Most hated class



  • Riannie - Raging Tide
    Riannie - Raging Tide Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have a tideborn main and EVEN I hate the majority of tideborns, sin AND psy alike. There is something about this race that draws in people with severe psychological defects----minus me of course, I'm a sweetiepie b:thanksb:chuckle

    Usually i am nice too, usually save some people from death when a cleric, veno or some class other than the tank gets arggo in instances or when they are questing to prevent them from being killed so i can take their place for death rather than them dieing a lot and yes i do it on my psychic too.

    Right now i have no hate on any of the classes atm.
  • Roin - Harshlands
    Roin - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Venomancers - for me they are much worser than sins. Although i know some nice venos, most of them just dont understand playing a veno in squad. And as one of the easiest class, venos are everywhere. Im okay being in a squad with a veno with herc, it makes a cleric job a lot easier :D but its hard when youre a dd, because hercs suck with holding aggro( might be the fault of the dd 2). When a veno knows how to play veno, its okay with me - i totally do not blame the veno!
    But, what happens to me often:
    1.Got a veno in squad, veno dont know how to lure, veno cant tank ( doesnt have a herc or something) but ALWAYS steals aggro, pet dies in less then 5 secs, and of course veno runs to the CLERIC and not to the barb. And if the Veno dies, it was the tanks fault - because he didnt get aggro back fast enough. I absolutely hate this.

    2.Venos got nix and herc at lvl 30 because of Daddys money. You wanna kill some mobs, and it works well although there are other ppl killin those too. Nobody steals aggro, every1 is fine with doing their mobs, no problems at all. Then a veno with tank arrived, make her pet attack the mob you already debuffed,takes the aggro and put her pet into ALL the other mobs around. The veno cleared the area and all the other ones dont get any mobs at all. And if you are gonna take the aggro back, the veno blames you for stealing one of her mobs >>

    and the 3rd and last reason is that a lot of venos i met thought they were that smexy that every man wants to carry her and have to call her beautiful or something. it just happens to often that im contacted in City of the Lost by a veno who wants to be carried, and also ask in official chatroom for a boyfriend. And theyre pissed off when you told them that you dont wanna be their bfs. And no my dear venomancers, you dont have to change your clothes from normal to nearly nude when a male player is in squad, because they really have better things to do than watchin you -_O

    1. i dont think the veno gets aggro after there pet dies it would go to the barb or who ever has the more aggro points atleast that is how it has allways worked for me in the many HH runs i have done
    2. alot of people farm the pets ingame and then make veno alts to make the money back + alot of profit not as many people as you think cs everything lol
    3. lol they are all guys and you will find people of almost every race doing that its so easy to scam the rich nerds on this game that needs a in game gf that people will try to exploit them any way they can b:laugh
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Venomancers - for me they are much worser than sins. Although i know some nice venos, most of them just dont understand playing a veno in squad. And as one of the easiest class, venos are everywhere. Im okay being in a squad with a veno with herc, it makes a cleric job a lot easier :D but its hard when youre a dd, because hercs suck with holding aggro( might be the fault of the dd 2). When a veno knows how to play veno, its okay with me - i totally do not blame the veno!
    But, what happens to me often:
    1.Got a veno in squad, veno dont know how to lure, veno cant tank ( doesnt have a herc or something) but ALWAYS steals aggro, pet dies in less then 5 secs, and of course veno runs to the CLERIC and not to the barb. And if the Veno dies, it was the tanks fault - because he didnt get aggro back fast enough. I absolutely hate this.

    I think most of the venos are not putting bash on Herc or any aggro grabbing tool. I don't know what pounce does...but I switched it out for bash immediately.

    I don't like squadding.
    2.Venos got nix and herc at lvl 30 because of Daddys money. You wanna kill some mobs, and it works well although there are other ppl killin those too. Nobody steals aggro, every1 is fine with doing their mobs, no problems at all. Then a veno with tank arrived, make her pet attack the mob you already debuffed,takes the aggro and put her pet into ALL the other mobs around. The veno cleared the area and all the other ones dont get any mobs at all. And if you are gonna take the aggro back, the veno blames you for stealing one of her mobs >>
    I got a herc at lvl41 with my own money but yeah, lots of them getting hercs very early these days - I wasn't interested in a nix..I'm ok with my sawfly. Venomancer is a bit of a selfish class when out of squad, so yeah it doesn't surprise me with the mob stealing/area clearing. I don't play like that though, I want people to squad me to help them with their quests in the area..and people have done it. I tend to avoid competeing with other venos.

    while we're on the subject of herc, I don't like how some veno's parade him around. It's like this one wraith attack at this village a bit south of etherblade. SEA OF HERCS.
    and the 3rd and last reason is that a lot of venos i met thought they were that smexy that every man wants to carry her and have to call her beautiful or something. it just happens to often that im contacted in City of the Lost by a veno who wants to be carried, and also ask in official chatroom for a boyfriend. And theyre pissed off when you told them that you dont wanna be their bfs. And no my dear venomancers, you dont have to change your clothes from normal to nearly nude when a male player is in squad, because they really have better things to do than watchin you -_O
    I would hope..those are guys to be honest.. because I don't know many girls who are THAT desperate for boyfriends, or some kind of FAKE relationship to get them free stuff.

    Girls are placed in that stereotype, but I think it's really G.I.R.L.S. that pull that ****.
  • LadySam - Heavens Tear
    LadySam - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think that the most hated class is Herced veno b:chuckle
  • Neferhotep - Sanctuary
    Neferhotep - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    1. i dont think the veno gets aggro after there pet dies it would go to the barb or who ever has the more aggro points atleast that is how it has allways worked for me in the many HH runs i have done
    2. alot of people farm the pets ingame and then make veno alts to make the money back + alot of profit not as many people as you think cs everything lol
    3. lol they are all guys and you will find people of almost every race doing that its so easy to scam the rich nerds on this game that needs a in game gf that people will try to exploit them any way they can b:laugh

    Of course it will work when the barb is ready. A barb can tank alot, but he cant take too many mobs too. Let me explain what i mean: Barb is standing on the left side, taking the mobs down with the dds. Cleric is standing a few steps back, healing the tank or dd. Veno gets her pet into the mobs on the right >> when the veno doesnt have a herc, just as i said, and is not pulling 1 mob, she wanna take all mobs on the right,pet died, barb just cant get the aggro back till the mobs are at the veno.( Same is when the pet is attacked by more mobs, but only attacks one of them and the veno use her heal)
    And 2nd, i know that and i dont blame that. I just think they shouldnt spend their money (ingame or real life) in hercs or nix when they didnt learned the class very well, and i met a lot venos who thought although theyre low they never "need" help from other classes - and died. They just didnt get it why their lvl 42 herc died and why they couldnt solo a bh29 for example. At low lvls a herc isnt neccesary, and theyd get a lot more money by using an alt tank.
    3. Yeah, yeah thats true but its still annoying =D
  • Roin - Harshlands
    Roin - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Of course it will work when the barb is ready. A barb can tank alot, but he cant take too many mobs too. Let me explain what i mean: Barb is standing on the left side, taking the mobs down with the dds. Cleric is standing a few steps back, healing the tank or dd. Veno gets her pet into the mobs on the right >> when the veno doesnt have a herc, just as i said, and is not pulling 1 mob, she wanna take all mobs on the right,pet died, barb just cant get the aggro back till the mobs are at the veno.( Same is when the pet is attacked by more mobs, but only attacks one of them and the veno use her heal)
    And 2nd, i know that and i dont blame that. I just think they shouldnt spend their money (ingame or real life) in hercs or nix when they didnt learned the class very well, and i met a lot venos who thought although theyre low they never "need" help from other classes - and died. They just didnt get it why their lvl 42 herc died and why they couldnt solo a bh29 for example. At low lvls a herc isnt neccesary, and theyd get a lot more money by using an alt tank.
    3. Yeah, yeah thats true but its still annoying =D

    yeah sorry thought you where talking about a boss when the venos pet pulls from a barb and it dies then they run 2 the cleric? and hercs can solo almost everything ingame with a good veno healing maby a second one if she cant heal it lol
  • Neferhotep - Sanctuary
    Neferhotep - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    yeah sorry thought you where talking about a boss when the venos pet pulls from a barb and it dies then they run 2 the cleric? and hercs can solo almost everything ingame with a good veno healing maby a second one if she cant heal it lol

    b:laugh i know that very well! And i love that too ;) but this just cannot work at all bosses when the veno is low. I got a friend who has a herc since shes 80 and now at 92 she really can solo a lot, when boss is too hard just get a 2nd veno or make the cleric rb and it will work well! But a low veno with herc still got problems with soloing their bh or something like bosses at their lvl, and i MEAN soloing. of course they can do a lot, but just not everything at this lvls.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wow, sins are really hated. lol

    I wouldn't see why not though, most are annoying to fight in PK.

    Its like fighting a roulette, and having the odds against you. b:surrender
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