe that all of the hours spent to work for a TW is worth it after all? Me, personally, believe that it isn't worth it to farm 3 hours or more just to go to a TW charmed with many crab meat and mana food. I guess it makes me greedy, to some that is, the naive.
Calamity Vs. Equinox
These two factions have been bidding on each other for quite some time, to try to take each other's land. I believe that both of these factions, collectively with all of their members spend over 500 hours or over 300M a week to do TW, which is a lot. The thing is, I believe that all of these wasted resources and the time loss is due to only a few players. The leader of Equinox for example, Aubree has made it clear that if there isn't anymore TW that she was going to quit, so her motivation is succeeding in TW each week. She has a goal of trying to defend the map from Calamity, but eventually it won't happen. I thought her, being logical could see, mathematically but refuses. Stubbornness I believe, nothing else.
Reason for writing this: ( it's a warning for Dreamweaver )
Equinox has forged an alliance with the faction Dynasty, in their future hopes of defending the map from Calamity. Now don't get me wrong, but alliances aren't always a bad thing, unless the people in your community disagree. Members of Equinox dislike being allies with Dynasty and I believe this will be a bad ending for Equinox, if their members decide to not TW or decide to disband. When Equinox loses more members or has low TW attendance then they will end up losing the map, which they didn't want. This means that they will end up feeling guilty for losing the map, their members, and in return will probably work harder to farm more herbs and more mats to TW, or just buy the herbs. Lately I've seen the price of devilwood and scented fungus going up, because these are the main herbs in TW. If these things are happening then the TTs will be farmed many more hours than usual, before all of these updates because players are hungry for money to take over the map. I honestly don't see any profit from TW, but the thing is, what will happen when all of the 6x-9x have all of their mats for their gears, then who will buy the materials? Don't say new players either, please, because there hasn't been a real trend of new players, so nobody will be leveling up there. I say, give it a few months and the market will be flooded with antennas, dust of stars, hoooks, most of the lower TT mats. When these mats are there and the TWing crowd doesn't have money to buy a charm, then what will happen in TW? I bet when packs are taken out and the cost of crab meat plus mp food rise then TW will be that much harder on the farmers that farm for the sole purpose.
The Tragic Part:
Equinox isn't dragging just themselves into this mess, they are dragging Dreamweaver into it. I don't necessarily blame them, just the hate they possess and the need to do TW. I mainly blame the newly, modified TTs for the decrease in higher up mats to sell. Equinox is making an alliance with a faction, a faction who's land they took months ago, Dynasty. I believe it's unnecessary for a faction to get another one involved for the taking over of another one, but it happens. The thing is, why does it matter if both factions are steamrolled in 6-25 minutes? It matters because of all the individual players being dragged into the scenario that have to use the money they farmed for to buy TW supplies for themselves.
I Used to be in EQ: (but I left and here's what I posted on their site)
"My schedule is changing and so are my goals. I think doing TW each week isn't my main goal either. My goal is to reach Lunar-Nirvana Armor and TT-Nirvana Axes, but that goal will be delayed if I have to spend each week farming just for a single event on the weekends, Territory War. I don't want to farm instances for more time than actual TWs are either just to have enough coin for TW. I can't be a successful catapult barbarian either with 80 vs. 80 people all around each other at one moment either because the lag builds up and I can't do anything effectively. I want the lunar-nirvana armor badly too, and when people are forming squads or asking for openeners I ask them if I can tag along, but they tell me the squad is either full or that they don't want to bring me along on the run. Whenever I tried to start up my own runs people don't wanna come with me, maybe it's because I'm a barbarian and they calculate that I don't do 5.0 aps. I was offline for 2 whole days and when I came back, first pm I received was, "Hey can you help open nirvana?" I almost instantly black listed the person because that person said they'd teach me how to nirvana when I hit 100, but never did. It took me a while to learn how to nirvana, but that's only because my friend took me on a few runs so that I could learn about it. What I'm trying to say here is that I'm unhappy, unhappy with the environment of the faction, and unhappy with the time I spend in-game. I have around two hands of friends in Equinox though so it won't shame or stress me not seeing their names in blue letters. I'll have their names memorized or on my friends list whenever I wanna talk to them. Imma probably join Tempest or HDT to do TW against Dynasty though, because I really dislike them and their members. These TWs will be less organized, but they'll cost me way less than the TWs that I've had in the past. Maybe I'll get to be a catapult barb there too, with less lag and all if less people do TW in Dynasty and Tempest. Maybe I'll be able to have a new TW experience instead of playing number games for TW organizers by run forward and burning my charms for the words "Victory" to pop up in bright, big yellow letters. The TWs that we have been having lately have really burnt me. It's not the losses. Equinox was losing TWs when I joined, and only started to win like a week or two after I was in, which made me think that TW was fun. Anways, to sum up this memory I'm leaving this faction, but my friends that are in here I don't want you to feel like I've abbandoned you or left you behind. This is a game and the decisions you make affect how people perceive your character and you, as a human being. I want people to perceive me as a good person, someone that has helped and respected others as I want to be treated. Good bye, ciao."
If anyone else has any opinions, or has noticed anything else on this server or on theirs similar please post. It's encouraged.
If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
Post edited by Dsholder - Dreamweaver on
Dsholder - Dreamweaver wrote: »Reason for writing this: ( it's a warning for Dreamweaver )Dsholder - Dreamweaver wrote: »Equinox has forged an alliance with the faction Dynasty, in their future hopes of defending the map from Calamity. Now don't get me wrong, but alliances aren't always a bad thing, unless the people in your community disagree.Dsholder - Dreamweaver wrote: »what will happen when all of the 6x-9x have all of their mats for their gears, then who will buy the materials? Don't say new players either, please, because there hasn't been a real trend of new players, so nobody will be leveling up there. I say, give it a few months and the market will be flooded with antennas, dust of stars, hoooks, most of the lower TT mats.Dsholder - Dreamweaver wrote: »When these mats are there and the TWing crowd doesn't have money to buy a charm, then what will happen in TW? I bet when packs are taken out and the cost of crab meat plus mp food rise then TW will be that much harder on the farmers that farm for the sole purpose.[/COLOR]Dsholder - Dreamweaver wrote: »The Tragic Part:Dsholder - Dreamweaver wrote: »
Equinox is making an alliance with a faction, a faction who's land they took months ago, Dynasty. I believe it's unnecessary for a faction to get another one involved for the taking over of another one, but it happens. The thing is, why does it matter if both factions are steamrolled in 6-25 minutes? It matters because of all the individual players being dragged into the scenario that have to use the money they farmed for to buy TW supplies for themselves.Dsholder - Dreamweaver wrote: »I want the lunar-nirvana armor badly too, and when people are forming squads or asking for openeners I ask them if I can tag along, but they tell me the squad is either full or that they don't want to bring me along on the run. Whenever I tried to start up my own runs people don't wanna come with me, maybe it's because I'm a barbarian and they calculate that I don't do 5.0 aps.Dsholder - Dreamweaver wrote: »Imma probably join Tempest or HDT to do TW against Dynasty though, because I really dislike them and their members. These TWs will be less organized, but they'll cost me way less than the TWs that I've had in the past.0 -
Arishock - Dreamweaver wrote: »
secondly, the eq+dyna "gank" worked plenty of times before, it just depends on attendance.
Yes, it depends on attendance. The thing both dyna and vanquish are struggling most greatly with recently. Conversely, Cala was able to have 120people online for our 3-way defense saturday. Enough to almost fill eq instance, and to hold of dyna and vanquish. Attendance isn't just a thing that magically fixes itself in a week, as anyone that was in cala a few months ago can attest to. So saying "it just depends on attendance" is a little misleading when there's major obstacles that must be overcome to fix the attendance problem. Eq and dyna have both been having self-admitted attendance problems recently, so it remains to be seen how effective both alliances are in changing that.
I hope that they are successful in the interest of more challenging tws.
Note: this is not meant to flame anyone or any faction, so if it is taken as that then i apologize as that is not the intent. If someone tries to make this seem trollish just because, well, no cookies for them.
And i need to stop writing posts at 2am or later.0 -
[QUOTE=Shadowfire - Dreamweaver;9920132Cala was able to have 120people online for our 3-way defense saturday. [/QUOTE]
actually 130 online b:victory to op i am sry u feel that way ;( hope u will find new good faction just dont ever be demoralized from a loss and keep remembering the reason that u r fighting for[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Calamity RIP 6/11/2010 same day as my birthday tyvm whoever destroyed it for lovely birthday presentalmost 3 years u will be forever missed
what will happen now0 -
Since Arishock was kind enough to highlight points and reply to them, I'll pay with the same kindness:Arishock - Dreamweaver wrote: »People may or may not like it on both sides, but out of all of this post you don't point out any of the strategical thinking that goes into TW, and planning the targets. both factions understand the importance of the relationship
Let's have a quick reality check. A new small faction rivalry has been rising: Tempest versus Dynasty and their 3 hour wars are becoming quite attractive for small faction seekers, because it's not the crystal bashing attacking Equinox or Calamity means to them. It's definitively not the cakewalk Calamity has been getting for offensive TWs as of lately.
But who's tempest? Yes, tempest has a strong core of members, but you and me know who is acting as game changers for the tempest-dynasty wars:
Aujami, xXZeroXx, flowflow, AznTank of those that come to my head just this past minute... Aren't they all in Equinox?
What an awesome alliance! you have to help them attack Calamity on one day, so that they have a chance of taking a land, while the next day, your TW expenses go to hell during 3 hour defenses because lets face it. Tempest leader is not dumb, he wants his faction to take land, he will use his players to take the land from Dynasty... and who wouldn't? So who's the tool here? Tempest or Dynasty? I mean, if Equinox really wanted to help you as ally, they would at least transfer all those players to your faction, as I'm pretty sure Equinox can afford to share 10 fills for Dynasty and oh boy, those 10 extra bodies may be the last push you need to take a land from Cala. b:shocked
This rivarly of Tempest and Dynasty is a great thing for your recruitment adds, 3 hour TWs are a rare thing to have, people seems attracted to it, I wouldn't risk my only fun TW today by helping Equinox, while it is clear for everyone else but to Wacky and Paco that they're being used as meatshields. I told Smexy yesterday. If it was to me, I would take Raging tides from Equinox, and right away, I'd max bid on Dynasty just to wipe them off the map again. Before this weekend, I was all down for wiping Equinox first and 5 weeks of 3 hour fun TWs for Dynasty from now, give Dynasty and the DW server a grand finale. Now, I want to see them gone as soon as raging tide falls. Hell, I know many cala members that will fund that bid themselves... So what is the benefit?
Now, What has Dynasty gained from attacking Calamity?
Before Equinox allied with Dynasty, Dynasty had 5-6 lands to the south of the map. Now they have 1. Equinox took a big chunk of them too. Before Equinox allied Dynasty, Dynasty turnout to TW was of over 60 people, and not the weak stuff your own members and officers have admitted to have in this forums.
So excuse me is I fail to see the super secret awesome TW strategy.Arishock - Dreamweaver wrote: »first of all, that was over a year ago, not months. secondly, the eq+dyna "gank" worked plenty of times before, it just depends on attendance. Thirdly, if said factions get rolled in "6-25 minutes" then they don't burn a lot of apo/charms in that short ammount of time, thus less farming needed for next time. (yay for silver linings)
Wake up! the EQ+Dyna attacks were not successful because of attendance. In my opinion, a 2 month trend that goes to hell soon after can't be successful at all. Successful it's what happened with Nefarius, where they went from a full red map to a third of it... The fact is, this weekend, Equinox kept showing their 80, you kept your normal attendance too. So did we... We have now learned exactly how and how many do we need to hold/turtle and wipe most factions that come scheduled with Equinox. 3-4 months ago, with a better attendance than the one we had this last weekend, TW coordinators back then would've decided that the best way to go, was to give Vanquish a land and push B path on Dynasty and full turtle Equinox (as we actually did in 2 ocasions). This time, we didn't. Next time, we won't either. You played your chips, you went all in, you lost. Nothing you do will change that.
Also, a "short" TW, is never a "good" TW. Pretty much because that people in your faction eventually gets tired of getting destroyed in 5-10 minutes. Yes the few loyal ones will always remain so, this applies to any TW faction in any server. But your TW attendance depends on those you and many others may tag as "glory seekers, pay seekers, traitors" and what's best about them, is that they hate losing. You can save all the expenses you want to save up with a short war. But you will never get enough people to use the money you have saved on.
Today 8 minute (not 10) steamroll as Dsholder named it happened not because of Calamity power force. Equinox decided to show a full 80 to Inversion instead of to Calamity. We have friends in Inversion that reported to us, Equinox made a full aggressive push to their crystal, and when it was at 2m HP, they removed catapults from Inversion base and proceeded to steamroll with a full 80, the small (yet very threatening) force that Inversion has to show for TWs and farmed kills at base spawn and crystal for about 20 minutes as a way to "punish" Inversion for "ganking" with Calamity... How does this fit the "Map Sharing" philosophy?
I'm sorry, but sharing a map goes both ways, if Calamity (my main rival) is attacking me, and someone else wants to take my mirages, by all means, go for them, worse case scenario, we can take them back (as we did with Dynasty). best case, we will try to wrap that TW up fast and easy without risking the main event so we can support the Calamity defense. I can assure you today in this thread, that if one day we're unable to defend a territory from Vanquish or Dynasty, we will give it away to either faction before even considering not showing again to Equinox. If it happens otherwise, I'd be the first one to leave Calamity, followed by many others that think just like me. Instead, Equinox decided to humiliate a faction just because they tried to achieve the same fun and goals Dynasty and Vanquish tried to achieve just a day ago by helping them. Inversion was made out of ex-Equinox players, many Equinox members had their alts there long ago, to a point, they were considered by the server as an ally (if not a baby) faction. In my opinion Dynasty and Vanquish should be more careful on who they ally with... or at least clear the air up a bit about the future of the map, Tempest and TW attendance. Cause what Equinox says, its clearly not what Equinox does.
I'm sorry if I'm blunt, but I'm truthfully annoyed, who are you trying to fool? This so called alliance, doesn't benefits Dynasty at all, you can fool your members, but not the rest of the server, and Dynasty members, if you really believe this alliance will be any fruitful for you... you guys are as blind as GM about TW pay changes b:chuckle[sigpic][/sigpic]
We came, we saw, we painted it red.
10/10/10 Calamity0 -
*pats andres* breath take a deep breath[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Calamity RIP 6/11/2010 same day as my birthday tyvm whoever destroyed it for lovely birthday presentalmost 3 years u will be forever missed
what will happen now0 -
Arishock - Dreamweaver wrote: »
never really understood what exactly you have against dynasty...regardless, you should prepare the same for TW no matter what faction you're in. saying "hey, can i join your faction so i can be dead weight?" is a hell of a sales pitch
I wasn't a dead horse in the faction. I helped pull Deltas, I helped farm TT for faction member gears, I farmed literally thousands of herbs. How can you say I was a dead horse for expecting people to help me farm, when I have helped them? You know little, and with the alliance that you have it benefits nobody. The reason I left Dynasty months ago was because of the alliance with Equinox before to attack calamity. I wanted Dynasty to attack someone around our own size, Vanquish, but the leadership insisted on a 5 minute TW with Calamity, something that I didn't appreciate at the time. You'll keep losing attendence and members over your goal to help Equinox win TW vs. Calamity because they don't want to farm for a 5 minute TW.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.0 -
he isn't saying you were a dead horse.. just that it sounds like you are looking to join another faction so you can take TW a little less seriously and have less preparation to do - which to some might sound like you are looking for an easier time. I think he could have put it a little better but no need to take the defensive DS[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!0 -
And here I was, expecting to come into this thread and find barbarians wearing capes and assassins shooting laser beams from their eyes.
You can imagine my disappointment. b:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
So I post on my Barb.
[On possibly-permanent hiatus]0 -
Cry me a river then tell them about how I took you on runs to help with charm costs etc, then you didnt even show to TW. How did I rspond to that? Try to make it next week I said. I have taken you on several runs in 2-3 just cause you wanted to go and "take no mats", but as the runs I conduct go mats are all random we do 3 runs at a time and everyone leaves with something. You most certainly took part in some of those runs and the mats.
Yes this is endgame for me and many others. If their is no TW their nothing for me to do anymore. My gear is superior for any type of PVE. TW is what makes me work for things end game. I pay for tons of herbs every week from my own pocket for TW apoc. That is my choice. You cal it waste, I call it having endgame goals. Many can agree this is true for them too I am sure. And a quote for you to think about as far as me not being able to reach those goals.
"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
— Michelangelo Buonarroti
To my understanding, correct me if I am wrong Calamity's goal is to take the map and thats understandable. EQ's goal is to prevent them, also understandable.
Seriously I am at the point where you have been harrassing me ingame and now forums. I will be submitting a ticket to this.0 -
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »Seriously I am at the point where you have been harrassing me ingame and now forums. I will be submitting a ticket to this.
he mentioned your name once in his post. I searched. And what he said there wasn't harassment, at least imo. So idk about forum harassment. In game i'll stay neutral since idk about that.
Ofc there could be other forum posts you're referring to also, in which case this post may not apply.0 -
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »To my understanding, correct me if I am wrong Calamity's goal is to take the map and thats understandable. EQ's goal is to prevent them, also understandable.
Yeah and this is why you sent 80 to bully inversion and gave us an empty map. What are you trying to do? Kill us of boredom? b:angry[sigpic][/sigpic]
We came, we saw, we painted it red.
10/10/10 Calamity0 -
Shadowfire - Dreamweaver wrote: »he mentioned your name once in his post. I searched. And what he said there wasn't harassment, at least imo. So idk about forum harassment. In game i'll stay neutral since idk about that.
Ofc there could be other forum posts you're referring to also, in which case this post may not apply.
Thats only one part. It is something I wanted to nip in the bud on forums. Naming and shaming is not allowed on forums as well. I am sure many of us have seen the WC aimed at spamming me and you have not seen the PM's I get from him daily, I do have them SS. I told him last time not to pm me anymore, that is when the WC's started.0 -
Andres - Dreamweaver wrote: »Yeah and this is why you sent 80 to bully inversion and gave us an empty map. What are you trying to do? Kill us of boredom? b:angry
We took 6 squads to inversion. Our turnout was not as hoped. When EQ has 1 land to defend, we will be having those nice long TW's with you.0 -
ok so first off i would like to say that anyone who thinks that we are doing is a waste of time, wait and see if cala ever acheive their goal DW will die...and all you supposed "endgame" player will quit due to nothing to do. If not to pvp why even go past tt90 gear? because to be real tt90+2 and you can pretty much do anything you wish in game and be just fine. In my opinion the only reason to ever + anything past 3 is pvp and on a pve server TW is the best place to use this properly.
Pink For Life!!!<3Equinox<3
Chefb:victory0 -
Where's the discussion about invisibility and heat vision? This thread's title was misleading.b:sadOn indefinite hiatus0
plz don't let DW die, I just started playing...b:sadretired from pwi b:cry0
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »We took 6 squads to inversion. Our turnout was not as hoped. When EQ has 1 land to defend, we will be having those nice long TW's with you.
So Cala can defend 3 lands from EQ and 2 factions of equal or greater firepower than inversion, but Equinox can't defend 2?
Just trying to get to some conclusions on this thread, see if I can understand what positive comes up from the fact you bullied a small faction when you could have just given away a land to them and recover it a week after, and actually try and stop your rival, like we did not so long ago with Dynasty and Vanquish.
Don't lie. You just fought a 3 hour TW the day before, you knew you were capable of at least trying to hold us down. you just picked the cheapest war to defend and the safest way to defend at least 1 land. Because sending 80 to Calamity and not defending Inversion would've meant the loss of potentially 2 lands (although I think you could have defended) and(or) the cost of a 2-3 hour defense against us. What you did to inversion, besides being incredibly disrespectful for all small factions that look for fun TW, finally shows your true colors. your 60 should have rolled Inversion in at 5 minutes, instead, you took out catapults from the base and proceeded to farm them... That isn't TW strategy, that is mob rules.
If Inversion stops attacking, others will attack with Calamity. You know it better than we do, because you only need 80 to defend Calamity, and the rest of your players, well most of them have lvl 90+ alts. So do we.[sigpic][/sigpic]
We came, we saw, we painted it red.
10/10/10 Calamity0 -
Andres - Dreamweaver wrote: »Yeah and this is why you sent 80 to bully inversion and gave us an empty map. What are you trying to do? Kill us of boredom? b:angry
Andres, if you are bored you could always petition your leaders to do what some top factions in other servers have done before ... wait until the defending faction was finished with the easier defenses and then attack once it was 80 versus 80. Might make the next few weeks more interesting for you b:laugh
And I resent being called an "empty map." I was there, my nix even pecked you on the back of head a couple of times when you were running down the lane. The Inversion TW probably ended with 80 EQ in there, but at the start our numbers were split evenly between them. Given Calamity's firepower it was a misappropriation of resources, partially due to having people not sign-up diligently and instead causing confusion by showing up for TW last minute - more getting in Inversion than should have.
Waiting to take down the crystal was perhaps poor TW etiquette. Maybe if some extra pvp was the goal, then turtling in front of our base instead of inside of theirs would have been more appropriate.
Perhaps if I myself am bored later I will get to your faulty logic as to why Dynasty shouldn't work with EQ in TW b:chuckle0 -
Iron_Chef_Jr - Dreamweaver wrote: »ok so first off i would like to say that anyone who thinks that we are doing is a waste of time, wait and see if cala ever acheive their goal DW will die...and all you supposed "endgame" player will quit due to nothing to do. If not to pvp why even go past tt90 gear? because to be real tt90+2 and you can pretty much do anything you wish in game and be just fine. In my opinion the only reason to ever + anything past 3 is pvp and on a pve server TW is the best place to use this properly.
Pink For Life!!!<3Equinox<3
What is with that assumption? "That dw will die if calamity takes over?"
It's just that an 'assumption' for all you/we know cala might disperse which I hope they don't, or perhaps another unknown guild is just biding it's time and will come in at the last second/minute to help fight calamity. (Doubt it but it could happen)
The future is not written in stone, it can be changed, it is up to us to change it, and now whether equinox can do this or not will be remained to be unseen... for now, or perhaps we will see that spark surge up again, and give calamity the fight that the whole server is perhaps secretly wishing to see, where they struggle to fight equinox again, and lose out on more lands. (which sadly I kind of doubt it, but meh who knows, I can't predict the future with 100% accuracy) xD
Either way whether equinox is able to pick up that spark again and prevent the FEARED... UNKNOWN future... or calamity manages to paint the map red, best of luck to both factions.
Edit: Meh what is one person's wish, doesn't make it so for others. =X
"All if fair in love and war" ~ John Lyly's 'Euphues'
Rings true even in games, can't say why calamity would choose to just steamroll, but meh it is their choice.
As for the dynasty/equinox alliance, well good luck to both of them on that, guess both faction's are putting behind their... annoyance/anger about the past to try and work together in hope of defeating the top faction, which only worked maybe once or twice, which says a lot about calamity's ability to adapt, they must have a brilliant strategist still on their side. Whoever it is must be one hell of a chess player.Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »We took 6 squads to inversion. Our turnout was not as hoped. When EQ has 1 land to defend, we will be having those nice long TW's with you.
That sounded so wrong.0 -
b:surrender that is all0
Andres - Dreamweaver wrote: »So Cala can defend 3 lands from EQ and 2 factions of equal or greater firepower than inversion, but Equinox can't defend 2?
Just trying to get to some conclusions on this thread, see if I can understand what positive comes up from the fact you bullied a small faction when you could have just given away a land to them and recover it a week after, and actually try and stop your rival, like we did not so long ago with Dynasty and Vanquish.
Don't lie. You just fought a 3 hour TW the day before, you knew you were capable of at least trying to hold us down. you just picked the cheapest war to defend and the safest way to defend at least 1 land. Because sending 80 to Calamity and not defending Inversion would've meant the loss of potentially 2 lands (although I think you could have defended) and(or) the cost of a 2-3 hour defense against us. What you did to inversion, besides being incredibly disrespectful for all small factions that look for fun TW, finally shows your true colors. your 60 should have rolled Inversion in at 5 minutes, instead, you took out catapults from the base and proceeded to farm them... That isn't TW strategy, that is mob rules.
If Inversion stops attacking, others will attack with Calamity. You know it better than we do, because you only need 80 to defend Calamity, and the rest of your players, well most of them have lvl 90+ alts. So do we.
Explain why give a land to Inversion who is allied with Calamity? I dont know why you said the TW with you was empty, cause I took 6 squads to Inversion, the other 7 squads were under Madi's direction in the fight with Calamity. But you say it was empty? Anyway we had a total of like 87 people for sunday, we had a greater turnout on saturday. As for what we did to inversion, we took down towers, then crystal and slaughtered them the whole time. Some of our barbs needing some training on how to place the catas. We used this TW to allow them to learn that . Inversion could have left at anytime. We never pulled Catas from their base.
If inversion has hopes of gaining land from EQ by siding Calamity it won't happen. It seems Inversion is to Calamity what you say Dynasty is to EQ.
If the ganks against us coupled with low turn out continues, you will see us giving Calamity land and not Inversion. If we are left with 1 land to defend we will be able to do that (defend) much more effectively while keeping Calamity from owning the map.0 -
Faulty logic affects us both I guess, or maybe we're just both biased.Tyramera - Dreamweaver wrote: »Andres, if you are bored you could always petition your leaders to do what some top factions in other servers have done before ...
You guys don't look for fun in TW anymore... What you did to inversion yesterday showing to them instead of us to bully them and during the Cala/Dyna/Vanquish attack the day before, what you just said yourself about how make outnumbered TWs "fair", it's living proof of that. Winning above all isn't what Equinox was built on back in the days, clearly, this "end justify the means" attitude isn't quite as the "aim high instead of low, so you can achieve greatness in your way" Aubree says you guys are trying to display. You're just moved by a silly rivalry, most of your members don't even have bases for anymore and because of that, on your desperation, you'll be hurting yourselves more than any damage we could ever do to you.
TW doesn't ends if and when Calamity takes the whole map. We have to defend it after that, assuming we want to keep it. Think 6 weeks from today, not next week. If you really want to keep TWs fun for the future. The week after, a new TW season begins, and 47 lands all held by roughly 130 members are for hold by the rest of the server.Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »I dont know why you said the TW with you was empty, cause I took 6 squads to Inversion, the other 7 squads were under Madi's direction in the fight with Calamity. But you say it was empty? Anyway we had a total of like 87 people for sunday, we had a greater turnout on saturday.
Either way, 36 (6 people 6 squads) people in inversion means 51 (8 squads and a buffer + catas) people in Calamity war, and that war lasted 8 minutes, the only charmtick I took was Tyra's veno on B path before I Elven+IG into base. Do you really want the people here to believe 51 Equinox players cannot hold 80 Calamity members for more than 8 minutes at a base with full towers?
Just the day before, we had at one point of the war, for like 15 minutes around the same number of players, because we sent squads to help Vanquish and Dynasty wars, and we survived. You guys must really be missing a TW coordinator then.[sigpic][/sigpic]
We came, we saw, we painted it red.
10/10/10 Calamity0 -
Andres I do not know why those players were not able to hold you guys. I seriously went "WTF" while I was still in inversion fight. I would have to ask Madi as she was leading that fight against Cala. The squads I took to inversion consisted of 2 catas squads and 4 DD squads. I fully expected to be done with Inversion and join the Calamity fight with my 6 squads.0
Andres - Dreamweaver wrote: »Why? Would you guys pay with the same kindness? Before vanquish war began on saturday, your catas were already being killed at our B gates. So I'd say no, just based on history.
If you're going to quote me then include the chuckling bear at the end which shows that I am joking. Of course I do not expect Cala to do that, and certainly not out of kindness. The factions that did it made the decision that they had no chance to lose the fight in a 80 versus 80 and their members wanted to wait to have a more challenging/fun TW. It is a decision made in the interests of the members of the stronger faction, not an act of charity bestowed on the weaker one.
I know you're upset about not getting a fun TW, but don't then jump to conclusions about how it all played out. You write as if the EQ leaders determined ahead of time to punish Inversion with a full 80 and not bother with Calamity, there is no truth to that. Instead the problem was a strategic mistake and confusion with late arriving people for making squads. As a result, I would argue that the Calamity force only had about 40 people, with more getting into Inversion than the 6 planned squads. Additionally, those 6 squads contained some of our better TWers in the hope that they could take out Inversion and get to the Calamity fight while our crystal was still alive. Obviously, with the Calamity TW starting first, this strategy did not have much of a chance.
You may not agree with what happened in the Inversion TW after the Calamity one ended, and I certainly understand your point. But that was not the plan at the outset, as you are portraying it to be. You or I may have come up with a different squad assignment and strategy that would have resulted in a stronger defense of Calamity, unfortunately that is not what happened. Believe me, I was looking forward to a longer TW as well, where I could kill you a few times instead of just ticking your charm.0 -
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »I fully expected to be done with Inversion and join the Calamity fight with my 6 squads.[sigpic][/sigpic]
We came, we saw, we painted it red.
10/10/10 Calamity0 -
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »Andres I do not know why those players were not able to hold you guys. I seriously went "WTF" while I was still in inversion fight. I would have to ask Madi as she was leading that fight against Cala.
I laughed at this, if you we're my leader i would rage quit this game, just stop writing please.0 -
Andres - Dreamweaver wrote: »I see, and this is why you were training CT barbs during it, instead of rushing it. Makes sense now, sorry for the misunderstanding.
That decision was made after we lost to Calamity. Inversions crystal was at 3mill or less and I said hey come in let's do this..... take down towers, place cata to hit crystal etc. We actually have quite a few barbs who need this kind of training that is not available to us in a Calamity fight.0 -
Desire - Dreamweaver wrote: »I laughed at this, if you we're my leader i would rage quit this game, just stop writing please.
Why cause I am being honest? Something did go wrong that I did not understand at the time. I do not claim to be a perfect leader etc. But I am willing to learn and be better the next time. This would be my first time leading a faction.. So I will tell you like I told BB when he gratzd me.. Thanks I hope I dont **** up too much.0 -
Andres - Dreamweaver wrote: »I see, and this is why you were training CT barbs during it, instead of rushing it. Makes sense now, sorry for the misunderstanding.
In Aubree's defense, the decision to use the Inversion TW to train cata Barbs was made after we had lost the Calamity TW. The barbs were pulled off the crystal to be able to practice on the towers only after the Calamity fight ended. Perhaps not what you would do with that TW instance, but that was the decision made. The initial plan was to take down the crystal as fast as possible, as Aubree stated.
Damn you Andres, now I've wasted my time on this forum instead of getting work done this afternoon b:angry
EDIT: and thanks Aubree for making this post a true waste of time by ninja'ing me XD0
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