Most hated class
From 1x to about 50x
I hate all classes, and the players behind them...
1)Assassins, typically running, jumping (even tries in dungeons) flipping, and pulling aggro on every trash mob in the instance. constant braggers in squad-chat, and every ten seconds trying to duel somtimes WHILE the boss is fixing to be engaged. Then QQs at the cleric for not keeping his dumb **** alive.
2)Clerics, typicaly trying to heal with purehearted, not keeping up with the barb, and FREEZING UP when things get rough letting people splat one by one, because they got nervous and didnt know what to do. Then quick to leave group when confronted on it.
3)Barbs,run way ahead of the clerics range, running in getting aggro on several mobs, but only attacking one, letting the rest of the mobs just pick everyone off one by one, ending with the cleric. Then rage quiting group because...well the cleric was fail.
4)Wizards/psycs only knowing one skill NUKE... "lOlz i stolez aggros"...../rage "fail cleric"
5)Venos Off in her/his/it's own little world, not knowing that she/he/it is in a squad, and should maybe help....ooops pet got five mobs! SPLAT --QQ to the cleric.
6)Archers, always coming back from afk...."hey gais! wher you all at?...QQ i'm lost"
7)BMs, they seem to attract players that should have been Barbs, I mean they constantly run ahead of the group during instance runs, being the first to get aggro (typically so far from cleric range its pointless to even try to cast), and of course expecting the cleric to know, he is NOW the main tank! And nine times out of ten, while he/she/it is a mile away charging into mobs, the veno was trying to pet pull mobs in an entirelly dif area. none the less spread the cleric thin.
Now from 5x to around upper 7x, The class chooses the player, instead of the player choosing the class. For instance, A cleric now has had to deal with more **** off of other players, that he/she is now either made, or broken. At this point they either learned to play their class, or re-rolled another one. The personalities behind those characters are now a diferent story.....but only for some.
So by the time 8x+++ rolls around for some.
Assassin still in upper levels seem to be able to harbor childesh, "lolz pawnd joo" typical players. Which in player/character value still holds most hated even in upper levels.
Next would be the Venos, with their fresh new hercs, they will for a few more levels think they are demigods, and dont need to be a part of the group."OoOO i canz tank that, I canz tank this, I canz solo this" attitudes. But atleast they dont blame the cleric as much for their stupid moves. When they get into content where their pet isnt a brick wall between them and the content, they get humbled.
BMs, are a bit more calmer, and most learned to tank when time to off tank, and let the main do thier role. Still have the occassional "ZOMG my new gearz, and skillz i killz all" type roll in, but a quik retort, they chill.
The DPS classes, seem to really get humbled at higher levels, in fact alot of them from what I see have finally learned their bennificials, and use them far more than trying to out damage the rest. You will still get those few that some how managed to get up there in lvls that still think over nuking is the best way.
Archers....I acually go back to my "l33rt" days and lolz at those ones that go AFK and come back to a corpse, and be like "wtf!" I as a cleric know they have been afk, because when they get one-hitted by the boss, they don't emidiately say "rez plz" (like our rezzes are instant cast) In fact I'll let em lay there till they come back.. I remember the old lower xx days they would QQ bout it, but now they "lolz" bout it.
Barbs, for most part talk alot of "game" in faction chat. But in squad, they tend to be on key, leading the group barely saying a word. I find them being more alert to other's HPs as much as me, and will seek out any stray mobs on the cleric for sure. I have had them STOP and wait for the cleric to catch up to them, and have seen them even run back to make sure they are all good. Now dont get me wrong, there still are some that will try and afk (or surf ****) while at boss mobs, lose agro, and come back to a wiped squad, but its a more rare thing in upper levels.
Ok now clerics, Yes I'll be a bit bias, because I am one. To those that think clerics have the attitude thing goin, well I can honestly say, the people behind this character EARNED that right to be picky, choosy, even gripe at the actions of others. The -people- behind those characters had to endure FAR more on a personal level than anyother class in this game. An average Cleric for one, prob wasted 10% of their total ammount of xp GAINED through out their chars lives, just to get everyone elses back. Those people also had to endure personal attacks, and ridiculed and trashed beyond any level the common none healer player could even imagine. 9 times out of ten, for things that was not even their fault. People that play the class dont just get hit in a game, they also at some points in their playing experience get hit on a real life level. And as far as i have seen in the ten YEARS I have been playing the class, the ones that make it past mid levels become AWESOME key players in every situation. Both maturity level, and on a play level. Not saying all 100% are there, but the majority I can say are.
Now just on a character level, sorry sins suck in PW, and 1v1 are OP... I wont even click yes to an duel invite.0 -
Roin - Harshlands wrote: »when i typed that i was talking about your high lvl sin friend its ok i guess at your lvl not realy a skill people use alot in pve and if someone told you it only worked with phys atts i would not bother to try it with a magic mob/class but its realy bad when a high lvl has no clue what one of his usefull pvp skills can do b:shutup
You're right, I just tested the skill and it made me get 1 damage point many times from magic attacks. I already sent a ticket asking them to fix it. I just hope they do it soon, anyway I will never use that skill again if I fight against a magic class.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X30 -
4)Wizards/psycs only knowing one skill NUKE... "lOlz i stolez aggros"...../rage "fail cleric"
to be fair this aint always correct. iv only every really played wizards and recently this psychic and iv never "overnuked" and laughed when i stole aggro. if i steal aggro on my psychic i pop psychic will and either kill the mob or hold out till tank regrabs aggro on my wizard i kited mobs and if it was a boss i never really had it for long i would just run a bit untill tank got it back.
only time now days that i get aggro is if
A) the Barb isnt a proper tank build (run into these alot)the tank is a BM (for some reason at my lvl i seem to get aggro off bms with just one shot even after waiting)
or C) i crit (can't do much on that if i crit on my first shot iv got aggro simple as that)
iv done a bh run where even in White voodoo doing less then 50% damage then i would in black iv still gotton aggro. some times its not the DD's fault0 -
CrowPrince - Lost City wrote: »to be fair this aint always correct. iv only every really played wizards and recently this psychic and iv never "overnuked" and laughed when i stole aggro. if i steal aggro on my psychic i pop psychic will and either kill the mob or hold out till tank regrabs aggro on my wizard i kited mobs and if it was a boss i never really had it for long i would just run a bit untill tank got it back.
only time now days that i get aggro is if
A) the Barb isnt a proper tank build (run into these alot)the tank is a BM (for some reason at my lvl i seem to get aggro off bms with just one shot even after waiting)
or C) i crit (can't do much on that if i crit on my first shot iv got aggro simple as that)
iv done a bh run where even in White voodoo doing less then 50% damage then i would in black iv still gotton aggro. some times its not the DD's fault
Wrong...If you know how to DD correctly, you should never get aggro even with black voodoo on. I have a psychic as well and I have no trouble controlling my aggro even when the barb is not a tank build(I had the pleasure of meeting an archer barb few weeks agob:surrender). Obviously if you think "kk I have white voodoo so I can skill spam now", sorry but you still have to face the fact your an arcane(if you pure mag anyway)and will still be hitting hard.Meaning you will still end up with the aggro.
0 -
From 1x to about 50x
I hate all classes, and the players behind them...
1)Assassins, typically running, jumping (even tries in dungeons) flipping, and pulling aggro on every trash mob in the instance. constant braggers in squad-chat, and every ten seconds trying to duel somtimes WHILE the boss is fixing to be engaged. Then QQs at the cleric for not keeping his dumb **** alive.
2)Clerics, typicaly trying to heal with purehearted, not keeping up with the barb, and FREEZING UP when things get rough letting people splat one by one, because they got nervous and didnt know what to do. Then quick to leave group when confronted on it.
3)Barbs,run way ahead of the clerics range, running in getting aggro on several mobs, but only attacking one, letting the rest of the mobs just pick everyone off one by one, ending with the cleric. Then rage quiting group because...well the cleric was fail.
4)Wizards/psycs only knowing one skill NUKE... "lOlz i stolez aggros"...../rage "fail cleric"
5)Venos Off in her/his/it's own little world, not knowing that she/he/it is in a squad, and should maybe help....ooops pet got five mobs! SPLAT --QQ to the cleric.
6)Archers, always coming back from afk...."hey gais! wher you all at?...QQ i'm lost"
7)BMs, they seem to attract players that should have been Barbs, I mean they constantly run ahead of the group during instance runs, being the first to get aggro (typically so far from cleric range its pointless to even try to cast), and of course expecting the cleric to know, he is NOW the main tank! And nine times out of ten, while he/she/it is a mile away charging into mobs, the veno was trying to pet pull mobs in an entirelly dif area. none the less spread the cleric thin.
Now from 5x to around upper 7x, The class chooses the player, instead of the player choosing the class. For instance, A cleric now has had to deal with more **** off of other players, that he/she is now either made, or broken. At this point they either learned to play their class, or re-rolled another one. The personalities behind those characters are now a diferent story.....but only for some.
So by the time 8x+++ rolls around for some.
Assassin still in upper levels seem to be able to harbor childesh, "lolz pawnd joo" typical players. Which in player/character value still holds most hated even in upper levels.
Next would be the Venos, with their fresh new hercs, they will for a few more levels think they are demigods, and dont need to be a part of the group."OoOO i canz tank that, I canz tank this, I canz solo this" attitudes. But atleast they dont blame the cleric as much for their stupid moves. When they get into content where their pet isnt a brick wall between them and the content, they get humbled.
BMs, are a bit more calmer, and most learned to tank when time to off tank, and let the main do thier role. Still have the occassional "ZOMG my new gearz, and skillz i killz all" type roll in, but a quik retort, they chill.
The DPS classes, seem to really get humbled at higher levels, in fact alot of them from what I see have finally learned their bennificials, and use them far more than trying to out damage the rest. You will still get those few that some how managed to get up there in lvls that still think over nuking is the best way.
Archers....I acually go back to my "l33rt" days and lolz at those ones that go AFK and come back to a corpse, and be like "wtf!" I as a cleric know they have been afk, because when they get one-hitted by the boss, they don't emidiately say "rez plz" (like our rezzes are instant cast) In fact I'll let em lay there till they come back.. I remember the old lower xx days they would QQ bout it, but now they "lolz" bout it.
Barbs, for most part talk alot of "game" in faction chat. But in squad, they tend to be on key, leading the group barely saying a word. I find them being more alert to other's HPs as much as me, and will seek out any stray mobs on the cleric for sure. I have had them STOP and wait for the cleric to catch up to them, and have seen them even run back to make sure they are all good. Now dont get me wrong, there still are some that will try and afk (or surf ****) while at boss mobs, lose agro, and come back to a wiped squad, but its a more rare thing in upper levels.
Ok now clerics, Yes I'll be a bit bias, because I am one. To those that think clerics have the attitude thing goin, well I can honestly say, the people behind this character EARNED that right to be picky, choosy, even gripe at the actions of others. The -people- behind those characters had to endure FAR more on a personal level than anyother class in this game. An average Cleric for one, prob wasted 10% of their total ammount of xp GAINED through out their chars lives, just to get everyone elses back. Those people also had to endure personal attacks, and ridiculed and trashed beyond any level the common none healer player could even imagine. 9 times out of ten, for things that was not even their fault. People that play the class dont just get hit in a game, they also at some points in their playing experience get hit on a real life level. And as far as i have seen in the ten YEARS I have been playing the class, the ones that make it past mid levels become AWESOME key players in every situation. Both maturity level, and on a play level. Not saying all 100% are there, but the majority I can say are.
Now just on a character level, sorry sins suck in PW, and 1v1 are OP... I wont even click yes to an duel invite.
This guy made is like 95% right. And I LOLed when I read the archer part because I met many archers including me that afk and get killed. Its true about clerics, they lose exp alot to save YOUR exp is, I can't tell you enough how much a cleric has died trying to save a party and end up being the onlyone losing exp.I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.0 -
Cash-Shop Class b:byeb:byeProud Male Venomancer <
It's a game ...................... Face it b:laughb:laughb:laugh0 -
Oneji - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wrong...If you know how to DD correctly, you should never get aggro even with black voodoo on. I have a psychic as well and I have no trouble controlling my aggro even when the barb is not a tank build(I had the pleasure of meeting an archer barb few weeks agob:surrender). Obviously if you think "kk I have white voodoo so I can skill spam now
", sorry but you still have to face the fact your an arcane(if you pure mag anyway)and will still be hitting hard.Meaning you will still end up with the aggro.
ill put it this way i was in white voodoo waited till the mob was almost half health cause i had to help the missus with something, hit the mob with spirit blast and i had aggro right away. i psychic willed killed the mob and moved on. when iv got aggro i rarely die and have yet to squad wipe because of it0 -
From 1x to about 50x
I hate all classes, and the players behind them...
1)Assassins, typically running, jumping (even tries in dungeons) flipping, and pulling aggro on every trash mob in the instance. constant braggers in squad-chat, and every ten seconds trying to duel somtimes WHILE the boss is fixing to be engaged. Then QQs at the cleric for not keeping his dumb **** alive.
2)Clerics, typicaly trying to heal with purehearted, not keeping up with the barb, and FREEZING UP when things get rough letting people splat one by one, because they got nervous and didnt know what to do. Then quick to leave group when confronted on it.
3)Barbs,run way ahead of the clerics range, running in getting aggro on several mobs, but only attacking one, letting the rest of the mobs just pick everyone off one by one, ending with the cleric. Then rage quiting group because...well the cleric was fail.
4)Wizards/psycs only knowing one skill NUKE... "lOlz i stolez aggros"...../rage "fail cleric"
5)Venos Off in her/his/it's own little world, not knowing that she/he/it is in a squad, and should maybe help....ooops pet got five mobs! SPLAT --QQ to the cleric.
6)Archers, always coming back from afk...."hey gais! wher you all at?...QQ i'm lost"
7)BMs, they seem to attract players that should have been Barbs, I mean they constantly run ahead of the group during instance runs, being the first to get aggro (typically so far from cleric range its pointless to even try to cast), and of course expecting the cleric to know, he is NOW the main tank! And nine times out of ten, while he/she/it is a mile away charging into mobs, the veno was trying to pet pull mobs in an entirelly dif area. none the less spread the cleric thin.
Now from 5x to around upper 7x, The class chooses the player, instead of the player choosing the class. For instance, A cleric now has had to deal with more **** off of other players, that he/she is now either made, or broken. At this point they either learned to play their class, or re-rolled another one. The personalities behind those characters are now a diferent story.....but only for some.
So by the time 8x+++ rolls around for some.
Assassin still in upper levels seem to be able to harbor childesh, "lolz pawnd joo" typical players. Which in player/character value still holds most hated even in upper levels.
Next would be the Venos, with their fresh new hercs, they will for a few more levels think they are demigods, and dont need to be a part of the group."OoOO i canz tank that, I canz tank this, I canz solo this" attitudes. But atleast they dont blame the cleric as much for their stupid moves. When they get into content where their pet isnt a brick wall between them and the content, they get humbled.
BMs, are a bit more calmer, and most learned to tank when time to off tank, and let the main do thier role. Still have the occassional "ZOMG my new gearz, and skillz i killz all" type roll in, but a quik retort, they chill.
The DPS classes, seem to really get humbled at higher levels, in fact alot of them from what I see have finally learned their bennificials, and use them far more than trying to out damage the rest. You will still get those few that some how managed to get up there in lvls that still think over nuking is the best way.
Archers....I acually go back to my "l33rt" days and lolz at those ones that go AFK and come back to a corpse, and be like "wtf!" I as a cleric know they have been afk, because when they get one-hitted by the boss, they don't emidiately say "rez plz" (like our rezzes are instant cast) In fact I'll let em lay there till they come back.. I remember the old lower xx days they would QQ bout it, but now they "lolz" bout it.
Barbs, for most part talk alot of "game" in faction chat. But in squad, they tend to be on key, leading the group barely saying a word. I find them being more alert to other's HPs as much as me, and will seek out any stray mobs on the cleric for sure. I have had them STOP and wait for the cleric to catch up to them, and have seen them even run back to make sure they are all good. Now dont get me wrong, there still are some that will try and afk (or surf ****) while at boss mobs, lose agro, and come back to a wiped squad, but its a more rare thing in upper levels.
Ok now clerics, Yes I'll be a bit bias, because I am one. To those that think clerics have the attitude thing goin, well I can honestly say, the people behind this character EARNED that right to be picky, choosy, even gripe at the actions of others. The -people- behind those characters had to endure FAR more on a personal level than anyother class in this game. An average Cleric for one, prob wasted 10% of their total ammount of xp GAINED through out their chars lives, just to get everyone elses back. Those people also had to endure personal attacks, and ridiculed and trashed beyond any level the common none healer player could even imagine. 9 times out of ten, for things that was not even their fault. People that play the class dont just get hit in a game, they also at some points in their playing experience get hit on a real life level. And as far as i have seen in the ten YEARS I have been playing the class, the ones that make it past mid levels become AWESOME key players in every situation. Both maturity level, and on a play level. Not saying all 100% are there, but the majority I can say are.
Now just on a character level, sorry sins suck in PW, and 1v1 are OP... I wont even click yes to an duel invite.
I quess you should rather stop blaming clerics for your own fauls. Clerics only react on squad members actions, and if someone pull to much mobs, agro to many mobs, shoot wild arround....then it's not a cleric faul if someone die. Often are for squad wipes and other **** in the squad responsible dmg delaers and not a tank and not a cleric. 90 % of dmg dealers no matter which lvl they are, lvl 40 or lvl 100 have already problems to shoot on the same mob as the tank do. Don't cry a river and blame a cleric for your own or other squad members stupidest.0 -
haters gonna hateb:cool
im a sin i can kill u before u know itb:chuckle0 -
Angarika - Harshlands wrote: »haters gonna hateb:cool
im a sin i can kill u before u know itb:chuckle
^ this guy right here.I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.0 -
Vienna - Dreamweaver wrote: »I quess you should rather stop blaming clerics for your own fauls. Clerics only react on squad members actions, and if someone pull to much mobs, agro to many mobs, shoot wild arround....then it's not a cleric faul if someone die. Often are for squad wipes and other **** in the squad responsible dmg delaers and not a tank and not a cleric. 90 % of dmg dealers no matter which lvl they are, lvl 40 or lvl 100 have already problems to shoot on the same mob as the tank do. Don't cry a river and blame a cleric for your own or other squad members stupidest.
Did you actually read vristion's post?
vristion listed typical mannerisms of all the classes at various level ranges.
And what he/she said about Clerics is totally valid.
Are you saying you've never frozen up in an instance during your lower-levels?
I know I have, but I never ragequitted the instance in question.
I apologized and reminded myself that I need to work the entire situation in my head to figure what I should have done.
Then later, vristion is cutting the Clerics some slack. Why? Because we have earned it.
You probably missed the part where he said he/she plays a Cleric.
To answer the topic, I absolutely hate Barbs who do not know how to keep aggro.
No, I know sometimes it is impossible (what with the overzealous DD), and I do not mean that.
I mean when the Barb does not know to spam Flesh Ream.
I have encountered a few Barbs like that, and I was, and still am, vexed to no end whenever I encounter them.
Of course, those defective specimens are rare; most Barbs do know what they are doing, and I appreciate them all the more.0 -
Stargazers - Heavens Tear wrote: »Did you actually read vristion's post?
vristion listed typical mannerisms of all the classes at various level ranges.
And what he/she said about Clerics is totally valid.
Are you saying you've never frozen up in an instance during your lower-levels?
I know I have, but I never ragequitted the instance in question.
I apologized and reminded myself that I need to work the entire situation in my head to figure what I should have done.
Then later, vristion is cutting the Clerics some slack. Why? Because we have earned it.
You probably missed the part where he said he/she plays a Cleric.
To answer the topic, I absolutely hate Barbs who do not know how to keep aggro.
No, I know sometimes it is impossible (what with the overzealous DD), and I do not mean that.
I mean when the Barb does not know to spam Flesh Ream.
I have encountered a few Barbs like that, and I was, and still am, vexed to no end whenever I encounter them.
Of course, those defective specimens are rare; most Barbs do know what they are doing, and I appreciate them all the more.
To be honest, if I see someone "trying" to pull aggro (exp: using Extreme poison Element Sutra, nuking than using chi pots. Or someone constantly sparking on a boss for added damage or fast DPS) I hope the barb losses aggro to them, I let them die and tell them what they did wrong. And I also leave them there on the ground untill boss is almost dead, then I res them. Sometimes if they are a very high lvl and should know what to do and pull some **** like that, I leave them there the whole time and never res. The MP used for ressing is too much to waste on people who oracled/hypered up to 8x+ and do not know half of what a legit level 10 knows xD ijs[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Theo - Raging Tide wrote: »To be honest, if I see someone "trying" to pull aggro (exp: using Extreme poison Element Sutra, nuking than using chi pots. Or someone constantly sparking on a boss for added damage or fast DPS) I hope the barb losses aggro to them, I let them die and tell them what they did wrong. And I also leave them there on the ground untill boss is almost dead, then I res them. Sometimes if they are a very high lvl and should know what to do and pull some **** like that, I leave them there the whole time and never res. The MP used for ressing is too much to waste on people who oracled/hypered up to 8x+ and do not know half of what a legit level 10 knows xD ijs
Oh yes, I agree completely.
Those kinds of scrubs should just rot there on the floor for I care.0 -
your attitude will change once you guys hit lvl 100 and start running nirvana... if the barb (and only if get a barb, as a barb is not nessary) can keep argo from your fist dds (that includes bms, sins and archers) then your run will take ages lol its better off letting the person who deals the most damage with spark tank, the barb is more used for debuffs, buffs and to keep argo off of the ep and squeshy classes when boss random argos.0
i think the non-assasin votes were mostly assasins b:byei like potato0
incomplete list there's no "I don't hate any class option" on there.. :P
Unlike most of you guys I'm no hater on classes, its just the the players that can be jerks.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰
★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★
✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰0 -
SilverCleric - Lost City wrote: »incomplete list there's no "I don't hate any class option" on there.. :P
Unlike most of you guys I'm no hater on classes, its just the the players that can be jerks.
But the question is open to all aspects, including which class you find most difficult in PVP.IAGOREY
0 -
I have a tideborn main and EVEN I hate the majority of tideborns, sin AND psy alike. There is something about this race that draws in people with severe psychological defects----minus me of course, I'm a sweetiepie b:thanksb:chuckle0
HexOmega - Dreamweaver wrote: »i think the non-assasin votes were mostly assasins b:bye
I hate assasins lawl.-quit-
Wizards act the same way as assassin. I remember this one wiz I used to rival with, he acted like he was the best thing since chuck norris.0
Venos, because most of them suck and they make me look bad. b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Alphae - Lost City wrote: »Venos, because most of them suck and they make me look bad. b:pleasedI don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.0
Ok guis I'm a super pro sin so I'm gonna run ahead and grab every single mob and try to solo them. Oh what's this they're killing me, oh no my rank 4 chest that gives me +2 pdef is making it so cleric heals aren't enough. I'm gonna stealth and hope the mobs dont all zerg on the cleric even though they will.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
I voted or sin's cause i can't seem to find a way to defend against them other then attacking them first and even then I normally lose... such is the life of a carebear b:surrender
However, having read all this I wish we had another choice in the poll.
The class I hate THE MOST is: RAMBO! / IDIOTS
I've got a barb, a cleric and my Archer. All of these are built specifically for their job.
on the barb if I've got a rambo in the squad I"m constantly running trying to grab agro from him and then running back to continue the main fight. Or dashing ahead to save someone who agro'd half the room in his/her foolishness.
Lastly, OMG ur 8x ? you can't do 9x instancees!! GTFO! b:sad Sorry, didn't know having 2k more hp then u made me fail.
Cleric, same major beef... OMG ur 8x? U can't heal 3-3, WS GTFO. b:sad Sorry you asked for a cleric that don't fail. Perhaps some oracle h0 will come and save u.
A friend recently asked me to come to WS and save the squad. My cleric being a low 8x was instantly shouted at as fail. I didn't bother to say a word as my friend proceeded to tell them to **** as I was a lot better cleric then my lvl showed. He knew I had over 30% chan, and that I could and have several times run WS, or any other instance I can get into.
By the time the run was over not only where there almost no deaths, I get pm's daily from this same group to PLEASE come to WS or HH or wherever LOL.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Sins ofcourse . One of my friends plays sin and she said she has a macro for PK (!) . She made a screenshot for me , she even called her stunlock macro "I WIN" . Nuff said0
HexOmega - Dreamweaver wrote: »i think the non-assasin votes were mostly assasins b:bye
I voted for myself lol
I play sin nowI do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.0 -
Bearleeable - Lost City wrote: »I voted or sin's cause i can't seem to find a way to defend against them other then attacking them first and even then I normally lose... such is the life of a carebear b:surrender
However, having read all this I wish we had another choice in the poll.
The class I hate THE MOST is: RAMBO! / IDIOTS
I've got a barb, a cleric and my Archer. All of these are built specifically for their job.
on the barb if I've got a rambo in the squad I"m constantly running trying to grab agro from him and then running back to continue the main fight. Or dashing ahead to save someone who agro'd half the room in his/her foolishness.
Lastly, OMG ur 8x ? you can't do 9x instancees!! GTFO! b:sad Sorry, didn't know having 2k more hp then u made me fail.
Cleric, same major beef... OMG ur 8x? U can't heal 3-3, WS GTFO. b:sad Sorry you asked for a cleric that don't fail. Perhaps some oracle h0 will come and save u.
A friend recently asked me to come to WS and save the squad. My cleric being a low 8x was instantly shouted at as fail. I didn't bother to say a word as my friend proceeded to tell them to **** as I was a lot better cleric then my lvl showed. He knew I had over 30% chan, and that I could and have several times run WS, or any other instance I can get into.
By the time the run was over not only where there almost no deaths, I get pm's daily from this same group to PLEASE come to WS or HH or wherever LOL.
LOL bear you made a post b:victory!
any way on topic i hate fail barbs who don't use flesh realm to hold aggro or pvp sins who think they are pro to stealth low lvls when they are 7x-8x. no the sin didnt do this to me he did it to a lvl 3x barb and then QQ when i killed him for it0 -
Sins, what I voted, no doubt.0
Venomancers - for me they are much worser than sins. Although i know some nice venos, most of them just dont understand playing a veno in squad. And as one of the easiest class, venos are everywhere. Im okay being in a squad with a veno with herc, it makes a cleric job a lot easier
but its hard when youre a dd, because hercs suck with holding aggro( might be the fault of the dd 2). When a veno knows how to play veno, its okay with me - i totally do not blame the veno!
But, what happens to me often:
1.Got a veno in squad, veno dont know how to lure, veno cant tank ( doesnt have a herc or something) but ALWAYS steals aggro, pet dies in less then 5 secs, and of course veno runs to the CLERIC and not to the barb. And if the Veno dies, it was the tanks fault - because he didnt get aggro back fast enough. I absolutely hate this.
2.Venos got nix and herc at lvl 30 because of Daddys money. You wanna kill some mobs, and it works well although there are other ppl killin those too. Nobody steals aggro, every1 is fine with doing their mobs, no problems at all. Then a veno with tank arrived, make her pet attack the mob you already debuffed,takes the aggro and put her pet into ALL the other mobs around. The veno cleared the area and all the other ones dont get any mobs at all. And if you are gonna take the aggro back, the veno blames you for stealing one of her mobs >>
and the 3rd and last reason is that a lot of venos i met thought they were that smexy that every man wants to carry her and have to call her beautiful or something. it just happens to often that im contacted in City of the Lost by a veno who wants to be carried, and also ask in official chatroom for a boyfriend. And theyre pissed off when you told them that you dont wanna be their bfs. And no my dear venomancers, you dont have to change your clothes from normal to nearly nude when a male player is in squad, because they really have better things to do than watchin you -_O0 -
more people have 2-3 different char...
I have Psy, Sin and Cleric-Barb
b:chuckle i have my sin when i am with barb b:chuckle0
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