[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]



  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I can't afford to do TW anymore, thanks.

    No really, I want the GMs to make a barb, have it a level 99, have 15k hp in normal form, and participate in 2+ 3 hour TWs every single weekend.

    I burn through SIX MILLION COINSin charms every single weekend. Now i'm sure others are over there laughing at how petty 6mil to them is, but to me it is a lot of coins to be spending for some mirages, especially when I'm trying to actuallly save up for stuff.

    Before I would get about 3.5mil per week from TWs, now I get a handful of some crappy mirages.

    Thanks PWE, you took the only part of the game worth playing, and made it for cash shoppers only.

    And no, I'm not "in it for the money" but thanks to this update I will know be required to spend three times as much in order to participate. I used to lose 2mil a week, now I lose triple that.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Sherae - Lost City
    Sherae - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I can't afford to do TW anymore, thanks.

    No really, I want the GMs to make a barb, have it a level 99, have 15k hp in normal form, and participate in 2+ 3 hour TWs every single weekend.

    I burn through SIX MILLION COINSin charms every single weekend. Now i'm sure others are over there laughing at how petty 6mil to them is, but to me it is a lot of coins to be spending for some mirages, especially when I'm trying to actuallly save up for stuff.

    Before I would get about 3.5mil per week from TWs, now I get a handful of some crappy mirages.

    Thanks PWE, you took the only part of the game worth playing, and made it for cash shoppers only.

    they want u to charge to buy those charms
    Lost City FTW
  • Amarante - Raging Tide
    Amarante - Raging Tide Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Secret bidding = okay-ish.

    Would be nice if the bidding was available to be seen by fac. leaders only, but not announced on world chat or seen by people passing by the occasional teleporter

    Bids no longer refunded = kind of...oh...bad.

    Maybe set a requirement like activity and level movement for a fac to be eligible for bidding or maybe the # of people in a fac who are active. By making bids nonrefundable, that cuts out a lot of the not-so-wealthy factions because they probably know they're going to lose a bid war and lose any money they put in. That makes tw just a pasttime made for the rich and exclusive for those with hefty wallets.

    tw victor = good
    There's too much fake bidding going on already

    $$$ reward for tw = bad.

    I don't care about tw costs, but others do. Lots of others. It's like getting a nice check in your mailbox from your boss when he suddenly asks you to work 3+ hours of intense overtime for 3 days of the weekend. It's not necessary to live by, but it sure is a nice way to say "Here, here is some general currency that can be used to do whatever you want. We give this to you for the concentration and effort you have put into earning a victory. Yours truly."

    Medals = unfair to some

    1 medal randomly per week to factions and (probably) a tiny percent of a chance to get the medal for tw victors? How unfair is that to servers like heavens tear and lost city? those are old servers and they have a fair number of people with r8 who probably have enough rep to get r9. They deserve r9 if they work that hard and if its limited to at least 1 person per week able to get the r9 medal...I don't like that idea at all. Add an ongoing event like DT or race or cube or whatever that tests if a person is worth of that rank 9 and awards them with a medal if they go pass.
  • Lady_Seolfor - Dreamweaver
    Lady_Seolfor - Dreamweaver Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I see this change as one to remove even more coin from the game. Hidden bidding may also make it more open for exploits imho , as you can get a "friendly" faction to bid on lands you want to hold. And, are the mirages sent to faction leader, or all those who take part in a TW?

    All in all, i think it is just one more nail in PW's coffin.
    This is my signature. It is my sin in stealth mode.
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    And no, I'm not "in it for the money" but thanks to this update I will know be required to spend three times as much in order to participate. I used to lose 2mil a week, now I lose triple that.

    +1. This is it.

    At this point I'd rather flush $50 down the toilet then give it to PWE.
  • Sherae - Lost City
    Sherae - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    +1. This is it.

    At this point I'd rather flush $50 down the toilet then give it to PWE.

    in a game where the gms dont listen or take action
    i would rather flush it down the toilet too

    this will be just like the pack rants

    If nothing happens and this update isnt change ive lost all hope in them actually wanting this game to survive

    nothing like twice the disappointment
    Lost City FTW
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This friday at noon i will be getting 270 million in my mail from tw pay. And i like the change...

    I believe it will make TW more fun, more interesting, and more fair bidding.

    The extra 400 mil coins put into the economy every week are a large factor of inflated gold prices. So with this change gold prices will go down, what everyone complains about constantly. On PW MY things are so inflated a scroll of tome is worth like 2 billion.

    So don't judge the changes before you thought them through, and i hear rank 9 will be the same amount of rep needed for rank 8.
  • Warmheart - Archosaur
    Warmheart - Archosaur Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I just unliked ur Facebook page PWI.
    I encourage those who no longer like PWI, do the same
    Fail Archer with no bow.
  • Pyrya - Archosaur
    Pyrya - Archosaur Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2010
  • Cocobelle - Sanctuary
    Cocobelle - Sanctuary Posts: 960 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    +1. This is it.

    At this point I'd rather flush $50 down the toilet then give it to PWE.

    Nah, I wouldn't. I'd buy...
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    in a game where the gms dont listen or take action
    i would rather flush it down the toilet too

    this will be just like the pack rants

    It's really too bad the GMs have so little control here. I think things would be different, truly.
  • Lejont - Raging Tide
    Lejont - Raging Tide Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lolz u guys should c harshlands west dist.
  • TriggerHappi - Lost City_1298963575
    edited August 2010
    I'll be logging back in to sell all my spare stuff ASAP, before coins dry out on the server, something tells me prices are gonna crash down and "profit" wont be a known word in the future.

    Gold prices will also go down in months to come, cause who's gonna buy it? The people farming the 20% reduced DQ items all day? for 400k a gold? I think not.

    And I will move to another game.

    And they dont care if we still log on or not, they care if we still Cash shop or not. I for one wont be from now on.
    in my opinion Golds will cost more coz everything gonna be on Cashshop.

    im pretty sure they will care if their game population decrease instantly

    coz who will buy golds frm Cashshoppers?

    who will the Cashshoppers look up to so they will keep shopping?
  • Nbfgangsta - Lost City
    Nbfgangsta - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    TBH if u guys r trying to kill pwi all together ur doing a great job at it, instead of trying to fook us ova again and again y nt improve the thing we ask u to like the cleric mag def buff still not fixed, getting booted from gv still not fixed
  • Sherae - Lost City
    Sherae - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It's really too bad the GMs have so little control here. I think things would be different, truly.

    I think they have more power than we think... a long time ago maint didnt happen because the gms went out to dinner ...

    if they can not do maint on time ...they can not do this at all..at least
    Lost City FTW
  • Takumeme - Dreamweaver
    Takumeme - Dreamweaver Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I love how everybody keeps implying TW is the only way to make money 0:
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    they want u to charge to buy those charms
    I suppose so

    You know it would be really easy to make it so TW is still viable, when people enter the instance they get a charm that they equip, the charm has no HP cap and it dissapears upon exiting the instance.

    Bam, the change is now fine, and TW is still viable.

    But then people wouldn't cash shop as much, so this will never happen.

    I guess I'll have to take my leave from the TW scene for now, maybe one day when I can get more of my endgame gear/higher attack rate, then I can go back, but until then I just cant work on farming my gear and spend 6mil on charms alone every week for no compensation.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    cool story and starcraft 2 is out now..who gives a damn.

    Yeaaaaaaaa! High 5 brother.
  • Cannibuss - Heavens Tear
    Cannibuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    aahahahahaha i feel bad for all you sorry people who still play this game for tw. roooffflllll they really bent TW over and stuck a fat **** stick up its ****.

    loool GG PWI

    I'm a little dysfunctional, Don't you know?
    If you push me, It might be bad
    Get a little emotional, Don't you know?
    You could fool around and make me mad

    Cannibuss can achieve invisibility and dismember opponents with no warning. By the time you see him, your eyes may no longer be connected to your face.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ok, This is an awful, awful, awful change.

    You're getting rid of all the people who don't pay...

    What do you think the people who pay are going to do when they realise everyone else is paying so paying doesn't give them a benefit over anyone?

    You know what id do, instead of paying $500 a month to keep up with the other players I would join a registration game and pay $8 a month and have the same level playing ground.

    I have paid into this game, thank god not too much. If this ludicrous change isn't taken back within 2 weeks, I am removing this game from my system and I will find a company which CARES about it's customers and doesn't treat them like cows, trying to milk every single penny out of them and then carving them apart and eating their flesh when the milk stops flowing (I fear I've taken that livestock metaphor too far)

    You can mess with whatever you like, but don't touch TW, it already works and its why the majority of your cash paying loyal customers and non cash paying CUSTOMERS (they are still customers, they are still using and advertising your product) still play this game.

    Anyway, to summarise, take this particular change out (the rest of the changes in the patch I love!) just like you took the perfect horns out or I (And many others like me) will be finding greener fields.

    Ah well, Guess you wont even read this post, because you don't care.
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think they have more power than we think... a long time ago maint didnt happen because the gms went out to dinner ...

    if they can not do maint on time ...they can not do this at all..at least

    I mean as far as actual game content. They have 0 control over that. They just -add in- the game content. :X
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    eerr.. r9 is out already.. total cost so far 45 stacks tokens + 3 tw badges

    b:surrender how s this same as r8? r8 is only 6.5 stacks
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • XxGypsyxx - Heavens Tear
    XxGypsyxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ya...currently downloading another game. I refuse to spend another dime on pwi. Great job pwi enjoy your update!
  • powerbomb
    powerbomb Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    To all cash shoppers :- bend over the devs are cuming
  • Shao_on_Fire - Heavens Tear
    Shao_on_Fire - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Constructive criticism is okay but namecalling is not - Ary
  • DemonFox - Dreamweaver
    DemonFox - Dreamweaver Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I love how everybody keeps implying TW is the only way to make money 0:

    TW brings 550million coin a week to the servers. Try farming that in DQs >.>
  • Takumeme - Dreamweaver
    Takumeme - Dreamweaver Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    TW brings 550million coin a week to the servers. Try farming that in DQs >.>
    Oh I'm sorry, I'm busy having fun not doing TW and managing quite fine, how unheard of.
  • Eloneal - Raging Tide
    Eloneal - Raging Tide Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2010

  • KevinSkrrder - Heavens Tear
    KevinSkrrder - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What's there to discuss? Did you forget the Anni pack thread? 100+ pages discussed, and packs are still around. You all won't do a single damn thing, and EVERYONE already knows it. Oh and sorry completely forgot (My bad Mr. GM) - The Duke shouts are still here, and no DQ drop compensation.

    Again for the 4th time: Take your company, and pass the ownership to someone who actually gives a damn about the player. Until then: Morons.


    Even though I don't TW yet, I completely agree with you. ^^
    They need to stop **** up systems that work.
    But hey, theyre the ones losing players. b:chuckle
This discussion has been closed.